) ) i Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 14,1983 11 Lions Hear Address About Blind Ski Program Heuicaatle 3nZtependent ■ 'if* ■ w .... fy.x . *-v ; -;V' «7 Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Mr. and Mrs. Vance Cooper of Oshawa accompanied by her sister Kathleen Kimball visited on Friday afternoon with Mr. Harold Barrow- clough, Wesleyville. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a Ganaraska executive meeting in Port Hope last Thursday. Mrs. Marilyn Martin entertained entertained several ladies to luncheon and a social afternoon afternoon last Wednesday. Mr. Gary Johnson visited on Saturday with his grandmother, grandmother, Mrs. Johnson, of Belleville. Mrs. Lois Rowe was home on Saturday with her family. Mrs. Gertie Rowe, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe and Tiffany, Bowmanville were also visitors with the Douglas Rowe family. Following the baptism of Julian Norton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Norton, members of the Gordon Garrod family and the Norton family were among the luncheon guests entertained by Barry and Cindy at their home on Sunday, December 11. The Sunshine Unit of the U.C.W. enjoyed their Christmas Christmas meeting last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Mary Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Murray, Oshawa, visited on Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Ruby Murray. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives of Mrs. Margaret Stacey who passed away at Strathaven Rest Home on Friday, December 9. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wade, Peggy and Stephanie of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnson and Gary and Miss Sandra Kelsey were among the relatives relatives who helped Miss Krista Rumbles celebrate her fifth birthday at a party at her parents' cottage on White Lake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stapleton, Orono, and Mrs. Kathleen Kimball visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnson entertained Mr. and Mrs. William Storks by taking them out to dinner on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade spent Saturday in Barrie where Harry attended a Board meeting in the morning and a Christmas party for residents in the afternoon. In the evening, evening, the Wades attended Inez and Wallace Boughen's 25th wedding anniversary reception reception and party at the Newcastle Newcastle Community Hall. Mrs. Gladys Wood, Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark were among those enjoying enjoying the Newtonville W.I. bus trip to the Living Christmas Christmas Tree at the People's Church in Toronto on Sunday. Miss Dorrene Powell accompanied accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago to Milton on Saturday when they attended the opening opening of the Joyous Season Exhibition at the Milton Fine Arts Gallery. Among the 15 Milton artists presenting their work was Mrs. Bonnie Coulter. Coulter. After viewing the exhibits, we went on to Campbellville to visit nephew Floyd Coulter, Kevin and Keith, Bonnie's family. In the evening, the Crago's were among the many guests who attended the silver wedding wedding anniversary party in honour of Inez and Wallace Boughen of Newtonville. We extend congratulations to Inez and Wallace and wish them many more years of health and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott enjoyed the weekend in Hamilton with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Newton. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sherman, Beeton, and Mrs. D. Coulter, Downsview, were Sunday visitors with the Lake Shore Powells. Mrs. May Scott of Brampton visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. On Saturday, Saturday, the Pearce's took May home and spent Sunday with daughter Elizabeth, son-in- law Ted Walton, and grandson Adam. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred and son Bruce, Mrs. Doreen Wood, Orono, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred of Oshawa attended the funeral of their aunt Mrs. Gladys McKay, Bronte, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Martin, Woodville, visited relatives and friends in the area last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Thursday evening callers callers at S. J. Lancaster's. Mr. and Mrs. Ern Werry of Ennis killen were Saturday afternoon afternoon visitors with the Lancasters. Lancasters. Mrs. Gladys Pacey accompanied accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pacey and family of Bowmanville Bowmanville when all went out to Oshawa for dinner, celebrating celebrating Ray and Peggy's 26th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster Lancaster were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Nicholls, Wesleyville. Birthday greetings to Lena Graham, Marg Miller, Susan Miller, Allen Gray, Ronald Powell, John Metrailler and Myrtle Naylor. Best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Newton Selby and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Caswell who celebrate celebrate December wedding anniversaries. Junior Horticultural News At the Christmas Show on Nov. 29, 1983, the Junior Gardeners did very well. They had good exhibits of Christmas Christmas articles, home-made tree ornaments, cards designed with verses, corsages and door decorations. Prize winners winners were Cheryl Maul ton, Jenny Hooper, Lisa Wright, Sherri Lee Wright, Natalie Wicha and Jimmy Noble. In the Junior Photographic entries ; Brandon Coyle and Darren Morrow. Congratulations, Congratulations, Junior Gardeners and your conscientious leaders! Anglican Church News The members of St. George's Anglican Church Women met at the Rectory on Wednesday, December 7, for their end-of-the-year meeting. Mr. Oakley Peters, Lay Radio /hack Division Tanrtv Flnrlrnnir-c l imltnrt Yr ■C\' XX. i w 24900 16K Standard BASIC. 26-3026 Regular $349.00 Just can't wait for Christmas sale price Be the most popular "Santa" ever -- put a Colour Computer 2 under the tree this Christmas. It's backed by a library of software that educates with Walt Disney* Disney* and Sesame Street** characters, and entertains with fabulous video games, spectacular sights and sounds. Enhance your system by adding memory, joysticks, disk drives, and more. Hook up a Colour Computer 2 to your colour TV today, Your family will be glad you did. 16K Extcnded-BASIC (26-3027) Reg. 459.00.. now 359.00 jWalt Disney characters ore trademarks ot Walt Disney, Inc. All rights reserved "Moppet characters are trademarks of Muppets, Inc. All rights reserved Computers for home and school Radio /hack 20 TOP GAMES AUTHORIZED DEALER Now Includes: Plus 20 King St. W. 12 Educational Programs FREE with purchase -- Membership in our Computer Class Low Prices and Top Service always available at Bowmanville Audio-Vision Telephone 623-2312 two the the Murray Jose playe musical selections on piano, Music Box and ...„ theme from Chariots of Fire. The next item on the program was a comedy skit by the Couples Club titled The Christmas Candles. The Hi C's presented The Tree of Life followed by the singing of O Christmas Tree. Joan Blackburn's Blackburn's Intermediate Class had the audience participate in their Radio Christmas. . The last item given by Shirley Coyle's Senior Class Reader at St. George's, conducted conducted the eleven o'clock service service on Sunday morning. The Advent Candle was lit by the McArthur Family. Rev. A. E. Haldenby attended the Church School Pageant put on by the pupils of St. Saviour's, Orono. Mrs. Betty Ann Wood and Kathy Stapleton directed the children, who gave a fine presentation presentation of the Christmas Story. À pot luck luncheon with the children and congregation congregation was enjoyed afterwards. afterwards. On Sunday, December 18, the Church School of St. George's will be making their presentation of the Christmas Season at the eleven o'clock Service. The Fellowship Club are co-ordinating a congregational congregational pot luck meal following the service. United Church News At Newcastle United Church on Sunday, December 11, Rev. Donald Stiles baptized Julian Taylor Norton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Norton and Scott Poole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Poole. The Lay Reader was Miss Cathy Speck, member of Agape, and friend and adherent of Newcastle United Church. Cathy also lit the third Advent Candle. Next Sunday evening, December 18, the Oshawa Festival Singers will present their good tidings of Christmas. Christmas. Everyone is welcome. Do come and hear this 54 voice Girls Choir at 7:30 p.m. Church groups will be looking looking after Christmas hampers for local needy families. United Church Sunday School Concert On Sunday evening, December 11, the Sunday School Staff and children presented presented their Christmas Concert Concert to a full house. Mrs. Joan Blackburn | presided over the concert. Tije Couples Club presented the firsl'ifem,' singing singing three Christmas songs, Winter Wonderland, Silver Bells and White Christmas. The Kindergarten Class, under direction of Barbara Oliver and Pearl Noble gave a pictorial portrayal of the Christmas Story entitled Do You Remember? The Primary Class children, taught by Romona Rickard and Susan Vickers, were dressed dressed as their grandparents in period costumes and told of bygone Christmases. This was a most delightful number. Pearl Rickard's Junior Class presented a Wish for Peace on Earth. Each child gave his or her definition of peace, followed by the singing of Peace on Earth with audience participation. The Hi C's did The Price is Right with audience participation. ' ed Skiing is a difficult but not impossible sport to master, even if you're blind. Teaching the blind to ski and enjoy it was the topic of the guest speaker's address at the Bowmanville Lions Club's regular dinner meeting Monday, Nov. 28th. Experts on the subject, Ron and Barb Lusher told Lions about the provincial program underway to teach the blind to ski supporting their address LETTER TO THE EDITOR December 12,1983. Mayor Garnet Rickard, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario. Dear Mayor Rickard, I see that the Fitness Centre is going to be closed again this year for lengthy periods during during the upcoming holiday was the Celebration of Jesus' Birthday. Santa Claus arrived, arrived, delivering goodies, and coffee and cake topped off the evening. NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY BOWLING Monday Night Ladies League Above 175 Dec. 5 H. Couroux 189, 182, 176, L. Crockett 234,310,189, T. Lang- staff 186, 193, 188, M. Wade 186, 212, B. Majors 185,215, M. Majors 179, 205, D. Foster 222, 231, B. Stacey 176,195, D. Neal 206,200, D. Walker 209,222, M. Pierik 188, 190, B. Pearce 200, 207, K. Mercer 302, 237, A. Langstaff 245, 197, I. Patton 183 , 201, D. Mackey 194, C. VanDussen 187, S. Stere 228, P. Knapp 177, S. Foster 179, A. Strutt 175, A. Mercer 208, D. Mercer 195, N. Mumby 191, Y. Richard 187, K. Wotton 187, D. Langstaff 217. Tuesday Morning Seniors Top 5 Bowlers 2 Game Total Dec. 6 A. Pearce 416, M. Burley 336, M. Hall 327, G. Buckley 311, E. Smith 297. Thursday Night Mixed League Dec. 8 J. Forget 222, 274, 251, F. Forget 261,206,214, S. L. Boyd 211,180, B. Forget 222, 221, R. Adams 232, 221, J. Foss 204, C. Lycett 194, W. Forget 191, S. Dennis 195, E. Miller 194, B. Dennis 212, J. Granville 175, B. Dennis 181. Youth Bowling Dec. 10 Juniors Above 75 M. Coyle 133, 76, D. Winter 131, 91, P. Darrach 109, 147, J. Miller 104,79, K. Burke 78,106, D. Peel 104, 89, J. Holroyd 106, 126, C. Farrow 90, N. Virtue 88, T. Young 75, J, Darrach 85, M. Mitchell 94, J. Carroll 99, S. L. Wright 82. Seniors Above 100 B. Coyle 135, 125, B. Fisk 119,209, K. O'Boyle 146,106, D. Miller 155, 136, T. Young 161, 149, J. Rogerson 148, 111, L. Weaver 173,118, Steven Miller 123,104, Stephanie Miller 100, S. Willsher 100,146, D. DeJong 149, 111, C. Willsher 114, 152, K. Miller 102, J. Hopkins 112. season. For six days, three surrounding Christmas and three encompassing New Year's, people will be denied the use of this centre when they have the time and the need to enjoy its facilities. Numerous visitors and family members from out of town will be in Bowmanville during this time, hungry for the pleasure of a game of squash, an enjoyable enjoyable swim or a relaxing sauna or whirlpool bath. Why do the people who donated the funds for the erection erection of this centre have no say in its management or maintenance? maintenance? Perhaps if your council members made more personal use of this centre, they would not only be in better physical health but would recognize the need to keep this facility open when people have the time to use it. Bah to you Mr. Mayor and humbug to your out of shape council. Yours sincerely, K. W. Slemon, M.D. with a slide presentation. Teaching the blind to ski is a provincial project which started in 1969 and was spearheaded at the Oshawa Ski Club near Kirby three years ago. Shown above at the Lions meeting from left are: Pat King-Lions pres., Ron and Barb Lusher, Lion Carson Elliott and Shirley and John Lemon-co-ordinators of the blind ski program at Kirby. In the Matter of Subsection 2 of Section 35 of the Assessment Act Extension Of Time For Return Of Annual Assessment Rolls Pursuant to section 35 of the Assessment Assessment Act, I hereby extend to the 15th day of February, 1984, the day upon which the assessment roll for the year 1983 is required to be returned according according to the provisions of the said Act in all municipalities in Ontario. Notice is hereby given that the final date for lodging a complaint with the Assessment Assessment Review Board in respect of any assessment contained in the assessment assessment roll is the 7th day of March, 1984. The Honourable Bud Gregory Minister of Revenue Dated at Toronto this 12th day of December, 1983. D.J. BANKRUPT SIU€ 498 Simcoe St. S., Oshsws oust north oi 401 j Motorcycle Accessories Last Call--Final Reduction All Must Go- all LEATHER JACKETS ALL HELMETS shoei BELL .,, H0NDALINE ALL SADDLEBAGS ALL PARTS & ACCESSORIES EVERYTHING 60% OFF ALL TIRES NOW 30 00 DUNLOP BRIDGESTONE WERE UP TO 130.00 LEATHER GLOVES Ladies' Motorcycle NOW RAINRYDER COVERALLS NOW 10 00 36 00 WERE UP TO 40.00 Balance of stock ASST. SIZES & VELOURS WERE UP TO 90.00 ALL SALES FINAL £33 Mon. 4 Tues. Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Closed 11 a. m.-8 p.m. 11 a.m.-B p.m. 11 a.m-8 p.m. 10 am.-6 p.m. Listen to Radio 1400 CH00 lor more details Dealer inquiries invited. Are your hard-earned dollars going up in smoke? Then take a few minutes now and discover how adding electricity to your oil furnace can dramatically cut the cost of heating your home. If your oil furnace is in good condition, hut you'd like it to run more economically, a dual-energy system combining oil and electricity may he just the answer, In fact, depending on how much electric heat you add, and how you operate your system, you could use as little as one tank of oil for an entire heating season! Lor example, an electric plenum heater or heat pump, will reduce the amount of oil your furnace uses by up to 75%. In addition, addition, a heat pump provides air conditioning in the summer (or economical year-round comfort. If your furnace does need replacing, an electric furnace or one of the other electric systems can heat your home cleanly, efficiently and economically, If you'd like to know more about dual energy and all-electric systems, write to Ontario Hydro. 620 University Ave„ -1th Floor. Toronto M5(i 1X6, and ask for our free booklet 'Hlectric I leating Options for Your I Ionic," I lie few minutes you lake now could add up to big savings this winter, Go Electric Cfr