i The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 30,1983 9 ail tx r ip) DRUG mart: i v'i './*?;>.! P ] f ï. L'■ •, • < ff. ^ Ü ,- <7, •{ I -, [ 'J ..7--Cr-' for savings Fridaf, Dec. 2'83 Only! Saturday, Dec.3rd'83 Only! 454 g. ROWNTREE BLACK MAGIC CHOCOLATES cji>yua//ic nOt < >t A 1 I < t, m< K i7[ V 1 -I 1 7 ■ ^lus these Money Saving Specials Dec. 1st through Dec. 3rd'83 110-24, 126-24, 135-24 KODAK FILM 450 ml REVLON FLEX SHAMPOO or CONDITIONER NeoCitran A etiBBBSi for Adults ■ Hot dunk medicine loi the symptomatic leliel ol nasal congestion ol colds, haylevei and sinusitis Contains a nasal decongestant antihistamine v ^ ^ and vitamin C ForColds 100 mL CLOSE-UP TOOTHPASTE s SHOPPERS DRUG MART yjPTOW N MALL FIVE-POINTS MALL LAKE VISTA SQUARE 601 Dundas St, West SHERIDAN MALL HARWOOD PLACE MALL BOWMANVILLE MALL 576 6070 S W0S ' 0shawa ??§ Iqnn lon Road Easl ' 0shawa Jjj® Wentworth St, West, Oshawa Whitby Hwy No,2, & Liverpool Rd„ Pickering 314HnrwoodAvo., A| QX 243 King SI. East, Bowmanville o/u-uuru 579-1900 728-4621 668-5891 839-4488 683-5222 623-254Ô Prices In offoct at the above Shoppors Drug Mart Store(s) only, from December 1st ■ December 3rd, 1983, while quantities last, We reserve the right to limit quantities, f 8SI