t t The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 2,1983 15 Drama Workshop's Comedy Opens Feb. 9 at B.H.S. Auditorium ! ' >1 r-sV i -> - X- : is..-. HcuicaBtlc independent ^^Editors^laze^n^Jac^Crago Telephone 987-4201 On Monday afternoon, January 24, the newly installed installed executive of the United Church Women met at the home of President Marilyn Martin. Twelve ladies enjoyed Marilyn's hospitality. The work for the year was organized, general meetings to be held the third Mondays of March, June and October. Jack Frost articles are turned in at the October General Meeting. So, let's get busy with our needles. Mrs. Erla Jose is organizing the World Day of Prayer to be held at the. Newcastle United Church on Friday, March 4. Presbyterial , will be held at Port Perry on Tuesday, March 8. The annual turkey supper will be held on Saturday, November 5 and the Golden Harvest Bake and Craft Sale on Saturday, October 15. Looks like a busy year ahead! Too few participated in the Thursday afternoon meeting so a third U.C.W. will not be formed. Mrs. Gladys Metrailler spent last week in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrailler, Alex and baby Laura. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago, Floyd and Dorrene Powell were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell and family. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Murray, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors with his mother, Mrs. Ruby Murray. Mrs. Marjorie Paterson spent a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. David Milton, Ian and Sarah, Ottawa. Members of the BIA met early Monday morning. Our business people are a busy lot! Her many friends will be sorry to hear that Carolyn Garrod is a patient in Wellesley Wellesley Hospital, Toronto. Miss Candy Storks, Blind River, and friend from Kenora are visiting with ..Candy!s,. family. Mrs. Wilda Johnson and three friends enjoyed the weekend at the Rumbles' cottage at White Lake. Mr. Gary Johnson of Toronto spent the weekend at home with his father. Mrs. Dae Storks and her mother Mrs. Faris, Miss Candy Storks and friend enjoyed the Maple Leaf hockey game in Toronto on Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Ennismore, were Saturday visitors with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. Dean Friedlander, Edmonton, has been visiting his mother, Mrs. Raye Friedlander. Friedlander. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a Ganaraska Full Authority Authority meeting in Port Hope on Wednesday night and an Executive Meeting on Thursday Thursday afternoon. The 2nd Newcastle Girl Guides along with Newtonville Girl Guides and their leaders, thirty-eight in all, had a wonderful weekend at Ganaraska Forest Centre. On Friday night the girls skated outdoors and enjoyed a night hike. Saturday was a beautiful sunny day for their Klondike Days Theme. The weatherman weatherman didn't send wet snow and rain until the girls were ready to return home. Wasn't that great! Mr. and Mrs. Orville Christie, Oshawa, were Thursday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding entertained seven ladies to dinner last Tuesday evening. We welcome home Mr. William Lake Sr. from Oshawa General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding and girls, Port Perry, were Saturday luncheon guests of his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade spent Saturday in Barrie, attending Home Board. Meet-, ings and visiting Mrs. Mary Wade. Uniforms 1 by Manda CLEARANCE SALE February 2 to February 14,1983 25 to 50% OFF DRESSES, RANT SUITS and CARDIGANS 20% OFF LAB COATS and SCRUB DRESSES 15% OFF LINGERIE (Slips, Panties, Bras), SHOES (Ladies' and Men's) We have a selection of Dresses, Pant Suits and Lingerie in Small and Large Sizes 3 to 18 and I8V2 to28 1 h SB 44 Bond St. W., Oshawa 2E Bond Tower Mall (Lower Level) across from bus Bus. 571 0572 terminal. Res. 728-5625 Hours: Mon. - Thurs. • 9:30 • 5:30, Frl. 9:30 ■ 8:C0, l Sat. 10:00-5:00 A Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago were Wednesday callers at Sid Lancaster's. We extend belated birthday ' " Wilfred On Sunday, and Mrs. Harold Hockin, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Roes Embley, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Carson Little, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walton, helped Buck to celebrate. Miss Jan Farrow and brother Ryan of Newtonville were Saturday overnight r ts of their grandparents, and Mrs. BUI Call Mrs. Margaret Pearce spent last week in Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pearce, Jennifer and Melanie. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston, Ebenezer, were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robin AUdred. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Cook, Brian and Daniel, Brampton, Mr, end Mrs. Rob Griffin and Brent, Bowmanville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar and John. The Cook family were overnight overnight guests. Mrs. Bev Elaschuk and baby Darren, Oshawa, were Saturday visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard. Misses Cathy Scott and Cory Hill, Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Birthday greetings to Alfred Graham, Bev Jaynes, Edna Howden, Susan Foster, Barry Rowe, Ellen Duxbury and George Gray, Mrs. Shirley Westlake, Kitchener, recently was an overnight guest of her aunt, Miss Marjorie Clemence. Miss Marjorie Clemence and Mr. Edward Glenney were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Oshawa. NewcastleHorticultural- Meeting On Thursday evening at the Newcastle Community Hall, about 30 interested persons met for the annual meeting of the Horticultural Society. President Margery Freethy welcomed all and read a suitable poem on Gardeners. Margery displayed garden catalogues and gave tips on buying. Secretary Donna Wallis read the minutes and Treasurer Jean Rickard gave her report. Membership Chairman is Madeleine Buck- ley. Correspondence was dealt with. Rev. Allan Haldenby conducted the nominations. Past President is Margery Freethy; President Wylma Allin; 1st Vice Vicki Lesnick; 2nd Vice President Rev. Allan Haldenby; Secretary Lorraine Lover; Treasurer Jean Rickard; Auditors Jean Goode, Madeleine Buckley, Social Secretary Suzanne Schumann; Junior Leaders Take a walk, eh? v.paRTtcipaiTiani Wade Rowley and Narda HoogKamp; Directors 83 - Diane Holmes, Fred Couch, Dorella Chard, May Burley, Narda HoogKamp. Directors 84 - Donna Morrow, Rheinhold Schumann, Mr. and Mrs. Kinnear. It was decided that the Horticultural Society would supply the floral arrangement for the Guide Anniversary Day on May 1. Door prizes were awarded to lucky people. Hazel can't win anything on Wintario but she, does win pussy willows! - from Pres. Margery's garden! Mr. and Mrs. Edgar James supplied the entertainment for the evening. Beauty in the Bog and Beautiful Fungi contained beautiful slides of local wild flowers shown by Mrs. James as her husband was narrator. President Wylma Allin is having an executive meeting at her home on Tuesday evening, Feb. 1. Mrs. Darella Chard expressed a vote of thanks to Margery Freethy for her work as president. Refreshments Refreshments were served. St. Francis of Assisi News The C.W.L. held their general meeting on Thursday, Jan. 13. Our guest speaker for the evening was Mr. Bob Gleson, who spoke on Family Life programmes, now being implemented in grades 1 - 3. A card party was held on Thursday, January 27 in the Parish Hall. There was not a good turnout. Results were: High Lady Marg Gorman, Low Lady Mrs. Moffatt; High Man Alvin Yeo, Low Man Mr. Moffatt. Door Prize Ray Brown. Next card party will be held on Thursday, Feb. 24 in the Parish Hall. Keep that date free and plan to attend. Our Parish Winter Picnic will be held on Sunday, February 6, at one o'clock at the Brownsdale Hall and Golf Course. Come and have fun with your family and fellow parishioners!,,, .. Anglican News Rev. Donald Belway of Grafton, Norman Martin of Gore's Landing, Byron Yates and Allan Langley of Bowmanville Bowmanville and Rev. Allan Haldenby met at St. George's, Newcastle, for a Deanery Clergy meeting on Tuesday. St. George's Anglican Church held their annual Vestry Meeting after the 11 a.m. service. Lunch was served by the Fellowship Club. Good reports were received from many officers. Mr. Phil Hayman was reappointed reappointed Rector's Warden and Mr. Sam Breréton People's Warden. United Church News On Sunday, Jan. 30th, at Newcastle United Church, Donald and Helen Thompson were received as members into the church, transferring from Courtice United Church. The choir rendered the Anthem, Come, Christians, Join to Sing. Rev. Donald Stiles in his sermon, Facts and Faith, referred to the work of 1982, prior to the annual congregational meeting. The afternoon unit of the United Church Women meets at the manse on Thursday, Feb. 3 at two o'clock. MONDAY NIGHT LADIES JAN. 24,1983 Above 175 R. Couch 281, 219, 205, V. Bring this Coupon for 50 c Off Deposit ! xss gif ill > X -i "Xxx N _ ' ' 1 s Hug'em Love'em andWatch'em Grow... Well help you remember...witha professional colour portrait package 95<r Deposit $1295 Total Package 14 Professional Colour Fbrtraits 2-8xlOs,2'5x7s, 10-Wallets No additional charges for groups. Additional portraits and special effects ixtrtraiturc, if available, may be purchased at reasonable prices in addition to the package. I'osvs our selection. Minors must he accompanied by a parent. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. FEBRUARY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 15th 16th 10 a.m. tod p.m. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Miracle Food Mart 243 King St. East Bowmanville An ill Cmadim Compiny Blight 190, A. Mercer 185,229, 189, B. Petherick 195, N. Mumby 177, 316, 215, C. Robinson 178, D. Walker 216, 243, 200, S. Foster 208, M. Pierik 179, 223, 240, B. Stacy 176, D. Foster 185, 184, I. Patton 188, R. Foster 229, 215, D. Mercer 175, D. Neal 219, A. Langstaff 196, 220, K. Mercer 188, 187, J. Rossignol 181, J. Jones 199, I. Langstaff 179, 233, J. McCracken 260,197, E. Perrin 192, 211, L. Crockett 224, 206, H. Couroux 178, 233. THURSDAY NIGHT MIXED LEAGUE JAN. 27,1983 Above 175 W. Forget 194. 219. 179, F. Forget 221, 251,220, J. Forget 194,187, L. Forget 223, 183, B. Forget 222, 182, E. Stephens 187, 197, K. Boyd 190, 185, B. Dennis 233,187, S. Dunlop 191, R. Adams 184, B. Morgan 193, G. Cooper 199, S. Dennis 201, V. Dunlop 199, S. Boyd 190, J. Stoneburg 259, M. Peake 176. YOUTH BOWLING JAN, 29,1983 Above 100 Juniors M. Coyle 104, S. Miller 146, D. Holroyd 112, B. Coyle 101, 150, T. Young 109, 131, M. Rossignol 129. Seniors Kelly O'Boyle 100, 126, Ken O'Boyle 171,200, C. Potter 104, 129, P. Knapp 166, 184, S. Van Dyk 117, W. Couch 175, 162, K. Miller 102, S. Willsher 153, C. Willshçr 139, 153, J. Sandercock 111, B. Fisk 124, 155, D. De Jong 104, 120, M. Peel 134. The Bowmanville Drama Workshop's upcoming comedy production promises to send theatre-goers laughing all the way to the Forum. The play, entitled "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" will begin next Wednesday, February 9. It will run February 9, 10, 11 and 12 at the Bowmanville High School Auditorium. Here, three of the cast rehearse a scene. Gerry Brooks (left) who plays the role of Lycus, is introducing Shelley Gray (Philia) to Vic Goad, who portrays Senex. By Jean Sheridan Say, a funny thing really did happen to me on the way to the Forum. Recently we had tickets to see the Sabres play the Canadians in Montreal. At Brockville our Via broke down. We had to wait three hours for another train; consequently consequently we arrived in Montreal too late to see the game. Thank goodness the Bowmanville Bowmanville Drama Workshop's "Funny Thing" ends much more happily. Perhaps one of the happiest things about this production is that it has attracted many new members. members. Here are the names of some who have just recently joined us to help with makeup, costumes, ana set construction: construction: Pat Mantel, Lynne Fallow, Ellen Logan, Nancy Sahw, Donna Kay, Barry Thompson, and Dennis Roger- son. Oh yes, and Jonathon Goad gets to play a very special on-stage part, but that's a secret. For the past two months, three nights a week, director You can't get into swimming if you can't get into your swimsuit. X. P3RTIC/P3CT/0ni Thom Fowler has been leaving leaving his job as school librarian at Pickering High School and dashing over to Bowmanville High School for three-hour rehearsals. Then on every Sunday afternoon he has had a four-hour practice. Now he's applying the "finishing touches". Everyone is working working hard to get "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum" in shape for February 9,10,11,12. Tickets are available at Ken Hockin Real Estate 623-4115. MERVYN B. KELLY Law Office General Practice The Federal Building (Post Office) 2nd Floor-Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C3A0 Telephone 623-4444
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