i 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, March 7,1984 CHS Drama Night Coming This Week Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly Heartiest congratulations congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forder who are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary today - Monday, March 5. On Sunday their daughter Joyce held a family dinner party at their home in their honour. Mr. and Mrs. Forder received letters of congratulations from various dignitaries. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow of Dundas were Saturday lunch guests of Marion's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson. Thompson. They visited several other relatives in the area and then visited Jack's mother, Mrs. Wallace Marlow in Hillsdale Manor, Oshawa. On Saturday afternoon afternoon Eileen McLaughlin assisted by several other ladies hosted a bridal shower in honour of recent bride Debbie (Medd) Wilkinson. About forty neighbours and relatives attended this happy event. After Debbie opened her many lovely gifts she replied in the usual manner. A tasty dessert lunch and a time of visiting visiting concluded the party. On Sunday afternoon another young lady was honoured with a bridal shower. Ruby Van Camp assisted by Peggy Larmer held a shower in honour of Melanie Williams at Ruby's home. After Melanie had opened her lovely gifts from the neighbours neighbours and other friends she replied fittingly. A lovely lunch and a social time was enjoyed by all. On Saturday evening the Minor Hockey Dance held in the Recreation Recreation Centre was a fine success. Roy and Linda Bradburn won the prize for the best dressed dressed couple in the costume of the 50's. Donna Kyte won the hula hoop contest. contest. During the evening the draw was made with following winners - Side of Pork - Jill Leach, Blackstock; Plant Stand - Bill Jeffers, Oshawa; Maple Leaf Hockey Tickets - Glenn Clieff, West Hill. Better health is wished wished for Roger Simmons who was rushed to Oshawa Hospital by ambulance last Monday; Monday; to Jessie Gunter who is also in Oshawa Hospital following back surgery; to George Cochrane who is in Oshawa Hospital and to Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham in Port Perry Hospital. On Friday evening a first for Blackstock happened with a very successful Dinner Theatre sponsored by the Lions Club. After a delicious dinner catered to by Wilma and Jackie, the play Jitters was enjoyed. Speaking of plays, this coming weekend is the annual Three One-Act plays produced and presented presented by the students of Cartwright High School. Plan now to attend either Friday or Saturday Saturday evening. Jackie and Jess James have returned home from a very enjoyable enjoyable holiday at Cancun, Mexico last week. Gerald and Joyce Kelly, Eleanor, Elaine and Esther, were Sunday Sunday evening dinner guests of Lloyd and Jean Slemon, Susan and Fred, Hayden. Quite a number of ladies from the Black- stock Ladies Curling Club enjoyed a day's curling along with much fun and fellowship at the Snoopy Spiel at the Bow- manvUle Curling Rink on Saturday. At the United Church, on Sunday morning Rev. Dale Davis presented presented Doreen Van- Camp to the congregation. congregation. Doreen who is a life-time member has made the decision to enter the Ministry. She was recently received as a candidate at a meeting of the Session. A standing ovation showed the esteem in which Doreen is held. There will be a Lenten Bible Study beginning this Thursday in the CE Room. Anyone interested interested is welcome to attend. Rev. D. Davis preached a very thought provoking provoking sermon on Peter. Doreen was the reader for the day. Blackstock United Church hosted the World Day of Prayer on Friday. The service was conducted by the UCW president Eileen McLaughlin McLaughlin assisted by Ladies from the other churches of our area. Mrs. Gail Hiemstra sang "How Great Thou Are" in a meaningful way. This year's service was prepared by women of Sweden. Mrs. Margaret Margaret Elliott of Pickering. brought the message and showed slides of the International World Day of Prayer Comm ittee Meeting in Germany. Germany. A good crowd attended attended the Allis Chalmers Night held by Trewin Farm Equipment at the Rec Centre on Thursday night. John Wolters and Floyd Stinson were the big prize winners. Please phone your news items in to Joyce Kelly 986-4257 before noon on Mondays. Your assistance is necessary to keep readers of this column informed of community community and social events. "State Farm LIFE insurance.. from the same family insurance agent who lakes cure of your car. homo and boat msuflincc . ... who knows your family, know your Muslylo. DON IRVINE 623-4482 108 Wavcrlcy Rd. Bowmanvlllo STATE FARM Insurance Companies ùiuilun Ural lilies .'itJiliDinwih 0nl.il to Ask me about UFE insurance, the State Farm way. SAVE .34 JANE PARKER, SLICED Whole Wheat 100% l h ?l e . Bread ( {ï \f h. u s I v.v JÉ sea toitoRi K;': m 675 g loaf YOU'LL DO BETTER AT WITH SUPERMARKET PRICES! CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF CHILE, SWEET PLUMR JUICY BLACK, RED OR SEEDLESS JANE RAWER (PKG OF 8-1.29-SAVE .20) • SAVEjO Hot Cross Buns pk i g 2°i.79 JANE PARKER Spanish Bar Cake "',.'1.59 JANE PARKER, MINI SUGAR DONUTS PKG OF 24-1.39 Frosted Ball Donuts pk S"'1.29 JANE PARKER (RHUBARB-APPLE 1.59-SAVE .30) Green PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, FWtEMON WITH THE PURCHASE OF 3 AVOCADOS 624 g size Peach Pie JANE PARKER, SLICED, PROTEIN 450 g .79 OR Italian Bread PUFF-O-FRUIT BLUEBERRY 10'S, JOS & LOUIS kg 6 675 g 7Q loaf ■ # U Vachon Cakes p 1°i.79 Health & Beauty Aids and General Merchandise TOOTHPASTE Pepsodent Fn ; ■ J uM : ,/y > :■ r k'M ,1 100 mL M tube Fresh O/IQO Avocados J/1 CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO Red Delicious Apples ILS 2.69 SAVE .40 PROD. OF CALFORNIA, SWEET RIPE 1.89 Strawberries »,1.69 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Cauliflower ..<*1.69 PROD. OF TEXAS Fresh Spinach ^.99 PROD. OF FLORIDA, JUICY, SEEDLESS, LARGE SIZE Red Grapefruit 4/1.99 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Green Onions 2 bu L hes .99 SUPER BUY! QUICK COOKING, NEW CANNISTER STYLE 1.19 kg CONT f& ter .99 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, CROP Bunch Carrots A V . ; . , > ,Fhi' t \ f- 1 •" y:*: j v Vf p.j A f/-- ■ • V l<-; tvV.' m ■■■ j,.,,, [FI jgâ ■ wWîf/ lb ï.vi 2/r 8oz pkg 2/.99 1 lb bag PROD. OF ONTARIO Cole Slaw PROD. OF FLORIDA Fresh Radishes ^3/1.00 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Parsnips PROD. OF FLORIDA Escarole or Endive ea =h CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF CHILE, SWEET ' Packham Pears 1?®/, b ;89 PROD. OF ONTARIO, CHOICE OF COLOURS Reiger Begonias *5 h .89 .69 1.69 REGULAR OR DEODORANT MAXISININI PADS BOX Of 25-2.99-SAVE .50) New Freedom To 0 '2.99 REGULAR OR CONDITIONING FORMULA SHAMPOO Head & Shoulders C„t3.99 REGULAR OR DEODORANT (BOX OF 48 3.49) SAVE 1JJO Lightdays Pads "Vl.r SAVE 1.10 AIR COOKED, CHOCOLATE, BUTTERSCOTCH OR VANILLA Pudding & Pie Fillings 3/1" ASP, INSTANT SUPER BUY! Hot Chocolate pk . 9 n V 1 5 .79 ASP SUPERBUY! Whole MushroomsT z .89 AIR CHOICE SKIPPY, CHUNKY OR CREAMY Peanut 1 Butter I 500 g JAR 199 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Rutabagas 2/.99 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Romaine Lettuce ^ .89 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF ONTARIO Carrots £.*1.99 CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF ONTARIO, YELLOW Cooking Onions £1.99 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA Fresh Lemons S/.99 PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET SEEDLESS Jumbo Navel Oranges 5/1.99 CANADA NO. 1, ALL PURPOSE P.E.I. Potatoes 2 ^ b 4.99 BUY 2-SAVE .47 CREAM STYLE CORN. HONEY POD PEAS, Stokel btoKeiy o/ nn Vegetables '"S' 1 " 2.49 COLD WATER WASH Zero Liquid NATURAL, SPRING MEADOW, ROSE SCENT Airwick Deodorizers 1 * g 9 1.09 625 g pkg ""1.99 PETCRAFT MARABONE Dog Biscuits MOIST I MEATY, ASSORTED VARIETIES Purina Cat Food RUG 4 ROOM, HERBAL SCENT Wizard Deodorizer „Z. g ,.n2. 6.5 oz tin i.9è 3/.9é SAVE .20' I DIGESTIVE, NICE, ARROWROOT. SHORTCAKE, FRUIT SHORTCAKE, I RICH TEA, HOME ASSORTMENT CHOCOLATE CHIP, GINGER CRUNCH Whole Potatoes .59 Peek Frean Cookies Untie bag 400 g NOW ON SALE AT A& 159 SUPERJ3UY! flo tin 8 O'CLOCK, RICH BRAZILIAN SAVE .80 Decaf Bean Coffee^S.f PIRATES, COFFEE BREAK, MAPLE LEAF CREME.JJREÇ Dgtln .bag PIRATES, COFFEE BREAK, MAPLE LEAF CREMEJDREO Christie Cookies t°c2.l9 NO. 1 GRADE, LIQUID .SAVE .40 Billy Bee Honey ia r PURE VEGETABLE SPRAY SAV^^O CHICKEN NOODLE OR CHICKEN RICE BUY WAVE UP TO 27 Mazola No Stick "ST3.69 Campbell's Soup„x2/.99 . CONNERS, IN OIL OR LEMON SAUCE BUY 2-SAVE .33 Sea Steaks Tn 9 2/1.49 SCENT II CHRISTIE .SAVE .16 SAVE .26 New Elegance II Genuine, Imported Stoneware A different feature Item on sale Each Week! ON SALE THIS WEEK. Mariner Blue or Bavarian Brown Dessert Dish ilfi KL. Mi WW each WITH EACH *5.00 PURCHASE ALL ASSORTED FLAVOURS BEVERAGES 750 mL BTL Canada Dry plus .30 btl deposit .49 Carpet Fresh 62 * g 9 3.69 ALL PURPOSE Five Roses Flour 10 kg BAG 8 99 Wheatworth Biscuits Z g 1.39 BEEF- CHICKEN OR MUSHROOM GRAVIES Cordon Bleu 28 ,1 n mL 5/1.99 SUPER BUY! CATELLI Mac & Chees Dinner 225 g PKG 5/1" BUY 3-SAVE .54 READY TO SERVE, ASSORTED VARIETIES Heinz Soups •■■i ; m î:Vij m iP SAVE. f i ASSORTED VARIETIES Catelli Pastas 500 g pkg SAVE .70 BRIGHT'S, FANCY Tomato Juice i" -i I'i' Sl -- : " : w jÿ 48 fl oztln