The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 11,1984 11 ORONO and DISTRICT NEWS BY MRS. ISABELLE CHALLICE ORONO Quote -- "You'll recognize middle-age when it hits -- the narrow waist and the broad mind change places." Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears, -Peterborough, were recent callers at. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mercer's Mr. and Mrs. Ross Taylor, Scarborough, were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor. Mrs. Doris Wannan, and Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Mercer were Sunday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cann, Garden Hill. Attending the Oshawa Real Estate HAVE YOU THÔUGHT ABOUT A CAREER IN REAL ESTATE? ... and done nothing about it OORDBARNES I will give you ân hour or more of my time to try to help you decide. CALL ME ANYTIME ® 23 o®r® 22 623-6860 Opportunities in our Bowmanville Ollice. Tiustmfr 30 OFFICES TO SERVE YOU BETTER Presbyterial Leaders' Day Workshop from Orono, on Tuesday, were Mrs. Donna Scott, Mrs. Lois Brown, Mrs. Doreen Wood and Mrs. I. Challice. Mrs. Thelma Gilbank has returned home after enjoying a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Anne Nagarajan and family, Scottdale, Penn., U.S.A. Orono Sr. Citizens The regular monthly meeting was held on Thursday, January 5th in the I.O.O.F. hall with good attendance. Following a short business period, progressive euchre was enjoyed by everyone. Following are the winners: high lady - Myrtle Wood, low lady - Ona Miller, high gent - Wesley Wood, low gent - Hilda Caswell (as man). Special bingo winner was Doris Wannan. Happy Birthday was sung to George Carson and Myrtle Wood. Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 2 at 1:30p.m. St. Saviour's Church News "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven." Reminder to all, your items of interest for the Parish Newsletter must be in by January 15, with news from November, coming events, bits of inspiration welcomed. This edition will be ready for distribution January 22. eel van REALTY LTD. BROKER 214 King St. E. Bowmanville 623-44451 Newcastle 987-4733 -ûfcMwm, Ajax-Toronto call 686-0477 " tlD SÏ3Sly TOP ACHIEVERS IN 1983 CONGRATULATIONS! IRIS FOWLER ,i. T OP. AGENT 1983». ..... L In excess of onè million' dollars in sales and Level III achievement. : ■ DOROTHY HARTFORD In excess of one million dollars In sales and Level II! achievement. JOSIEDOXTATER In excess of one million dollars in sales and Level II achievement. WILMA ENTWISLE In excess of Level achievement. CHRIS STAPLETON In excess of one million dollars in sales and Level II achievement. 31 ACRE CHOICE PARCEL - with small !■' pond and about 10 acres of mixed bush. This ! attractive acreage has excellent building site * for your new home or mini-farm. $55,900. Phone Bob Cooper. SPACIOUS BACKSPLIT - Country-sized lot ' qn town water. Features eat-in kitchen, large dining room & finished rec. room. Spotless and tastefully decorated. Listed at only $69,900. ' Call Ellie Cooper for an appointment to view. 5 COUNTRY ACRES -- with building permits available. Asking $26,000. with vendor financing available. Call Chris Stapleton. EXCELLENT VILLAGE LOT - with all services paid and permits available. Only $21,900. Call Chris Stapleton. VILLAGE LOT • $27,500. -- in area of nice homes with water & sewer available. If you're building this year, consider this conveniently located parcel. Phone Ellie Cooper for directions. St. Saviour's Annual Vestry Meeting will be held Sunday, January 22, following church service. Local Week of Prayer Service - Sunday, January 29 at 7:30 p.m. This ecumenical service will be held at St. Francis of Assisi Roman Catholic Church, Newcastle. Bishop Garnsworthy is calling on us to pray for peace especially on Sunday, January 15. We are looking for ideas for celebrating anniversaries -- at St. Saviour's 100th, and the province's 200th. Put your thinking caps on! Silver Wedding Anniversary A very pleasant event took place on Saturday evening, January 7 when approximately 80 persons sat down to a delicious roast beef dinner, in Bowmanville Lions Centre. The evening was planned in honor of the silver wedding anniversary of John and Margaret Killeen, of R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Immediate family members and close friends of the bride and groom were dinner guests, but a large crowd of friends, neighbors and well-wishers called throughout the evening. Dancing, cards and socializing filled the evening and many lovely cards, gifts, pictures and flowers were on display. Miss Rosemary Killeen introduced the head table guests and Orville Challice proposed the toast to the bride and groom of 25 years. Each guest was given a very humorous booklet of delightful "Rules and Regulations" for the evening. Also included were favorite songs, cartoons, and jokes of the couple. Rosemary and John David provided the music (piano and guitar) for the singing of the grace and other songs. Isabelle Challice, sister of the bride, rendered the rather poetic version of "John and Margaret's Romance." Both the bride and groom thanked everyone for coming and helping them celebrate their silver wedding anniversary. Those attending from the Orono area were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sinfield, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Barnard, Mrs. Thelma Gilbank and the O. Challices. Other guests were present from Ottawa, Deep River, Bolton, Peterborough, Oshawa, Bowmanville and surrounding areas. Orono United Church News Mr. Gordon Mills gave the children's story and Mr. Willis Barraball led in psalm and scripture reading at regular Sunday morning services. The choir anthem, "A Workman in a Village Home", number 298 in red hymn book. (This is a first in a series of choir - congregational learning hymns). A happy birthday to Geroge Carson who ' celebrated another birthday on Sunday, January 8. Men's rally - on Saturday, February 11th at St. Stephen's United Church, Oshawa. Guest speaker - Dr. Robert McLure. Begins at 6:30 p.m. with supper. Contact Willis Barraball at 983-5736 if you plan to attend this special event. Study leave for Rev. Wayne Wright from Monday, January 9 to Monday, January 16. In case of pastoral need, Rev. Tom Smith may be contacted at 623-6720. For all announcements please call Marlene Riseborough at 983-5702 before Friday. Worship next Sunday, January 15th will be led by Mr. Jim Brownlee, who is a member of our church Board of Stewards. Annual congregational meeting will be Sunday, January 22nd following worship services. Beginning with a pot-luck lunch. The ladies of Unit No. 1 met on Wednesday, January 4, in the church main hall with 14 in attendance. The devotions were in charge of Stella Carson, Edna Chapman and Mary Tamblyn, and were based on "New Year's." A lively discussion followed re plans for the upcoming year. A tasty lunch of assorted sandwiches closed the first meeting of the new year. Unit No. 2 met in church main hall on Tuesday, January 3 with a good attendance, despite the blustery weather. Mrs. Annie McNally, Mrs. Velma Armstrong and Mrs. Lillian Johnston were in charge of the devotions and meeting. E. Billings, Velma Armstrong and Lillian Johnston gave a special theme on "The Three Wise Men." Unit No. 3 met at the home of Dorothy Bailey and Eileen Billings on Tuesday, January 3 in the evening with 14 ladies in attendance. We very much enjoyed our special guest for the evening, Mrs. Ethel Lycett, who gave a very interesting talk on "Peter Marshall." Our ladies are greeting at the church service on Sunday mornings this month and in charge of flowers. The business portion of the meeting was a discussion for fund-raising projects for the year. We are planning a Spring Bazaar and tea in the spring. Olive Millson and Myrtle Reid served a delicious lunch at close of meeting. Council Briefs The Township of Georgian Georgian Bay has asked elected officials in other communities communities to support its attempts attempts to tax trailers which are located in trailer parks on a permanent basis. In a letter to town council Monday, the township said: "our concern relates to what we perceive as an inequity inequity between tax-paying cottagers and long-term trailer occupants who pay practically no taxes yet create similar impacts on services." The township added that trailers sited on a seasonal basis are receiving all of the benefits that the area has to offer, while paying few of the costs. The township attempted to introduce a $10 per annum fee per trailer lot as compensation in lieu of taxes. However; the fee was overturned by a court decision. decision. As a result, the Township of Georgian Bay has called for legislative changes, if necessary, to allow taxation for trailers located at a permanent permanent site. Comments from Ontario municipalities municipalities on this subject have also been requested. The request from Georgian Georgian Bay Township was re- 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates Annual Interest Rate subject to change VG VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Since 1844 Bowmanville: 68 King St. E. 623-2504 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation HOCKIN HOCKIN REALEStAtELTD. 123 KING ST. EAST bowmanville Telephone 623-4115 JACK RICARD COUNTRY HOME -- Newlonvillo area - Four bedroom, split level, finished basement with fireplace and bar, large country lot. $99,500.00. M.L.S. COURTICE ROAD SOUTH - Industrial silo - Throe-bedroom, Iramo house, now aluminum storms & screens, j-ncro comer loi, zoned Industrial. .; $67,000.00. M.L.S. Marg Gain 023-2601 Brian Cascngnello G23-7430 Darml Duvolln 903-51)17 Claude Oykslia 023-2423 POTENTIAL HOBBY FARM - Newcastle, 3 bedroom bungalow on 1.71 acres with numerous Irult trees. Homo recently renovated with now windows, kitchen, bathroom, wiring and plumbing. $67,900.00. M.L.S. COUNTRY BUNGALOW - Throe bedroom, brick and Iramo homo on VA acres only minutes from Oshawa on Taunton Road, $69,200.00, M.L.S. BUNGALOW ON 10 ACRES - Newlonvillo area. Throe bedroom, brick homo, partly llnlphod basement with walkout. Ideal lor horses. $89,900.00, M.L.S. TWO ACRES -- Bowmanville. 4 bedroom, two storey home close to, town. Inground pool, large kitchen and living room, main floor family room with air tight stove. $86,900.00. M.L.S. TYRONE VILLAGE - Custom built, 3 bedroom sidesplit, large lot, attached garage, finished lower level with stone fireplace, 4th bedroom and 2nd four- piece bath. $85,900.00. M.L.S. 45 ACRE FARM -- Orono area. 4 bedroom home, lamlly room with llroplaco, walkout to sundeck, 2 barns. Ideal horse (arm. $174,900.00. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE - Older, two- storoy homo on largo, landscaped lot. 3 bedroom apartment with separate ontranco, Excellent value at $74,900.00. M.L.S, Bonnie Faber., Pal Mnrjoulson Liz Monde .433-0176 . 623-2478 . 576-5502 Madeleine Williams Bob Slovens Jack Ricard Ken llockln . 907-4235 . 623-3090 , 433-0036 . 623-5055 f-ûmikiLl bust IttîT ANNOUNCEMENT ■ / ■'* CAROL HANCOCK Gord Barnes, Manager of Family Trust Corporation Realtor, Bowmanville Is pleased to announce the association of Mrs. Carol Hancock with the Bowmanville ollice. Carol Is a long time' resident of the Bowmanville Bowmanville area and a former employee ol the Bank of Commerce at the Bowmanville Mall and Ontario Hydro in Pickering. She Is also an active member of the Bowmanville Drama Club. Carol has recently passed her real estate exams as prescribed by the Ontario Government and Is a member of the Oshawa and District Real Estate Board. Carol hopes to provide a conscientious and thorough real estate service to her many friends and residents ol this area and can be reached at 623-6622 or at her residence 987-5248 (Newcastle). ferre d to the town's chief administrative officer for a report. Pollution Probe Foundation Foundation has asked the Town of Newcastle to help contribute contribute towards the cost of a hearing into a planned toxic waste disposal site to be located in Lewiston, New York. In a letter to town council, Pollution Probe noted that the site will accommodate approximately one million tons of dangerous wastes. The organizatiion expressed expressed the fear that toxic chemicals chemicals from this site will eventually reach Lake Ontario Ontario where they will increase increase the load of dangerous dangerous chemicals already in the lake. Pollution Probe indicated indicated that it will cost approximately approximately $40,000 to prepare prepare for and to attend public public hearings on this project. A donation of $500 from the Town of Newcastle was suggested as a possible contribution contribution to the campaign. Individual donations are also welcome, members of council were told. The request from Pollution Pollution Probe has been turned over to Chief Administrative Administrative Officer Dave Johnston for a report at the next meeting of the town's general general purpose and administration administration committee. Bowmanville Audio-Vision JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE continues! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! 20 King Street West Telephone 623-2312