( I I i 14 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 11,1984 Section Two Blackstock and District Lions A guide to fine dining and entertainment. Club Sponsors Annual Farmer's Night Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Observation Whatever we may call the weather so far this winter - it is not monotonous. We have had over a month of rough, wintery climate, and winter has really just nicely commenced - official date - Dec. 21. The temp, goes up and down like a yo-yo, and lots of the beautiful white stuff to contend with! Many folks are away at favourite vacation spots - meeting interesting people - basking in the sun, and so forth. Those of us at home - just have to keep our spirits up - a heap of winter is in store yet - so - let's enjoy this "fairyland" as best we can! Lions Club News On Wed. evening, Jan. 4th, the annual farmer's SINGLES WORLD DINING -- DANCING CRUISES - TOURS DANCING 8 p.m.-2 a.m. EVERY FRIDAY OSHAWA Carousel Inn Ballroom 559 BloorSt. W. PETERBOROUGH Rock Haven Lansdowne SI. W. Single and Unattached ONLY are Welcome Proper Dress -- No Blue Jeans night was sponsored by the Blackstock & District Lions Club, held in the Rec Centre. Each member invited one or more farmers as their guests. After a very satisfying roast beef dinner dinner served by the Blackstock U.C.W., Lion President Don Cliff welcomed all and introduced introduced the "special guest" - Harvey Graham - who presented excellent slides on the South African farming operation. operation. They were "highlighted" by his ■ commentary on same and his "fielding" of many questions posed by Lions and guests. Nestleton United Church A fine service at Nestleton United with a good attendance considering considering the wintry weather conditions. Rev. Dale Davis presented an interesting message - first - enchanting the Sunday School children during the story period - then giving the congregation congregation many thoughts to take home - theme- "What Is Important?" tying same in neatly with Scripture passages Mark 7: 1-8 and Luke II: 37-44 - read by Regenia Walker. In the choir a favourite number "There's A Song In The Air" was beautifully sung by a trio composed of Janice MacKenzie, Regenia Walker and Bernice Bernice Mairs with M. Cawker acting as organist. Keep in Mind: Wed., Jan. 18- Official Board meeting at Nestleton United Church. Sunday, Jan. 22: annual congregational meeting at Nestleton United - reports - written and financial - to be in by Jan. 15th to Rev. Dale Davis. Families in the News A warm welcome home to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm who have been holidaying at their favourite vacation destination - the sunny south during the past month with Mr. Stan Malcolm in Brandon, Florida. Sam and Mabel Cawker visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. France of Scugog Point one day this past week and very pleased to find friend Bob is coming along - improving improving with "leaps and bounds" since he came home from Port Perry Hospital some time ago. Grant and Merna Cawker and daughter Cathy, Oshawa, were Sunday afternoon and evening guests at the Cawker farmstead with some skiing enjoyed before the dinner hour. Very .pleased - sister- in-law Mrs. Jim (Marion) Cawker of Manchester is doing well since having major surgery in Oshawa Hospital ten days ago. Keep up the good work, Marion! We're all think- Happy Birthday wishes go to Mrs. Roy Taylor who celebrated her birthday this past week. A family gathering gathering was held at noon on January 6 at the Holiday 1 Inn, Oshawa, to celebrate Mrs. Taylor's birthday. Among those present were- her daughter Mrs. Albert Watts and granddaughter granddaughter Katherine Devine and Melanie, her daughter-in-law Mrs. Arnold Arnold Taylor, granddaughter granddaughter Betty Jane and Dan McLarmon, her son Anson and Irene Taylor of Scarborough and her brother Harry and Bertha Bertha McLaughlin of Nestleton. A group of snowmobilërs from this area made a return trip of over two hundred miles to Apsley on the weekend. They report absolutely beautiful winter scenery. Three new baby girls have arrived at the very beginning of the New Year. Rob and Judy Henry's new daughter arrived on New Year's Day; the second baby born in the New Year in Oshawa Hospital, Kathy and Neil McLaughlin's daughter was the second girl born in Port Perry Hospital; while Deband Ron Vice's baby arived on the weekend. Congratulations Congratulations to all these happy families. Little girls are so delightful -- I know! Kathleen Watts and Katherine Devine and daughter Melanie of Northern Northern Ontario have been spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Roy Taylor and daughter Carolyn in Toronto. The Blackstock District Lion's Club held its annual Farmer's meeting on Wednesday evening. Each member invited one or more ing of you and extend our warmest wishes for better better health soon. Nestleton Presbyterian Church With a good average local farmers as guests Special speaker for the evening was Harvey Graham who gave his travelogue on their trip to South Africa two years ago. Richard and Ruby Van Camp, Jill Van Camp and Mrs. Margaret Van Camp spent a short holiday holiday with Louise and Walt Taylor in Calgary. Congratulations to Lorna Wright, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright who was married in Indonesia to Mr. P. Sumantri. Lorna who is currently studying in London, Ontario spent her Christmas vacation in Indonesia and was married on Dec. 28th. Congratulations from your Cartwright friends. Better health is wished for Jessie Gunter and Jennie Barley who are both in Port Perry Hospital. The Boy Scouts are very appreciative of the community's support of their Bottle Drive on Saturday. They collected bottles worth $176, which will be used to go to a special weekend in May at Fort York. Certain areas were missed in the collection due to shortage shortage of numbers, so if you missed and have some bottles to contribute contribute to this good cause - call Dave Barr at 986-4277 for pick-up. Gerald and Joyce Kelly, Kelly, Eleanor and Esther were Sunday evening dinner guests of Victor and Ruby Parsons, Marlene and Lynda of Colborne. While there, they attended and enjoyed enjoyed very much the se- Hm tomes IheStiNF^e FLORIDA MARCH BREAK ORLANDO 10 DAY -- DEPART MAR. 9 (Evening Departure, Nignt Travel) INCLUDES: SEA WORLD. WALT DISNEY WORLD INCLUDING EPCOT (2 DAYS) * CAPE CANAVERAL > CYPRESS GARDENS *580 P.P.DBL ORMOND BEACH (DAYTONA BEACH) (Evening Departure, Night Travel) 10 DAY DEPART MAR. 9 *495 P.P.DBL Go Motorcoacb! FOR FULL COLOUR BROCHURE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL Telephone 623-3182 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Telephone 623-4400 TRANS WORLD TRAVEL Telephone 623-1511 trentway tours attendance on Sunday morning - Rev. Fred Swann commenced a series of sermons on the parable of Jesus with the comment "A parable is cond presentation of United Church's Christmas Conta ta "A King is Born." Victor, Marlene and Janet all participated in this presentation. The Women's Institute met in the Community Hall on January 4, beginning beginning with a dessert luncheon. luncheon. Mrs. Martyn opened the meeting welcoming everyone to our first meeting of the New Year. The Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect were repeated. The speaker was Mrs. Sandy Manuel from the Canadian Mental Health Association, Oshawa. She showed slides on Family Mental Health patients and told about the rehabilitation houses in Oshawa and Bowmanville Bowmanville and also the Friends and Relatives Self-help groups. Minutes of the last meeting were adopted as read and the treasurer's report received. The District Annual will be held in Blackstock on May 23. Pat Sleep, Jean Adams and Muriel Hoskin are to be a com an earthly story with a heavenly meaning." Shirley Scott- organist. Annual meeting, Sat. Jan. 28, 1:30 p.m. All reports to be in the hands mittee for Bi-Centennial projects. A discussion was had on making another quilt. Edith McLaughlin and Dora Martyn are to look into the matter. Karen Kyte gave a short talk on her 4-H Club units she has taken. Pat Sleep conducted conducted a contest. Meeting closed with the singing of O Canada. Poor roads cut down the weekly euchre party to seven tables. Winners were- Richard Manns- 88; 2- Gladys Slack- 84; 3- Carl Gimblett- 82; 4. Dorothy McDiarmid- 81 ; 5. Ann Manns- 80; 6. Harold Burgess- 78; Low- Muriel Lawrence; draws- 1- Arvella Barrett; Barrett; 2- Dorothy Archer; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McDiarmid and Lynn have returned home from a delightful Christmas vacation in Mexico. There are some vacancies vacancies in both ladies and mixed curling leagues. Ladies call- Kathleen Petrie and for mixed curling (either singles or couples) on Tues, evening- call David Larmer. Entertainment EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT Friday, January 13th "Glendale Train" 96 Waverley Road Bowmanville Visa 623-1140 MasterCard Here Comes The SIN r 1 » ORMOND BEACH THE QUIETER SIDE OF DAYTONA BEACH 12, 19, 26 & 33 DAY TOURS (LONGER UPON REOUEST) DEPARTURES EVERY SUNDAY OCT. 23 - APRIL 22 INCLUDES: CHOICE OF ACCOMMODATION WHEN BOOKING • DINETTE, SOFA, APARTMENT EFFICIENCIES OR MOTEL ROOMS • ALL ROOMS INCLUDE TWO DOUBLE BEDS, INDIVIDUAL AIR CONDITIONING, COLOUR TV & OCEAN FRONT BALCONIES • SERVICES OF AN EXPERIENCED ESCORT ON THE MOTORCOACH 4 A TRENTWAY TOURS REPRESENTATIVE IN ORMOND BEACH • TRIP CANCELLATION INSURANCE Go Motorcoacb! FOR FULL COLOUR BROCHURE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT TRANS WORLD TRAVEL Telephone 623-1511 BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL Telephone 623-3182 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Telephone 623-4400 WE RE MORE THAN A NICE PLACE TO EAT Every Thursday is Family Steak Night Our special for two ... 8-OZ. New York cut (per person) $1 1 .99 per couple 5:00 to B:30 p.m. Served with filed onions on a sizzling plaller, complete wllh salad bar, fried polalocs and vegelable, Choose either rice pudding or Jelly for dessert. Each family ii illowed one or two children under 12 yre. only $1.25 inch. Child hes choice ot: burger 1 chipe or a email steak, Thursdays we else serve our regular menu, ft KING GARDEN Restaurant and Tavern 73 King E 623 4255 Bowmanville Starting Wednesday, January 18th, 1984 From 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. WEDNESDAYS ONLY Super Steak Special Two Can Dine For $9.99 Buy one dinner for $8.99 and your guest dines for Only $1.00 Salad Bar, New York Sirloin Steak, Potato and Vegetable, Roll & Butter, Hot Apple Crisp with Vanilla Sauce. Reservations Please - 623-4925 Port Darlington Marina Hotel South of Hwy. 401 - Exit 432 Bowmanville , RESTAURANT Since 1910 MONDAY-THURSDAY 7 a.m.-11 p.m, FRIDAY-SATURDAY 7a.rn.-1 a.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS 7 a.m.-10:30 p.m. Serving delicious food of the highest quality at reasonable prices. Take-out orders a specialty. 9 King St. W. 623-5412 St * f n Blackstock F amily Returns from Christmas Vacation in Mexico Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly of the Treas. Jan. 15th. The Board of Managers meeting- Monday, Jan. 16th, 7 p.m. Caesarea Community Church At Caesarea Community Community Church, a fair attendance attendance with Rev. W.H. Crawford D.D. - continued continued the theme- " Where do we go from here" - when do we get started and where do we get started and how - in the New Year? - taken from Scripture Exodus 14: verse 15. Mrs. Crawford- organist. Try to attend next Sunday and support this friendly little church. Caesarea Euchre Results We congratulate the following winners for last week's euchre held at the Centre- as follows: first prize winner- Judy Westall- 88; second price- two tied- Gail Pelrine and James Emerton each had 85. Two tied for low - Gwen Robins and Roy Werry each had 45. A very nice turnout for the first party party in 1984. Try to attend this Wed. night for a fun night. The ladies auxiliary auxiliary will welcome you warmly. That's my little piece for this week -- the latest news as I see it! Retiring Educator Joins Travelways Organization Following His Retirement The Durham Region's top educator is taking on a new job as manager of corporate administration for Travel- ways, following a 36-year career in the school system. Ken Munroe, a 56-year- old native of Cobourg, retired retired from the position of Director of Education for the Durham School Board after serving in that capacity capacity for nine years. He also served two years as associate director and his career has included teaching in several Ontario boards as well as serving as an inspector in special edu% cation for the province. He has also served the Pickering Pickering school board as an administrator. administrator. Mr. Munroe is hoping that his new job will allow him more time for his favorite leisure activity, which is reading about politics and reading biographies. As head of the Durham public school system, Mr. Munroe commonly worked 55 hours per week. He was responsible for 3,600 employees employees plus 48,000 students. students. Here tomes IheSUNF^e FLORIDA ADVENTURE 14 DAYS -- DEPART: FEB. 6,13,20, 27, MAR. 5,12, 19, 26, APR. 2 INCLUDES: SILVER SPRINGS BOAT RIDE • BUSCH GARDENS, CYPRESS GARDENS, SEA WORLD • WALT DISNEY WORLD/ EPCOT CENTRE (2 DAYS), CAPE CANAVERAL $ 820 P.P.DBL (SPECIAL XMAS DEPARTURE DEC. 17) TEXAS 21 DAYS -- DEPART FEB. 4, 25, MAR. 17 Includes: 7 nights at Bahia Mar Resort in rooms equipped with kitchen facilities • Guided tours of San Antonio, Dallas, Houston and Plantation in Louisiana • Dinner in San Antonio (weather permitting, served on flat-boat cruising the San Antonio River) • Dinner at Chattanooga Choo Choo • Astrodome • The Heart of Texas • Governor's Mansion • Lone Star Brewery • Mission San Jose • Brownsville Zoo • Shopping tour in Mexico • Confederate Air Force Museum • Evangeline State Park $ 1200 P.P.DBL. CALIFORNIA 23 DAYS -- DEPART JAN. 28, FEB. 11,25, MAR. 24, APR. 28 Includes: Guided tours of Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles, Hollywood and San Francisco • Permian Basin Petroleum Museum • Old Tucson including lunch • Desert Museum • San Diego Zoo • Redwood Forest • Disneyland • Universal City Studio Tour • Zion National Park • Grand Canyon • Petrified National Park $ 1530 P.P.DBL Go Motorcoacb! FOR FULL COLOUR BROCHURE CONTACT YOUR LOCAL TRAVEL AGENT FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Telephone 623-4400 TRANS WORLD TRAVEL Telephone 623-1511 BOWMANVILLE TRAVEL Telephone 623-3182