iciiiviiic, ivcvuiiiuer /, ibdo * Your Christmas food store Vegetable juice 796 mL cent & \o< ^ [Orange pekoe |454 g pkg. of 144 P.G; Tips* tea bags | Dorllos, Tostltos Tortilla | or 125 g pkg. Fritos corn chips 399 [Trio Pak, Peanut Butter Cremes, | Shortcake or, 400 g pkg. Colonial Oatmeal cookies 99 1." 350 g tin Dominion mixed nuts 2 89 750 mL ret bti. plus .30 deposit DIET 7UP or Seven-Up r ; : : K -;. j ■ \ \ V ■ /bp® hXfj ; - .v'.vïu»». • . B.;:-.. • •*' tom I jU? I® steli "FÏ Limit 6 per family r AL_ 1 Smith cocktail V 1 ÿj Limit 4 per family A i ; ; • ' B 1 Fresh Poriyjicnic Shoulder 220 g tin A Admiral ] sockeye salmon | I? 9 All purpose, 2.5 kg bag Dominion ^P[ m flour ^ | WHY PAY UP TO 2.05 ON NON-NAME | 1.» Dominion, 300 g pkg. Shortbread 1 cookies | 39 ■ 624 g pkg. Richmello j apple pies | 29 ■ ,# SI iyy ip. For meat loaf or patties fresh dally Medium ground beef I Frozen, excellent baked Pork side [spare ribs kg/ 3.51 lb. 1.59 For tourtieres Ground pork kg/ 3.06 lb Bittner's fully cooked, whole or half delicious hot or cold 1.39 Black Forest I Style ham kg/ 6.59 «,2.99 or fry Pork shoulder butt chops kg/ 2.84 lb. Ideal for sausage, New York cut 1.29 ?X. bE'fUS# Frozen, concentrated grapefruit or 341 mL cont. Sun Squeeze orange juice , ; r ■ ' v m'6! WHY PAY UP T01.39/1.36litre ON NON-NAME Assorted varieties 85 g pkg. Royal jelly powders m WHY PAY UP TO 2A59 ON NON-NAME Red or green 100 mL tube Frozen, boneless, Boston blueflsh fillets (397 g pkg.) or 350 g pkg. High Liner cod fish sticks XVI Close-up iff w toothpaste 1." Frozen, ocean perch fillets or 454 g pkg. Booth cod fillets 2 59 Stone Ground or Country Bran 675 g loaf Dempsters bread 89 Case of 24 x 280 mL tins Diet 7UPor Seven-Up ift, W'/, Vi ■ EA) W A 'roduct of U.S.A. try with a cheese sauce Tender fresh broccoli Assorted sizes and colours, each Reflection sheer pantyhose Plastic, pkg. of 10 Econo p%r e ©99 99 IV PAY UP TO .990N NON-NAM 69 18" x 25' roll Alcan foil wrap 1." Medium, old coloured, old white or Dominion mild, 227 g pkg. Cheddar cheese sticks -p k for less than ncivnames V Choice, 1.36 litre tin (48 fl. oz.) Dominion apple juice tM / lHE- Instant, 283 g jar Nescafe coffee 539 •. V . .//it-* à V: '? rÿ." • "• r ^«5: " ' ' f ■ • ' x /§•v : ' ; ' '•* ' !/ . 1 . • ; . / wf .4VtPX/,'\ Ramlosa, 680 mL bottle Mineral water 1 .. 1 . , , Æfr/ Whole pork shoulder kg/ 2.18 Serve with mint sauce or jelly Fresh whole lamb leg lb. .99 kg/ 6.59 lb. 2.99 Tasty Fresh loin lamb chops kg/ aso lb. 4 J Delicious hot or cold shank or butt portion Smoked cooked ham [/Fine, coarse, golden or bacon | and liver, 250 g pkg. Bittner's | liver sausage 99 ■ 1 Shoulder Fresh blade lamb chops Product ol U.S.A., Ontario No. 1, large size, excellent for slutting or in salads Sweet green peppers lb 2.18 .99 Product ol U.S.A., Canada No. 1 Grade, crisp and crunchy Fresh celery stalks ■129 | I bunch Product of Ontario, the Ideal gift The Festive Favourite Bright colourful JP-Oinsettias WHY PAY UP TO 1.29 ON NON-NAME 69 Product of U.S.A, California grown, great tor snacks, the festive favourite, Canada No. 1 Grade Emperor red grapes kg/ Product of U.SA, Canada No. 1 Grade, ideal for salads Product of U.S.A. or B.C., Canada Fancy large size, crisp, great for stocking stutters, red & golden Delicious apples 1.94 «8 Cucumbers 2/38 .88 California grown, new crop, Product of U.S.A., Seedless Navel oranges 4 lb. bag Product of U.SA, a must for a great Caesar salad I Romaine lettuce Bone-in Fresh lamb stew f Frozen, all A M available sizes P/| Canarlanrarla'A' kg/4.04 Bittner's precooked, serve 1 with sauerkraut, 500 g pkg. K Bratwurst sausage CHI young turkeys lb ,1. 29 Only at Dominion self basting O OO Golden Bird All available k 9/Ve^V Available at stores with dell counters only, Bittner's dell sliced Black Forest ioog/*ou MVIVIvl 1 UN VI j „ deluxe turkeys «,149 style ham aai , b 3.89 frozen * UIIM ' y Grade All available sizes CO Youno kg/4iOfc Available at stores with dell m counters only, Bens 1 Ç1Q All beef jmi kg/ turkeys a, 1.19 salami , b 44 Product of U.S.A., Florida grown, large size, thin skin, the famous Indian River Red grapefruit sjF 38 bunch Product of U.S.A., great In salads oral a decoration i, pint box Product of U.SA, terry \ California grown | tomatoes jùmbo size, in the shell 99 Pay only 3.99 with this coupon on the purchase of Pay only .74 with this coupon on the purchase of r one454g pkg. of milk chocolates Jr one 175 g pkg. of assorted varieties Black Magic j Shopsy's deli- chocolates plu " 9 I bake nies PAY ONLY Coupon valid from Wed. Dec. 7,1983 until store closing Sat. Dec. 10,1983 only, Limit: one , coupon per family. 3.99 Coupon valid from Mon. Dec. 7,1963 until I store closing Sat. Dec./ j 10,1983 orlty. Limit: one PLUI/17 PAY ONLY coupon pet family, I Special retail price ol WITH THIS COUPONÏ without coupon. WITH THIS COUPON Product of Morocco, the candy fruit, seedless, «wee 2 lb. tray Clementine oranges 2" Direct from France, Canada No. a 1 Grade, sweet flavour J 111 Passe Crassane ^ a pears ..99 Product of New Zealand, f l real In desserts or salads •rge size, 1 lb. bag X w . .. ^ There are four Sizes of walnufs packed, "We do what you would do in our place" sell only the largest size available \\ M Kiwi fruit 188 Product of U.S.A. great In fruit salads Red ripe kg/ 1.08 lb{ watermelon „/19 ..v r V'. Values effective from Wed., Dec. 7 until close of business Sat, Dec. 10,1983 in the following areas: Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton, Orangeville, Parry Sound, OrlHIa, Huntsville, Bracebrldge, Barrie, Gravenhurst, Midland, Pickering, Whitby, Markham, Oshawa, NewmatkeL Lindsay, Peterborough and Milton. Saving* based on regular ! ■ prices at conventional Dominion Stores. Non-nmne gvneric price breed on regulsr selling price. (Survey taken ol our major competitors conventional supermarkets November 23,1963.) , THESE VALUES EFFECTIVE DO NOT APPLY TO BEST FOHUSS DOMINION FOOD WAREHOUSE. 'im M WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. DOMINION STORES LIMITED.