2 r The Canadian Statesman. Bowman ville. October 13.1962 Section Two Byline... By Peter Parrott Gee, I really hate to do this, but... here it is my fourth column and I'm already stuck for a subject. So it T s time to fall back on the old standby. Actually, I have this column in a glass case and in case of emergency, 1 simply break the glass with the blunt end of an electric typewriter and voila ! An instant column. After all, what's the point in having a dog if you can't write about it? There's a theory that dogs resemble their owners, but I disagree. Marsha and I are quiet, law-abiding people who try to Keep the house painted, install insulation in the attic, and meet mortgage payments on time. Our dog is the canine equivalent of the "rebel without a cause". She chews cushions, bites books, swallows leather tags from keychains and generally raises cain. ; You would think, from our pet that we would be motorcycle hoodlums or punk rock musicians, or anything but law abiding suburban dwellers. Dogs don't resemble their masters. It's the masters who resemble their dogs. But you know, since we got the dog, we've started to change. You can't just tell "Panda" to do something. You have to give orders firmly and rule with an iron fist. We've become stubborn, tough, iron- willed and determined as a result of coping with an equally stubborn, tough, iron-willed, and determined pup. In other words, our personalities have changed. Sure enough, we've grown to resemble the dog. This realization leads me to suggest that the dog is an excellent means of altering a person's behaviour. You can mould your personality, eliminate bad habits and develop good ones simply by your choice of dog. Uptight? Nervous? Try a St. Bernard or some other large, drooling beast which seems to have , as much ambition as an Ottawa civil servant the day before a long weekend. A few months with such an animal and you'll be big and easygoing easygoing and drooling too. Flabby? Need exercise? Try a sleek greyhound or an energetic husky. They'll whip you into shape in no time. Bulldogs of Dobermans might be good for people who want to develop more courage and retrievers would help to develop a yen for the wide open spaces. Yes, dogs and their masters do resemble each other. But don't flatter yourself into thinking Fido will grow up to resemble you. Dogs don't resemble their masters. It's the masters who resemble their dogs. 50 Years Ago Thursday, November 10,1932 The names of those who sold Poppies for the Branch. 178 Legion Poppy Day, last Saturday, Saturday, were Marion Jewell, anb SiHtant Past Helen Cotton, Mrs. T. Cartwright, Cartwright, Selma Bartlett, Mrs. Chas. Clapp, Audrey Elliott, Sybil Mutton, Edith 'Cartwright, 'Cartwright, Yvonne Tighe/Mrs. B. Hunt, Vera Clapp, Kathleen Sisson, Jack Goodall, Tom Hamilton, Lionel Parker, Doris Clapp, Helen Smale,. Geraldine Coulter and Blain Elliott. Receiving the guests at the annual Durham Regimental Ball, held at the Newcastle Community Hall on Friday TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 118 King St. E„ Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C1N4 CORPORATION OFTHETOWN OF NEWCASTLE NOTICE OF HIGHWAY CLOSING TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, at a Council meeting to be held at the Council Chambers, Police Building, Bowmanville, Ontario, on Monday, the 18th day of October, 1982, at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the fore noon, propose to pass a by-law to stop up anci close and to authorize the sale of all that portion of the original side line road allowance between Lots Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17) in the Fourth Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, former County of Durham, designated as Part One (1) according to Plan 10R-1466, more particularly described as follows: - ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being In the Town of Newcastle, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, Province of Ontario, and being composed of all that portion of the original side line road allowance between Lots Sixteen (16) and Seventeen (17) in the Fourth Concession of the Geographic Township of Darlington, former County of Durham, more particularly particularly designated as Part One (1) according to Plan 10R-1466, deposited in' the Land Registry Office for the Registry Division of Newcastle (No. 10) on April 26,1982. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that before passing the said by-law Council, or a Committee of Council, shall hear In person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be prejudicially affected by this by-law and who applies to be heard. DATED at the Town of Newcastle, this 22nd day of September, 1982, David W. Oakes, A.M.C.T., Clerk, Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Lv 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Our File: 77.44.11 Date of Publications: September 22,1982 38-4 night, were Mrs. W.J. Hoar, Mrs. E.S. Ferguson, Mrs. C.R. Spender, Mrs. G.C. Bonny- castle, and Mrs. J.C. Gamey. Frank and Oscar Jamieson, Gordon Chartran and George Piper have been practising with Oshawa's new senior hockey team. Messrs. William Mills, George Bagnell and Stuart Candler attended the funeral on Monday of the former's brother, Chief of Police J.H. Mills, of Port Huron. Students of Newcastle Public School, Jr. IV Class, who passed in September and October, include Patricia Pearce, Tom Brereton, Margaret Pearce, Harold Hockin, Sam Cowan, Helen Robinson, Ethel Spencer and Jack Turpin. 25 Years Ago Thursday, October 17th, 1957 Syd Martin, former barber to the Queen's Cavalry during the 1936 Coronation, is presently presently working at Merv Brock's barber shop in King Street, Bowmanville. The annual banquet of the Newcastle Merchant's Baseball Baseball Club was held at the Queen's Hotel, Newcastle on Saturday. Bill Brunt, Captain, Irv. McCullough, manager and Doug Walton, coach, expressed expressed the thanks of the team to the sponsors,. Committee chairmen for next year's Centennial Celebrations Celebrations in Bowmanville are: Finance - M.L. Roegnik, Registration Registration and Accommodation Accommodation - Miss Violet McFeeters, Program and Entertainment - L.D. Goddard, Religious Services Services - Rev. A.C. Herbert, Historial - D.R. Morrison, Publicity - Ivan Hobbs, Decorating - Merle Slute. John Hughes, Frank Seymour, Seymour, Woodrow Perry and Crystal Richter visited Ottawa Ottawa over the weekend to see the Queen, as guests of the Toronto Toronto Telegram. At Central School, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, during Fire Drill, the 490 pupils and 13 teachers cleared the school in 50 seconds. At Ontario Street School, with 381 pupils and 10 teachers, the' time was 27 seconds. Vincent Massey time, with 420 pupils and 11 teachers was 30 seconds. seconds. MacMILLAN ORCHARDS NOW AVAILABLE PEAS WAX BEANS GREEN BEANS PEACHES CHERRIES RASPBERRIES RASPBERRIES BLUE- BERRIES and Corn -- Whitby -- 668-5031 686-2531 Also... 24-Hour Information Lino 686-3515 IT'S THE 3RD ANNUAL GREAT PUMPKIN GIVE-AWAY and DECORATING CONTEST SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16TH Free pumpkins will be handed out at the corner of King and Temperance Streets starting at 9:00 a.m. CATEGORIES Ribbons will be awarded to the first three winners in each category, with winning entries to be put on display in local merchants' windows. The categories are as follows: □ Pre-school □ Kindergarten to Grade 3 □ Grade 4 to 6 □ Grade 7 to 12 □ Adults □ Funniest D Saddest □ Scariest □ Most Original Remember. . . no carving is allowed! Judging of all entries will take place at the corner of Temperance and King Streets Saturday, Oct. 23rd at 2:00 p.m. RULES OF CONTEST Upon receiving ' your pumpkin, you will be handed a Pumpkin Decorating Contest entry form, which you are asked to fill out and attach to your entry when you have completed your decorating. Take your pumpkin home and decorate it in any manner you wish, but NO CARVING IS ALLOWED sponsored by the BOWMANVILLE DOWNTOWN BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION 8B BOWMANVILLE gUUNUjTcENT^