I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 1,1984 11 Snow Wizard on Way to Land of Oz LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Durham College Holds Open House Thursday, Feb. 2nd This wizard made from snow looks like he may have taken a wrong turn on the way to the Land of Oz. In fact, he appeared in a Bowmanville backyard through some artistic wizardry by John Boots, of Artistic Images, 62 Duke St. John, who is shown here with his creation, adds that it took him about two hours to sculpt the wizard on Sunday afternoon afternoon when snow conditions were just right. The sculpture is built from the same principles used in manufacturing the common snowman. TYRONE DISTRICT NEWS Tyrone Community Centre Annual Meeting was held at the Centre on Sunday Sunday evening, January 29th, 1984, with a good turnout. A full slate of officers was achieved and discussion was held concerning bi-cen- tennial celebrations later in the year. The first regular meeting will be held on February 21st at which time committees will be formed and more concrete plans for bi-centennial will be established. established. Information that Jim Woodley had recently become become the new owner - operator of the Woodley Saw Mill north of Tyrone was unobtrusively tucked into a corner among other items of interest in the Canadian Statesman of October October 12,1983. In December 1983, Clarence W. Woodley extended good wishes, through the Statesman, to all his friends and customers customers and raised a lump in the throat when he stated that after 64 years he had "laid lthe canthook aside", but that grandson Jim and helpers helpers would fill your needs in lumber and in custom sawing. Then Cramps 1 took off "to Florida. Satisfaction " and applause are certain to be the reactions experienced experienced by friends and neighbours neighbours upon seeing the portrayal portrayal in the January 25th Statesman,'of skill and comradeship comradeship shared by Jim and his grandfather Clarence, as the reins are passed from one generation to the next, the re-play of the Woodley saga since 1874. Best wishes to Jim and to Clarence. Two of our young people, Shannon Cornish and Ken Cornish were ushers at Church on Sunday morning. "You are the Salt of the Earth" was the anthem sung by the choir. Mrs. W. Park assisted Pastor Lafave with the installation of the U.C.W. executive for 1984. Tyrone U.C.W. will meet on February 8, 1984 at 8:00 p.m. in the C.E. Wing, with Lee Skinner as guest speaker. Tyrone 4H Homemaking Club-will meet at 6:45;p,m. ■on Monday,"Feb: 6| 1984, with Leaders Mrs. Ann Pleasance and Mrs. Rita Bedford. "Introduction to Quilting" is the topic which may be attended by young people twelve years of age as of January 1st. Special prizes were won by Ruby Cochrane, Edith McKellar, John Schoonder- beek at the Friday night euchre game at the Community Community Centre on Friday, January January 27, 1984. Score standings were: 1st Marie Brooks, 2nd Vera Downey, 3rd Ada Richards, 4th 1 Myrtle Gimblett, 5th Art Sheehan, 6th Shirley Brooks. Ladies low Nancy Wright, Mens low John Broome. 50-50 Draw Betty Barnes, Laverne Clemens. Clemens. Coaches and Parents Being a wife of a coach and also a parent: I would like to express my deep concern for all those people, that have kids playing hockey. My husband is a coach and a very good one. I'm saying this not as his wife, but as a mother who has seen her son and countless others who have improved under his knowledge knowledge to understand the game without a lot of pressure. When you sit in the stands you hear all the other parents saying: Why isn't my son out there, why isn't he captain, don't pass the puck, you score and to heck with the rest. They think they are individuals not a team and those are the parents that know nothing about the game, nor do they care. They only watch one person on the ice and that's it while the coach watches sixteen. sixteen. A coach plays all kids equally, equally, at least most do to have a balanced three lines, because nobody out there is a super- star and they can't learn on the bench. The parents never notice when a kid sits out unless it's their own and then they approach approach the coach and want to know why. They don't understand understand this game gets tougher as they get older and if they want to dog it now they might as well hang up their skates. It's those people that complain about the coach, that won't put their own name in to do it. When boys lose a game, it's the coach's fault, but when they win the boys did it. When you're a coach, you never win. If they only knew what a coach's job was, other than go to the arena and stand on the bench, I still don't think they could care less; for example: 1. Teaches the boys basics from scratch. 2. Puts the boys in positions that they're capable of handling. handling. 3. Sits nightly, setting up practices. 4. Calls all over to arrange games. 5. Keeps sweaters clean and takes them to the arena each week. 6. Repairs equipment. 7. Checks sticks for height. 8. Pre-game warmups. 9., Discusses game with boys. 10. Answers questions. 11. Tightens skates. 12. Makes sure game sheets are signed. 13. Contacts boys if change in schedule. 14. Most of all, listens to parent's complaints because he is the coach. There is so much involved in coaching any kind of team, that parents just don't understand. understand. Every night someone calls about hockey. At least, I am one parent who is pleased as my son goes to the arena with a smile and comes home the same way. He gets the same treatment as every other boy on the team. I think the reason my son is happy is because whether he played good or bad, he is told Real Estate W/m WM M WMU WMU WMM. IRSMX WMYZ RfcW WMVX, Ri/MM Cmrff gfâi <9 mm Cornerstone Realty Ltd. 68 King SI. E., Bowmanville 623-6000 983-9300 Broker (Orono) WINDSOR VALLEY PLACE - approx. '/< ncro lot surrounded by stream. Maluru Irocs, qulol ond ores, near Townllno, Oshawn. Asking $47,000. Dough Humphrey G23- GOOO. A NICE PLACE TO LIVE - Tills 7 room houso Is boaulllully finished. Tho asking prlco Is $58,400, Tho village Is Orono, Pal Irwin 623-6000 or 903-94 7G. '■ ' JP MOVE TO THE COUNTRY! - Excellent 3 bedroom bungalow with garage on large wooden ravine lot. Includes finished rec room with woodstove, large deck and patio. Located 1 mile east of Newlonville on a private country court. Must be seen! All for only $73,900. Doug Humphrey 786-2360. 10 PRIVATE ACRES - Beautiful Cape Cod style home between Oshawa & Bowmanville. Asking $135,000. Some finishing necessary. Doug Humphrey 623-6000. PICTURE THIS! - A woods, a stream, 7 room house, 7 stall barn, race track, 20 acres and much much more. 25 miles north ol Orono. Priced lair at $98,300. Pat Irwin 623- G000 or 903-9475. "65 offices to serve you" DOUG HUMPHREY <3 mm County Town Realty Inc. 189 Kent St. W„ Lindsay 705-324-6153 gog-371 i Broker BETHANY STONE HOME - 88 rolling acres, good set of out buildings, well renovated home, a pleasure to show at $139,500. * i PONTYPOOL -- 4 level backspllt, rec room, family room, den plus many extras, $68,900. -- Newer log home on 1.0 acres, lull basement, wood/oll boat, largo rustic living room with Franklin & walkout to dock, hard top road, $54,900. 97 ACRES ■ JUST LISTED - Good cash crop land, excellent hip rool barn, 4 bedroom homo, $95,000. Call Dick Schlomba, RE/MAX County Town Realty Inc. (705) 277-2855 in the dressing room and that's where it stays. These parents that harp on their child from the time they get home, until the next game are the ones doing the harm. They are taking the fun out of the game for them and also, they talk about the coach and run him down, and then the kids resent the coach and the kids don't know who to listen to, the coach or their parents' ego. There isn't a kid that should be put under that kind of pressure, pressure, unless the parents are - doing it deliberately to end, what could be a fine career. I feel I have got my point across, that to condemn a man who is giving his time and understanding to see boys do well and learn sportsmanship, at least deserves a pat on the back, not being criticized behind behind his back. All these men work hard for what's best for the boys, not for him to shine and take the glory. They have a lot of dedication to not only teach the boys the game, but for the parents who think they know everything, when they know absolutely nothing. By the way, for all you parents who have more knowledge knowledge than our coaches today, they will soon be advertising for next year's, so be sure and get your name in early. They should have a list a mile long of you people who think you can do better. Let's hear it for the Coaches. I hope you can print this in your sports column as I think it's long overdue. Thank You J. Wright Durham College will be holding an Applied Arts and Technology Open House on February 2 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the main building. Computer technology will be highlighted. The Applied Arts Division will be displaying its new computer graphics installation. The new system, one of the finest in Canada, creates, stores and displays picture images, giving students access to the latest state of the art equipment. Instructors and students will demonstrate the "Imaginator" and the other fascinating computer graphics units which are revolutionizing the design industry. Other Applied Arts programs will also be featured. The Technology Division will be displaying its CAD/CAM centre which is used to design a product by computer in three dimensions, as compared to two dimensions on the slower conventional drafting board. Open House visitors will be shown how the Database can be used for Computer Integrated Manufacturing, to increase and improve industrial efficiency by interfacing with the college's new numerically controlled lathe and milling centre. Mechanical, civil, electronic and chemical lab displays will also be featured and instructors and students will be on hand for discussions and demonstrations. demonstrations. This is the first Open House Durham College has had for several years, and visitors will also see the considerable building expansion throughout the College. Jan. 30,1984 Dear Sir: Recently I had the unhappy task of acknowledging the floral tributes upon the loss or our loved one. On the back of every card is space for the sender's name, which I did not need, and space for address, which I did need! I realized each florist in town had the addresses for their billings so I called each one asking for that information information and suggesting they might fill this in to help the grieving family. Why should we go through a phone book (that you can't see) when this is one service they can offer? One can buy flowers anywhere anywhere but this little help may put one on top of the list. I must say, Bev's Floral Creations Creations was the only one interested. interested. Incidentally, all the donation donation cards do have sender's full name and address so, maybe in time, flowers will be obsolete! Thank you, Sincerely Gwen Varcoe Info on Asthma Blood Donor Clinic Today at Lions Centre Does somebody in your family have Asthma? If the answer is "yes," then Durham Region Lung Association may be able to help. Beginning on Tuesday, March 13, the local Christmas Seal organization will run a four session Asthma Information Series at the Whitby Library, 450 Dundas Street, West. This evening series will be held on consecutive Tuesday and Thursday nights (concluding March 22nd) from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Registration is $6 (individual or family) and will include one copy of the Lung Association's "Breathe Free" book and record package (suitable for 5 to 9 year olds). Topics discussed will cover the causes of asthma, the importance of medication, the correct use of inhalers, allergens in the environment and various coping techniques. This program will be of interest both to parents of asthmatic children and to adult asthmatics who would like to be better informed. Private Sale Bowmanville Older stucco, 1 Vz storey, 4 bedrooms, close to town. Excellent starter home. $45,900 623-1515 Hungry Deer F ed Quaker Oats Deer in the Peterborough Crown Game Preserve are being given a helping handout, handout, as a result of concerned sportsmen's actions. The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (O.F.A.H.) were aware of the plight of the deer caused by excessively deep snow, extremely extremely cold winter tem peratures, and lack of hunting hunting harvest. The natural food in the preserve has been devastated by high numbers of resident deer. With the added pressure from deer migrating into the area, there is not enough browse (natural food) to support the expanded expanded population. Feel at home with RF/HM W/m. RfeftlM RF/HM WMSt RF/VIKX R VMM WMW WMM RfcMW RfrAW King and Temperance Streets Bowmanville Telephone 623-6622 ALL THIS FOR $72,900 -- plus Inground solar heated pool, interlocking brick patio and cedar deck, 2 sheds with hydro, central vac, garage door opener. Iris Dormon 623-6622 or 623- 1232. WANTED TO BUY! -- I have a cash buyer lor a senti or link home with a garage to close the end ol March. II you're Interested In selling, please call Belly Smith 623-6622 or 987-4661 before Sal., Feb. 4. A TREAT TO VIEW $55,900 -- 4 bedroom, 2 storey with 3 baths, walkout livlngroom lo dock and shade trees, finished rec room, recently redecorated, double paved drive. Gord Barnes 623-6622, 5 LEVELS, RAVINE LOT - Asking only $75,900, largo L-shapcd living room and dining room, big kitchen with loads ol cupboards. Finished games and roc room with fireplace. Gord Barnes 623-6622 or 623-6860. SUPER VALUE $76,900 -- 3 bedroom split on 'h ncro lot with finished roc room, pool and more. Arnlo Hymn 623-6622 or 623-1123. SPRING POSSESSION -- In Hits charming Century homo, located In north ond ol Bowmanville. $55,500. Willy Wlchn G23-CG22 or 987-5004, $59,500, 4 ACRES, HOME - 16 minutes lo Bowmanville, 2 barns, excellent garden. Iris Dormon 623-6622 or 623-1232. CAROL HANCOCK ÏÉ^âiiài EXCELLENT BUY $59,900 -- Spacious 4 or 5 bedroom house, large lot, double garage, separate dining room. Carol Hancock. 623- 6622 or 987-5240. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY -- ranch bungalow wllh main floor family room & Inground pool with patio, fireplace plus lots ol extras. $115,000. RonaloScImiahl 623-6622. STARTER HOME $45,900 - Cozy 2 bedroom star tor or retirement home on largo lot, Donato Schmahl 623-6022. It has been estimated that as many as 600 to 1,000 deer could suffer long, lingering deaths by starvation, despite despite an existing government government supplemental feeding program. The Minislrty of Natural Resources distributes distributes 4 tons of corn and oats per week, plus a large amount of hay, to feeders throughout the preserve. Dedicated O.F.A.H. members members stepped in with additional additional food. The Federation's Federation's program received its biggest boost this week when the Quaker Oats Company Company of Canada Ltd. responded responded to a request for food, by offering 30 tonnes free oats. Local O.F..A.II. member, Bill Buckham of Buckham Transport provided provided haulage to a grain elevator for bagging, and McWilliams Cartage supplied supplied trucks and additional additional manpower to transport transport the 900 bags of feed to the Crown Game Preserve. The Peterborough Fish & Game Association, a local O.F.A.H. member club, also supplied manpower to transport the feed. The Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters is, over 55 years old and, .with 46,000 members, is Ontario's Ontario's largest provincial conservation organization. Since '52 vour Good NeigHBor DIRK BRINKMAN Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone 623-3621 The one to see for all your family insurance needs. Lit A Good Ntighbor, Stitt Ftm h Thtrt Stale Farm Insurance Companies Canadian Head Offices: Scarborough, Ontario VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Since 1844 Mtmkt VaiuJj I V|><mi Imuuiw c Viiivonhuii Bowmanville: 68 King St. E. 623-2504 Offering Extended RRSP Hours for your convenience, Ask about our No-Fee Redeemable RRSP