> I Phone Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Articles for Sale Cars for Sale ATTENTION APPLE LOVERS! C-A Macintosh and C-A Delicious apples are lor sale Special: % bu. C grade Macintosh $3.95 Vi bu. C Grade Spys $3.75 Maple syrup 540 ml $3.95 We sell Wyle's pure grape juice, Stoke seeds, fresh white and brown eggs Fred's Fruit Market Hwy. 115, S. Orono 11-tfSN Certified Seed Maple Arrow Soybeans Elgin Oats Phone Paul Vaneyk 263-2060 '77 ROYAL Dodge Monaco station wagon. 9 passenger, 1 owner, low mileage. Must sell. . Phone 987-5003. 13-1SN 75 MAVERICK, as is, low mileage. Asking $400. Phone 623-4234. 13-1SN 1973 Mustang for parts. 302 motor with high rise intake. 4 BBL 63,000 miles, good clean motor. $300 or $350 with transmission. Front fenders $45 each, hood with hood scoop $50, 4 Keystone rims with 50's on the back and 70's on the front $150, 1 pair of traction bars $30, 2 doors for $45 each or $80 for both. Will' sell whole car for $600 or best offer. Phone 623-6644 For Rent Help Wanted 13-2SN alter 5 p.m. Ask lor Dwalne HELEN'S , TAILOR SHOP | $179 New Machine with Case $18 Tune-up Your Machine Hours: 9-5 Mon. to Frl. Open 9-12 Saturday 168 Church St., Bowmanvllle 623-2741 9-tfSNP 13-4SN Tyrone Mills Ltd. (Since 1846) FRESH APPLE CIDER Special: 1 x6 cedar panelling 35 c /foot Come and watch us press apples each Saturday. All natural - no preservatives Open Monday through Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Located In hamlet ol Tyrone Phone 263-8871 5-tfSN 623-5485 Paradise Orchards Limited R.R. 1, Bowmanville "The Apple Bin" Refrigerated Storage and Salesroom Fresh cider Bob & Pal Carruthers and Family Mon. toFri. -- 2-6 p.m. Saturday--, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mac, Empire, Spy, Cortland, Ida Red, Delicious Located on Concession 3 'A mile west of Liberty St. N. ' ' 6-tfSN ' CUSTOM DRAPERIES By Louise Spring is just around the corner. Sheers, Linens, antique Satin and many more samples to choose from. 30 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE 168 Church St., Bowmanvllle Phone 623-1219 12-4S 1977 DODGE Monaco, automatic, P.B., P.S.,'radio. Priced to sell. 623-7095. 13-1 SN "68 CHEVELLE. Good condition, many new parts. $800 or best offer. Uncertified. Phone 987-4869. 13-15 GRAHAM'S GARAGE Haydon 263-8172 1976 Pontiac Lemans 2 door, hardtop, V8, automatic, P.S., P.B., certified. 1976 Pontiac 4 door, V8, P.S., P.B.,as is. 1967 Chev % ton 6 cylinder, standard, as is. 13-1SN TWELVE passenger 1975 Ford Club wagon, running condition, as is, $1000. Phone 623-4428. Ask for George. 13-1SN '80 BUICK Regal. Very good condition. $5000. 623-6360 after 6 p.m. 13-2SN 73 DUSTER as is, best offer. 623-6360 after 6 p.m. 13-2SN 74 CHRYSLER New Yorker. Running, as is. Phone 623-7528. 13-1SN '80 HORIZON. Low mileage, excellent condition. $3000. 73 ■ Buick $500 as is. 983-5044. ..ul3-lSN 73 MUSTANG 302 automatic, keystone rims, hi rise intake, 4 bbl. Motor in excellent condition. $850 or best offer. Phone 623-6644. 10-4SN '82 TRANS Am. Mint condition. Lady driven. $11,500. 77 Grand Marquis. Good condition. $3,100. '67 Pontiac convertible. Good condition. $2,500. Phone 786- 2428. 12-2SN BOWMANVILLE, three bedroom semi, finished basement, work area, family oriented neighbourhood. References required. Phone 623-1787. 13-1SN HOUSE for rent. 3 bedroom. $475 plus ulililies. First and last month rent. Available April 1st. References required. Phone 623- 6507 or 623-6475. 13-1SN SMALL store or office for rent. 17 Temperance St. $200/month. Phone 623-7438. 13-1S FOUR and a half acres of orchard. For information phone 623-3207. 12- 2SN TWO room apartment, private bathroom, private entrance, spacious parking. Located at Newtonville. Available now. Phone 725-1302 from 4 until 5 p.m. 13-1 SN BUSINESS couple would like farm or country home with acreage to rent or rent with optiôn to buy. Must be within 40 miles of Oshawa. Phone days 725-0261 evenings 655- 8798. 11-4SNP PASTURE, 10 plus acres for rent on Lakeshore Rd. between Newtonville and Newcastle. Nick Whistler 416- 368-9605 evenings or I6V2 Bellevue Ave., Toronto, M5T 2N4. 13-3SN House For Rent 3 bedroom bungalow in country at Kendal. $415 per month. Apartment 1 bedroom convenient Newcastle location. $350 per month. Bachelor Apartment Newcastle. Quaint & neat. $235 per month. 2 Bedroom 2 storey apartment with skylights. $400 per month Newcastle. All rentals plus utilities. 1st & last months rent and references required. Call Carole or Ed, Edvan Realty Ltd. 623-4445 or 987-4733 13- 1 SN APARTMENT FOR RENT Heated, Stove and Fridge. No pets References required. Phone 623-3303 12-tfSNP STORE FOR RENT Suitable for office or store. Available immediately. Phone 623-3303 12-tfSNp ROUND bales of hay. Phone after 8 p.m. 983-9638. 12-2SN PADDY'S MARKET is looking for fridges, stoves, washers and dryers for parts or restoration. We also handle sales and service. 263-8369 11-4SN Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyles Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK-UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-7112 51-tfS ÈASENJI puppies, barkless, odorless, little shedding, all three colors, excellent temperament. Newtonville 786-2320. 13-1SN Oshawa Obedience Association Novice and Advanced Dog Training PlflGCAC Starting March 27th For more information phone 723-6564 or 987-5212 or 623-3712 13-ISN COCKATIELS, all colors, quality pet stock, cages and accessories, also Zebra finches. Crozier Aviaries, Orono. 983-9311. l-ffs CHRISTIAN professional couple seek two bedroom home or townhouse to rent in Bowmanville - Orono area. Phone 576-3340or 433-1488. 13-1 SN YOUNG lady looking for 1 bedroom apartment needed immediately. Rhone 623-7237, 13-1S URGENTLY required. Mature woman to care for two school age boys in my, home Monday to Friday. Phone 623- 3369 after 6 p.m. 13-1S 1976 CHEV. Van % ton, V8, P.S., P.B., radio. As is. $495.00. Phone 623-5610. 13 l e M '77 FORD Van 351. Auto., custom interior, needs body work, 91,500 miles. Best offer. 263-2578 after 5. 13-ISN Motorcycles for Sale HONDA dirt bike CR80. One year old, outgrown by owner.' Phone 623-5817. '76 - 28' CORSAIR house trailer, sleeps six, separate bedroom, excellent condition. Phone 983-5613 or 983-9346 after5:30, 13-ISN Employment Wanted WILL babysit In my home, $10 per day. Phone 623-6030. 13-ISN TWELVE foot aluminum boat. Phone 983-5890. 13-1 SN FARMERS wanted who are oaylng too much tax or are not using all the tax breaks available. Phone us todayl Appointment times still available to process 83 tax returns In your home. Farm Business Consultants, 2109 Oxford St, E, London, N5V 2Z9, Call toll free 1 800 265- 1002. In business year round helping farmers for over 32 years. 13-ISN REGISTERED polled herefords. Reducing herd: Two herd sires; yearling bulls; cows wlth/wifhout calves; bred/open heifers. Come and make your choice. Arondale Polled Herefords, Brinkman Arnold, Glen Huron (705) 466-5533. 13-ISN ONTARIO bull sale, Markham Fairgrounds, April 7, 1984. Entry consists of 44 Hereford, 2 Maine Anjou, 4 Aberdeen Angus, 5 Charolals, 12 Limousin, 8 Slmmental. 13-ISN 12 VARIETIES of brown baby chicks: heavy meat; 3 week old capons; small orders our specialty, Delivery guaranteed, Bonnies Chick Hatchery, Box 154 Elmira, Ont. N3B2Z6, (519) 669-2561. 13-ISN RHODE Island Reds, Approx. 50 ■ two year old laying hens, $2.50 each, Phone 623-2567. JAMES BRITTON "Jim of All Trades" SPECIALIZING IN REC ROOMS -- WALLPAPERING PAINTING -- ALL INTERIOR DECORATING EXPERIENCED IN ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, etc. Telephone 623-3506 after 6 p.m. Bowmanville 13-4S 13-1S EMPLOYED Help Centre: iblems with U.I.C., ■kers comp., employment s., resume preparation? l we help? Phone 579-1821, 12-4SN LOST black Collie, female, reward, Phone 263-2914, 13-1S Real Estate for Sale 5.2 ACRES, Road 57 Blackstock, partly wooded, For more Information phone 705-324-1703, 12-4SN "LEARN JOB SKILLS FAST" Enroll now for April (It's not too late to apply) • Word Processing (specialists) 6 mos. • (Butines Systems) Micro Computer 12 mos. • Accounting 14 mos. • Bookkeeping 10 mos. • Administrative Secretary 12 mos. • Legil S Medial Secretary 12 mos. ' Clerical Receptionist 6 mos. FlnincltlMsslsltnce may be iveilible Concenlrtled School Hours 8:30-1:30 5-ttSN !;ii'io Business ('ollrues riimuuhmil ( MiBirm >7<> !H7.) Tenders TAXI drivers. Days and nights. Newcastle license required. 623-4422. 13-1S EXPERIENCED waiter or waitress. Please apply in person to 9 King St. W„ Coronation Restaurant. 13-1S PART time help needed for restaurant work. Daytime hours 15 -. 20 hours a week. Phone 263-2201 between 7 a.m. -3:30p.m. 13-ISN I am a male separated parent who requires one or two caring responsible adults to look after my kids in your home from approximately 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. weekdays. Some Saturdays or Friday nights may be involved. Kids are 5 and 8 and well behaved (usually). South end of town preferred but not essential. Phone 623-7291 after 7. Ask for Doug. 13-1S Owner-Operator Wanted Tandem Axle Equipment Preferred for T.L. and L.T.L. HAULING Call Mr. Preston 623-4433 n-tfSNP FULL"or part time waitress or cook. Inquire in person. Noone's Restaurant, Hwy. 35 - 115, Orono. 40-tfSN STAFF wanted from mid May to mid October. Waitresses or waiters 16 and over. Experience not necessary. Recreation staff and supervisor. Playing a musical instrument an asset. Cook - live-in or off. Must be able to supervise and prepare meals for 150 persons. Send resumes to: Deer Lodge Resort, R.R. 2, Haliburton, Ont. K0M1S0. 13-ISN TORONTO STAR REQUIRES A PERSON FOR SEVEN DAY EARLY MORNING SUBSCRIBER PAPER DELIVERY, RURAL AREA. Area of Bowmanville, Tyrone end Maple Grove. Mr.jÀnderson 728-5117 13-1 SN STEADY work. Top pay. Oshawa - company now accepting applications for full time work. Experience not necessary as we will train those who qualify. Must be neat and ready to start immediately. Phone 576-6727 9 a.m.-5p.m. 13-ISN WORK in office, three mornings per week, no pay but meal allowance provided, an opportunity to serve. Phone 623-5857 or 623-3761. 13-tfSN disc iockey for Saturday nights. Must be mature and dependable. Car required. Training provided. Phone 623- 7893. 13-ISN AMBITIOUS person needed to assist manager in sales and service. Car required, training provided. Phone 723- 3412. 12-2S TRUCKING career. Become a professional transport driver. Contact Merv Orr's Kingston (613) 549-3914; Toronto (416) 251-9073; Ottawa (613) 523- 3489; London (519) 432-1726; North Bay (705) 472-2910; Thunder Bay (807) 623-8686; Sault Ste Marie (705) 759-0177; Cambridge (519) 623-2430; Sudbury (705) 260-3351. .Member B.B.B. 13-ISN THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE TENDER SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents, for the following requirements listed below, addressed !o fhe Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, Office of the Clerk, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A6 will be received in the envelope provided until the specified closing lime and date. Tender Documenls can be obtained from the Purchasing Office at the above address. Tender No. T84-4 To supply and apply non-asphaltic road oil (approx. 400,000 litres) A bid deposit in the amount specified in fhe lender documenls must accompany your bid. Closing Time 8i Dale: 12:00 noon, (Local Time), Friday, April 6,1984 The l0WeS * ° r any ,ender no * necessari| yaccepted. ifwRU n , ,n ur ■ Mr. D.M. Homeniuk, P.P. » Date of Publication purchasing and Supply Agent March 28,1984 Telephone: (416) 623-3379 "-Wîi,-' Ext. 67 Phone Work Wanted ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TREE MAINTENANCE Tender #7-84-09 5 The Ministry invites tenders for the watering, fertilizing, application of chemical weed control and rodent control of plant material in the following two (2) areas in the Pori Hope District: Southern Area "A" - various locations on and south of Hwy. 7 Northern Area "B" - various locations on and north of Hwy. 7 Sealed Tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the District Engineer until 1:30 p.m. local time: Thursday, April 19 th, 1984 Specifications, tender forms and envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the Tenders Office, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, 138 Hope Street North, Port Hope, Ontario, L1A 3W3 or by telephoning 416- 885-6381, ext. 54. Contractors may tender on either or both ol the above areas, but must submit a separate bid for each area. The Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. 13-1S Ministry of Transportation and Communications ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SERVICE CENTRE MAINTENANCE Service Centre Maintenance is required at the following locations: Tender #7-84-07 Site #1 - Service Centre - E-1 Newtonville Site #2 - Service Centre - E-2 Newtonville Site #3 - Service Centre - E-3 Wooler Road Site #4 - Service Centre - E-4 Smithlield Road Sealed Tenders on Forms supplied by the Ministry will be received by the District Supply Supervisor until 1:30 p.m. local time on: Wednesday, April 18th, 1984 Specifications, Tender Forms and Envelopes may be obtained in person or by mail from the Tenders Office, Ministry of Transportation and Communications, P.O. Box 150, Port Hope, Ontario, L1A 3W3. Telephone: 416-885-6381 ext. 54. Contractors may bid on any or all ol above sites, but must submit a separate bid for each site. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. 13-1S Ministry of Transportation and Communications ONTARIO GOVERNMENT TENDER NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS GRASS MOWING Tender #7-84-085 Grass Mowing Service is required tor the Ministry ol Transportation and Communications at the following locations: Area#1 Patrol 8 Hwy. 30 from north limits ol Brighton, northerly to south limits ol Havelock, commencing May 22, 1984 Area #2 Patrol 9 Hwy. 45 from north limits ol Cobourg, northerly to Ouse River Bridge, south entrance to Norwood commencing June 4,1984. Area #3 Patrol 10 Hwy. 35 from Jet. 35 & 115 northerly to south Jet. 35 & 7, south entrance to Lindsay commencing May 22,1984. Hwy. 7 A from Jet. 7A & 115 westerly to 3.0 km west ol County Rd, #57, Blackstock. Area #4 Patrol 14 Hwy. 401 from Interchange 74 easterly to Burnham Street, Cobourg commencing May 22, 1984. Area #5 Patrol 15 Hwy. 115 from south outrance ol Orono, northerly to Jet. 115 & 7 at Peterborough commencing May 22,1984. Area #6 Patrol 16 Hwy. 401 from Burnham Street Cobourg, easterly to Jet. Hwy. 33 & 401 Trenton, commencing May 22,1984. Sealed Tenders on forms supplied by the Ministry will bo received by the District Supply Supervisor until 1:30 p.m, local time on: Wednesday, April 18th, 1984 Spocillcallons, Tender Forms and Envelopes may bo obtained In person or by mall from thu Tondors Olflco, Ministry ol Transportation and Communications, District Office, P.O. Box 150, Port Hopu, Ontario, L1A3W3. Telephone: 416-805-G3B1, oxt, 54 Contractors may bid on any or all ol lire above areas but must submit a soporato bid lor each area, Lowest or any londar not necessarily accepted. 13-IS Ministry of Transportation and Communications ALL STAR MOWER and EQUIPMENT Sales ■ Service -- Parts Troy - Bilt Tillers, Toro, Lawn Boy, Roper, Pioneer, Homelite, Echo. (1 mile east ol Oshawa Townline on Hwy. 2 at Trull's Rd. - Courtice) Telephone 571-2400 12-4SN Mutton Masonry All Types of Cement Work Concrete Floors, Foundations and Walls Brick and Block Laying Chimney Construction and CHIMNEY SWEEP G.W. Mutton 623-5981 1-tfSN Protect Your Assets with Nash Roofing ALL TYPES OF ROOFING 4 SIDING Eavestrough, soffits available. Free Estimates ■ Call 723-6055 -- Ask About Our Guarantee -- 21-tfSN BRINK'S EXCAVATING FOR TRENCHING EXCAVATION and SEPTIC TANKS PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calls 27-tfS Building and Carpentry NEW BUILDINGS ADDITIONS AND RENOVATIONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Theo Van-Oosterom R.R. 2 Pontypool 1-705-277-2812 8-6SN GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Carpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-lfS T & C SMALL ENGINE REPAIR SALES -- SERVICE - PARTS Authorized Dealers for Briggs & Stratton, Lawn Boy, Tecumseh, Ariens, Canadiana, Gilson MTD Toro Wheel Horse, Poulan Chain Saws, Echo Chain Saws and Trimmers HAMPTON 263-8469 50-tfSN BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING INC. and AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK and RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone R.R. 5, Bowmanville • 263-2650 25-tlSN WHYTE'S UPHOLSTERY Have your chesterfield professionally upholstered. 25 Years Experience For Free Shop & HomeService Call RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 125 King St. E. Bowmanville 26-tfSN FREE ESTIMATES WHITE'S INSULATION Specialists in BLOWN INSULATION Government C.H.I.P program now available lor homes built before December 31, 1977 We are a Government Certified Contractor Registered number Ont.-199 Fully insured and bonded. TELEPHONE 576-5606 OSHAWA-COURTICE 13-tlS Oxford Bricklayers ■ Stonemasons Ltd. 983-5606 All Kinds of Brick Block - Stonework Concrete ■ Chimneys and Ceramic Tile Repair Work ALSO CHIMNEY CLEANING 21-IIS BILL'S SHARPENING and SMALL ENGINE REPAIRS Repairs to chain saws and most small engine equipment. Also sharpening service for circular and hand saws, chain saws, and many other cuttinq tools. Phone 263-8430 13-1 SN Ejl TOI WEATHERSHIELD ROOFING* ALTERATIONS* REPAIRS HOMES COTTAGES PATIOS Thomas G.Yeo 17 Frank Street Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 2J5 William A. Yeo (416) 623-9475 9-tfS North America Concrete Finishing and Foundation Waterproofing Contractors Residential We specialize in repairing leaking basements - with a 10 year warranty. R.R. 3, Solina Rd. Bowmanville, Ont.. Phone 723-0729 11-ttSN Chim-Chim-Cheree Chimney Sweeps 623-6672 -- professional chimney cleaning -- all work guaranteed member - Canadian Chimney Sweeps Assc -- Canadian Wood Energy Institute -- Better Business Bureau 11 IMPROVEMENTS -- Additions -- Renovating -- Garages -- Farm Buildings ROOFING • License Carpenter • Fully insured • Guaranteed workmanship • Free estimates ÊS. Call Rayai \ R R 1. Bownunvilln 263-2116 U I3-4SN