; \. I J One Elector Arrives Early to Cast Her Vote Shortly after 9 a.m. on Saturday, only four checked out by poll officials, Clarence and Dorothy electors had arrived at the Town Hall to cast their oke. Mrs. John Brownlee, the third member of the ballots in the Municipal Election Advance Poll, staff is not shown in the photo. Here, Maria Lettner, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, is being > Night Hawks VOTE Marie HUBBARD X Election Day Nov. 8 Call 623-2457 Bowling October 27 High single: C. Castle 304. High triple: C. Castle 703. Team Standings I. Hughes 20,459 pins, 22 pts.; C. Castle 21,720, 20; B. Ballantine 20,607, 17; K. Ralston Ralston 20,525, 16; D. Sallows 20,665,13, A. Burgess 19,827, 8. Games Over 200 I. Hughes 257, J. Bridges 238, M. Found 202, D. Sallows 212, H. Simnick 203, A. Burgess Burgess 223, 226; A. Goubault 209, C. Castle 203,304; K. Ovenden 227, 236; B. Ballantine 206, G. Arnburg 283, J. Alwin 216. Chicken Villa Novices Another exciting hockey game was played by the Scott's Chicken Villa Novice Toros last Saturday against the Uxbridge novice team. After playing a whole period of missed chances and many saves by both goalies, Bowmanville Bowmanville opened the scoring with a nice passing play from Steve Godsmark to Kyle Purdy to Steve Desmedt. Nine seconds later Kyle Purdy scored with assists from Steve Desmedt and Chris McCar- they. Two minutes later Scott's Chicken Villa Toros sunk Uxbridge with another goal from Steve Desmedt with assists from Chris McCarthey and Steve Godsmark. The Toros closed the second period with Steve Desmedt finishing a hat-trick with help from Chad Armstrong and Chris McCarthey. Uxbridge got their only goal at the start of the third period but this was not to be their day as David Real answered two minutes later with an unassisted goal. Bowmanville finished the scoring with three more goals, one by Steve Desmedt, his fourth, another by Kyle Purdy, his second, and another another by David Real, his second, to make the final score 8-1. These goals were assisted by Todd Cannings, twice, and Chris McCarthey and Steve Desmedt. Scott's Chicken Villa Novice Toros play their next game November 5 at 7:00 p.m. in Port Perry. Liberty Belles October 26 Team Standings No. 8 Marg Smith 14,487 pinfall, 17 pts.; 10 Ruth Hartford Hartford 13,551, 16; 6 Sharon Robinson 14,018, 15; 5 May Alldread 13,930, 13; 2 Gail Millson 12,713, 13; 7 Pat Lunn 13,677,10; Rita Junkin 13,642, 10; Ena Etcher 13,603, 10; Cisca Van Hoof 13,552, 9; Carol Roberts 13,448, 7. High single Rita Junkin 393. High double Rita Junkin 583. High Averages Helen Ellis 209, Marg Smith 206, Carol Roberts 206, Julie McMullen 203, Rita Junkin 202. Wesley ville The last jdays of October have been|so'mild we could put up with very heavy fog for a few days:'Trees 'were very individualistic this fall, some lost their leaves very early and yet many maples seem to have kept all of them. As always they have been a delight to see, especially when the sun shines through them. Weather was good for Hallowe'en fun on Saturday night and it was a happy occasion for little folk travelling travelling to homes of friends with no fear of the dastardly things being done to spoil the treats or worse still, endanger lives. One caller was dressed as a minister with black suit, a little red Testament in one hand and treat bag in the other. A tiny tiger sported a beautiful tail but forgot the ferocious growl she had practised jdl week. The minister was accompanied by a black whiskered hobo, both very silent. Welcome United Church's thankoffering was held on Sunday October 31st, with service conducted by Rev. Gordon Rutherford. Part two of the series on Christian Marriage concerned its roles v and responsibilities. The children's story concerned Thomas Edison and his persistent efforts to achieve his many inventions. How harmony between man and the machine was an introduction introduction to the harmony necessary necessary in a good marriage. The choir sang two fine anthems to complement the special service and the season. Mrs. Kay Thorndyke returned home at the beginning beginning of last week after spending a week with daughter Linda and family at her home at Waterloo. While there Kay had her first visit to the Stratford Theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best returned home on Friday evening from a trip to Nashville, and also Knoxville, Tennessee where they attended the world's fair. They did enjoy the trip but were disappointed with the very poor exhibit representing Canada. They were not sure who was responsible for setting it up but felt Canada was not well served. Mr. and Mrs, Brian Caswell were their travelling companions. When Rev. Win. and his wife Jean Kennedy retired from the ministry at Welcome church, their friends were delighted that they bought a house in Port Hope. Now circumstances have changed and the Kennedy's have sold their home and purchased one in Smith's Falls. Their son Trevor and wife have been moved from Montreal to Ottawa so their new home will put them within short driving distance. Trevor has been appointed Vice-president of Canada Post. All are sorry to see them leave but glad for them to ho near family. The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 3,1982 19 Legion Celebrates Hallowe'en with Euchre Party On Hallowe'en night, Legion headquarters was and the only one to show up disguised was this quiet compared with some former years. There young lady with the shiny glasses and fancy hat. was a euchre party instead of a costumed dance