4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, January 11,1984 f 1 1 I A guide to fine dining and entertainment. WESLEYVILLE NEWS The snowfall on Saturday night and Sunday morning, made driving and parking somewhat hazardous, especially especially where ice was underneath. underneath. Driving was slow for Rev. Gordon Rutherford coming from Garden Hill to welcome for service at the United Church on Sunday morning and the opening devotions were conducted by Elder Tom Wilson. The children's story concerned concerned Mr. OH and Mr. Ho. One who heard, only, while the SPECIAL Caraway $ 2. 66 lb. Butter EVERYDAY LOW, LOW PRICES Creamy $2.23 lb. Unsalted 2.25 lb. European Style 2.52 lb. Whipped 1.71 lb. Hours: OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Mon. to Thurs. & Sat. 9-6; Frl. 9-9 Sunday 10-6 WARKWORTH CHEESE HOUSE AND ICE CREAM PARLOUR (Hwy. 115, Newcastle, at DX station) Telephone 987-4339 ' other heard and obeyed, a lesson easily understood by the children. Rev. Rutherford's Rutherford's setmon was based on the story of Saul, the young man of great promise whose fine appearance was not a true picture of the man. The story reveals a life of great potential which failed through being too self-centered and lack of self control. The choir's anthem brought its usual message of good music and added inspiration inspiration with such words as, "Every Day will be the Brighter." The offering was received by Mel McHolm and John Connelly. Caretakers had some extra work with the new fallen snow. Mrs. T. Wilson's mother who has been visiting in Port Britain for some weeks returned returned to her home in Stirling, Scotland on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd. Congratulations to Cindy Gould who recéived a prize in the Legion's literary contest for a poem she had written. Cindy is in grade 8 at Dr. Hawkins' School. Friends here were sorry to hear several months ago of the illness from a stroke suffered by Eddie Acker of Oshawa. In spite of a long struggle, his death occurred last Tuesday. He was a frequent visitor to Port Britain and Willow Beach where he and his wife, the former Dorothy Yelland spent many holidays. Bo wman ville n: nnrna£ * 623-H33 n/iaiiUmcmaS STARTING FRIDAY Fri. and Sat. 7:00 and 9:00 CINEMA I Sunday through Thursday 8:00 TWENTIETH CENTURY-FOX PRESENTS A JOE WIZAN -ROGER M. R0THSTEIN PRODUCTION OF A JOHN HERZFELD FILM JOHN TRAVOLTA OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN TWO OF A KIND OLIVER REED BEATRICE STRAIGHT SCATMAN CROTHERS I UD CHARLES DURNING3UI FRED KOENEKAMP, A.S.C. "ROGER M. ROTHSTEINmJOE WIZAN PATRICK WILLIAMS liWJOHN HERZFELD HELD OVER--Second Packed Week CINEMA II Fri. and Sat. 7:00 and 9:00 Sunday through Thursday 8:00 "The feel-good movie of 1983" "The eight star actors deserve one big Oscar... (ini this funny and ferociously smart movie.' 1 K'n hard Corliss. 1 IMt MAGAZINE How much love, sex, fun and friendship can a person take? They're eight old friends who haven't seen each other since the sixties. Searching for something they've lost. And finding all they need is each other In a cold world you need your friends to keep you warm. ^ COMING SOON: Never Cry Wolf, Scarface, D.C, Cab, Christine, Rescuers, Yentl, Terms of Endearment MbridTravel Trans World Travel is pleased to present a unique, interesting and most enjoyable 16 day tour of EUROPE. Space is very limited on both the proposed dates so would suggest you make your reservation immediately to avoid disappointment. Our past selected tours to EUROPE have been sold out within two weeks. A deposit of $250.00 will secure your reservation and provide full insurance coverage should you have to cancel. Please call. 623-1511 or 623-1705 Scenic Heart of Europe Air Coach Spectacular Countryside Tour * Return flight from Toronto/London via WARDAIR. 'Four nights, three days in London. 'Return flight from London/Munich. 'Eleven nights ten days first class Mercedes coach tour of EUROPE. 'Visits to Munich, Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest, Bled, Ljubljana, Innsbruck. 'Minimum three star hotel accommodation. 'Transfers to and from airport/hotel. 'Breakfast, lunch, dinner for 6 days. 'Breakfast, dinner for five days. 'Sightseeing tours in Salzburg, Vienna, Budapest, Innsbruck, Salzkammergut. 'Full insurance coverage, cancellation and medical. 'Fully escort from Toronto with special courier in Eurôpe. 'You may join the group in London should you desire. 'You may extend your stay in London to visit friends return WARDAIR. TWO DEPARTURE DATES. OTHERS AVAILABLE. June 22 return July 8. July 27 return August 12 $1889 each person $1959 each person CALL US TODAY 623-1511 or 623-1705 mridTravel IN THE BOWMANVILLE MALL *3,000 to Finish Hall * Delicious Chicken Fingers (Fresh, not frozen or pre-breaded) * Taters (Wedge Fries) 75 1 /2 King Street East Bowmanville 623-3561 -- WE DELIVER -- Maiy Brown has the best legs in town. Town council has been asked to consider spending between $3,0Q0 and $4,000 this year (to put the finishing touches on renovations at the Hampton Community Centre. In a letter to the municipality, municipality, the Hampton Community Community Centre Board noted that at present all wires for the electrical system are exposed. exposed. "A dropped ceiling would eliminate this unsightly unsightly mess and would be the final renovation to make the Centre a very at- tactive facility," said the community centre board in a letter to council. The newly-renovated Hampton tCommiVnity Centre consists of the basement basement in- the Hampton Municipal Building, which is available ijor community gatherings. Recent renovations have included improved washrooms washrooms and repainting of much of the lower assembly area. The hall board's request was referred to the town's chief administrative officer for a review. JOIN UP TODAY! i Join Us for Our Tuesday Night Specials 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. Eat-In or Take-Out .Service Tkvt-TfcQ] CHICKEN Va Chicken Vi Chicken $2.95 $4.75 Served with French Fries and our own special sauce. Fish & Chips Hamburger $1.99 $2.25 with tartar sauce served with French Fries and all the trimmings HOTEL Hwy. 401 and Liberty St S - Bowmanville f or Reservation:, and Information Call 623-3373 NrumoN agios' 12 fe MOVIES % *25 20 MOVIES $399» 243 King St. E. Bowmanville Mall Telephone 623-5555 Presents MONDAY- FRIDAY CLUB mt, 100 MOVIES $9999 Limited Time Offer -- * (INCLUDING FRIDAY NIGHT RENTALS) Z.vS ,'V MORE INFORMATION AT COUNTER i>: