V' ' I .L Si ■M fSti y • V, m Neuicaetle 3nbepcnbcnt If Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201^ TS Saturday was the closing day of Tom's Ladies Wear Store. Buyers took advantage of their clearing sales and tne store will be sadly missed by the village folk. We wish the retirees health and happiness! Mrs. Gwen Harris, Washago, and daughter Gerry, of Toronto, visited relatives in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs/ Ralph Murray, of Frankford, were Sunday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rowe, Donna and Barry. On Saturday May 21, 1983 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin, Lake Shore, attended the wedding of his great nephew, Sterling Mitchell, to Bonnie Preston, at Pontypool United Church and the reception following following at Manvers Community Community Centre. Mrs. Margaret Hancock, Orono, was a Tuesday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy. Last Monday Mrs. Louise Jose entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. 1 On Sunday Mrs. Kathleen Kimball accompanied Mrs. Helen Nesbitt to Bobcaygeon where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ashton. Members of the Women's Institute enjoyed the meeting last Wednesday at the home of Jean Dutton. We extend congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gaines, who celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary on May 28. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Murray and Colleen, Frankford and Mr. Fred Bedwin, Lake Shore, were Saturday evening su[ guests of Mr. and Mrs. Crago. Birthday greetings to Aaron Burns, Jimmy Noble and Julie Wight. Callers at S. J. Lancaster's during last week were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bowen, Bow- manville, Mr. and Mrs. William Massey, Port Hope and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichols, Wesleyville. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Perrin, Peterborough, were Saturday dinner guests and accompanied accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster to the 50th wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruthven at Canton Community Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard and daughters Johnna and Delann were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster. Members of the Newcastle Lioness Club went to Bowman- ville last Tuesday night for their 25th anniversary. Mrs. Rave Friedlander accompanied accompanied her son Dean of Toronto to Kirkfield on Sunday where they enjoyed the weekend with daughter, Jill Christie. His many village friends will be saddened to near of the passing of Art Randall on May 9, 1963. The Randall's operated operated the corner grocery store, previously run by the Britton's. Britton's. Sympathy is extended to his wife, Dot and family. Mrs. Gladys Wood was among the family members who celebrated the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wood at their home in Oshawa on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wadè and Mrs. Gladys Wood were among the many who attended Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruth- ven's golden wedding anniversary anniversary reception at Canton Community Hall on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were guests at the Ibbotson- Hall wedding in Orono United Church on Saturday, May 21, and the reception following at Orono Community Centre. The Harry Wade's were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roes Chiswell, Cambridge. Wednesday and Thursday were spent with Mr. and Mrs. John Broadfoot, Brucefield and Friday they were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Dennis, Mississauga. Newcastle Senior Citizens met last Thursday. Winners of the card games were 1. Gladys Wood, 2. Helen Nesbitt, 3. Mary Thompson, 4. Sid Brown and low winners, Myrtle Alldred and Aileen Turner. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton and Adam, Brampton, were weekend guests of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Ted and Elizabeth attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Walton on Saturday, at Assomption de Notre Dame Church, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alldred, Victoria, B. C., are visiting relatives in the area, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, returning Saturday to their daughter's, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Porter and family, Ashburn. Mr. Edward Glenney and Miss Marjorie Clemence enjoyed dinner on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Clemence, Oshawa. Mrs. Donna Heard, Bow- manville, entertained ladies last Wednesday evening when she and Sharon Powell held a baby shower in honour of Patti Andrews and daughter, Janelle. Some of the local attendants included June Pitt, Bertha Powell, Linda Couch, June Dev of Welcome, Lorraine Lorraine Pitt of Newton ville, Shirley Watson, Dorrene Powell and Hazel Crago, grandmother Maureen Powell and Aunt Kelly. On Saturday, May 21, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Donald Stiles united in marriage Darla Couch and Todd Shields. Mr. Tim Walton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Walton and Miss Carole Fournier, were united in marriage at Assomption Assomption de Notre Dame Church, Oshawa, on Saturday, May 21, 1983. We extend congratulations to these couples. Mr. ana Mrs. Tracey Embley, Cobourg, were Sunday visitors with his mother, Mrs. Reta Embley. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were RCMP Sgt. James Scott, wife Susie and son Jason of Ottawa. Mrs. Grace Shetler and Wendy of Oshawa, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. On Sunday all visited Mr. and Mrs. Seldon Parker of Oak- wood. Mrs. Jean Grol, Port Hope, visited on Thursday with Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mrs. John Westlake and Mrs. Bill Griffin, Kitchener, visited on Friday with Miss Marjorie Clemence and other relatives. Mrs. Vera Barchard, Oshawa, visited on Friday with Mrs. Margaret Pearce. Anglican News The men of St. George's Church had a work bee on Saturday morning when they trimmed trees around the church. Rev. Allan Haldenby attended attended a meeting of the Clergy of the Deanery of Northumberland Northumberland and Durham on Tuesday at the home of Rev. Norman Martin, Gore's Landing. Mrs. Audrey Gogerty, Rev. and Mrs. Allan Haldenby attended the Deanery Meeting of the Anglican Church Women in St. John's Church, Port Hope, on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Isabel Elliott, Bowmanville, was installed as Deanery Director. Mrs. Gladys McLellan and Mrs. Margaret La Riche, from Toronto, addressed the meeting meeting on Deanery matters. Mrs. Susan Walker of St. Mark's, Port Hope, spoke on Lay Ministry in the Church. Photo album pictures of church families were taken last Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. United Church News At Newcastle United Church on Sunday, May 22nd, Mr. Harry Wade, Lay Delegate to the Bay of Quinte Conference, read the Scriptures and Rev. Donald Stiles gave a fine report from the conference. The studies focussed on The Saving Significance of Jesus Christ in the Crisis of our Time based on Mark. Rev. Dr. Morton Patterson, Dr. Clarke MacDonald and Rev. Allan Boesak gave speeches on Hope for Today on local and . • Î .. Pf" if < ^ J,' t . ',■! s - 11 ' - ■' '■ fa i T ■V 7 7: / "Vi : V? I ..vu VU 77 -..xy- il The ladies' high single trophy went to Golden Age bowler Agnes Sheehan while the men's high single was earned by Ernie Perfect. Bethany and District News Don't forget about the annual Manvers Arts and Crafts Show at the Manvers Arena on June 4th and 5th. There are always lots of exhibits exhibits and crafts to look at and for sale. Help support your local artists and craftspeople. On Friday evening, May 13th, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sisson attended the Sir Sand- ford Fleming College's Academic Awards Reception and dinner at the Rock Haven Motor Hotel, at which Laurie Ann received the Bell Canada Award for the top graduate in Business, Sales and Merchandising Merchandising Option. On Saturday, Laurie Ann received her diploma for Business studies in the two year program. The 16th Convocation Convocation of the College was held at the Peterborough Memorial Centre where over 700 students graduated. A reception reception followed at the College. Congratulations Laurie I The Golden Stars Sr. Citizens Citizens had a good attendance at their awards dinner on May 10th at the Millbrook Legion. Those seated at the head table included Charlie and Electa Smith, George and Gertie Clarke, Addison and Georgina Scott, and Noreen Godfrey. OPENING SOON Dr. John Hawrylak of the Bowmanville Chiropractic Clinic is pleased to announce the opening of their NEW LOCATION on or about JUNE 27th, 1983 at 168 CHURCH ST., BOWMANVILLE (Beside Canadian Tire) Telephone 623-4004 Mrs. Annie Sharpe said grace and then everyone enjoyed a roast beef dinner and all the trimmings. Georgina Scott thanked the quilters: Iva Porteous, Violet Carr, Annie Sharpe, Mildred Braithwaite, Mary Morton, Bertha Ferren, who all received received complimentary tickets- for their contributions throughout the past year. All the bowlers were presented presented with an envelope with the money left after all expenses had been taken out. The bowling awards were then presented. The award for the oldest lady went to Irene MacDonald who just reached her ninety-second birthday in April. The award for oldest gentleman went to Art Thorne. The Bethany Srs. President's President's Trophy from the Township Township of Manvers went to Mary Finney's team consisting of: Marg Wright, Steven Papp, Hector White, Ross McKague, Alma Pudsey. The Play-off Shield also went to this team. The Hector White trophy was presented by himself to Ken McKenzie's team: Frank Edwards, Mary Morton, Iola Chislett, Lillian Fallis, Jennie Hayes. The Pete Borrow Trophy was presented by Tom McKellar to Gertie Clarke's team: Muriel Parrott, Fred Hooten, Art Thorne, Dave Brooks, Ruth Traynor. High Average ladies trophy went to Gertie Clarke - 184. High Double went to Mary Finney - 381, high single without without handicap went to Muriel Parrott -183, and high single with handicap went to Geneva Newell - 242. The High Average Men's trophy went to Earle Parrott -194. The Men's High Double winner was Herb Chislett - 452, the High Single went to Ken MacKenzie - 234, High Double without handicap went to Ross McKague - 522, and the High Single winner was Ralph holtby - 262. Average attendance attendance for the games was 35 people. Georgina Scott thanked the Legion ladies for preparing and serving the dinner and presented them with a donation, donation, Consolation prizes were won by Florence White, Electa Smith, Florence McPherson, Joyce Edwards and Ruth Traynor. Dave Brooks thanked the retiring officers: George Clarke and Charlie Smith, and a new slate of officers was named for the fall including; Ken MacKenzie, Earle Parrott, Mary Finney, and Marg Wright. The shuffleboard trophies were also presented that night. The top team was a tie with team 1: Irene MacDonald, MacDonald, Mildred Bristow, Derena Clark, and Bertha Ferren, and team 3: Annie Sharpe, Leonard Driver, Eleanor Brooks, and Dave Brooks. Each team won 17 games. The second place award went to team 2: Iva Porteous, Lloyd Clark, George Clarke, and Gertie Clarke, with a win of 16 games. In 3rd place it was team 4: Mary Morton, Mildred Braithwaite, Jessie Adams, and Lawrence Adams with 15 games won. A few games of euchre were played to finish off the after- The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, May 25,1983 17 Golden Age Bowlers Hold Annual Awards Banquet - t », ... / 'm* vW"! 17-1 t\ -X! world-wide issues. Mr. Ken Boyd of the Newcastle Newcastle United Church Organ Fund, gave a report on the givings to date and made a plea for more. The Hi C's met on Sunday evening with Ray and Pearl Noble leading in a discussion about Faith. An appreciation supper for Sunday School teachers and officers will be served at the S. S. Hall on Thursday evening, May 26 at 6:30 p.m. Sunday May 29 is the Sim day School Anniversary with Mrs, Susan Genge as guest speaker. The Session meets on Monday, May 30, in the Board Room at eight o'clock. The Golden Age Bowling Club held its annual awards banquet at the Bowmanville Lions Centre on Thursday, May 12th. Guests at the event were a group of youngsters from the Courtice North Public School who bowl periodically with the seniors. Before the presentations a full scale turkey dinner was served to the group. The league's top team is shown above with their trophies front row from left: Bill Morrison, Charlie Vanstone, Agnes Sheehan and Tom McKellar. At the rear is Art McVitty, manager of the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce which sponsored the trophies. Absent from photo are John Vanderkooi and Ann Bylsma. X 3 A Yf The runner-up team in the Golden Age Bowling league is shown above following the presentation of trophies last week. They are front row from left: Dot Bagnell, Charlie Vanstone and Loretta Jones. Shown rear from left are Bill Bagnell and Amy Winacott. Absent from photo is D. Bylsma. noon. There will be bowling through May and June at 7 p.m. on Tuesday. * On Wed., May 18th, the Golden Stars Sr. Citizens held their shuffleboard at 10 a.m. starting with team 3: Annie Sharpe, Dave Brooks, Eleanor Brooks, and Leonard Driver playing team 4: Mildred Braithwaite, Mary Morton, Jessie Adams, Lawrence Adams. Team 4 won both those games. At 11 a.m. it was team 1: Irene MacDonald, Mildred Bristow, Derena Clark, Bertha Ferren against team 2: Lloyd Clark, Iva Porteous, George Clarke, Gertie Clarke and each team won a game. At 1:30 that afternoon the president, Georgina Scott, opened the regular meeting and Mary Morton, the secretary, secretary, read the minutes of the last meeting. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Braithwaite Braithwaite on the passing of a brother, Mr. Trevor Braithwaite. Braithwaite. Birthday and wedding anniversaries for May were acknowledged. The President thanked the members who Janetville and work shop in took cars to also to the Lindsay. Plans are being made to have a mini tea room at the Arts and Crafts show in June. Kathy MacKenzie was program program convener and read a poem entitled, "A deck of Cards". They also showed a Max Sennett movie called, "Honest Horace." A few games of euchre were played with prizes going to: high man - Ken Syer, second prize - Ralph Holtby, high lady - Mildred Syer, second prize - Iva Porteous. After the euchre games a dainty lunch was served by the May group and a social half-hour was enjoyed. OLD FASHIONED ~TJY5 o 1 * m Colgate Toothpaste so mi. .. $ .59 Mennen Speed Stick so g 1.57 E-Zee Razor, operates on 1 battery 10.99 J cloths 10's 1.39 Folding Umbrellas 4.41 Thongs (pr.) .79 Beach Towels 6.99 Duffle Bags 8.99 tefisF'" ' ' Acti &8F- '.'*m Come inside and IF see our mfcà, non-advertised specials |-a2x^' save up to Vs on cosmetic organizers, stuffed animals and dolls, scissors small to LARGE, fancy soaps ... sunglasses, support hosiery... vitamins and lots more. For Women Only... FREE Evening Clinic Come and meet our dealership The Clinic is based on car operations and vehicle maintenance. Come meet the people from General Motors and learn from them everything you always wanted to know about cars but were afraid to ask! THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, 1983 7:30 to 10:15 p.m. ROY NICHOLS CHEV-OLDS Hwy. No. 2 at Courtice Road Please call 728*6206 and ask our switchboard operator to register you! Calls accepted until 5:00 p.m. weekdays.