< 6 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 3,1982 Red Cross Holds Bazaar at Memorial Park Re-Elect Irwin A. Hamilton Newcastle Hydro-Electric Commission • Resident of Bowmanville • Graduate of Courtice Secondary School, Queen's University, Osgoode Hall Law School • Involved in numerous community functions • Married with 3 children • Attended all meetings of the Hydro Commission for the last two years Dedica ted to running the Hydro Commission in the most efficient way. Bruce Taylor Works For You Carefully -- Quietly - Efficiently Less Talk - More Accomplishments He earns respect from others. The concerns of the taxpayers are heard. For a Responsible Progressive Council /-»■ Ï; RE-ELECT Bruce Taylor Local Councillor Ward 1 (Darlington Township) on November 8th, 1982 Bruce TAYLOR ORONO and DISTRICT NEWS Durham East Red Cross held a bazaar on Saturday, October 30, at Memorial Park Clubhouse and some of the items for sale included knitted clothing made by volunteers. Here, Pat Griffin, A.I.D. chairman, helps out two customers. Quote - "To make a smile come, they say, brings 13 muscles into play, while if you want a frown to thrive, you've got to work up to 65." - Mrs. E. L. Gilbank with her cousin Miss Marion Snowden, Toronto, were recent visitors with her daughter Anne and family in Scottdale, Penn., U.S.A. On their return trip they stopped in Ancaster to visit Marion's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown and their daughter Betty Anne. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cowan were Sunday afternoon visitors with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bob May, Burleigh Falls. For all music lovers Mr. Moxie Whitney, formerly playing in the Imperial Room, Royal York for 23 years, and more recently 7 years in Chateau Laurier, will be guest of "Sweet, Swing and Jazz", at C.J.Q.R. radio station, St. Catharines, (97.07 on dial, this Sunday Nov. 7, from 5 to 9 o'clock. Mrs. Margaret Hancock was a recent visitor to New Westminister, B. C. with her daughter, Helen Bryden to attend the 60th Wedding Anniversary of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John MacLeod. Sunday visitors with the 0. Challices, Mr. and Mrs. H. Harmer and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Harmer, Mr. Don Challice, Mrs. Greta Steward, all from Oshawa, and Little Miss Kerry-Lyn Challice, Pontypool. An excellent crowd attended the afternoon tea and bazaar held at Leskard Church hall, on Sat., Oct. 30. The Orono Town Hall Board and Downtown Businessmen's Association have selected Nov. 19, 20 and 21st for their annual Christmas Arts, Crafts and Antiques. Plan your Christmas shopping early and attend! Hallowe'en Party The M. and S. Committees of Orono Church sponsored a very enjoyable party and dance, Sat., Oct. 30, in the I.O.O.F. hall, with a good crowd in attendence. The music was supplied by Clara Nesbitt and the Ding-a-Lings and much enjoyed by all present. Some of the prize winners, Siamese Twins - Faye and Glory Adams, Well dressed woman - Clifford Terrill, Best dressed couple - Harold and Jean Moffat as Irish couple, Spot dance - Mr. and Mrs. VanDam, Pontypool. Lucky door prize - Audrey Rutherford. Social News Mr. Paul Kelcey, former bank manageV here, has been transferred to the Port Hope branch of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and Mr. Alf. Merrill (formerly of Newmarket) is the new manager. Paul will be missed in our area as he took a great interest in the church and community life. Good luck in your new job, Paul! . Our faithful old "Town Hall" is expecting a new face lift in the form of a paint job, in the very near future. This will be a major improvement and along with the new fence should brighten up that corner. Real estate is certainly booming in our village lately, as the former Webber house, on Somerville Drive, the Lunn apartment building, Main St. S., and the home of Jim Pollard are all sporting Sold signs. Birthday Celebration for Charles E. Miller Orono Oddfellows' Hall was the scene of a happy gathering Saturday, Oct. 23rd., 1982 when some sixty friends and relatives of Charles and Mary Miller enjoyed a dinner and social evening in honour of Charlie's seventy-fifth birthday. After greetings pnd a social half-hour the guests took their places at the supper tables which were decorated with colorful chrysanthemums. Grace was said by Wayne Miller, followed by Happy Birthday song and a sumptuous smorgasbord dinner was enjoyed with dessert of birthday cake and ice-cream. Larry Miller, Oak Ridges, welcomed all and called upon his brother Wayne of Picton who gave a special tribute to his father as a parent and friend. Larry then added his special words of appreciation for his father's influence and guidance and then called upon his mother, Mary, who went from table to table and introduced each guest and gave their relationship or connection. Among the guests from a distance were Charlie's sister and three brothers: Audrey Cunningham, Ken, Don and Arthur Miller, all present with some of their families. Next, Hilda Tamblyn was called upon and presented an old-fashioned rhyming complimentary address about Charlie, outlining some high lights of his family, career and character. Small gifts were presented to the two grandchildren, grandchildren, Michael and Steven Miller of Oak Ridges to "help grandpa" have a good time reading and playing, games with them. Mary Miller.. was complimented complimented as the hq^tess responsible responsible for ojrgasiKShg' sUch an enjoyable Iget-together and Merle Gilb|irt' presented her with a beautiful bouquet of red roses. ' BUSINESS Fixtures such as Round and Straight Racks 4'x 4'Square Tables 6' x 2' Counter Men's Reg. 22.99 Ski-Doo Boots 8.88 Boys' Reg. 29.99 Winter Parkas 14.00 Ladies'-All Colors Slips Men's Gloves Boys' Jeans Reg. 7.99 .. 3.99 Reg. 4.99 .1.88 Reg. 9.99 .. 3.99 Boys' Reg. 7.99 Mitts .. .2.49 Bring in this advertisement and get $1.00 OFF merchandise over $10.00 All Sales Final -- No Exchanges or Refunds BEN-MARKS 5 King St. E. Bowmanville WARD THREE - CLARKE Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Information 983-5961 Janet P0LLITT X Charlie and Mary each made fitting replies and thanked all for their participation. participation. A group of Girl Guides with their leader, Mrs. Pam Allin, then took over to finish up the kitchen duties as one of their community services. Of special interest was the two-tiered birthday cake with a fishing theme which had been daintily decorated by daughter-in-law Anne helped by the grandsons. This cake centred the head table and was flanked by candles and the punch bowls and surrounded surrounded by greetings, gifts and the guest book. The guests held a hearty sing-song led by Carlos Tamblyn with Gladys Brown at the piano. Carl and Gladys then presented some rousing harmony numbers and Gladys favoured with some humorous solos. Several tables of cards and crokinole were set up and others chatted and socialized. All departed later, happily thanking Mary for such a pleasant evening and wishing Charlie the best in coming years. Orono United Church News The Orono United Church welcomed Mrs. Susan Genge of Kingsview United Church, Oshawa, as guest speaker on Sunday morning. This was the U.C.W. special Sunday service with Mrs. Donna Scott conducting the service, and Mrs. Lois Brown reading the Psalms and scriptures. Isabelle Challice introduced the speaker and gave the prayer. A musical treat, consisting of Jim Brown, Greg Barraball and Morris Nesbitt rendered several selections on saxaphones, and this was enjoyed by all present. The United Church Women this year are studying The South Pacific Islands and Mrs. Genge chose this as her theme. Wearing a colorful long cotton gown and sandals, and displaying an interesting table, containing coconut shells, coral and the round loaf of bread, Mrs. Genge illustrated illustrated how these people take their Communion. They drink water from the shells and each one breaks a piece of bread. Mrs. Genge brought a lively message and captivated her audience with her engaging personality. Mr. and Mrs. Genge were luncheon guests of Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E. Billings, following the service. Tickets are moving quickly for our Turkey supper Nov. 10, and you will need to hurry to secure some. There are two sittings, 5 o'clock and 6 o'clock. Advance tickets sales only. Birthdays celebrated this week, LaVerne Heard Nov. 6, Marvin Colvin Nov. 2, and Olive Millson, Nov. 5.- Bible Study groups will meet Thursday Nov. 4, at 7.00 p.m. in Friendship room. All units of U.C.W. meet this week- Unit No. 1 - Main hall Wed. Nov. 3, 2 p.m. Unit No. 2 - E. Billings Tues. Nov. 2, 2 p.m. Unit No. 3 - D. Baileys Tues. Nov. 2, 8 p.m. Unit No" 4 - Main hall, Tues. Nov. 2, 2 p.m. Unit No. 5 - Wednesday, Nov. 3 2 p.m., Leskard church hall. Leskard ladies wish to thank all who helped make their bazaar such a success. Mrs. Mabel Elliot, Kendal won the flower arrangement, and Eva Gibson won the box of cookies. Proceeds from this draw going to Unicef. St. Saviours Church News The Sacrament of Holy Communion was held on Sunday, Oct. 31, with Robert French as server, lay reader - Gordon Leek, and with Roger Proctor as organist. The Blue Service Book is the prayer book service with some parts moved to more convenient places. This booklet does not drop any parts. St. Saviours A.C.W. will meet Tues., Nov. 2, in the new hall at 8.00 p.m. There will be a wood products party put on by a local enterprise. Percent of sales goes into A.C.W. Parish newsletter - deadline for materials is Sunday Nov. 14. This will by your Nov. - Dec. issue and will be .ready for distribution Sun. Nov. 21st. Durham Complex News Our new building has the roof on and some brick work completed. This is certainly a decided asset to our complex and will serve our residents in many ways. There are wash rooms, kitchen, dining hall and full basement for games and recreation. We welcome Mrs. Sadie Hamilton to our midst and we send get-well wishes to her after sne suffered a bad fall in Bowmanville last week. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hancock and Bradley, Brighton were •last week guests of his mother, Mrs. Margaret Hancock and attended Orono United Church Anniversary. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Day, and Mr. and Mrs. Hester travelled to the Ajax-Pickering Sr. Citizens Council Meeting to hear and meet speakers from Ontario Senior Citizens Council, from New Horizons etc. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Day attended the Hadassah Bazaar, in Toronto last Wednesday. Mrs. Raynard has moved to Bowmanville and our best wishes go with her. Many young visitors on Saturday evening for Hallowe'en hand-outs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Day and Mr. and Mrs. George Clark were Saturday visitors to Toronto, to celebrate the Days' Anniversary. Bridal Showers Two bride-elects of Orono have enjoyed several bridal showers recently, Miss Karen Atkins, bride-elect of Mr: Tom Marten, who is to be married Nov. 20, was given showers by Miss Janice Wood and Miss Kim Jenkins in Orono; Eleanor and Cliff Terrill, Newcastle, at the home of Mr. . and Mrs. Stan Allin, Newcastle Newcastle and Mrs. Peggy Boyd, Newcastle. Miss Denise Challice bride- elect of Mr. Dean Warren, Peterborough and who is to be married Sat. Nov. 6, in Orono United Church was given showers by Mrs. Bonnie Wilson, Peterborough; Mrs. Donna Sutherland and aunts, Bowmanville; and Miss Bonnie Rahm and Miss Laurie Benedict, Orono. NOTICE The recent announcement by Ontario Hydro to increase the wholesale rate of power to the municipalities across the province by some 8.4% average, has prompted the Newcastle Hydro Commission to review their rates at the retail level to ascertain how much of this increase they can absorb, if any. Should this review prove negative, then on January 1st, 1983, the Newcastle Commission will also adjust rates to reflect the impact of the wholesale rate. The amount of increase, if any, is unknown at this time, but be assured the Commission will do everything within its power to assure any change will be in the best interest of the customers they serve. NEWCASTLE HYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSION H. Partner, Chairman. On November 8th Vote for and Elect Don Allin ■ Local Councillor Ward II (Bowmanville) Don ALLIN