V v Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 7,1984 7 : -vi fff ] t -• -V?v.'; vAVÿfcS $-t.• I ir : 'MifJ Uv. j , ■ . ' -r 'A |%r.;V -M * '■ . ' '-.-r.. I •< - ' 1 if ' } J f t "* ■ ■■"ir.yàl- if. ' v.v.XTO-fT-Alv." i i ; ' i'i v . .... , - , ■ ' V * •' ; |l .7 /il/jlM Pf ' !:- ; w '.'-V,:! H : -V /M i'-Vv- '• .. . .-.'vVi: 1 ':,!.■• t*, • ;. ■ . •- iv.l { f. Av>--. : ■: 'j I#- / ' ' 7' ' (£££'■: | ' '9\ - ■-.ty.îîM "£i.£-7. ■ • ;• - ,'Y' Ml j mill miracle Foodmart -> 1 >■ ' Miracle's Select Quality Meats Part Skinned Swift'i CookedHam Shank Portion Pir s j-.\ .,:r lb. ^ifl wM Fresh Chicken Drumsticks or Thighs I per jug lb. Cut from Canada Grade A Beef Bonelessl Brisket Point Roasts lib. [ J TJ] /f ' ' ,; 'ày Mary Miles Sliced Side Bacon 500 g .««i* - ■ - „ 't' » r ..-5<i iBSss ..-yy n>i "-ifjr'i #£yr » . ü © M Swifts Premium Wieners 375 g Fresh Cod Fillets lb. Swifts Lazy Maple Sausages 500 g Swifts Premium Sweet Pickled Cottage Roll 2-3 lb. avg. Swifts Premium Bologna 375 g Swifts Premium Brown & Serve Sausages 250 g Swifts Premium Cooked Ham 175 g Shopsy's Corned Beef Brisket 2-3 ib. avg. Shopsy's Corned Beef or Pastrami Excellent on Rye Bread 4 pack 200 g Shopsy's Smoked 4 varieties Sausage Rings Shopsy's Old Vienna Salami soo g Shopsy's Deli Lean HamS 2-3 lb. avg. 1.99 «5 179 k/pir I per kg Ib. 1.49 1.99 1.49 61? 2 ?.? kg ib. 2.79 g A39 199 ■T per | per Q80 799 W per ^ per kg lb. .'Fresh Fish _ Market' Fresh Haddock Fillets Aberfoyle Fresh Rainbow Trout Fresh Perch Fillets Q68 fl39 •if per "T per kg lb. 791 759 kg ^ ib. r 747 739 kg ^ ib' Country Market Fresh ProduceTrhe Deli&B.B.o Product of Chile Canada No. 1 Grade Green Seedless Grapes per per (l Klf 11 kg lb. h. k fit Product of Israel Jaffa les i M # | C# (!> ' Product of Ontario Fresh Mushrooms kJh-6' Product of U.S.A. Fresh l Romaine 1 Lettuce each ,f >i# k, ; AS Ito-V- KFamous For Quali -Schneiders Deli Cold Cuts Beerwurst, Jagdwurst, Spiced Ham. Thuringer, Jumbo Summer Deli Sliced famous For Quality ^ Schneiders HU Olde I m Fashioned per Ham • |b - Deli Sliced SOWe 2.q5 li>. per 100 g Famous For Quality 0^ Schneiders hh Oktoberfest per - Sausages ib. Deli Served SOWC 1.00 II}. per 100 g Famous For Quality Schneiders >cx Nippy e We Cheese n er Food ib. Deli Served Save 1.50 II}. Famous For Quality Schneiders i Kielbossa Deli Served b ® r Save 1.30 Ib. per 1 100 g Product of U.S.A. Fresh Green Beans 196 I per Per ft kg ■89 6 /1.99 .Sflj Product ot Ontario ^ Canada No. 1 Grade Waxed Rutabagas V \ Product of P.E.I. Canada No. 2 Grade Netted Gems Potatoes 10 lb. bag Product of Chile Canada Fancy Grade Packam Pears Producl of U.S.A. Florida Indian River White or Red Grapefruit Producl ot Ontario ^ Fresh Cole In» Slaw fl 02. bag Producl ol U.S.A. Canada No. 1 Grade Celery Stalks Producl ol U.S.A. Fresh Strawberries Pint Cup Product of Ontario Be IA Fresh W I per p#k Bean Sprouts Ç g r lb. Product of U.S.A. (\T Canada Fancy Grade I JJy Red or Golden I per Delicious Apples kg Product of U.S.A. Washed and Trimmed Spinach 10 oi. bag Producl of U.S.A. Fresh AVOCadOS Large Size each each Producl ol U.S.A. Sunkist Navel Seedless Oranges iize as Product ol Ontario tftfl» Canada No. 1 Grade Carrots or Yellow Onions 2 ib. bag Product ol Ontario Canada No. 1 Grade Green House Rhubarb kg .89 .99 .99 12 /2.99 .99 1S? fc s lb. 718 A per Bulk Savings available at selected stores only. r Sultana,^ Raisins • Product ol U.S.A. Fresh Brussel - - Sprouts fc, ,V !d"00 per Ib. Apple Pie Filling :13 "59 Cherry Pie Filling 26,1.19 Foodmart* êi'fâi (ÉSI : £ • i - 1 i ' j Foodmart* ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS WED. MAR. 7 84 TO SAT. MAR. 10'84 IN BOWMANVILLE AT THE BOWMANVILLE MALL, 243 KING ST. E. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Nestleton - Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker Caesarea Euchre Results A smaller attendance than usual due to road conditions after the major major storm of the winter. Those to be congratulated congratulated are: First- A1 Cormack 82; Second- Brenda Thistel 79; Low- Henry Visser 42. Dorothy Edwards and A1 Cormack Cormack each held 16 lone hands for the month of February. Next Wed. for an evening of interest followed by a good lunch. Try to be there! The Churches A very good congregation congregation at Nestleton Presbyterian Church on Sunday. Rev. Fred SWann continued his series on the Heavening parables. Text- Luke 13- using the parable of the mustard seed likening the seed to the word of God and the field to the world of God- with the seed being the beginning of the church and proceeding proceeding to its inception- its increase and its influence. influence. Organist- Shirley Scott. The ladies aid will meet Thurs. March 15, 1:30 p.m. at the home of Miss Ruth Proutt. At the Caesarea Community Community church quite a number of children were present. Rev. vY.H. Crawford D.D. continued with the theme- "How To Become Prosperous" - the lesson taken from Matthew 6, dealing with the lessons of the birds and flowers God takes care of them- if we would have faith in God- and stop worrying- He will take care of us as well. A fine story for the children was a part of the service. Mrs. Crawford- organist. Service at Nestleton United was well attended with Grahame and Neta Fish extending a cordial welcome at the door. Rev. Dale Davis gave a splendid message entitled entitled ' 'The Stuff Hiat Saints Are Made Of" based on Bible passages from Matthew. An illustrated story was presented to the fine number of youngsters on hand for the service. In the choir- Gail Hiemstra favoured with the lovely solo "He" with organist Gwen Malcolm accompanying. Next Sunday at 11:15 a.m. for a fine service. Lions Blackstock & District Club News The dinner theatre evening - a new venture for the Lions Club was tremendously successful - held on Friday evening, March 2, at the Rec Centre. Centre. Dinner was served at 7 p.m. and Wilma and Jackie - the local caterers, arranged an elegant meal - buffet style - for some 85 people. The play "Jitters" an adult play - acted and directed by local young people with three acts - got underway at approximately approximately 8:15 p.m. A very enjoyable event for all! Happy Event Henry and Terry Wygerde, Nestleton, are the proud parents of another son, Christopher- a little brother for Eric and Steven, Bom just recently. recently. Our warmest congratulations! Sympathy Very sorry to hear of the fire in Caesarea which took the life of Mrs. Betty Macintosh. She was taken to Toronto Toronto Hospital, but died later. Our sympathy to the bereaved family. A thought: There is no verbal vitamin more potent potent than praise!