l Fresh pork z~x Tenderloin end Lp/fyy loin roast KlXlk Fresh pork Rib end 1 (if loin roast Mary Miles Bacon 1 RO 500 g Limit 4/Family Frozen, Canada Grade 'A', 8-10 kg avg., self bastings 0^ 0^0^ Golden Bird O R9 Deluxe fcawfc/kg turkeys 1.1 g. Rindless, sliced, 2 kg crtn. Q Oft Side kg/OefcO bacon „1,49 Frozen, New Zealand short cut Lamb kg/u.yD leg ,b1.79 By the piece 1 Oft Davern kg/ l/UVvl 11 bologna lb .59 Sliced, 175 g pkg. A Q Canadian Queen j 15# cooked ham | B Sliced minced ham or Canadian Queen -- 375 g pkg. ^ QQ , Variety pack 105# cooked meat | B Store diced, frozen Cohoe salmon steaks : ieih Haddock lllets 11.00*,4.99 8.36», 3.79 lb. lb. Avelleble at stores with dell counters only, line, course or golden Bittner's AA 1 QQ Iver sausage *TT/ioog l.î/ï/i Available at stores with dell counters only, bottom round lens QQ corned beef ,00 noog lb. Grocery ies nFi | noo-names | riion QQ xes eOO WHY PAY 1.19 ON NON NAME \tx7ind names/ v for less , than norxvwxs "V .99 General Mills, assorted varieties Nature Valley, 225 g pkg, Chet ÎWV granola bars Orange pekoe, 227 g pkg. of 60 lichmello ea bags Assorted colours, pkg. of 100 : acelle Royale facial tissue 1* 1.69 .89 * All Fresh Pork Selected frozen and previously frozen cuts are on sale this week for 30% off. Values effective from Wed., Feb. 1, until close of business Sat., Feb. 4,1984 in the following areas: Toronto, Mississauga, Oakville, Brampton, Orangeville, Parry Sound, Orillia, Huntsville, Bracebridge, Barrie, Gravenhurst, Midland, Pickering, Whitby, Markham, Oshawa, Newmarket, Lindsay, Peterborough and Milton. Savings based on regular prices at conventional Dominion Store*. ( Non-name generic price bewd on regular selling price. (Survey taken of our major competitors convent!inal supermarkets January fe, 1984.) THKtVAtucsfrrrcnvrAtsoAWVroDowiwoivsroooH4ZAw,j4iiMvwfivcfAvr.tv.,aurpoivorA»wnroatsr roe uss dominion food wahehovsc, Miracle Whip Bye the Sea flaked i 184 g tin Light tuna Richmello, pkg. of 8 Hot cross buns 99 Frozen, concentrated, Five Alive fruit beverage orhlgh orlowpulp, 355 mLcont. "Five Alive" orange juice Fancy green beans, wax beans, eummer sweet sweetheart pea*. 14II, oz. or Green Giant Niblets Corn izo>.tin. Assorted colours Atlantic Paper Towels 2 roll pkg. .99 .79 1.39 Produce From Ontario, Leaver Brand excellent trimming for a steak 8 oz. pkg. Fresh S OR mushrooms Frozen, peeled and de veined 283 g pkg. Sau-Seashrimp L.:. :J . J-.-A Thin skinned, full of juice from Florida Indian River White grapefmit .12 each From U.S.A., Ontario No. 1 Grade great stuffed or in a salad Sweet green peppers kg/ 2.18 lb. .99 From British Columbia or France, Canada Fancy always a favorite for lunch or snacks Passe crassane or anjou pears kg/ 1.94 lb .88 From Ontario orchards, Canada Fancy Grade, crisp and juicy, 3 lb. bag Red delicious j*. |UO apples W | ■ From California, great for snacks or lunches, 4 lb. bag Seedless oranges 2Î 98 From P.E.I., excellent winter keepers, Canada No. 1 Grade, premium pack, YorkBrand Round white table potatoes 2$ 88 101b. bag From U.S.A., Canada No. 1 Grade, great In your salad, each Head QQ ettuce .OO From Ontario, Canada No. 1 Grade, adds flavour to your meat», 2 lb. bag Cooking I*. QQ onions . <UU From U.S.A., great added to a roast, fresh Bunch QQ carrots .OO Thompson Brand, great lor your wild bird feeder, 20 lb. bag Wild A QQ bird feeder 4.30 Vi ■ Graves fancy 796 ml jar Apple sauce Vacuum packed, 454 g tin Chock Full O'Nuts coffee Frozen, chocolate brownies, chocolate, orange or banana, 369 g pkg. H '■ 1 ■ 1 ■ I ; ! ' /., Frozen, Gainsborough 255 g pkg. Tart shells i (References to 30% off are based on our regular selling price of week ending Jahuary 28,1984.) * i'vVi ! IS:! E# iP : ; .(i "-'1 Wfey N-'z-â ii.'f -"V ' \mmU ? pfjf I ' . * j "■'I f;", i/j pV ^ WtiM •i'mt'iM*. 1 ; . \ : I.:ibl'! i. . l , WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. DOMINION STORES LIMITED. ill Ssi|#i ,* m : )