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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Jun 1983, p. 11

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By Isabelle Chaltice The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 15.1983 11 Meal8 on Wheels Now Serving 25 in Bowmanville and Area Quote - "Conceit is a strange disease, it makes everyone sick except the person who has it." Mrs. Francis Sutton was a guest at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, Blackstock, and attended the Blacks lock United Church ' anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mercer, Cobourg, were with their daughter Mr. and Mrs. John Witheridge and family over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey spent the weekend at Bayview Wildwood Resort, near Sparrow Lake. Misses Sarah and Rachel Bailey, Oshawa, were week- aid guests of their grandparents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bowins. Mr. and Mrs. O. Challice were Sunday evening dinner guests of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Challice. At last we finally welcome really warm weather, and then along comes those unnecessary unnecessary black flies and mosquitoes to spoil our enjoyment! enjoyment! ; Shawn and Tim Bailey spent the weekend with their grandmother, grandmother, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and their aunt, Mrs. E. Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wannan and family, Belleville were with his mother, Mrs. Doris Wannan. • Mrs. Charles Glanville and son John, Bristol, England and Mrs. Gladys Strong, Toronto, were Wednesday guests of Mrs. Doris Prust, Orono South. I Mr. and Mrs. Barry Staples, and Tanya, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples, spent the weekend camping in Kitchener in Bingeman Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yonkers, Ancaster, were with Miss Alma Cuttell on Sunday. i Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Staples were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brown, Hamilton; Miss Marion Snowden, Snowden, Toronto; Mrs. Gladys Trimble, Mrs. Allan Clark and Jim, all from Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. David Harrison Harrison and Mrs. Doreen Lowery are now attending the O.H.A. Convention, held this year in Hamilton. 1ST ORONO BEAVERS, , CUBS AND SCOUTS NEWS On Monday, June 7, a special swim-up program took place in Orono United Church, main hall. Beavers swimmi up were as follows: Nei Haines, Michael Doty, Darcy Vande Velde, Ryan Tomlinson, Tomlinson, Peter Slender, Stephen Shetler, Jeff Wilson and Scott Hentig. Three cubs moved up to the Scout Troop - Paul Quantril, Murray Charland, and Chris Stadelmann. Mrs. Toots Barraball, on behalf of the Heather Rebecca Lodge pre- Civic Garden Centre, Mrs. Lynne Harrison, Orono received received her Trillium graduation pin from Mrs. Betty Peebles and Mrs. Doreen Henry, Hamilton. Mrs. Beth Frost presented her with her certificate certificate from the Garden Clubs of Ontario, for completion of a three year course in arrangements, arrangements, flower show practice and judging. Luncheon followed followed the presentations. Lynn is now an accredited judge of the Garden Clubs of Ontario and of the Royal Botannical Gardens. Beautiful baskets of flowers decorated the hall for the special occasion. Congratulations Lynne, on your well deserved award. Don't forget to. purchase tickets early for our annual Strawberry supper and evening, evening, June 28, in Orono United Church, sponsored by the Orono Horticulture Society. GENERAL U.C.W. MEETING A large crowd of U.C.W. members and guests attended the delectable pot-luck supper on Tuesday evening, June 7 in the main hall of the United Church. The tables were laden with casseroles, salads, meat and the dessert tables sure played havoc with those brave girls who were preparing for their summer bikinis! The president welcomed everyone and gave the grace. The south wall was completely covered with a quilt display of 41 quilts, set up by our talented talented crew of unit 4 girls, Donna Scott and Lois Brown. The quality and variety of quilts displayed was of an exceptional exceptional calibre. Thé ever beautiful r it of "Queen Elizabeth" played by Toots Barraball, never fails to draw oohs and ahs! The autograph quilt belonging belonging to Kirby Museum brought back many happy memories of teachers of the distant past. Quilts of many designs, several log cabin patterns, a great many appliqued designs, designs, and one very old quilt of over 100 years ago, along with the very latest creation "Pansy" not quite completed by the ladies of unit 4 brought the hobby of quilting back to life for the many visitors of the evening. Hie devotions for the evening evening were given by Mrs. Rita Jonah and Mrs. Bessie Bellamy, Bellamy, of unit No. 5, Leskard. Several hymns were sung with Mrs. Joan Hollingsworth at the piano. Isabelle Challice introduced our special guests of the evening, evening, from St. - Paul's United Church, Bowmanville, Mrs. Rose Hately, Mrs. Vinùa Mallik and Mrs. Margaret Killeen. Mrs. Hately rendered several delightful solos, with tKwe 'Hie South Pacific". This area is of course our study book this year (in U.C.W.) and the beauty of nature, the everyday everyday lives of its people, their trials and problems, seemed to come alive to us all at the very excellent presentations of these talented ladies. As the ladies donned their "grass" skirts, the audience was also invited to stand up and sway to the "haunting music of the islands". A display table of mementos from the South Pacific and gaily colored leis added a tropical effect. The ladies were thanked and again everyone enjoyed looking looking at the quilt displays, altogether altogether an evening well spent with friends. HORTICULTURE NEWS Members of the Orono Society enjoyed a lovely evening evening on Wednesday, June 8, at the very attractive home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hinton, Taunton Road. The beauty of the rhododendron beds was quite outstanding, and the color range quite unbelievable. unbelievable. Mr. Hinton won first prize with a beautiful large white specimen at the recent Royal Botannical Gardens, Hamilton, flower show. Gardening Gardening is a very rewarding hobby of the Hintons, ana David is a past president of the Canadian Rhododendrons Society. Following our tour an executive executive meeting was held at the home of Harvey and Helen Robinson, where plans and committees were set up for our upcoming Strawberry festival later in June. ST. SAVIOURS CHURCH SCHOOL SERVICE "All Things Bright and Beautiful," was the opening hymn of the special Sunday service of St. Saviours Sunday schoolpupils on Sunday morning. morning. The kindergarten class rendered music and awards sen ted trophies to Paul Quantril Quantril as "Cud of the Year", and to Andrew Scott as "Scout of the Year". JUDGING SCHOOL GRADUATE On June 6 at the Toronto Margaret 1 Song of Jot' , ; El plane . "Let There be arth" and closing Peace on with "Us a Small World . when the audience joined in. Margaret and Vimla brought us a very interesting educational educational and sometimes humorous humorous message of "Life from were given out by Betty Ann Wood to the pupils. We thank the Sunday school and teachers. We wish to thank everyone who raked and laboured to smooth the dirt and plant the grass seed on our new lawns, along with the shrubs, our new building is becoming a joy to behold! Remember our Parish Picnic this Sunday, June 19, in Orono Park at 11 o'clock. Because Because it will be Father's Day and many family gatherings are planned, the program wul be short. We hope to he finished finished by 2 o'clock. St. Saviours Altar Guild meets next Saturday, June 18th for their induction service and breakfast. ORONO UNITED CHURCH NEWS Beautiful mauve and white lilacs decorated the front of the church on Sunday morning. morning. Rev. Wright gave an illustrated illustrated story about the uses of an umbrella to cover us from rain and also as shade on sunny days. Our Bibles will S rotect us from all storms l life, if we only learn to use them regularly. Purina's answer to butterfat depression... Hot weather TEST PAH is a research proven blend of butterfat enhancers designed to help overcome fat test depression which may occur during hot summer months.i Lush pastures TEST PAH helps prevent butterfat depression occuring when cows go on lush pasture in the spring or fall. TEST PAH, along with Purina's program for improving low fat test, may very well be the answer to butterfat depression... you BUTTER BUHVi II! Also a good line of Insecticides • Cattle Dust Cowfly Powder • Fly Bait Non-Toxic Barn and Stable Fly Catchers On Sale I Dairy Spray Special 4 litres-Reg. $12.00 Now $11.00 Case of 4 $42.00 Baler Twine 21 or more Bales Now Only $21.50 each Vanstone Flour & Feed Mi 116 King Street West - Bowmanville Telephone 623-5777 Mr. Bob Chater led in the psalm and scripture readings and the choir rendered "Lead Me Lord". Happy birthday to Carol Bailey who celebrates her birthday June 13th. We welcome Marlene Ross as a new member of our congregation. congregation. Marlene comes tc us by transfer from Grace United Church, Peterborough. Next Sunday will be the Church School Anniversary with special speaker Mrs. Enid De Coe from Maple Grove. The following Sunday we will have a combined service with Newcastle United Church, to be held in Orono Park, with a pot-luck picnic. Rev. Wayne Wright will be on vacation from June 20th to July 25th. During this period Rev. Don Stiles, Newcastle, (967-4250) will respond to all pastoral needs. Upper Room Subscriptions - This is the final week to order your 1983-84 Upper Room booklets. Please phone Liz VanDerSchee 983-9367. All monies should be in by June 19th. WANNAN FAMILY PICNIC The third annual family gathering of the Wannan families gathered on Sunday, June 12, in beautiful Orono park, with approximately 80 in attendance. Games were played by the children and Mrs. Jessie Wannan handed out colorful balls with the Wannan family crest to all the children as a keepsake. Awards were given to the following: The oldest lady present - Mrs. Jessie Wannan The oldest man present - Mr. Milton Wannan. The furthest distance - Mr. Arncliffe Wannan. The youngest member present present - Christina Wannan (daughter of Ross Wannan). Guests were present from Hamilton, Hastings, Toronto, Oshawa, Seelys Bay, Peterborough, Peterborough, Kitchener, Cavan, Newcastle, Cheltenham, Corbyville, Port Perry, Belleville, Belleville, and local areas. KIRBY NEWS An excellent crowd attended the special service put on by the Sunday school, held at the Lucien Lambier's residence. The service was in charge of . Mrs. Marlene Riseborough and pins were given out for attendance through the year. A tasty picnic followed the service and was much enjoyed by everyone. The Kendal Couples Club held their monthly meeting in Shiloh Church >vith. igood attendance, following ; the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Hayman and Mrs. Bonnie Cowle of Newcastle entertained. Those in attendance from Kirby included included Mr. and Mrs. Bill Forrest, Mr. and Mrs. John Lowery, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lawrence Harris and Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery. ORONO NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Scarborough were recent visitors visitors with his father,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Melge Gol- terman, Connan Islands, Br. West Indies are currently visiting visiting friends in the Orono area. Mrs. Ona Miller and Mrs. Edith Taylor were among many from this area who. attended the anniversary church services in Pontypool United Church on Sunday. Mrs. Laveme Patterson, Orono dedicated a lovely stained glass window in loving memory of the Fuller family. A delicious lunch was served downstairs to the many guests and an excellent time of fellowship was much enjoyed. ORONO HI-C CAMP OUT Fourteen members of Orono Hi C along with their Camp Counsellors, Carman and Pat Ball, and Fred and Rose Sailers journeyed to Sibbald Point Provincial Park on Friday and thoroughly enjoyed enjoyed the first warm weekend this summer. TOM SAWYER PRESENTATION The pupils and teachers of Orono Public School presented the always favorite "Tom Sawyer" play and musicale last Thursday evening, to a capacity audience. A great deal of music was thoroughly enjoyed throughout the entire performance, with the music consultants, Mrs. Merkley, Mr. D. Dewell and Mr. R. Metcalf in charge. The director director for the play was Mrs. Fran Lunn and the dance consultants consultants Mrs. S. Smart. Drama director was Mr. John Witheridge Witheridge and dance co-ordinators were Mrs. J. Staples and Miss R. Abramoff. The reader for the evening was Michael Tomlinson and the part of Aunt Polly was played by Jennifer Olesen and the part of Tom Sawyer by Doug Bedford. Bedford. This performance was well done and much credit goes to the hardworking students and teachers. Newtonville Mr. and Mrs. Murray Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Green, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle were guests at the Cathy Needham - Wesley Best wedding on Saturday at Cold Springs United Church with reception following at the Masonic Temple at Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Wood of Whitby, Mr. Floyd Wood and Miss Leslie Mohun of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beatty of Cobourg, Mr. Owen Skinkle and Andrea Harris of Port Hope were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood on Sunday. Callers in the evening included Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wood of Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews and Janelle and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrow, Jan and Ryan. Mrs. Phyllis Peck attended a pot luck luncheon on Monday with Mrs. Cy Powell of Oshawa at their cottage at the Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee of Cambray were supper guests on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Farrow. Mrs. Mary O'Neill of Port Hope entertained Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. John Goheen to dinner on Sunday at Greenwood Greenwood Towers of Port Hope to celebrate Jean's birthday. Church services on Sunday were well attended with Mrs. Marilyn Donoghue and girls and Mrs. Diane Langstaffe and girls, as greeters. Mary Vinkle assisted with the devotion devotion and 1 'gave the children's . story. The choir sang "Joy, Bells." The minister's sermon was entitled "The Church of Laodecia." In the afternoon Rowena Tizzard conducted devotions at the Nel-Gor and South Haven Nursing Homes. Mrs. Helen Wood was the pianist and Mary Vinkle and, Marlene Stacey sang duets. Sunday, June 19th service and Sunday School Awards will be presented followed by their picnic. At 7:00, in the evening, the members of the three sessions will discuss and vote on the Remit from General Council regarding Christian Initiation. Chi July 1st Church Bar-b-que from 4 until 6 will be held. Mrs. Annie Jenkins and Mrs. Myrtle Barker of Bancroft Bancroft visited their brother, Mr. Raymond Bruce for the weekend. weekend. Mrs. Bea Jones spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Merrill at Campbell- ford to celebrate Wallace's birthday on Monday. The annual Masonic golfing day was held at the golf greens at Brownsdale on Saturday with several local men taking part and prizes and awards with their meal were enjoyed. Several ladies of the U.C.W. travelled by bus to Perth and Lanark on Saturday visiting the Kitten Factory, Natura- lizer Shoes, Balderston Cheese Factory and the Mill Store, Perth Yarns and Heritage Silversmiths and dinner at Land O Lakes Restaurant and returning home around 9 o'clock. Base Line Auto Body now for a limited time only offers a complete oven-baked Paint Job *365. ,# We specialize in Insurance work. Come in and see us for a FREE ESTIMATE 164 Base Line Rd. -- Bowmanville (lust east ol Liberty St.-Watch for sign) Open 8 to 6 Weekdays Saturday 6 to 12 noon 623-9131 Marion James (right) delivers a hot meal to Kate Seymour, a client of the Meals on Wheels program in Bowmanville. An average of 25 meals per day are currently being delivered by Meals on Wheels volunteers on Tuesday and Thursday of each week. For further information on Meals on Wheels, contact Community Care, in Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Starkville and District On Monday evening, the official board of the Newtonville Newtonville pastoral charge met at Newtonville United Church. It was with deep regret that we heard that the Reverend and Mrs. Aubrey Tizzard would be leaving us in October due to his ill health. We will all certainly miss them. On Monday evening, Mr. Jeff Caswell and friend visited his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mrs. Jeanette Sears of New Hampshire, U.S.A. visited Wednesday afternoon with her relatives, Mrs. Warren Carson and Wilson. Mrs. Doris Wannan, Orono, was a supper guest on Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch. On Wednesday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell were in Peterborough to visit Ada's sister, Mrs. Hazel Rittle of Campbellford, who is a patient at the Civic Hospital in the intensive care unit with pneumonia. We all wish Hazel a speedy recovery. On Wednesday' evening, the Brownsville Busy Bees attended attended the Marigold Theatre in Whitby for dinner and the play "Marriage-Go-Round." Mrs. Pat Windatt and Mrs. Sandra Goorbarry attended from Starkville and thoroughly enjoyed enjoyed their eveing. ; Mr. and Mrs, Bob Pearce and Chris, Orono, visited Wednesday Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd, Scott, Jamie and Billy. Mrs. Kathy Mercz, Cowan- ville and Mrs. Mary-Lou Fonk were Thursday morning coffee guests of Mrs. Pat Windatt. Mrs. Julia Jackson, Kendal visited Thursday evening with Mrs. Edna Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee, Cambray visited Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. On Thursday afternoon, Miss Mildred Wilson and Mr. Morley Wilson from Perry- town visited their cousins, Mrs. Warren Carson and Wilson. On Thursday evening, Mrs. Sheila McNamara, Mrs. Joan Murphy, Mrs. Rita Oster and Mrs. Doris Arauji of Crooked Creek attended the pot luck dinner held at St. Francis of Assisi Church in Newcastle for all the women from all the churches in the Newcastle village. Mrs. Verna Carman was a Friday morning coffee guest of Mrs. Pat Windatt. On Saturday, Mrs. Bert Trim spent the day in Oshawa visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Trim. Mr. Laveme Patterson, Orono, Mr. Raymond Trim, Crooked Creek and Mr. Bert Trim spent Saturday in Erin attending the Shorthorn Cattle Sale. On Saturday morning, Mrs. Roy Simpson and Paul and Terry Mayhew of Newcastle attended the fair in Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and Peter spent the weekend at their cottage on Lake Bernard, Sundridge. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dobbs, Scott and Janet of North Bay spent the weekend with them. On Saturday, Mrs. Edna Dobson with Mrs. Julia Jack- son, Kendal enjoyed the Newtonville Newtonville U.C.W. bus trip to the clothing and shoe outlet stores in Lanark and Perth. On Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell attended attended the wedding of Mr. Wesley Best of Wesleyville and Miss Catherine Beedham of Cold Springs in the Cold Springs United Church and the reception which followed at the Masonic Temple in Port Hope. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Roy Simpson attended the wedding of Miss Kim Jenkins and Mr. Doug Brough, both of Newcastle, held in the Newcastle United Church. Mr. Scott Hallowell, Canton, and Miss Elaine Farrell, Port Hope, visited' Saturday afternoon afternoon with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Static. On Saturday evening, Mrs. Jim Bedford, Georgetown and her mother, Mrs. Kay Hallowell, Hallowell, Crooked Creek visited Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson attended the wedding wedding dance following the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Clarke of Newtonville held at the Bewdley Community Centre on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim with Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Patterson, Orono,. attended the 65th anniversary services at Pontypool United Church. Mrs. Patterson, the former Zella Fuller of Pontypool, presented to the church for dedication a stained glass window of "the Good Shepherd" Shepherd" in memory of her parents, Mary and- Robert Fuller and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Fuller. Mr. and Mrs. David Bret- tell, Oshawa, were Sunday dinner guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brettell and Susan. Miss Georgina Scott and Chad of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lowery, Pterborough, visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Warren Carson and Wilson. HAIRP0RT STYLING is pleased to WELCOME Joanne Schaap (formerly of V.I.P. Hairstyling) to their staff. Joanne will be pleased to provide the best in hair styling and care to new and regular customers. 133 Church St. Bowmanville Hairport Styling Telephone 623-4901 Father's Day Specials Thurs., Fri., Sat. - June 16-17-18 20% OFF 20 % OFF Polyester and Wool Blazers Shorts - Regulars-Tails Washable Comfort Slacks No» $70 50 Now SOfl 00 Only,.... ff W ■ Only.. ■iV ■ Ken's Men's Wear 35 Temperance St. N. 623-5580 Bowmanville

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