jj I n i* ni Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, February 1,1984 11 Personnel Pol,cy at Eldorado Described Retirement Party Held for Ballyduffs Jim McMullen Japanese Firm Plans to Bill Montgomery, superintendent of personnel services at Eldorado Resources Resources Limited, in Port Hope, was guest speaker at last week's meeting of the Bowmanville Rotary Club. He is shown here with Jack Locke (right) president of the Rotary Club of Bowmanville. Mr. Montgomery spoke of the innovations Eldorado is following as it develops personnel policy for its 600 staff. ' Eldorado Resources Limited Limited believes that one of its major resources is people. "It pays to put money into your people too, as well as your capital," members of the Bowmanville Rotary Club were told last Thursday Thursday when the guest speaker was a representative of Eldorado Eldorado Resources Limited. Bill Montgomery, superintendent of personnel personnel services for Eldorado, noted that the Port Hope refinery refinery operation used to look at its organization along the traditional lines. Traditionally, an industry is organized as a pyramid, with managers on the top, followed by supervisors, and, finally, the individual workers. Today, the corporation which manufactures ...uranium fuels for domestic and U.S. nuclear reactors takes a different approach. It sees the managers and supervisors as personnel We can't help without your help o' 4T ?% OF< ABILITY FUND WORKING WITH PHYSICALLY DISABLED ADULTS who support the workers in the plant. Decisions are delegated delegated either to the supervisors supervisors or to the workers themselves as much as possible. possible. Bowmanville Rotarians were told that this is part of the company's Quality in Working Life Program and some of its outlines were highlighted last Thursday, during the Rotarians' regular regular weekly meeting. The program has been developed developed jointly by management management and staff at the Port Hope refinery. Eldorado uses self-regulating self-regulating work groups which are in charge of particular assignments and are collectively collectively responsible to supervisors, supervisors, Rotarians were told. Individual members of that group are responsible to each other and they work as a team. A new discipline policy is an important development. The policy stresses counselling, counselling, Mr. Montgomery said. Counselling is required before before any discipline occurs. And the foreman makes the final decision as to whether discipline is required. Employees who are suspended suspended from work as a disciplinary disciplinary action continue to draw their pay during the few days they are off work. Mr. Montgomery conceded that this is a controversial policy but he added that the purpose of suspending an employee is not to inflict punishment but to allow him to consider his past performance and try and improve upon it. Dependable Try our new line of dependable paints. All products are first quality and your satisfaction is guaranteed. OFF Introductory Special SALE Latex Ceiling White $ 12.69 Alkyd Semi-gloss 20.95 Latex Eggshell 17.95 Latex Primer 12.69 Latex Semi-gloss 18.69 a ABERNETHY'S Œ Paint and Wallpaper Perking it Beer Enter OttQuMn St. Moure: an tLiitH WIWNAhtiyi 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville Mondey to Thuredey I e.m, - 6 p.m. -- Friday e e.m. ■ 9 p.m. -- Saturday 8 a.m. - S p.m. PONTYPÔOL (Intended for last week) Nine tables of euchre were played in the Pon- typool Community Centre last Thursday night. Winners Winners were Eileen MacMillan MacMillan and Ralph Holtby. Next euchre is February 2nd. All are welcome. Last Monday firemen and police were called to the Manvers-Cartwright boundary boundary when a 4-wheel drive Ford snow plow belonging to Manvers Township caught fire and burned. Brian Gray was operating it at the time with Wilson Car- ron winging. Fortunately there were no injuries. A social evening was held in Ballyduff Community Hall last Saturday night when family and friends of Jim McMullen gathered to honor him on his retirement retirement from the Ministry of Transport and Communications. Communications. Jim served the Ministry Ministry well for the past 35 years. The evening was spent socializing and dancing dancing with a bountiful lunch - salads, cold cuts, etc. - being served at the close. Violet Carr of Bethany is now editing material for the supplement to the 1967 copy of The Rolling Hills - history history of Manvers Township She has received a quantity of information but there are still some areas she hasn't heard from. The people responsible responsible should try and get the material to Mrs. Carras soon as possible. Kim King, from Alberta, is with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Britton, Britton, for a three week visit. Beulah Forrest is a patient patient in Civic Hospital, Peterborough. She has been there since New Year's. We hope that Beulah will soon be able to return home. Joyce Allen has a leg in a cast following a recent skiing skiing accident. Joyce didn't break any bones, but is suffering suffering from pulled ligaments, ligaments, which are most painful. painful. We trust her leg wil^not take too long to mend. She is able to get about on crutches. Francis VanWieringen spent Saturday night with her daughter, Brenda, in Toronto. They had been to the airport to see Frances' sister-in-law and brother- in-law leave for their homes in Holland. Get-well wishes are sent to Wilbert Skuce of Lindsay who underwent eye surgery last Thursday. He was able to return home on Saturday and is following the doctor's orders--wearing dark glasses glasses and getting plenty of rest. Percy Beggs had a similar operation recently in Oshawa General Hospital. Hospital. We hope that, with this second eye operation, Percy's sight will be improved. improved. Margaret Wright was a guest at the wedding of her sister, Irene Mills, to Russell Russell Brown in Nestleton Presbyterian Church, January January 14th, at 3:00 p.m. Rev. Fred Swann was the officiating officiating clergy. The reception reception and wedding dance were held in the L.O.L. Hall, Tyrone. Jim and Pearl McMullen were present for the.dance. Best wishes for success go with Michael and Sandra Collyer who moved a couple of weeks ago from their apartment in Oshawa to Prince Prince George, British Columbia. Columbia. Sandra is the former Sandra Stewart, daughter of Barrie and Leone Stewart. In the Ladies' Bowling League on Monday, high single 265 was bowled by Diane Adams. Toby Arbeau had 430 for the high double. In the first period (term, semester or whatever) of bowling - September to Jan uary- the winning team was the Gumdrops - Joyce Kovack, Ruth Richardson, Betty Durham, Jane Guthenberg, Jessie Fisk and Yvonne Fallis. At the end of the bowling season this team will have to play off with the team winning most points from now until the end for the championship championship trophy. People ask, "Where was the Pontypool news?" The reason there has been no news some weeks (other than holidays) is that I had no news. Your Pontypool correspondent is having a difficult time gathering material. material. I received just one call with items for this week's column. The Newcastle Newcastle and Orono correspondents, correspondents, etc., must get much better co-operation than I do. They always have so much to pass on. As they say in politics --"Maybe it's time for a change." I have been writing the column for the past 14 years. If there is anyone out there who would like to take over call me, Yvonne Fallis, at 277-2525. Mrs. Skuce attended the christening of three of her great grandchildren in Toronto Toronto a week ago last Sunday Sunday - children of Ralph and Linda Hyland. Build Plant in Uxbridge Durham Region council was given full support to an Official Official Plan Amendment for a major new manufacturing plant in the south-west corner of Uxbridge Township. The application had been submitted by Tokai Canada Ltd., a Japanese based company, company, which hopes to build a 20,000 square foot plant for parts assembly and distribution distribution of disposable lighters. Once completed, the plant will provide about 30 new jobs and add to the industrial assessment base of Uxbridge Township and the Region. The official plan application calls for redesignated 77 acres of land on Regional Road 30 from major open space to industrial-recreation use. The property is currently being used as a seasonal trailer park. It is estimated that the cost of constructing the new plant will be in the neighbourhood of $1 million. If the official plan amendment amendment process and subsequent re-zoning are completed on schedule, construction could get underway this fall for an opening in the spring of 1985. The amendment received Regional council support at the regular meeting in Whitby on January 18. TELEPHONE 623-6555 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. Income Tax and Related Accounting Services 118 King St. E., Suite 2 Bowmanville, Ontario L1C1N4 Innovative shift patterns are another new development development at Eldorado. About one-third of the workforce is on modified shift arrangements. arrangements. For example, there are 12-hour shifts for seven days in most 24-hour operations. When the new uranium hexafluoride plant begins operation in May, there will be continuous job rotations throughout the plant. Whereas the old refinery system had 8 to 10 job descriptions, descriptions, the new operation operation will have only one. Training is a crucial part of Eldorado's quality in working life program. In fact, it is so important that crews at the new refinery will spend one out of every five weeks on training programs. programs. The Eldorado representative representative noted that there will be some layoffs at the Port Hope plant this year and he added that the personnel program will ensure that those who face layoffs are given the support they need to find other jobs. In describing the success of this system, Bill Montgomery pointed out that cost control and productivity productivity has never been better and absenteeism is down. All of these indications would support the idea that Eldorado's Quality in Working Working Life Program is successful. successful. "We believe that people ought to be treated as a strategic resource," Mr. Montgomery said.