) ) i Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 2,1963 9 NESTLETON Miracle's select Quality Meats super deal Regular Maple Leaf pay only Sliced Bologna 375 g pkg. dl t Ja 3 v/iuy 1.19 Frozen New Zeelend Lamb Shoulder Chops Frozen New Zeelend Lamb Loin Chops Frozen New Zealand Whole Leg ol Lamb Maple Leaf Cooked Ham 175 g pkg. Maple Leaf Bag Bologna - Veccum Pecked P«r ng super deal Top Quality Maple Leaf pay only Wieners 454 g pkg. 1.86 W11' £59 199 5 P 2f 9 1.69 1I 9 2.69 41 7 1«9 1.79 3.19 680 199 Uptr ^ P<r w k| Id. Ç59 299 super deal Eviscerated " - Grade A Fresh pay only Turkeys^ 780 4 27 ■ kg I ?S r Meple Leel English Style Back Bacon 175 g pkg. Reedy to Eel Maple Leaf Smoked Picnics Bone In Meple Leel European Cuisine Deli Sausages 250 g pkg. Top Quelity Maple Leaf BaCOn SCO g pkg. Siena Salametti or Soppressata -- Primo Pepperoni pkg. of 2 Vac Peck All Venelles ÆÆ Êk Shopsy's Deli Bake fl fm Q Meat Pies 175 g pkg. Iv Shopsy's Beef & Chicken Pies 250 g pkg. of 2 Shopsy's Deli Smoked Sausage Shopsy's Corned Beef Brisket Vac Peck Part Skinned Smoked Cooked Ham Shank Portion Smoked Cooked Centre Cut Ham Slices 1.Ï9 l»r kg pgf id. 61 s w m. »tr Id. Ptr m 12® Pfr kf Pdf id. Country Market Fresh Produce |sif3£Deli Sale r ■ ' Product of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade Head Lettuce IIS OFF Product of U.S.A. or B.C. Canada Fancy Grade Red or Golden Delicious Apples 110 2ib./|00 1 ■" IIS OFF " » Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 Grade Green Cabbage Jumbo Size 1/1.00 n Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 Grade vy Carrots or Yellow" Onions 2 ib. bag 2 /1.00 m super dea Top Quality Maple Leaf . Baked Meat Loaves ■■ All Varieties - Deli Sliced PiS5 r ,B7 959 .9# *p« Top Quality ■ per Maple Leaf /yi°og European Cold Cuts 729 Summer, Jagdwurst, Salami, per Kolbossa- Dell Sliced 1/3 OFF Ib. Top Quality J| j| per Maple Leaf .44""" Liverwurst j go Fine, Coarse, Creamy 1 Sf Deli Served 1/3 OFF ™ Ib. Top Quality Q| Maple Leaf Pastrami Deli Sliced 1/3 OFF JlMl 649 ■¥per Ib. Top Quality P* r Maple Leaf ,50 Lunch Meats «hq Waxed Bologna, Chicken Loaf, M Dutch, Headcheese, Mac 1 Cheese n#r Dell Sliced 1/3 OFF ™ lb. Product of Chile Sweet Nectarines 918ÜQQ ■ per a ^ Product of Onlerlo Cooodd No. 1 Grade Ontario Potatoes 10 lb. bag Product of U.S.A. Green Onions or Radishes loz. bag |Ll 0 Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 Grade Waxed Rutabagas *.00 Product of U.S.A. Florida Temple Oranges size 120 From the Tropic» Large Size Bananas Product of U.S.A. Csnide No. 1 Grade Celery Stalks Cineraria Plant 6 Inch pol Product of U.S.A. •unmald Brand Thompson Seedless Raisins Mkhoz. V. 12/r|69 1? 8 :49 .79 5.99 .99 tack Product of U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Orad# Tomatoes 1 Vi Ib. fray Product ol U.S.A. Florida White or Red Grapefruit Product of U.S.A. Washed a Trimmed Spinach 10oz. bag Product ol U.S.A. Fresh Broccoli Product of Chile Canada No. 1 Grade Seedless Grapes Assorted Tropical Plants 4 Inch pol For Indoor planilng Potting Soil lOLbeg I. 59 8/1 99 .89 ":79 659199 P«i ■ par m ie. J. 19 .98 msacle Foodmart miracle Assorted Varieties 7 £ «on'd ' Bulk .AO «il Cookies l p«-' Id. All Purpose ^ a Bulk .I! White Flour per 1 y 100 g ^51 Raspberry or Strawbem With Pectin p el Bulk i°°9Z Jam m 812 ■ lb. Bulk iff. 9ft 9 Bran . «AO 429 Muffin Mix Assorted Varieties Æ Bulk .10"j|. Pasta 14 i Pit Assorted Varieties y C100 g 1 Bulk 419 f Peanut Butter ■ f" Bulk ^fiiSo, Sultana 41! Raisins Granulated flflioo'g 9 Bulk eUOoerM White Sugar iZS ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE WED. FEB. 2 TO TUES. FEB. 8, 1983 EXCEPT BAKERY ITEMS UNTIL SAT. FEB. 5, 1983 IN BOWMANVILLE AT THE BOWMANVILLE MALL, 243 KING ST. E. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. foodmarl® CAESAREA Sympathy To the relatives and friends of the late Mr. Karel Pavlik, Port Perry, who passed away Saturday, January 22nd, in the Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, we extend sincere condolences. Karl was a valued friend to a great many people and will be sadly missed by all. A Memorial Service was held in Port Perry United Church on Saturday Saturday afternoon with a fine tribute paid by Rev. Glenn Jackson and organist Glenn Taylor in his splendid rendition of appropriate music by Czechoslovakian composers. Birthday Party The Sam Cawkers, Scugog Point Road, were guests at a birthday celebration held on Thursday evening last "hosted" by Grant and Mema Cawker in honour of their aon Christopher's 21st birthday. A delicious turkey dinner with all the trimmings was enjoyed. Chris was the recipient of many interesting birthday birthday gifts. His girlfriend Cheryl Finkle, brother Curtis and sister Cathy were also guests. Many more "happy birthdays" are wished to Chris. Eastern Star Item of News "Hobo" teas are the fashion these days. Several members of the Blue Ray Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, gathered at the lovely home of sister Margaret Jeffrey, Port Perry, on Wednesday afternoon for one of these special events. After a delightful hour or so, catching up on the latest news - loaves of delicious breads were served with coffee or tea. A very enjoyable enjoyable party! Nestleton United Church Youth Sunday at Nestleton United was well attended with our minister Rev. Dale Davis conducting the service. Claire MacKen- zie read the portions of Scripture takén from Matthew and Galatians and the Sunday School sang "This is Our Father's World" with Carol Mairs presiding at the organ. The minister Rev. Davis delivered a fine message for the New Year with many thoughts to take home. At the close of the service a delicious pot luck luncheon luncheon with plenty of variety was a feature. Congregational Meeting At approximately 1:30 p.m. the meeting was brought to order with an excellent attendance, to review the work and action action during 1982. Rev. Dale Davis chaired a spirited and successful meeting with Secretary Arthur Weir assisting. As the annual printed booklet for 1982 with all reports included therein, was passed out to members a week before, a brief summary from various officers re- Church work - was presented. During election, election, quite a number of necessary changes were initiated - beneficial to the Church work. It was evident Nestleton United has had a progressive year and will commence 1983 with many new members elected to serve in various capacities within the church. Appreciation was voiced voiced to those who have contributed contributed their services during the past year and some for many years. May the new officers find the work satisfying and rewarding. Meeting dosed dosed at approximately 3:30 p.m.