10 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 14,1983 Blackstock Lions Club Donates $1,567 to CNIB Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly The Women's Institute met in the Community Hall, Dec. 7th. They had a most delicious pot-luck dinner for their Christmas meeting. The meeting began with the Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. Our president, Mrs. Martyn welcomed the visitors and 4-H leaders. The minutes, treasurer's report and correspondence were dealt with. The Roll Call was a donation to the Salvation Army. Program consisted of a reading by Margaret Van Camp "Customs of Norway" -- skit was presented by Jean Adams, Dora Martyn and Pat Sleep. Lisa Kristensen read a reading- "An Egg.'-' Carols were sung by all - followed by a visit from Santa Meeting closed with 0 Canada. On Sunday, the family of Mrs. Russell Larmer held a family gathering at the home of Mrs. Joyce Gibson, Bowman- ville, in honour of their mother's 80th birthday. Along with good wishes, Mother was presented with a white gold hand- painted pendent and a dozen red roses. This was another very happy occasion for the Larmer family. Best wishes go from the community to Mrs. Larmer on her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles ; Gay of Bowmanville i were mid-week callers of her cousin, Mrs. Wilbur Toms. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hoskins were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis of Solina. On Saturday Dave and Marlene McKee, David NESTLETON- CAESAREA Lions Club Activities The Blackstock & District (Cartwright) Lions Club held their meeting on Wed. Dec. 7th, in the Blackstock Rec Centre and were pleased to have as guest speaker Mr. Bill Brown, District Administrator from the York Durham Office - a blind person. He gave an informative talk dealing with C.N.I.B. which was most enlightening. Following Mr. Brown's coments- Lion Cliff Trapp- in charge of the recent canvass canvass re C.N.I.B. - presented a cheque to him amounting to $1,567 - an extremely successful canvass. We con gratulate Lion Cliff and fellow members for their very fine effort. The Club wishes to thank everyone tbrought Cartwright who supported them in a worthwhile worthwhile cause. Apology A humble apology to friends Norm and Bernice Bernice Mairs. In their 40th Anniversary write-up last week - yours truly left our one important item - "A beautiful picture picture of their spacious country home" was a special gift from the family. Sorry! People in the News Our thoughts go out to a resident of this area - Dr. Howard Gauthier - east quarterline - R.R. 1, Nestleton- who has had surgery on his shoulder, Nov. 16th and is temporarily temporarily not able to do too much at the present - it will be a matter of time, Our "very best wishes" for a complete recovery soon, Warmest wishes for good health to three well- known folk who arc presently in Port Perry Hospital - Mrs, Vic Ayl- ing, Scugog Point; Mrs, George Bowers and Miss Ruth Proutt of Nestleton. and Tracy; Grant and Lorna Edgerton were guests at the wedding of Mark Sheriff and Jane McKee in Kingsview United Church, Oshawa. David and Tracy were in the wedding party for their aunt, while Dave had the honour of taking his sister up the aisle. Miss Joan Samells of Toronto visted her grandmother Mrs. Kenneth Kenneth Samells recently. The afternoon U.C. meeting was held on Tuesday, at 1:15 at the home of Aileen Byers. After dessert of mincemeat pie and tea, Jean Adams, the leader, welcomed each of the 16 ladies present. Audrey Wright had the devotional devotional that related to Christmas in a different way. Prayer and a hymn "Beneath the Cross of Jesus" was sung. Jean Ferguson with the aid of tape recorder assisted with the music. The program which is the usual part of our Christmas meeting took on some hidden talent, when some comic and seasonal readings, mouth organ solo, contest, contest, trio singing, carol singing made a pleasant afternoon. A card was signed for one of our members in hospital. Plans were made for the Candlelight Service on Dec. 18th, at 7:30. Prayer closed the meeting. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lome ' Hoskins were Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Hoskin; Mr. and Mrs. Brett Hoskin and Evan, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Brad Gouin, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hoskin, Port Perry. Sunday evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Poff and Heather of Peterborough. On Sunday, Mrs. Jean Mahaffy and Mrs. Lorna Edgerton along with Mrs. Helen Nesbitt of Nestleton and Barbara Hamilton of Lindsay attended attended the Living Christmas Tree at the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. , At the recent Lions Club meeting, Mr. Bill Brown, District Administrator Administrator of the C.N.I.B. for York and Durham was the guest speaker. During the meeting, Cliff Trapp handed over $1,567 from the recent canvass for the C.N.I.B. to Mr. Brown who is himself -- blind. Cliff wishes to express express his appreciation to the community for their support of this worthy project. The Cartwright Rangers along with Roy Turner and Blake Gunter as chauffers attended the presentation of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat at the O'Keefe Centre. Centre. After the show they enjoyed dinner at the Organ Grinder. The Durham County Junior Farmers held a successful dance at the Recreation Centre on Saturday night. Better health is wished for Mrs. Elva Van Camp who remains a patient in Oshawa Hospital. The local students have had two "Snow Days" within a few days. A Snow Day is when the buses are cancelled due to poor road conditions. At the weekly euchre party on Tuesday night there were eight tables, with the following winners: winners: 1. Rhoda Larmer- 81; 2. Frank Bailey-80; 3, Florence Larmer- 79 4. Weir Swain- 76; 5. Ella Venning- 76; 6. Les Taylor- 75; Low- Susie Harris; Draws- 1. Weir Swain; 2, James Emcr- ton; 3. Les Taylor, ALL POPULAR CANADIAN BRANDS, REGULAR OR KING SIZE CARTON OF 20'S OR 25'S OUR REGULAR PRICE UP T014.99 Cigarettes LIMIT 2 CARTONS PER FAMILY PURCHASE. WARNING: Health & Welfare Canada advises that danger to health increases with amount smoked-avoid inhaling Great Pre-Holiday For all your Christmas A PREMIUM HEARTY BLEND. CUSTOM GROUND Bokar Bean Coffee 1 LB BAG 2.99 OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.89 (3 lb baq-8.79-Our regular price 11.49-Save 2.70) of if CsROUNf > 0& IN OWN JUICE, CRUSHED, CHUNKS, SLICED Dole Pineapple 19 f I oz tin OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.33 CHRISTMAS FLOWERS DEPARTMENT We have a good selection of Christmas plants for your choice, featuring such items as Poinsettias, Chrysanthemums, Mixed Pans and many others. CHRISTMAS FRUIT BASKETS Here's the gift that everyone loves to receive. You can choose the fruits of your choice from our wide array of fresh from around the world produce. These Christmas Fruit Baskets come in three sizes. Speak with your local Produce manager. PROD. OF U.S.A. <AE FARKf Fresh Cranberries 12 cello A HOLIDAY FAVOURITE! ASST VARIETIES VEGETABLES Green Giant 14 fl oz tin OUR REGULAR PRICE .89 INCL WHOLE KERNEL CORN 12 FL OZ 2j& /1 49 STUFFED MANZANILLA OR QUEEN Unico Olives 375 mL jar OUR REGULAR PRICE UP T01.89 PROD. OF U.S.A. Fresh Spinach CANADA EXTRA FANCY, PROD, OF B.C.. RED OR GOLQ£N Delicious Apples 1? k f/ib. PROD. OF FLORIDA, DELICIOUS IN SALADS Fresh Avocados 2/ .99 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO Fresh Carrots bag I 49 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Fresh Cauliflower ea= h 1 89 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Red Grapes 21?/ b .99 PROD. OF U.S.A., DELICIOUS BAKED Fresh Yams 11"/2 '£ 1 00 BAKED GOODS CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO Red Delicious Apples 5 lb bag 199 PROD. OF FLORIDA, SWEET Juicy Tangelos 12/1 49 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Romaine Lettuce ea =h .89 PROD. OF FLORIDA Fresh Radishes 2=e,b°p z kg /.89 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET Navel Oranges ba il°'2 99 PROD. OF ITALY Roasting Chestnuts 21? < b .99 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, ALL PURPOSE P.E.I. Potatoes "3" GREAT IN STEWS, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE Ontario O/OQ Rutabagas fc/.JJ 2 lb O' tray ùt 49 PROD. OF MOROCCO, SWEET THIN SKINNED Clementines PROD. OF THE TROPICS Bananas .86, kg / ■» .39 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, IN SHELL Jumbo Walnuts 2^/1 29 PROD. OF FLORIDA, JUICY, SEEDLESS Grapefruit 8/1 99 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO Cooking Onions PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, DECORATIVE White Mum 5 lb 159 Yellow bag I with Poinsetlia 7 inch pot 799 Health & Beauty Aids & General Merchandise FROZEN FOODS INSTANT 900 g OR QUICK COOKING Quaker Oats SAVE .50 99 1 kg pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.49 JANE PARKER Fruit Cake IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT (1.36 kg 9.49) 900 g GIFT BOX REGULAR OR DEODORANT OVER 2/3 FRUIT & NUTS 749 Stayfree Mini Pads OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.19 BOX OF 30 FROZEN, ASST VARIETIES 8OZ PKG Savarin Pot Pies JANE PARKER Angel Cake " 1.29 JANE PARKER, SLICED PUMPERNICKEL, PLAIN OR SE! 450 g loaf Sour Rye Bread JANE PARKER, 100% WHOLE WHEAT, SNOWFLAKE OR Twin Rolls T .99 JANE PARKER-EGG BUNS PKG OF B-.89 English Muffins pk i of .79 A&P (1 LB-450 g SIZE-2.69) Fruit Cake ?4.89 REGULAR, MINT OR GEL Crest Toothpaste PLASTIC WRAP Stretch 'n Seal ASSORTED Christmas Wrap ALUMINUM FOIL Reynolds Wrap HOMESPUN Christmas Napkins 100 mL tube 15 m roll 1.49 .99 Pkg of 8 ^ 1.99 1.69 rolls 18"x 25' roll pkg oil CO 120 I ■ VU BLUE WATER, FROZEN Ocean Shrimp Snacks ,, kg HIGH LINER. FROZEN BOSTON BLUE FISH FILLETS 16 0Z OR Cod in Batter 3 p kg g 1.99 ARCTIC GARDENS, CALIFORNIA OR ITALIAN MIX Frozen Vegetables ^2.59 YORK, FANCY, FROZEN (CARROTS 3.49) Petite Peas !i 9 2.69 PEELED & DEVEINED. 31 TO 35 COUNT Frozen Shrimp ST9.99 SILVERWOOD OR BEATRICE Egg Nog JANE PARKER, SLICED Buttermilk Bread 675 g loaf OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.12 W/GATHERS, TODDLER PLUS 40'S, TODDLER 48'S, EXTRA ABSORBENT 60'S Pampers Diapers OUR REGULAR PRICE 9.99 BEATRICE, ASST FLAVOURS, SUPER GOOD Ice Cream 2 litre cart OUR REGULAR PRICE 4.19 PROCESS CREAM CHEESE Kraft Philadelphia pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.87 REGULAR OR DIET 750 mL BTL Pepsi-Cola plus .30 hi I dcp OUR REGULAR PRICE .75 (Crise of 24-280 mL tins 6.99) FROZEN, CONC, 100% FLORIDA ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT Old South Juices 19 'SAVE UP TO .40 1 12.5 fl oz tin OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 1.59 SUPER BUY! ■98 i 9 » 1 , » 9