KENDAL and DISTRICT Mrs. Eleanor Foster had as her supper guest on Sunday, Oct. 24, Mr. and Mrs. Fern Foster of Elizabethville. Mrs. Caroline Byers attended the Kendal United Church anniversary service on Sunday, Oct. 24. Visitors with Mrs. Eleanor Foster on Sunday Oct. 24 were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hall of Newcastle and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Foster of Brownsville. TTie ladies of Kendal who attended the Presbyterial service at Hampton church last Tuesday were Mrs. Margueretta Stevens, Mrs. Eleanor Foster, Miss Catherine Stewart, Mrs. Garland Cathcart, Mrs. Florence Porteous and Mrs. Dora Youngman. Mrs. Loma Dennis who visited her aunt in London for a few days last week was accompanied by Mrs. Eleanor Foster who visited her daughter and husband in Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs. B5 f LIBERTY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 75 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Pastor: Rev. IV. Whitman You're Invited SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7th 11:00 a.m. The "Ensemble" of Eastern Pentecostal Bible College SPEAKER: REV. WILLIAM MORROW 7:00 p.m. "NATIONAL YOUTH SERVICE" Our Youth Choir Also... Water Baptism .Service NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14th 7:00 p.m. "The Kenny Parker Trio" from Tennessee Fonk. They returned home on Saturday. The folks in Kendal will be pleased to hear that it was agreed at last week's Cobourg meeting that Kendal School would remain open for at least next year. - There was a good attendance attendance at the Orange Hall in Kendal last Friday night for the Euchre card party, there were 9.5 tables filled. High lady for the evening was Mrs. Annette Savery, low lady Mrs. Gladys Greenwood, high gent for the evening was Mr. Frank Drinkle, low man was Mr. Lloyd Ransberry. 50 - 50 draw was won by Mrs. Kathy Switzer, Garden Hill. The evening closed with a lovely lunch served by the ladies. Miss Margaret Seen, Peterborough, Peterborough, visited with her sister, Mrs. Reg. Elliott for about a week. She returned last Tuesday with Mrs. Reg. Elliott and Mrs. Olive Little. Mrs. Peddar of Montreal is visiting her son Mr. Don Peddar and Mrs. Peddar in Kendal. Items of Interest The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 3,1982 5 Celebrated 1st Birthday @ Pltch-ln and Keep Canada Beautiful Fellowship Baptist Church Courtice, Ontario Location: Courtice Secondary School Minister: Rev. George H. Clement B.A. B.TH. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7th- 11a.m. Special Speaker: Rev. George Bell Ontario Representative of S.E.B.C. For information phone: 579-4523 is S lord Sniteb Ctpirrlf (Courtice Rd. 1 m. South of Hwy. 2) Sunday School 9:45 a.m. (For the Whole Family) Worship 11:00 a.m. (Nursery and Children's Church) Sunday Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Film: "Survival" "We want you to know that YOU are welcome," We believe thet "... no man can lay a foundation other then the one which Is laid, which Is Jesus Christ." | COR.3:11 PASTOR REV. MARK A. ELLIOTT 723-6317 BIBLE STUDY: EACH THURS. 8 p.m. AT MANSE Guest Speaker: Rev. Robert Chapman ütaple fêmie 38niteb (Etpmij (Maple Grove Rd. North of Hwy. 2) JESUS IS LORD Church/Sunday School 9:45 am. EVERYONE WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CHURCH and TEMPERANCE STS., BOWMANVILLE Sunday, November 7th, 1982 11:00 a.m. "The Wrecker's Ball" Special music by St. Thomas, Millbrook Children's Choir. □ , (Sunday School and Creche during service) „ . , .Pastor: 3 Organist: The Rev. Wayne Chatterton Mr. Barclay Bateman For Information and Counselling Phone 623-3432 150 Years o! Community Service fct. 3oI|n'fl Anglican (Gffurclj 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer with Guest Speaker Rev. Tom Grade \ Nursery and Sunday School MID WEEK SERVICE Wed. 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion arid laying on of hands for " , healing. £t. Paul's Initeù (EJntrrh MINISTER * Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. Dewell CHURCH SECRETARY: Lola Bowen ■ 623-5701 Sunday, November 7th, 1982 Remembrance Service 11:00 a.m. "The Search for Peace" SPECIAL GUESTS: Members of Bowmanville Branch Royal Canadian Legion Special music by the combined voices of The Golden Legionnaires and St.i Paul's Senior Choir Showtime'82 • Nov. 5 - 6 ■ 12 ■ 13 "Jest For Fun" For Tickets, Phone 623-7375 or 623-5557 "CELEBRATION" . November 11 th - November 14th fiV-Srfÿ /■ ii : ' with • , ' BISHOP DESMOND HUNT Thurs., November 11th • 7:30 p.m. Hymn Sing And Address, followed by coffee hour. (Babysitting • ! : ■ Provided) Fit, November 12th • 12 to 1 p.m. Noon Hour Businessmen's Luncheon with; Bishop Hunt- n I' :Saridwich;Lunçh provided. 7:30 p.m. Hymn Sing and Second Address followed }i by coffee hour. (Babysitting Provided). Sal, November 13th • WORKSHOP DAY. Coffee and registration 9:30 a.rruMorning Session 10:00 a.m. - "Christian Community Within The Church' 1 . Afternoon. Session - "The.Church Within the Community", ends 2:00 p.m. Bring lunch, beverage provided. Sun., November 14th -11:00 a.m. Church Service and Concluding Address by Bishop Hunt. (Nursery for young children). You are Invited to Join in all or any part of our celebration of Christian laith. Rector • The Reverend Ryron Yales B.A.S.T.B. Assoc. ■ The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A. 0. Langley TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John Peters. B.A , B.D. Rev. Arthur Amacher. B.A., B.D. John Crookshank Church at Division St. Minister Assistant Minister Music Director Office 623-3138 CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES 9:45 a.m. - Intermediate and Senior Meet upstairs at Church Office 11a.m.- Nursery to Grade Six 11 a.m.-WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon tille "TOUGH AND TENDER" A WARM WELCOME FOR EVERYONE Nursery Care Provided COMING EVENTS Jack and Jill Club Dance Sat., Nov. 6 at Lions Centre For tickets call 623-4406,623-3138 or 623-7167. Congregational Meeting Sunday, Nov. 7 (alter service) to Introduce Long Range Plan Harvest Home Beef Dinner Sat., Nov. 13,5 and 6:30 p.m. 1 Ickets available from church office, James Insurance and Joan James, 623-2282. Oshawa Free Methodist Church TRULL'S ROAD, ('/z mile south of No. 2 Highway in Courtice) Providing ministries and programs to meet the needs ot the whole family. Sunday School 9:45 -- Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. -- Evening Service 6:00 p.m. Nursery Services Provided Bus Ministry to the Community - Phone 725-3606 Rev. Douglas J.Hillz, Pastor. "The Friendly Family Church That Cares" Rev. Charles Bryant, Christian Education NOVEMBER IS CHRISTIAN FAMILY LIFE MONTH During the lour Sundays of November, beginning with the 7th and ending with the 28th, Pastor Hlltz will be giving four messages on the Christian home and marriage. During the evening services tire film seminar . series will be shown at 6:00 p.m. You will not want to miss these dynamic, practical films during November, Tim & Bev LaHaye in a Family Life Film Seminar The Spirit Controlled Temperament PI BmI tku i ■ ChHmUum huma I November 7 th -FILM 1- Why you act the way you do ki i unique my, Dr, LaHaye I*Ip. you Identify Uie «length, and weakneue. ot your Individual, tem' per ament. You explore how to handle tliem. Thé film otter, you a way to better undetstand yourself, your loved one., ami those you wotk with. November 14th -FILM 2- Coplng with hostility Aknoet everyone experience, anger -- either a. a ghat ui a recipient. Slwe wltli Dr, LaHaye m he telete. his own experience., and tho* at people who have shared with him. Pointed, humorous, and very down to earth. V November 21 st -FILM 3- Overcoming fear, anxiety, and worry. Beverly LaHaye «rare, the joys ot overcoming many year. o( (ear and anxiety In her own life. Told In a capth.llng and friendly manner with excellent In- tight. Into Split! controlled living. November 28th •FILM 4- Slx keys to marital happiness Heppy marriage, don't Just heppen. They take cultivation. cultivation. The key. Ihel Dr. LalUye describe, will help ' you gekt the mote fulfilling marriage that God intended intended you lo have, Ficellent help lor those anticipating anticipating marriage also, First place winners in the Hallowe'en Costume party at the Pori Darlington Marina, last Saturday evening were Bob and Caroline Burke on Saturday evening in the Monk and the Clown outfits. The sixth meeting of the Providence' and Shaw's Baker's Dozen was held on Saturday, October 30th at 1.30 p.m. at Mrs. Rickard's. Tea was served and guests were invited to test the breads and sweet rolls made by the members. The president of the Liberal Party of Canada will be chosen at the Liberal Convention Convention to be held this week, at the Chateau Laurier, Ottawa. Attending for the first time since 1975 will be John Turner. Ken Danby, recognized by , many as Canada's best-known living artist, is in the forefront of UNICEF's fundraising efforts this fall! Danby recently accepted the role of Honorary Chairman of UNICEF Ontario's 1982 greeting card fundraising campaign, the result of several years of association with the charitable organization. organization. UNICEF's selection of holiday greeting cards, currently on sale across Ontario, features a reproduction reproduction of the Danby painting "Child in Winter". In 1979, this painting was commissioned by Fairview Mall in North Toronto in honour of the International Year of the Child. Rights to the painting were donated by Danby to UNICEF, resulting in the production of this year's Danby Christmas card! For UNICEF's 1982 free colour brochure, call toll free: 1-800-268-6362, Operator 508. The National Youth Orchestra of Canada is now accepting applications for its annual auditions. These are to be held, November through January, in thirty cities across Canada. All young musicians resident in Canada, or Canadians abroad, who study an orchestral instrument, are invited to participate. , Audition applications must be submitted ))); November 15 and are available, with OBITUAfRY WILLIAM H. WALLIS A well known and respected citizen of Bowmanville, William H. Wallis, aged 69, passed away in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on Saturday, October 23rd, 1982, following a lengthy illness. Born and educated in England, he was married on January 25th, 1947, to Helene Hooey. A resident at 8 Jane Street, Bowmanville, for 35 years, he had been employed as head housekeeper at Memorial Hospital, retiring 11 years ago. He was a member of Trinity United Church, the Grand Black Chapter of British America No. 398, and Tyrone Orange Lodge No. 764. During World War II he served with the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment of Canada. Left to mourn his passing are his wife Helene, two sons Robert and Jim, and six grandchildren. Funeral services were held at the Morris Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, with the Reverend Authur Amacher officiating. The organist was Mrs. J. Albert Cole, Pallbearers were Messrs. Russell Brown, Wayne Weston, John Lowery, Frank Reid, Herb Prescott and Tom Wilson. Beautiful floral tributes were received in his memory, from Memorial Hospital, Sunday Nighters Hockey Club, Goodyear Canada Ltd., Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion, Band P. Club, the Midland Regiment Association Association and neighbours. Cremation, Cadmus Union Cemetery. BAHA'I WORLD FAITH Humanity has emerged Irom Its former slate of limitations and preliminary training. Man must now become Imbued with new capacities. P.O. Box 36, k Bowmanville, Ont. a CARNATION FLOWER SHOP HOSPITAL and ... SYMPATHY VI ARRANGEMENTS Flowering Plants and Cut Flowers 623-7141 33 Division St., Bowmanville further details, from the National Youth Orchestra of Canada, 76 Charles Street W., Toronto, Ontario M5S 1K8, telephone (416)922-5031. 250 varieties of Chrysanthemums Chrysanthemums will be on display. Admission to the Flower Show in the Greenhouse is free. Question Period, TV Ontario's coverage of the House of Commons' most volatile hour of the parliamentary parliamentary day, resumes week nights at 11 p.m. EST with the fall session of parliament on Wednesday, 27 October. Question Period is an excellent way to keep up with current political issues, to hear the government's stand on matters of importance, and to see how local Members of Parliament react to their constituents' concerns. Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion's Poppy Campaign will be held November 1 - 6th. The 54th Royal Agricultural Winter Fair opens on Thursday, November 11 and closes on Saturday, November 20. Trinity United Church will hold its Fall Dinner on Saturday, November 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Sleep, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilcox, returned recently from a very enjoyable holiday at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Mr. William Henderson of Kingston, Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, visited with Editor and Mrs. John M. James, last week. Mr. Paul Kelcey, manager of the Orono Canadian Bank of Commerce has begun duties- as manager of the Port Hope branch of the Commerce. Mr. Alf. Merrill, former manager of the Newmarket branch is the new Orono manager. The Chief of the Defence- Staff, General Ramsey Withers, has announced that beginning in June 1984, the 2nd Battalion Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (2PPCLI), based in Winnipeg, will begin a four-year tour of duty with Canadian Forces Europe (CFE) in the Federal Republic of Germany. Listen to CKFM Radio 99.9 from October 30th to November 7th, and phone in for your Dream Auction Bid in the Toronto Symphony Orchestra Dream Auction. The number to phone is 368-6711. A workshop for parents of Clarke High School students in Grades 11 - 12 and 13 will be held at the school on Tuesday, November 9th, from 7.30 - 9.30 p.m. The workshop is designed to help parents deal with the difficult task of career decision making for their teenagers. Hello from Newtonville! I am Jessica Mary Battams and I celebrated my first year of life on Sept. 10th, 1982. Kevin and Kathy Battams are my proud parents. I also have wonderful grandparents, Bill and Faye Allen and Bruce and Doris Battams. Austin Larmer is my great grampa. Now, I am waiting for the best birthday present of all, a new brother or sister. Hurry, I can't wait much longer ! FOR ONE WEEK ONLY PERMS (CUT EXTRA) Parkwood, the home of the late Colonel and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, Oshawa, will host the Fail Flower Show from November 7th - 14th, daily from 1.30 - 4 p.m. Over V.I.P. HAIRSTYLING LTD. WAVERLY PLAZA 623-6252 FOCUS ON SAVINGS! i 1 : Get UpTo A $5.00 REFUND by Mail on film processing or camera accessories when you buy any four of these brands... • CREST • SCOPE • HEAD & SHOULDERS • PERT • SECRET SECRET 200 ml spray 75 ml roll-on $1.99 each PERT SHAMPOO 450 ml $3.19 EACH CREST TOOTHPASTE 150 ml • Regular • Mint •Gel $1.57 each BSHOULDERB SHAMPOO 450 ml $3.69 each SCOPE MOUTHWASI 750 ml $3.09 each r scope' BOfUid-' SAVE UR TO When you mail in for the $5.00 refund, also enclose AN FYTAi nn ,his coupon, plus one proof of purchase (label/ CA dv uin i ,,a P °' carton) and cash register receipt lor tho 8Y MAIL! putchaseol ^ ^ 110-24 equals 2.39 126-24 equals 2.39 135-24 equals 2.39 CONDITfbNS: 1) You muit request your $2 00 Bonus Offer al the same lime you request your SSOOrefund 2l You will receive a lull refund up to a maximum ol $7 00($5 00 • $2 00), as indicated on tho cash register tape or receipt 3) All other conditions apply as detailed for the $5 00 refund otter. See details in stoie OtMütiûOQVOMOOOOOOÛOOÛOOOOOOOOÛOMOOûf ViM-Mim PAMPERS "7" SIZE SALE NEWBORN 4B S $5.75 DAYTIME 30 8 EXTRA ABS BO'S EXTRA ABS 2AS $3.85 .. EACH ^0.^0 EACH TODDLER 4B'S OVERNIGHT EE'S TODDLER S4'S $4.75 DETAILS IN STORE McGregor I.D.A. Drugs 5 King St. W. w 623-5792 sSwma wmanville