) y I Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Cars for Sale For Rent Help Wanted Help Wanted Work Wanted Auction Sales '83 CHEVETTE, two tone brown automatic, 4 door, 26,000 km. Other extras. Phone 987-4467. 3-1SN 1973 TOYOTA Corolla. Good running condition $150 as is. Phone 623-3872. 3-1S '78 ACADIAN, good running condition, radial tires. Asking $2190. Certified. Phone 623- 7430. 3-1S 1973 MUSTANG 302 4 bbl high rise intake shift kit. 4 five spoke keystone rims with 50's on the back and 60's on the front, air shocks, traction bars: Car was certified 2 months ago. Asking $800 or best offer. 623-6644 after 5 p.m. 3-2SN *82 CHEVETTE 4 door hatchback. Automatic, excellent condition. $5,000. Phone 623-3519. 3-1SN Trucks GMC 4x4 parts for sale. Transmission, transfer case, driveshafts, etc. Also, heavy h'alf 75 Suburban frame, body and steering parts. 263-2320 Mike. After 5:30 p.m. . 3-1SN 77 GMC % ton truck. V8, 350 engine, automatic, step side box. Certified. $2995. 1-753- 2370. 3-1SN Snowmobiles WANTED for parts, 1971, 72 or 73. Moto-Ski with Jlo 399 engine. Phone after 5 p.m. 728- 9698. 3-1SN 76 MERCURY Trail Twister, 440 cc, good condition. $950. Phone 623-1114, 3-1SN 340 TNT Ski-doo, 1970. Phone 6.23-4934. 3-1SN 79 ENTICER 300, twin cylinder, oil injection with carbides. Asking $850. Must sell. 623-2856. 3-1SNP Pets COCKATIELS, all colors, quality pet stock, cages and a'ccessories, also Zebra finches. Crozier Aviaries, Orono. 983-9311. 1-tfS Terribrae Kennels ; Registered Grooming of ' Terriers, Poodles and most breeds. Call 623-1104 3-tfS BLACK Persian cat, very affectionate. Will give to good home. Please phone 623-2908. 3-1SN Livestock For Sale LEGHORN hens, 6 months old, laying. Phone 986-4430 after 6 p.m. 3-1S MUST sell quickly. Two Dairy goats, part toggenburg. One good, one excellent (gallon milker when fresh). $55 and $75.725-4010. 3-1SN ; Hereford Cattle For Sale 1 Registered Bull 8 500 lb. Steers 1 Cow with calf Call 263-2785 between 9-11 p.m. 2-tfS Dead Stock ' FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH,DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $5.00 Charge on Sheep-Goats-Pigs $20.00 Charge on Rotten Animals CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 24-IISN BOWMANVILLE, Church St. 1 bedroom apartment $300 plus hydro. Decorating allowance. 1st and last. 623- 7989. 2-4S AUTOMOBILE and boat storage available in Bowmanville. Phone 623-2571. 2-3SN NEWCASTLE on No. 2 highway 10 room house with 150 acres of land, lots of trees, all year round running creek, good for horseback riding or for trail park or mobile home park. Start your own business with only $500 per month. Call Carmen collect for inquiries at 1-683-6669 evenings between 6 p.m.8.7p.m. 2-2S STORE for rent, 31-King St. E. Formerly Hoopers Jewellers. Available immediately. Phone Barry Oliver 623-4918, Joe Balson 263-8362 or Fred Fisk 579-8029. 1-4SN ONE bedroom apartment in Bowmanville. Close to shopping. Phone 263-8450. 3-1S MINI STORAGE UNITS from $34 per month 623-2510 31-tfSN BOWMAN VILLE prime downtown location, 2600 sq. ft. commercial space for rent, below ground. $4 per sq. ft. Call 623-4172 or 686-3643. 9 to 5 p.m. 21-tfS ONE bedroom and two bedroom apartments available. Phone 623-4172, 9 to 5 p.m. 51-tfS Real Estate Wanted MINIMUM 10 to 40 acres, Enniskillen area, north of concession 7 to concession 10 between Town Line and Durham Rd. 57; with permits available. Phone 263-8344. 3-1SN Business Opportunities IT'S not too late! Learn income tax preparation now. Write U 8, R Schools, 1345 Pembina Hwy., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2B6, for free brochure. 3-1SN EXTRA income, local person required to sell Canadian made water distillers for manufacturer retailing $239.50. Excellent profit, no investment necessary, full or part time. L.B.H. Industries, 116 Viceroy Rd. C-9, Concord (Toronto), Ont. L4K 2M3. (416) 494-9849. 3-1SN DEALERS wanted for energy and money saving Magnetic Window Systems. Opportunity to reap rewards helping businessmen and home owners dramatically reduce heating bills. No franchise fees, just a small start-up investment for materials and tools to start you making money immediately. We provide sales leads and train for success. To join our growing team of successful dealers call Goffi, Wintite Energy Systems (416) 669- 6800. 3-1SN PHILLY MIGNON® North America's leading chain of sliced steak sandwich restaurants now offering franchises in select markets to qua I i f ied individuals. Prime locations available. Minimum cash investment $35,000.00. Call Collect (201) 879-4018 or write including your telephone number to: • PHILLY MIGNON INTERNATIONAL, INC. P.O. Box 577, Chester, New Jersey 07930 1-13S ■ "INCREASE I YOUR INCOME" | Learn To Drive | ■Tractor Trailer ■ 1 I Straight ■ Truck tic inn Y ion j | transport | | Training Centre | ^Bowmanville 623-1800 jj 39-ffSNP Wanted to Buy Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyles Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes ' SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK-UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 51-IIS BABYSITTER required to care for small infant in my home. References required. Phone anytime. 623-7762. 2-2S FULL or part time waitress or cook. Inquire in person. Noone's Restaurant, Hwy. 35 - 115, Orono. 40-tfSN DIRECT SALES Electrolux is hiring. Help us service our many customers In your area. Money is good. Use of a vehicle Is a must. Call 723-4163 or drop Into 365 Wilson Rd. S., Oshawa 3-2SN BABYSITTER required for two year old and six month old occasional evenings in country location." Must have own transportation. Phone 263-2568. 3-1SN Person required to stay with older lady. . Mainly evenings but could live In. For more Information write Advertiser 1120 c/o The Canadian Statesman P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville, L1C3K9 3-1 SN REGISTERED NURSE REQUIRED for progressive nursing and retirement home. Part-time, all shifts, master rotation. Apply between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday to Friday Marnwood House 26 Elgin St., Bowmanville 3-1 SN RELIABLE woman to do occasional babysitting in my home. Some shifts, no weekends. Elgin St. area. Call 623-9251 anytime. 3-1S BABYSITTER required for 4 month old baby girl. Preferably to come into my homè. 4 days a week Monday to Thursday. Commencing April 2, 1984. Write Advertiser 1121, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville Lie 3K9. 3-1S & The Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education Invites applications for the following position: Duties to commence as soon as possible Enniskillen Public School 1 -1/2 time remedial resource teacher (applicants should have special education qualifications) Please apply In writing stating qualifications and experience to: Mr. F.J. Murray, Principal Enniskillen, Ontario, LOB 1H0 3-1S NOTICE: Due to an error in our phone number we are repeating this important ad. Agents part or full time male/female, potential one of the best after market car products in 1984. No selling required. New patented Canadian product. High profit, exclusive territory $500.00 stock investment no hassle money back guarantee. Call Mr. Barney (416) 636- 9422. 3932 Chesswood Dr., Downsview, Toronto, Ont. M3J2W6. 3-1SN WANTED Boys and girls between 11 and 14 years to deliver the Sunday Sun in Bowmanville. Various areas available. Phone 576-3901 and ask forJaneorMike. 3-1 SN WOULD like voice training for my child. Phone 623-5202. 3-1S SALESPERSON wanted to sell irrigation products and systems. Commissions and territory negotiable. Contact Submatic Irrigation Systems, 7620 Woodbine Ave., Markham, Ontario L3R 2N2, (416) 475-3270. 3-1SN REPORTER required immediately for a large Eastern Ontario weekly The Record News in Smiths Falls. Photography skills and car required. Town is surrounded by lakes, excellent hunting and fishing and other outdoor recreation. Excellent benefit package, competitive salary. Apply Patrick Dare, P.O. Box 158, Smiths Falls, Ontario, K7A 4T1. (613) 283-3182. 3-1SN Owner - Operator Wanted Tandem Axle Equipment Preferred for T.L.and L.T.L. HAULING Call Mr. Preston 623-4433 3-1SNP & Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education invites applications for the following positions: Courtice Public School • one Special Education teacher, (Primary). Applicants must have Special Education Certificate (TR Option). (This is an occasional position, starting April 24 until June 26, 1984). Mr. L.R. Bolton, Principal Courtice Public School, R.R. 3, Bowmanville L1C3K4. Enniskillen Public School • One Grade one teacher, one Grade two/three teacher. A knowledge of music would be an asset In either of these two positions. (Both of these are occasional positions starting March 5 until June 26, 1984). Mr. B.J. Murray, Principal Enniskillen Public School, Enniskillen, Ontario LOB 1 HO Please apply in writing stating qualifications and experience to the Principal indicated. 3-1S Tender TENDER Interested parties are invited to tender (or the construction of approximately 2500 seedbed shades. For further particulars and tender documents, please apply to: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Box 119, Orono, Ontario L0B1M0 Telephone 416-983-9147 A bid bond of $50.00 (returnable) is required. 3-1 SN Quotation CORPORATION OF THE TOWIfrOF NEWCASTLE Quotation Request SEALED QUOTATIONS, for the services listed below addressed to the Corporation ol the Town of Newcastle, Purchasing and Supply Agent, 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6, will bo received on the forms In the envelope provided until specified closing time and dale. Quotation documents can be obtained from the Purchasing Office al 152 Church St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Quotation No. Q84-2 • Electrical Services Quotation No. Q84-3 • Plumbing Services The scope ol service required Includes qualified tradesmen lor emergency and general repairs on an "as required" basis by all departments within the Town ol Newcastle lor 1984. . Closing Time & Date: 4:00 p.m. (Local Time), Wednesday, February 1,1984 The lowest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Mr. D.M. Hornonluk, P.P. Purchasing and Supply Agoni Telephone (41 G) 823-3379 Ext. 07 3-IS Dale ol Publication January 18,1984 PART time sales clerk in a cheese shop, mainly weekends. Phone 987-4339 between 9 and 6. ' 3-1SN MAINTENANCE- 5 day week (3 days, 2 nights) Honest reliable, knowledge of general repair. For interview call 623-3373. FLYING DUTCHMAN HOTEL 3-1S Careers SIR Sandford Fleming College in Lindsay is offering a 12 week urban Tree Maintenance Program. This course is designed to teach skills required in the maintenance of urban trees. These include tree identification, equipment operation and maintenance, tree climbing, tree removal and maintenance. These skills will help you obtain employment in this growing field. If interested, please contact your local Canada Employment Centre or call S.S.F.C., Lindsay at (705) 324- 9144. 3-1SN FREE 128 page Career Guide shows how to train at home for 205 top paying full and part time jobs. Granton Institute, 267 A. Adelaide Street West, Toronto. Call (416) 977-3929 today. 3-1SN Notice ONTARIO HYDRO DARLINGTON GENERATING STATION TOURS INFORMATION CENTRE Open Monday to Friday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Construction Site Tours, Information and films are available. To book group tours call 623- 7122 or drop in at the Information Centre, corner of Holt Road and South Service Road. Work Wanted GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Carpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tlS. DON BROOKS & SON General Contractor Phone 723-6176 or 623-2755 32 years experience serving area in all types of household and commercial repairs. Carpentry-Plumbing Electrical and Masonry YOU NAME IT-WE DO IT! Free Estimates and Winter Rates 52-tfS Guest Flooring Floor Sanding and Finishing All Types of Wood Floors New Floors Laid and Old Floors Restored FREE ESTIMATES Call Evenings 987-5326 18-tfSN STEAM MAGIC Carpet, Upholstery and Wall Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Call Roy Terry 623-2474 39-tfSN Oxford Bricklayers - Stonemasons Ltd. 983-5606 All Kinds of Brick Block-Stonework Concrete - Chimneys and Ceramic Tile Repair Work ALSO CHIMNEY CLEANING 21-tlS DUAL ACTION CARPET STEAM CLEANING $45 SPECIAL Dining Room and Living Room Plus Hallway C & J Services Call Collect 623-2095 anytime 31-IISNP JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAILADDRESS: P.O. Box 43 Bowmanville 4-tfS HAVE YOUR CHIMNEY CLEANED, NO FUSS, NO MESS, BE SAFE THIS WINTER. ABERWYN CHIMNEY SWEEPS 655-3513 LOG HOMES HANDCRAFTED "Scan" Scribe and Dovetail Also lessons on building your own. Inquire ' Christl's Log Works R.R. 2 Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 576-8889 44-13S WATER wells bored, 30 tile. Ward's Well Boring. Telephone/41 6-372-3025. Representative Harry L. Wade. Telephone 416-987-4531. 8-lfS 33-tfS BRINK'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING EXCAVATION and SEPTIC TANKS PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calls 27-tfS BILL SELLERS CARPENTRY General Contractor and Home Improvements ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS KITCHENS BATHROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repairs of all types FOR ESTIMATE CALL 623-4116 17-tfS T & C SMALL ENGINE REPAIR SALES - SERVICE - PARTS Authorized Dealers for Briggs & Stratton, Lawn Boy,. Tecumseh, Ariens, Canadians, Gilson MTD Toro Wheel Horse, Poulan Chain Saws, Echo Chain Saws and Trimmers HAMPTON 263-8469 50-tfSN Fred's Auto Body NOW OPEN AT 163 Baseline Rd. in Bowmanville Very reasonable rales on complete collision and rust repairs. Come in for your free estimate or call 623-6353 Fred Devries 38-tfS Protect Your Assets with Nash Roofing ALL TYPES OF ROOFING & SIDING Eaveslrough, soffits available. Free Estimates - Call 723-6055 -- Ask About Our Guarantee -- 21-tfSN BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington St., Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5; Saturday 9-2. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repair, all types of glass and mirrors available -- FREE ESTIMATES 24 hr. phone service and emergency plate glass replacement Locally owned and operated. 7-tfSN Refrigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration • Milk Coolers PHONE BERTSYER Days 623-5774 Nights 623-3177 Lander Hardware . and ELECTRIC 2-1 (S You Only Have to Burn Once Have your chimney cleaned. Dr. Chimney 623-7984 37-usN Hutton & Wiggans Insulation BLOWN METHOD FREE ESTIMATES 623-2551 2-tfSN BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING INC. and AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK and RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone R.R. 5, Bowmanville 263-2650 25-tfSN REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique Free pickup and delivery. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 263-2132 R.R. 1, Hampton 48-USN Mutton Masonry All Types of Cement Work Concrete Floors, Foundations and Walls Brick and Block Laying Chimney Construction and CHIMNEY SWEEP G.W. Mutton 623-5981 1-tlSN North America Concrete Finishing and Foundation Waterproofing Contractors Residential We specialize in repairing leaking basements - with a 10 year warranty. R.R. 3, Sollna Rd. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 723-0729 11-tisN JAMES BRITTON "Jim of All Trades" SPECIALIZING IN REC ROOMS -- WALLPAPERING PAINTING -- ALL INTERIOR DECORATING EXPERIENCED IN ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, etc. Telephone 623-3506 Bowmanvlllo specializing In line carpentry & custom mado woodwork Æ& i/Kjr™c* Gorry & Lulso Lons GERRY'S WOOD MILL 623-2371 MIS Auction Sale Pethick's Auction Barn Haydon (1 mi. E. of Enniskillen) Sat. evening, Jan. 21st at 7 p.m. Furniture and things, two 24" electric stoves, washer, dryer, single bed, double bed, tables, loads of small articles. We're now booking sales for this year. Call us anytime. Terms cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 3-1SNP Thursday, January 26 1 p.m. Farm machinery on instructions from F. Alan Lawson C.A. receiver and manager for a secured creditor we will sell remaining assets of Parkhill Equipment, sale location is Tractor Specialists R.R. 2 Peterborough on highway 7B 2 miles east of Fowlers Corners or 2 miles west of Chemong Rd. at Fifes Bay Rd. 4 signs, case specialized tools, hot drind machine, Fairchild video center and cabinet, ramp, bolt bins, large quantity bolts, quantity new case parts $18000 cost. New Holland, calsa, Duke parts, New Holland #850 round baler, N.H. 717 N2 corn head, J.D. #12 2 row harvester, N.H. 358 fenders, N.H. header height control, rops cab for 450 B (new), good N.H. 273 baler I.H. 430 baler & thrower, N.H. 327 spreader, M.F. 60 combine, N.H. 960 grain head including header height control, spring tooth cultivator, 6 ft. disc, N.H. 890 E2 snapper head, A.C. 780 Forage harvester, Gehl 300 forage harvester, 6 ft. blade, 20.8 x 38 duals, international Farmall tractor with rotary mower, Ford major tractor with backhoe and loader, I.H. spreader, 2 N.H. 717 R2 corn heads, N.H. 770R corn head, No reserve, business closed. Note time 1 p.m. Please be prompt, no small items. Orval McLean Auctions 8< Liquidations 705-324-2783 Lindsay. 3-2SN Auction Sale Private Estate c/o Public Trustee, Property of Helen Kemsey, 13 Seymour St., Toronto to be held Thurs., Jan. 19 at 6 p.m., at Stirtevant's Auction Hall, ,33 Hall St., Oshawa Electric stove, chesterfield suite, beds, dressers, chests of drawers, chrome suite, night table, sewing machine, coffee and end tables, G.E. television, 3 tier bookcase, lamps, drapes, bed chesterfield, vacuum cleaner, telephone table and chair, refrigerator, steamer trunk, wringer washing machine, bench, rugs, pictures and frames, radio, color TV, books, luggage, storage cabinet, floor polisher, odd chairs, small electrical appliances, dishes, silver, pots and pans, small tables. List not complete. All furniture welcome. Sales every Mon., Tues, and Thurs. at 6 p.m. Salesroom open Mon. to Fri. from 10 a.m. • 8 p.m. for consignments. Terms cash, Myles King, auctioneer, 725- 5751. 3-IS C. Tinline Auction Service 251 Simpson Ave. S. Bowmanville Jan. 21,1984 6:30 p.m. Selling by public auction with no reserve, a round oak extension table, set of pressbacks and odd chairs, quilts and quilt rack, chest of drawers, buffet, side by side oak book and desk, area rugs and other, granite wear, tins, cedar chest with double drawers, trunks, document box, dishes, oil lamps, stain glass, pine tables, decoys, chesterfields, chrome tables and chairs, wicker chair, fern stand, tri-light lamps, a store electric meat slicer, plus other good articles still arriving. Terms cash, cheque and Chargex. Auctioneer Clarence Tinline, Bus. phone 623-6744. Home number 983-9634. Refreshments available. 3-1SNP Work Wanted NEWCASTLE UPHOLSTERY Modern, antique, free estimates and pick-ups. Call 987-4958 29-lfSN WHYTE'S UPHOLSTERY Have your chesterfield professionally upholstered. 25 Years lixporlenco For Free Shop & Homo Service Call RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 125 King St. E. Bowmanvlllo 2G-IISN Les Shelley Plumbing Hot Water Heating For repairs or renovating FREE ESTIMATES Call 623-4960 'iiMisN, Saturday, January 21 10 a.m. Auction sale of furniture and antiques and collectibles selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, ont., the properties of Mrs. Doris Bell, Uxbridge plus another complete home clearance including chesterfield and chair, double bed, dishes, extension table, oak sideboard, spinning wheel, Duncan Phyfe table, no. of chairs, 4 rockers - press backs, etc., wooden doctor's table, ice box, old colony flat ware, pine desk, Quebec heater, dresser, album of post cards, china & glass, 3 ox yokes, pine tool box plus many other antique items. NOTE: a large interesting sale. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 3-1S Bailiff Sale by Public Auction Sat., Jan. 21st at 11 a.m. 360 King St. W., Oshawa (Basement level) By virtue of THE LANDLORD and TENANT ACT, I have seized and distrained against the goods and chattels of CENTURY BILLIARDS LIMITED c.o.b. as GOLDEN CUE BILLIARDS, and will sell by Public Auction for arrears of rent. Consisting of: 6 - 6' x 12' BRUNSWICK anniversary tables 2 - BRUNSWICK Gold Crown tables 2 - AW x 9' BRUNSWICK tables 1 -5x 10' BRUNSWICK table 1 - 5' x 10' Ontario Challenger table 2 Auto 20 station 2-5 player game timers approx. 100 pool cues, 12 wooden counters, 24 racks, 8 long rakes, antique wall cabinet, 2 bentwood coat racks, 14 cue racks, 7 long cues, plastic benches, 21 trays of pool balls, 4 wooden benches, ashtrays, BUNN coffee machine, Upright single door pepsi cooler, LITTON microwave oven, desk, JVC Ghetto Blaster, approx. 250 cans 8 oz. soup, pepsi wall clock, NCR cash register/ small lot of cigarettes, chocolate bars, Rolaids etc. NOTE TIME: 11 a.m. This is a good sale of pool room supplies. All tables in excellent condition. Not a large sale, plan to attend. LOCATION: 360 King St. West, Oshawa (basement level) Dated at Oshawa this 18th day of Jan. 1984. McLean Auction Service, Oshawa, Ont. 576- 7550, 686-3291, Wm. Warrington for: Durham Bailiff Service, 247 King St. W„ Oshawa 723-0018. 3-1SNP Too Late to be Classified TWIN size bunk beds plus mattresses. S150 or nearest offer. Phone 623-1350. 3-1S Pontypool In the Ladies Bowling League on Monday, Jane Guthcnberg and Nancy Mitchell each had 197 for their singles and Jane also had high double 3811. Congratulations go to Jim and Joan Bedford on the recent birth of a new grandson in Toronto. They were up to visit him last week. Congratulations, too, arc extended to Paul and Heather Porter on the birth of their baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Porter arc the proud grandparents. Gerald and Jessie Fisk received received the surprising news on the weekend that their daughter, daughter, Nancy, her husband, Steve Angiers, and two sons arc moving Tuesday, Jan. 17th to Hay River on Great Slave Lake in the Northwest Territories. Territories. Sieve will be working in a meat-packing business witli his two brothers. The Angiers have been living near Prince George, B.C. Members of the Wilfred Richardson family were in Toronto on Sunday for the christening of the three children of Linda and Ralph Richardson. The 2nd Manvers Girl Guides spent the weekend at Camp Atlanac. There were 15 girls and five leaders. Kim Molloy, Sherry Cnil, Lisa Hamilton, Kerri Lyn Challice, Robin Fisk mul Cilery I Harwood passed their Camp Skills Badge. Shelly Call passed her Campfire Leader's Badge. Girls working on their camping in the Adventure Challenge also did compass work.