! I l I 16 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, March 28,1984 Shiloh UCW Holds Meeting STARKVILLE NEWS On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Edna Dobson visited in Bowmanville Bowmanville with Mrs. Mabel Elliott who is a patient at Memorial Hospital. The ladies from the craft class met on Thursday morning morning to work on their projects at the home of Mrs. Pat Windatt. Mr. Brenton Farrow visited Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. On Thursday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Doug McKay, Brock- ville visited their sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Newtonville and later, attended attended the card party held at the Newtonville Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim visited Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe and Tiffany, Bowmanville. Mr. Peter Da Costa and Audley visited Saturday afternoon afternoon in Toronto with Mr. Carlton Campbell. On Saturday, Mrs. Ken Maynard, Bowmanville was an afternoon and supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch, Dwayne, Jodie and Heather. Mr. John Murphy visited Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Turner, Bowmanville were Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Jeff. Miss Kathleen and Patrick McColm and Miss Erin Murphy, all of Oshawa, arrived on Friday to spend the weekend with their grandparents grandparents Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. Miss Ginny McColm was at Brownie camp for the weekend. 39 FOOD SPECIALS Baby *£% Edam Ball...-.■ ssog O. Mild Gouda *6.79kg$3. 08 ib. Spiced Gouda... s 6.89kg^3. 13 ib. Medium Gouda . *7.80kg$3. 54 ib. s 3. 54 , b . s 2. 87 Canadian Cheddar , Medium Cheese. i 8.bo kg Store Sliced Extra Lean Bacon 59 e 100 g lb. Coarse & Fine No Garlic * - Salami 89° 100 g *4- J ib. Minced Ham ... 59 e 100g^2- 67 ib. $A 03 8.98 kq H. ID. Boneless No Waste Sirloin Steak.. Boneless No Waste Blade Roast . Pork Chops.. Country Bakery Raisin Bread. Sunkist 113 Size s 5.89 kg 4. Ib. , s 2. 13 t s 4.69 kg 672 g 79 OUI lmb I I I O OI<LG $4 " Oranges * I, L doz. S 15 Box We Carry Cut and Potted Flowers Many More Specials In The Store We Do Freezer Cutting Now A-1 Steer Sides M.89 ,b Hinds s 2.39,, lYKSTRA'S ELICATESSEN AND FOOD MARKET LTD. 77 King St. West 623-3541 Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stark, Christopher and Shannon, Knoxville visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Brenton Farrow with Mrs. Harvey Farrow, Crooked Creek visited at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville with Mrs. I va Farrow and Mrs. Dolly Snowden. Later, they visited in Oshawa with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Taylor. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowed and Mr. Jim Hallowed were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell and Jeff. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pearce and Chris, Orono visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd, Scott, Jamie and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. , Morley Robinson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch on Saturday Saturday evening. Saturday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hendry, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Goodmurphy, Lockhart's, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dennis, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Thertell, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McFarland, Gore's Landing, to celebrate Donna and Bob's birthdays. On Sunday morning, Mrs. Anne Bickell and Ashley, Orono and Miss Tara Sinclair visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd. Mr. Orme Falls and Harvey, Bowmanville visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Caswell and Marisha, Hills- burg. Shiloh U.C.W. Meeting On Wednesday afternoon, March 21st, the Shiloh U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Bernice Stark with 14 big girls and one - little girl present. Vice-President Ruth Robinson in the absence of President Janet Lynn, opened the meeting meeting with a poem by Helen Steiner Rice followed by a prayer. Mary Caswell gave the devotional with scripture readings by Gloria Todd. Mary told us about the events which took place at the annual U.C.W. Presbyterial meeting held at Northminster United Church in Oshawa last Wednesday. Gloria Todd read the minutes of the February meeting and Margaret Todd gave the treasurer's report. For roll call, everyone made a suggestion on how to improve our bazaar which is to be held in May. There were no birthdays birthdays for the month of March. To the April meeting, everyone everyone is to bring an item for the grocery hamper to be at least a dollar in value. For our bazaar the first Saturday in May, we will have tables for crafts and linen, baked goods, plants, touch and take, afghan draw, white elephant elephant and children's. For lunch, sandwiches and squares will be served with Mary Caswell, Ruth Andrews, Gloria Todd and Ellen Farrow on the lunch committee. Ellen Farrow had brought the tickets and they were distributed. distributed. The next meeting will be held in the evening on Wednesday, April 18th at the home of Ellen Farrow. Our meeting closed with the singing of the old hymn "Rock of Ages" and the Mizpah benediction. Ellen Farrow then held an Irish song contest which was won by Mary Caswell. Our hostess served a delicious lunch with Clara Souch winning the prize for having the lucky cup. Ruth Robinson thanked Bernice for holding the meeting at her home. Inventory Specials continue at "The n ALL Food Products 20% off ALL Spices 50% off Purina Butcher's Blend *21.96 „„ Purina Cat Chow *12.62... Values in effect until Sat., March 31st Vanstone Flour and Feed Mill DIVISION OF f'YPKniU NTI RPHIÎiï-îi I IMl?| I) 116 King St. W. Bowmanville Telephone 623-5777 IT'S OUR ANNUAL SPRING Inventory Clearance Hundreds of thousands of dollars of brand name merchandise passed on to you at MONEY-SAVING PRICES! BUY NOW and SAVE!! 0 HITACHI TED DENNY, President Hitachi SR1900 Stereo Package Features: 20 watts RMS per channel receiver, belt drive turntable and 3 wayspeak- ers Cassette deck optional. optional. Includes stand. 5-Year 100% Warranty Sale *469 95 $23.07 per month Hitachi MT-2300 20" Color TV Table model with luminar color commander. Features: VHF Memory Fine Tuning and Automatic Frequency Control. Walnut-grained finish and all-wood cabinet. Sale '569. 115 20 Year SoMStite Warranty 5-Yeir 100% Warranty Hitachi VT-32 Video Recorder Features: motorized Iront loading', 6 programs/14 days timer including daily and weekly programming, instant recording timer. Remote control. *649.95 with 150 FREE Movie Rentals Built-In Cable Converter ASK FOR DETAILS $27.72 per month Hitachi HT-A3 Stereo Package Features: 30 watt per channel channel receiver with quartz tuning, tuning, direct drive turntable, 3 way speakers with stand. Sale W 5 10 Year 100% Warranty $31.38 per month Hitachi T5-3610 26" Color TV Features: 128 channels, intra-red remote control, time and channel on screen, Luminar Color Commander tor authentic color reproduction, reproduction, luminar 20 Color System with a 100 per cent solid- state chassis. Sale *1049.95 5-Year 100% Warranty 20-Year Solid Stale Warranty $49.82 per month $18.45 per month Hitachi CT-1322 14" Color TV Features: perfect for playroom or cottage, 100% solid state chassis, quick start picture and sound, uses only 55 watts power, receives fringe signals excellently, excellently, memory tine tuning tuning (VHF) and 70 position UHF tuner. Sale *399 95 20 Year SoM Slate Warranty 5-Year 100% Warranty ' Hitachi TS-1125 26" Color Console TV Features: 100 degree Luminar 20 in-line picture tube, ultra APS/AFC and VIR, 100% solid state chassis, chassis, contemporary style with walnut finish plus much more.*--nc Sale *799 20 Year SoM State Warranty 5-Year 100% Warranty Hitachi D-E1 Stereo Cassette Deck Metal-tape capability. Soft- touch controls. Sugg, list $249.95 Sale M 34.95 $6.46 per month Hitachi MT-2370 20" Table Model Color TV Features: 105 channels/10 key and random access infra red remote control and lumr- nar color commander, 100% solid-state chassis, lighted channel indicators and earphone earphone iack. 5-Year 100% warranty 20 Year Solid State Warranty Sale *749. 95 $36.91 per month No charge for our warranties, delivery and professional set-up! Panasonic Are Master Card and Visa Honored for ÿour Convenience V300 AM/FM Stereo Receiver with built-in cassette player and recorder, semi-automatic, record player and speakers 5ÜÜ *299.95 anasonic PC-26K1 Color Console TV Panasonic quality makes this set a popular favorite. 100% solid state chassis provides top-notch picture stability. Color-Pilot automatically adjusts adjusts the color. Video Sensor Panabrile. Sharpness control CATV/Master antenna connec tor. Lighted, direct-read chan nel indicators on both UHF and VHF tuners. Sale *699." 5-Year mo% Warranty Panasonic RX-4950 Stereo Radio Cassette Recorder Features: AC/battery portable portable FM/AM/FM, two 12 cm (5") PM dynamic speakers, auto-stop mechanism to protect protect your valuable tapes, one- touch recording. 2 Year 100% Warranty Sale *129." Technics 40 Watt Stereo Package SA110 Receiver 40 watts SLB200 Turntable Panasonic Thruster Speakers Excellent Value *449.95 $22.15 per month Sugg, list $589.95 40 watt stereo power 5-Year 100% Warranty Model PC2013 20" Color Television • Wooden Cabinet * Quintrix II ■ CompuFocus " Color pilot ' Auto fine tuning Sale *499.95 $23.99 per month Panasonic PV1220K Deluxe Video Recorder Features: lop load, 14 day programmable, one touch record, (onward and reverse search, 8 hour record, remote control. With 100 FREE Movie Rentals Only «579.95 $25.27 per month ASK FOR DETAILS Panasonic NE-7850C Microwave Oven Features: 70 to 700 watts variable power levels, touch controls, auto welght/cook/ defrost features, pre-program pre-program microwave to autostart autostart up to 12 hours later, Cook-A-Round turntable and much more Valued at $649,95 Only *599.95 $26.09 per month Panasonic Stereo Head phones Full 2-year warranty Many models to choose from Only *19.95 Values up to $64.95 NE-6850C Compact Microwave Oven with Auto-Weight-Cook/Dshoit Here is a space-saving microwave oven wilh a roomy 261 (0.92 eu. II.) interior and Hie advanced features ol lull-size lop-ol- Iho-line models. In addilion lo ils easy-to- use Touch Controls, il oilers the convenience convenience ol Auto Weighl-Cook/Delrost, Three- slago memory, Sland/limor lunclion, Autostart, Autostart, Cook-A-Round turntable, Aulo count- up, Cyclic defrost, and multi-function digital clock readout. Cookbook included. *519 95 $25.84 per month Series 350 Technics Hi-Fi Stand and speakers not as illustrated. - 80 walls ol stereo power wilh quartz analog tuner ■ memory preset channels ■ deluxe lapo deck with Dolby ■ direct drive quartz lock lurntablo • sland optional V95 *999 Bowmanville Audio-Vision 20 King St. W. Sales and Service Telephone 623-2312 \ ' !>'■ k