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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jun 1983, p. 11

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\ » M.J. Hobbs Grade Eight Valedictorian YELVERTON NEWS The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 29, 1983 11 Original School Bell Dedicated to Retiring Principal mm?** • ' ■ ' ■ The 1982-83 grade eight graduating class valedictorian from M.J. Hobbs Senior Public School was 14-year-old Frank Kolb ofR.R. 4, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. He is shown above receiving his diploma from principal Mr. R. Munro. The graduation ceremonies were held Tuesday night in the Bowmanville High School auditorium. BY FRANK KOLB Looking back upon the past two years, we must admit it has been a good experience, even if there was a broken arm or two. Think back to the grade 7 Orientation when we were all so scared of leaving our friends and meeting new ones. Think of that certain fear of siiçh a large school. Think of getting used to the new rotary system and a different teacher for each subject and then having to learn your way around the school so you don't embarrass yourself by going into the wrong class. As the weeks passed we made friends md became used to our teachers and all their different rules. ; As we entered grade eight that certain fear seemed to return again, although we were much more confident, and we knew most of the staff and students. Now as we end we look back upon 'this year and all the activities that took place... There was the feeling of drama where students overcame overcame the fear of speaking, acting and even singing and dancing before an audience. There were the continuous practices morning, noon and night and the constant drive for perfection from Mrs. Hill. Through all the tests and lengthy science projects it all came together and in those three days in February, everyone was on cloud nine. Mrs. Hill was particularly pleased. We'd all like to thank Mrs. Hill and say a big goodbye goodbye because - well - she's retiring this year. We wish you a pleasant cruise. : As usual a large part of the year consisted oi sports. Various teachers took the time and patience to teach us the skills of the trade. All teams have been very successful and all deserve their fair share of fame. As it is done every year, a house league system was set up for students wishing to participate against friends and colleagues, There was also a wide variety of clubs to choose from such as chess, gymnastics, cheerleading, table tennis, yearbook, library assistants, the French club and even D & D - which is short for Dungeons and Dragons. A change that raised much discussion this year was that Industrial Arts Family Studies were co-ed. The girls tried their knack at the bandsaw bandsaw and other tools while the gentlemen tried their hand at sewing and cooking. I must admit though I've found a new insight for the roles of parents in running a house. This year has been filled with many activities such as Orientation Day, Tabloid Day, Track 'n' Field, Spirit Week etc. and our ever famous talent shows with that celebrated celebrated trio - the Irish Clovers. A big thanks to the Student Council members and the staff for organizing these events. The Student Council has put in a tremendous effort to try to make our year as enjoyable as possible. Now, after. filling in our option sheets we all look forward forward to Grade Nine, an even bigger school, more friends and even more teachers. We've all changed since we entered grade 7 so quietly and so reserved. It seems that with every year we grow more and more. , A special mention for a super year to the other candi dates for valedictorian: Alma, Dave, Anne, Janet, Cindy, Dannielle, Robin, Michelle, Inge, Cathy and Diane. Also a good-bye to a few members of the staff: Mrs. Trim, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Dallman, Mrs. Hill, and Mr. Munro. Good luck and all the best. In conclusion I would like to sum it up by quoting a certain teacher. This year has been a great year and there was much dedication among students - and that's quality! Thank you Our community extends best wishes to a local young lady who is entering the business world with her own enterprise. Mrs. Ann Hurren opens her new store the "Pinocchio" at the east end of Kent Street in Lindsay on the site of the former Polito grocery store on Sat., July 2nd. The "Pinocchio" is a general toy store which Ann has stocked with everything imaginable for the junior set. On the spacious shelves are to be found dolls by the dozen of every shape and size from cute cuddly, little Lady Diana dolls to ugly E.T. dolls. For the boys, there is unlimited choice - Tonka trucks, miniature farm implements of several makes, games of every description for young and old. There is a profusion of guns and bows and arrows sufficient to recapture the wild west from Peter Lougheed. Among the games are Star Wars series, T.S.R. fantasy games, Tinkertoy, Lego building sets. For the physical youngsters there are tricycles, bicycles for the younger set, doll carriages, stuffed monsters, Panda Bears and an unlimited choice. Ann will be serving light refreshments on opening day Sat., July 2nd, so why not drop in, browse around and give this ambitious young lady your moral and financial support in the week and months ahead. Such an ambitious project by a local resident deserves our backing. Yelverton Sunday School picnic was held on Sun., July 27th at the Murray Malcolm's pond to mark the closing of Sunday School for the summer months. Our minister Mr. Dennis Fransky will be taking his holidays during the month of July, but there will be one service each Sunday on the charge at 10:15 a.m. The first at Janetville July 3rd, at Yelverton on July 10th (Hazel Gray will be giving a brief account of her recent attendance at the Bay of Quinte Conference and Janet Spencely will recount the highlights of their recent rip to Israel). On Sun., July 17th the church service will be held at Mount Horel and back to Janetville on Sun., July 24th. On July 31 the Devil gets his innings and the Christians get a rest - no church at all on this charge. On Sat., July 25th the "Speaker of the House" and your Scribe enjoyed attending a wedding in Kitchener, Ont. This was held in Highland Baptist Church with the reception held in the U.A.W. Hall also in Kitchener. It was our pleasure several years ago while on holiday in St. Peterburg, Florida to meet a mother and her daughter from Kitchener whose company we enjoyed and with whom we have kept in contact ever since. On Saturday it was our pleasure to attend the wedding of Mrs. Mary Flut's lovely daughter Beverly Ann and Hal Maskis also of Kitchener - a real enjoyable afternoon and evening. On Sunday afternoon Marti and Jane Malcolm and Dionne Martona attended a Jack and Jill Show in Scarborough for Jane's girlfriend Jackie Hanna and Chris Evans who are scheduled to enter into matrimony in near future. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Malcolm attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larmer in Milton on Saturday. Paul is a son of-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer of Blackstock. Congratulations are extended to Paul and his bride. In the interest of longivity, (ours), we should like to correct any false impressions we may have inferred that we were critical of actions of our local representative Arthur Rowan as regards to the sale of the Yelverton School property. I am certain that Art has nothing but the best interests of our community at heart. However, like most public servants, Art is not a mind reader and relies on input of local ratepayers to assess any given situation. If you are concerned about the sale of the ball park to private interests, Art welcomes your comments and suggestions. Please feel free to contact him and let your feelings be known pro or con. A general consensus of opinion would certainly help Art in this most important issue and influencing its outcome. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm, Murray Malcolm and Ann and Miss Tara Malcolm attended the dancing recital at Seneca College on Friday evening in which Miss Candy Malcolm participated in several numbers. Newcastle's elected officials have launched a study into the feasibility of recycling municipal garbage. v "I'm hoping that we'll finally get a report on the table and be able to look at this one way or the other," said Councillor Diane Hamre. At a meeting of the town's general purpose committee Monday, June 20, the Ward Three councillor introduced introduced a resolution asking Newcastle's Newcastle's works director to research . a source recycling program for the municipality. The study proposed by the councillor councillor would include an investigation investigation into all grants available for a source recycling project. The general purpose committee has agreed unanimously to proceed with this study. Councillor Hamre indicated that there is a shortage of information Real Estate HOCKIN HOCKIN REALESTATE LTD. 123 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE TBlCpIlOflB 623*4115 BONNIE FABER 45-ACRE FARM -- urono Area - 4-bedroom home; family room with lirepiace, walkout to sundeck, 2 barns. Ideal horse farm. $174,900.00. BOWMANVILLE • NORTH END - 4- tiedroom, raised bungalow In excellent residential area, separate dining room, roc room with lirepiace, large landscaped loi. $99,500.00. Pal Marjerrlson 023-2470 Liz Meade 570-5582 Judy Nornls -. .903-9703 Bob Slovens 023-3090 ATTRACTIVE RAISED BUNGALOW - on 52' x 117' fenced lot, easy access to schools & shopping, 3 bedrooms, finished family room, pool & detached garage. $66,500.00. M.L.S. BANKRUPTCY SALE -- Repair shop or dispatch depot, 80' x 40' metal clad building, fenced compound, large lot fronting on 401 Interchange. Would suit lowing service. $99,500,00. COUNTRY BUNGALOW - 3-bedroom, brick & Irame home on VA acres only minutes Irom Oshnwa on Taunton Rond, $72,000.00. M.L.S. NEWCASTLE MINI-FARM - Two- bedroom, brick bungalow, 24 fertile acres, ideal for nursery or market garden. $115,000.00. M.L.S. 2 ACRES -- Bowmanville - 4-bedroom home with main floor family room and laundry room, large living room, country kitchen, deck overlooking inground pool. f $86,900.00. M.L.S. CUSTOM BUILT HOUSE -- on 10 parklike acres. Beautiful trees, Wllmol Creek just off property, stone fireplace, triple garage. A rare property listed to sell at $144,000.00. M.L.S. THIRD ST., BOWMANVILLE - Neal, 1 '/: storey, 3-bedroom home, largo lot, good residential area. $45,900.00. M.L.S. Madeleine Williams,, Marg Bain Darrel Dovolln 907-4235 CltlutJo Dyksl,n ' S-26G? Bonnie Faber.. .903-5017 Jack Ricard. Ken Hockln. on the topic, but added, that there is a great deal of hearsay arid gossip about recycling. Its supporters say it is feasible, while opponents argue that it's too expensive. Source recycling would rely on home owners to sort their trash into useable materials such as tins, jars, paper, etc. Garbage trucks would need separate bins in order to pick up different categories of re-useable re-useable trash. Councillor Hamre said Monday that any effort to recycle municipal wastès would have to be a joint project project involving both the Durham Region Region and the Town of Newcastle. That's due to the fact that trash pick-up x is a local responsiblity while landfill is under the jurisdiction jurisdiction of the Durham Region. No date for the completion of the Town of Newcastle trash study has been given. TYRONE A special treat was in store for Tyrone United Church congregation on Sunday morning, June 26,1983, when a quartet of gentlemen known as the St. John's Music Company from Campbellford very generously fulfilled the ministry of music for the church service. The "Company" consists of Messrs. Doug Carswell, Henry Oliver, Bruce Glenn and Jim Sparling. They made joyful music and we would welcome them back at any time. Lunch was served following the service. Next week, July 3, and July 10, Enniskillen congregation are welcome at Tyrone for summer service . schedule at 10:00 a.m. July 17, 24 and 31, service at Enniskillen Church at 10:00 a.m. Mr. John Mitchell's birthday was June 14th, when I believe he was ninety-five. Congratulations Two bus loads of Seniors enjoyed a trip to Woodbine Race Track on Thursday, June 23rd. Over seventeen tables of euchre were in play on Friday evening, June 24, 1983, with the following results: 1st Reg Elliott, 2nd Dick Gibbs, 3rd Bertha White, 4th Nyhl Sheehan, 5th Jessie Slemon, 6th Harold Burgess. Ladies low Alice Beech, Mens low Don Brooks. 50-50 draw, John McKccn, Gladys Potts. Specials: 1 John McKeen, Maxine Brock, Doreen Park. The euchre game on Monday, June 27th, at the Old Tyrone Hall resulted in the following platings: 1st Norma Moffat, 2nd Ray Brown, 3rd Mary Thompson, 4th Francis Thompson, 5th Agnes Prescott, Otii Marion Bell, Low scorer John Broome. .. 023-2423 ..433-0170 .. 433-0030 .. 023-5055 Retiring principal Tom Turner is shown above last Tuesday afternoon during a ceremony in his honor. The Central Public School principal logged 45 years in the teaching profession and to recognize his contribution the school's original bell was hauled from storage, refurbished and installed in a monument on the school's front lawn. The inscription on the monument declares the dedication of the bell to Mr. Turner. During the ceremony he was presented with a mortar board graduate's hat and diploma. Mr. Turner is pictured with some of the students who participated in his send off. A dinner at the Bowmanville Country Club was also held in his honor Tuesday evening. PONTYPOOL DISTRICT NEWS Feasibility of Recycling Town Garbage Comes Under Study Frank Stacey was in Montreal on Friday, returning home on Saturday. He was taking advantage of his "Father's Day Gift" - attendance at the baseball game with the Expos versus Chicago. Montreal was the winning team with the score 4- 3. Frank also enjoyed Friday night spent in the big city. Gerald and Jessie Fisk were present at the wedding on Saturday of their nephew, John (son of Verdon Fisk). John lives in Owen Sound, but wedding and reception were held in Stouffville and Uxbridge. The pork barbecue held at Ballyduff by members of the Presbyterian Church was a sell-out on Saturday evening. The money raised is to go towards renovating the church. George and Betty Charland and family moved during the weekend from their home on Pinewood Cres. i to Bowmanville. The Charland family will be greatly missed as family members were involved in many aspects of community life and were most generous with their help. We wish them all the best in their new home! Herman and Marion Webb were honored on Saturday night in the Pontypool Community Centre. The occasion was their 40th wedding anniversary. The hall was filled with relatives and friends who congratulated the feted couple, extending wishes for several more years of wedded bliss. Bob Truax, son-in-law, was master of ceremonies and called on several others to say a few words. Ron Good, another son-in-law, added words of praise for Herman and Marion, John Webb, best man at the .wedding 40 years ago, George Neals, Reeve of Manvers, Arthur Rowan, Morley Kellett and Gordon Baker also spoke briefly. Recognition was received from John Baking, M.P.P. Jessie Fisk presented an envelope from neighbors and friends. Herman and Marion each replied. Following an evening of dancing and sociality, a bountiful lunch was served by members of the family -- Ron and Marilyn Good and Bob and Carol Truax. Heartiest congratulations to Herman and Marion from the Pontypool community! Ruth Richardson won the jackpot - $90 at last week's bingo in the Pontypool Community Centre. That was the final bingo for this season. Readers will be notified when the bingos are to commence in the fall. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mitchell who were married in Peterborough on Saturday with reception and dance following in the Manvers Community Centre. The bride was the former Michelle Clemens of Peterborough, ' and following ' their honeymoon, the newlyweds will be residing in Peterborough. Mrs. Clayton Saunders (formerly Sandra Willis) and children are currently vacationing with family members in and around the village and attended her nephew's wedding on Saturday. Sandra hails from Springdale, Newfoundland. Pines Senior Public Valedictorian ***if-W ;• N • v-'■ -• ' Graduating class valedictorian for the Pines Senior Public School was Jacki VanDoleweerd. The graduation ceremonies were held Monday night at Clarke High School. The valedictorian is shown above with principal Ron Moore. Pines should be proud of their achievements these past two years, as proud as we, the graduates are of having been their students. I wish the graduating class every success, success, knowing that they've had the best of instruction. In the future we will come to realize fully that what has taken place within the walls of our school has been a great benefit to us all. We are still in the younger stages of our education, education, and I for one, am looking forward to my high- school years, and the challenges challenges that lie ahead. Thank you By Jacki Van Doleweerd Fellow graduates, Mr. Moore, teachers, Moms, Dads, and friends of the graduating class: Thank you for this opportunity opportunity to represent the graduates of the Pines. It is a great honour and privilege I know I'll never forget! When I started my stay at the Pines, two years ago this September, the majority of the graduating class were strangers to me. Now, after what seems like an incredibly short period of time, these faces are no longer unfamiliar, unfamiliar, They all have names and individual personalities. The Pines has been more than just a school for me. It has been a channel for friendships and an enjoyable way to gain knowledge. knowledge. During the previous two years, we have been instructed instructed and coaxed by our teachers to perform to the utmost of our abilities. The graduates are proof that the curriculum ana all the difficult difficult work has been profitable. We all realize that the educational educational process requires deployment deployment of good teachers. The Pines is second to none in that category. The staff of the Merita Willis is in Alberta, visiting with her son and daughter-in-law, Jamie and Cathy Willis. Keith Dewar, fire chief of Manvers Township, returns home on Thursday following ten days in Gravenhurst attending courses on Rescue and Extrication and Techniques of Instruction. He returns to Gravenhurst again on Sunday to take a further course. Local firemen were called out last Wednesday evening about 9:15 to a fire at the home of Mrs. Jean Smith in Fleetwood. Bethany and Janetville firefighters were also present. Several thousand dollars damage was done inside the house. Firemen were also called out around 2 a.m. on Sunday when sparks were seen flying close to Ballyduff Church and school. Harry and Frances Van Wieringën were in Peterborough on Saturday night for the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Latone. The celebration was held in Morrow Park Hall. Rev. John Lindsay will be in the pulpit on Sunday morning, July 3rd, at 10 a.m. in Pontypool United Church to take his first regular service. It is hoped that a good congregation will be present to meet our new minister, his wife and sons. The Induction Service for Rev. Lindsay follows on Monday, July 4th, at 7:30 p.m. in the local church. Again, we are looking forward to having a full church for this important occasion. Reneé DesRochers, daughter of Peter and Elke DesRochers of the 4th line, competed recently in a Tetrathalon (riding, swimming, running, shooting) at Leachcroft Riding Centre, north of Toronto. This was a 2- day event with over 40 competitors. Renee placed 4th. Congratulations for doing so well, Renee! She will be participating in another in August, and if she does well will compete in a national competition. Decoration Service will be held at McCrae's Cemetery on Sunday, July 10th at 3:00 p.m. with Dr. Kewley as guest speaker. Lunch will follow in the Pontypool Community Centre. Mrs. Elgin Gray (the former Lorna McMullen) is in Oshawa General Hospital after receiving very severe injuries in an accident in Port Perry. Lorna has been a crossing guard at the R.H. Cornish Public School where she was knocked down by a car two weeks ago. Many readers will remember Lorna as she was a former resident of the Lotus-Yclverton area. Sharon, daughter of Elgin and Lorna now lives in a lovely new home at the top of "Bunker Hill" on the 7th line, We all wish Lorna a complete recovery from her injuries. 9 V_ PBRTICIPBCTIOn*

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