i 18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 25,1983 . ' 'I • \ s ! ■ -, * . '■ ■ . ' ■ Vi: . i Choice Cream Style Corn Dominion Fancy Whole 12B.0i.com Kernel corn Qulkki plastic, pkg. of 100 Sandwich bags Family pack, 3 rib end, 3 centre cut, 3 tenderloin end / i ' V/ \ \l j ~ 1 MJfÊm-x r n LI. V . : : rJ J.B. frozen concentrated high or low pulp ■ ( - ■ , \ 355 mL coni (12.5 fl. oz.) WHY PAY UP TO .82 ON NON-NAME Assorted Varieties Lancia Pastas 1 kg pkg. 1.29 Macaroni & cheese IfroftrEi 9 ix ran ai inner WHY PAY UP TO .47 ON NON-NAME Roast of pork | Kreamy bread Imperial, 454 g tub Soft margarine Shank or butt portion fresh leg ofv y v. . ^ t. ■ h:i 77 7kg ■ i wnne suceo, enncnea 675 g loaf LIMIT: 6 Loaves Per Family ............ ,-xyp: e -aw | TT-W j. Aqua-fresh regular or, mint, 100 mL tube Toothi Corn on the cob I Dominion cat food Rainbow, printed assorted or white, pkg. of 180, Scott Serviettes Assorted varieties Luxury 170 g tin (6 oz.) Scott baby, pkg. of 40 Fresh wipes 239 Daytime dt*po*abte (»«), overnight (2Z«) or extra abeoitwit, pkg. of 24 Pampers diapers Converted, 2 kg pkg. Uncle Ben's rice Ramlosa, 680 mL btl. Mineral water Apple, grape, orange or fruit punch, flavoured, 1.36 litre cont (48 fl. oz.) Gold Crown drinks WHY PAY UP TO .89 ON NON-NAME Post date, raisin & wheat or, apple & cinnamon, 400 g pkg. Fruit & fibre 2j09 Orange, grape, strawberry or, sunshine punch, flavoured 720 g cannlster Sweetened Kool Aid Sandalwood, sunshine yelow, or white, Scotties pkg. of 200 Facial tissue Viva champagne, yellow or white, 2 roll pkg. Cont. of 24 Children's aspirin Regular bar 400 g pkg. of 4 Ivory soap p4 Jars Gerber Baby Foods I FREE with purchase of Q I Gerber Mixed Cereal | Pay only 2.99 with this coupon on the purchase of I one 680 g pkg. of Geiber mixed cereal and receive I 4 FREE jarsofGerberstralned baby foods or juices I (4.5 fl oz.) (except meat). I Coupon valid from Wed y May 25,1983 until close I of business Tues., May31,1983. Limit one coupon yer family FINAL WEEK Reedem your tapes until Saturday, July 2, 1983 2* WITH COUPON 9 0Ji23 COLLECT BLUE CASH REGISTER TAPES UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1083 FOR k , Wti' 1 | 1 ' /'v7î to K * tfW&m fez '!■' ni Pi ? v & ifci Eai 7 V "' ' ' 191 I■: ii,f 1 v j fa- tiid !«*# ra 1 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANIITICS. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. Values effective until close of business Tues., May 31,1983 except for fresh fish, bakery and produce which are effective until Sat, May 28,1983. Non-name generic price based on regular selling price, (Survey taken ol our major competitors conventional supermarkets May 11,1963.)