/ Christmas Seal Campaign Begins in Durham Region BHS Holds Commencement Exercises Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 3,1962 15 Oshawa Pony Club Honors Hampton Girl Approximately every two hours someone is admitted to a hospital in Durham Region because of a breathing problem. One in every four Canadians suffers from a lung abnormality. These startling facts provide the impetus for Durham Region Lung Association as it moves into its 1982 Christmas Seal Campaign. This year's annual appeal begins officially in Canada on November 1st with the mailing of Christmas Seals to some seven million homes. In Durham, the 1981 Campaign raised $98,000, and the local |ssociation's objective this par has been raised by only Ewo percent - to $100,000. Walter Beath, Campaign Chairman for the Region, sees this as a reasonable expectation expectation in view of the area's current economic slow down, but stresses the importance of meeting the objective. "Costs for hospital treatment of breathing problems in Durham was in excess of $4 million dollars last year" he says. "The Lung Association urgently needs public support to continue local programs which do so much to prevent and alleviate these terrible diseases". Christmas Seals have been used since 1908 to raise funds to help victims of lung disease. The problem then was tuberculosis tuberculosis - now it's emphysema, lung cancer, asthma and a wide range of occupation- linked illnesses. This annual Campaign is the sole means of support for the Lung Association, Association, which is not a United Way Agency. United Way Fund Reaches 48 Percent •Of Objective The Oshawa-Whitby- jNewcastle United Way has achieved 46 percent of its 1982 ihjective, with $683,326 raised to date. This is still ahead of last year at this time. Singled out for excellent returns to date are GM employee contributions, now at 50 percent of the goal with $396,682 received, and GM corporate at 100 percent of the objective with a donation of $96,000. So far over 55 percent of GM of Canada's 17,227 Oshawa-Whitby employees have been canvassed. '■' Also showing excellent returns are the General Insurance sector with 83 percent of the goal and $2,503 received to date, Personal Gifts, Whitby, which has climbed to 70 percent of the objective with $6,130 and the Dental profession with 53 percent of the goal and a total of $1,795 raised. . The Durham College Marketing Club raised $400 from United Way Turkey Trot sales; and the Holiday Inn contributed a $720 cheque in the form of a novel cake. Hugh Holland, United Way Campaign Chairman, stated that he was pleased with overall results, and asked campaign workers to continue their excellent effort. Bowmanville High School's 1982 grade 13 graduating class received their diplomas during the school's annual commencement exercises Friday night. Sixty-one diplomas were presented and the secondary school honor graduates are shown above. Sixteen BHS Ontario Scholars were recognized during the exercises. m FREE 5x7 ENLARGEMENT Our quality processing means that times may vary during peak business periods. Oshawa Centre 728-4631 Free color enlargement with the processing of any C-41 color film in our One Hour Photo Labs. At Bowmanville Country Club on Friday evening, the Oshawa Pony Club held its closing banquet. The main presentation was to Kim Haagmans of Hampton who won the award as Pony Clubber of the year, presented by District Commissioner Jim Doyle. The evening concluded with a dance. The Canadian Statesman Advertising Deadlines Display- Tues. 4:00 p.m. Classified - Tues. 12:00 noon On November 8th RE-ELECT Irwin A. Hamilton for Newcastle Hydro Electric Commission During commencement exercises Friday night, 1982 secondary school graduating class is shown 199 grade 12 Bowmanville High School graduates above, received diplomas in the school's auditorium. The VALEDICTORY ADDRESS B.H.S. OCT.29Ü1 By Beth Leavis Mr. Bradley and Mr. Wolff, Platform Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Fellow Graduates It is with great pride and sense of personal achievement that I address you all this evening. Having enjoyed my last five years at B.H.S., I am aware that high school years are merely steps on the ladder of life. I am currently engaged in the next preparation period - the interim between the security of my parents home and eventual self sufficiency and independence. I find university life challenging and interesting, truly an opportunity opportunity for which I am grateful. Because of the student loans, grants, and scholarships scholarships made available to me I am able to obtain the past secondary education that I worked for and desperately wanted. I would like' to give encouragement to all those students wanting training beyond high school, who feel because of financial circumstances circumstances college or university may be an unobtainable dream. At this time I should like to request that those persons in a position to provide funds to deserving students, that they continue to do so and to see Ilia! proper and fair distribution distribution is made. Thank you to all who have given me aid and encouragement encouragement throughout my school years and helped me to realize the importance of education. In bidding farewell, I wish you all success and most of all happiness. VOTE Marie HUBBARD X Election Day Nov. 8 Call 623-2457 Which personal computer can make you better at what you do best? / ~~~ --- «7 Hewlett-Packard's new HP-87! How? By meeting your needs for: • Memory: 544,000 bytes of computing power. • Software: High-performance analytical software. VisiCalc®PLUS. CP/M® software. • Ease of use: Enhanced BASIC. Special function keys. Easy interfacing. The NEW HP-87: it's very good at what you do best. See us today for a demonstration. ADVANCED SS5? 50 Richmond St. E. (McLaughlin Square) DIALER Oshawa 433-8113 VisiCalc* is a registered trademark of VisiCorp -- Personal Software. CP/M* is a registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc. Hr' V HIGH TAXES ARE CAUSED BY CAREFREE SPENDING Protect Your Tax Dollar Vote Ken Hooper Regional Council Ward Two (Bowmanville) Telephone 623-3970 A man who has respect for the TaX Dollar (Yoursand His) VOTE and fH0* ELECT Keith V SHACKELTON LOCAL COUNCIL - WARD in Bowmanville on Nov. 8th MY MAIN OBJECTIVES: To see that local council is conducted in a business-like manner, thus eliminating friction and negative feelings between present Council members. A return to night meetings (average two per week) so administration staff can perform their jobs during the day. By having night meetings, more taxpayers have the opportunity to attend Council meetings, and you are not penalizing people for running for election it their daytime is not always free to attend meetings (e.g. School Board). For Information and Transportation Please Call 623-3517 To the Voters of Ward II: In the past two years, I have served you in the following areas -- 1. Chairman of the Policy Committee 2. Member of the: (i) Transportation Committee (ii) Instructional Personnel Committee (iii) Performance Review Committee (iv) Community Relations Committee (v) Curriculum Committee 3. Board Representative on the: (i) Durham Region Children's Services Committee (ii) Durham Region Social Planning Council 4. Board's Alternative Director to The Ontario Public School Trustees' Association. I have gained an in depth understanding of the Education process in the last two years and have served you, the voters of Ward 2, responsibly. I would appreciate the opportunity to serve you for the next three years and solicit your support on NOVEMBER 8th, 1982. RE-ELECT MIKE SLOCOMBE TRUSTEE - WARD II Northumbcrland-Newcastle Board of Education