I Section Two The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, April 4, 1984 7 Stye îîewcajBtk 3ndcpcnbent \ Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago 1984 Officers Installed at Palestine Chapter R.A.M. Telephone 987-420 Village residents were shocked to hear of the tragic death of 23 year-old Dennis Rogerson last Saturday. Sincere Sincere sympathy is extended to his parents, Marlene and Keith and sister Laurie, relatives relatives and friends. Neighbour Alecia Spencer is now a resident of South Haven Rest Home. She will be pleased to have her friends visit her there. Mrs. Ruby Warburton, Oshawa, spent several days recently with her brother, Mr. Charles Cowan. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer of Cameron, Ontario, were recent callers at Mr. Charles Cowan's. Mrs. Winona Kay, life-long resident of the village of Newcastle, Newcastle, passed away on the weekend v at the age of 102 years. Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends. Patients in Memorial Hospital, Hospital, Bowmanville include Mrs. Clara Rickard, Elva Barnes, Lois Rowe, Donald Parker and Doreen Lake is a patient in Oshawa General. We welcome home neighbours neighbours Ann and Vince Doyle who have returned from their winter in the sunny south. Last Monday, Mrs. May Burley entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson accompanied by Mrs. Kay Kimball called on Mr. and Mrs. Nico deJonge, and twins, Whitby. On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago hosted a birthday dinner in honour of her sister, Dorrene Powell. Several family members were in attendance. Mrs. Jill Christie, Toronto, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Raye Fried- lander. Last Monday, the Newcastle Lioness Club met. Guest speaker was Mr. A1 Witherspoon, Witherspoon, Bowmanville, who gave a talk and showed a fifteen-minute film on the activities of Big Brothers. In return the Lioness Club presented presented Mr. Witherspoon with a donation for Big Brothers. These ladies have responded recently to various charitable organizations. Wednesday luncheon guests of Mrs. Kathleen Kimball were Mrs. Janice Kimball and Mr. Jack Kimball of Port Granby and Mrs. Irene Peel. Mrs. Marilyn Martin and Mrs. Pauline Storks attended the Lioness Seminar at the Lions A3 Convention at the Renaissance Ramada, Scarborough, Scarborough, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade returned last week from a very enjoyable three-week vacation in Florida. Mrs. Harold McLaren, Perth, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. On Sunday, the Wades visited visited her brothers, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Haskill and Sidney, Port Hope. Mrs. Glenda Rumbles and Krista, Norwood enjoyed a holiday weekend at the Renaissance Ramada, Scarborough. Scarborough. On Sunday they returned returned to Bowmanville for brunch with some family members, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnson, Mrs. Doris Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. David Trimble, Ian and Michael, Ajax, and Mrs. Eleanor Fennell, Belleville. Belleville. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard, Johnna and Delann and Miss Kelly Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin, Port Hope were Sunday callers at the Lancaster's. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Ennismore, were Sunday dinner guests of her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott were Sunday callers at Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley's, Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. George Buck- ley visited last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley, Willowdale and with them attended, in the evening, the Westmoreland United Church Beaver Bible Class Variety Show. Newcastle Community Hall MERVYN B. KELLY Law Office General Practice The Federal Building (Post Office) 2nd Floor - Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A0 Telephone 623-4444 will be a busy place on Saturday, Saturday, April 7 when the Newcastle Newcastle Horticultural Society hosts the District 17 Ontario Horticultural Association Meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston, Ebenezer, were Thursday evening visitors visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred. Sunday visitors with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tomlinson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reid, Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Don Burley, Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark, Wesleyville, were Monday visitors with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell and grandson Russell Hunt visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborough. Scarborough. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce enjoyed the Figure Skating Carnival at Manvers Arena on Sunday afternoon. Granddaughter Granddaughter Viki of Bethany was one of the participants. Last Monday, Mr. Albert Pearce was in Toronto and called on the Frank McMullen sons at their stores. Callers last week at the Stanley Powell's included George and Lois Huber, Ron and Terri St. Pierre, Charles Cowan, Hazel Crago, Margaret Margaret Burley, Marjorie Hagerman, Helen Markle of Oshawa, Narda HoogKamp, Margaret Rudman, Marie Trim, Douglas and Fran Wright, Kaye Quinney, Judy Powell, Bowmanville, and friend from Brockville, Ivan Faris, Susan Floyd and Kelly, Bowmanville. Sunday luncheon luncheon guests were Jean and Glenn Allin. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce and Michael held a birthday party on Sundqy.fpp eight-year old Jeffrey! Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Emil Varga and Mrs. Varga, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ruttan, Karen and Kevin, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walton and Adam, Bowmanville and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Birthday greetings to Dorothy De Jong, Robin Alldred, Verne Rowe, Robert Rowe, Marion Allin, Janet Crowther and Pearl Rickard. To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glan- ville and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin who observe wedding. anniversaries on April 9, we extend felicitations. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoar and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson have returned from a twelve-day vacation motoring to Texas. Business Skills Update ACT NOW! JOIN AN ADULT STUDENT CLASS INTERESTED IN ADVANCING THEIR BUSINESS POTENTIAL • EARN FOUR CREDITS • MAY EARN YOUR GRADUATION DIPLOMA • FREE TUITION* FREE CAREER COUNSELLING THIS IS A PACKAGE PROGRAMME FOR MATURE ADULTS BEGINNING IN SEPTEMBER 1984 Four Credit Courses Offered * BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS * TYPING/OFFICE PROCEDURES/WORD PROCESSING * BUSINESS MACHINES & BUSINESS MATHEMATICS * ACCOUNTING FOR PERSONAL AND BUSINESS USE * ADDED FEATURE: CO-OPERATIVE WORK EXPERIENCE Babysitting Service Available APPLY FOR DETAILS and BROCHURE By Calling Ms. Caroline Naples, Director of Business Education Bowmanville High School 623-4416 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Monday to Friday All courses will be offered both morning and afternoon if justified, SEPTEMBER 1984 to MAY 1985 Six couples from the Newcastle Newcastle Lions Club enjoyed the weekend at the Lions Convention Convention at the Ramada Renaissance, Renaissance, Scarborough. Anglican News Mr. and Mrs. Fred Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Johnston Johnston and Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Haldenby, of Newcastle, and Mr. John Caldwell, of Orono, attended the meeting of the Deanery Council of Durham and Northumberland, held in Canon Nind Hall, St. George's Church, Grafton, on Tuesday, March 27. Mrs. Ardith Briffett, Mrs. Irene Rowe and Mrs. Freda Craite of Toronto, members of the Diocesan Chancel Guild, gave demonstrations of their work at the services in St. George's and St. Saviour's Churches on Sunday. They do the embroidery work and make up linen and silk cloths for churches and clergy. St. George's Choir sang the Anthem, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. a St. George's Fellowship Club met on Sunday evening at 7:30 in the Parish Hall. They made plans for the Sunrise Breakfast on Easter Day. Tickets are on sale for their St. George's Beef Dinner April 29 in the Newcastle Community Hall. Entertainment Entertainment was provided by Ron and Betty Locke. United Church News On Sunday, April 1st, at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Donald Stiles delivered a sermon on Paul: A Man In Christ. The Trillium Unit of the U.C.W. meet on Thursday, April 5th, at 2 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Graham. Couples Club meets next Sunday, April 8 for a tour of Purple Woods Conservation NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY BOWLING Monday Night Ladies League March 26,1984 175 and Over D. Neal 183, 176, 214, L. Crockett 180, 260, 198, M. Pierik 225, 254, 268, S. Foster 219,176,181, A. Stere 187, 213, D. Mackey 184,176, A. Mercer 222,183, D. Mercer 190, 254, D. Foster 189, 216, B. Major 243, 189, A. Langstaff 185, 205, D. McCurdy 194, 254, M. Trim 203,177, S. Stere 187, C. Pacey 188, P. Pacey 247, B. Pearce 184, J. McCracken. 179, E. Miller 184, D. Walker 216, B. Stacey 177, V. Watson 174, P. Irwin 230, C. Robinson 187, K. Mercer 183, T. Langs taff 177, M. Wade 222, E. Bruce 199, M. Major 205, 225. Tuesday Morning Seniors League March 27,1984 Over 300 Jean Holmes 310, B. Fisher 324, M. Hall 344, R. Burley 359, S. Allin 369, A. Pearce 390, G. Buckley 440. Thursday Night Mixed League 175 and Over March 29 J. Forget 235, 207, 198, K. Boyd 207, 228, 218, R. Adams 226, 187, E. Miller 214, 233, J. Foss 217, C. Lycett 181, Bill Dennis 181, B. Forget 245, Barb Dennis 175, F. Forget 278, M. Blaker 221, N. Dennis 189, J. Winter 254, J. Boyd 189, W. Forget 223, S. Dennis 178, K. Moffatt 188. Sim anil Btatant 50 Years Ago, Thursday, April 5 th, 1934. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., organist and choir director of Trinity United Church will direct the operetta "Nautical Knot" by the choir of the church in the Opera House this Thursday and Friday. The C. D. Massey grand challenge cup was won by Mrs. Chris Lou at the Newcastle Newcastle Flower Show held last week. Easter report of S. S. No. 4 Clarke. Sr. IV - Margaret McKay, Evelyn Bellamy, Wanda McKay. Jr. IV., Margaret Dénault, Walter Fall, Mary Denault. Sr. III. Jean Campbell, Philip Sanders, Mabel Wallace, Lawrence Millson, Betty Stapleton, Nellie Meneely, Florence Burley, George Pethick, Harold Burley. 25 Years Ago, Thursday, March 26th, 1959. On Friday, February 27th, four students from Bowmanville Bowmanville High School, Marg Van- stone, Connie Osmond, Howard Rundle and Charlie Trim, attended the Second Annual High School Student Council Conference for the province of Ontario, which was held in Hamilton, on Lover's Lane, those in charge of the first Red Cross drive were delighted to learn a total of $2,100 had been reached. Assisting in totalling the receipts were Bill Burk and Ralph Ames. Members of the Bowmanville Bowmanville Business and Professional Professional Women's Club enjoyed an interesting account of a trip to seven countries in Europe, given at their regular meeting on Thursday, by Miss Leslie Luffman of the Bowmanville Post Office staff. At headquarters in exmayor exmayor Nelson Osborne's home Miss Lynn Bagnell and Miss Sally Price, members of Shipstads and Johnson's "Ice Follies" are visiting Lynn's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bagnell, for Easter holidays. Mrs. John Broome gave an interesting talk on "Citizenship" "Citizenship" to the members of the Bowmanville Kinette Club at their regular meeting last week. 10 Years Ago, Thursday, April 10th, 1974 John Ingraham of Park Road, Bowmanville was recently awarded the Gordon Jewellers Award for his entry in the Metal Arts Guild annual exhibition in Toronto. A full time student in the Jewellery Arts program at George Brown College, he won the award for an abstract diamond ring of his own creation. creation. John Metcalf, John Gulin and Don Robinson, grade six students at South Courtice Public School won first prize in the junior class at the regional science fair held recently at Trent University. Their entry in the event was a project on U.F.O.'s complete with sound track and flashing lights. Mrs. Robert G. Moffat was presented with her Agricultural Agricultural Service Diploma from the Durham Central Agricultural Agricultural Society at their annual banquet held on March 27th. Palestine Chapter was honoured at their installation of officers by the presence of Most Excellent Companion Gordon H. Stuart, Grand First Principal of Royal Arch Masons of Canada in the Province Province of Ontario. Many visitors and guests were in attendance including Most Excellent Companion William H. Sproule, Past Grand Z and Right Excellent Companion Thomas McKean, Grand Superintendent for Ontario District No. 10. Installing Installing Principal was Excellent Companion Jack Hartwell. Pictured above are the 1984 officers: Front row, left to right: Ex. Comp. Len Pridie H; M. Ex. Comp. G. H. Stuart Gr. Z; Ex. Comp. David Tillcock Z; M. Ex. Comn. W. H. Sproule; Rt. Ex. Comp. T. McKean Gr. Supt. ; Rt. Ex. Comp. Martin Poupart J. Second row: Ex. Comp. Jack Hartwell, Scribe E; Rt. Ex. Comp. D. Klein; Ex. Comp. Ken Bromley I P Z; V. Ex. Comp. Walt Pascoe Asst. Scribe E; Ex. Comp. Bob Mutton Scribe N; Comp. John Manuel Treas. and Organist; Comp. Bob Rosseau Sr. Soj.; Ex Comp. Farncomb Le- Gresley, Historian; Ex. Comp. Byron Bridges Director Director of Ceremonies; Comp. Glen Thertell Master of the 3rd Veil; Ex. Comp. Keith Billett, Asst. Supt. of Work; Comp. Ron Brittain Outer Guard; Comp. Keith Dewar Prin. Soj.; and Rt. Ex. Comp. Bruce Tink, Supt. of Work. Photo by Lange's Photo Lab ENNISKILLEN On Friday, Sherri and Laura Piggott celebrated their 12th birthdays. Jim and Eileen McLaughlin were Saturday evening visitors visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Miss Betty Wright spent. Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright and Bev, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and girls were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Gerryts and sons, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. A number from here attended attended the showing of Jessie Slemon's paintings at Cream of Barley Mill this week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and Jim were last Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Avery and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rekker and family, Newcastle also helped John celebrate his birthday. On Saturday morning, Mrs. Ina Beryl Dudley, Bowmanville Bowmanville called on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Miss Myrtle Tamblyn, Mrs. A. Pearse, Toronto, Mrs. Russell Vanhorn, Whitby were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wilfred Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill enjoyed their 10 day tour to Daytona, Florida. The Edgar Wright family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Axford and family, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stain- ton, Caesarea, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stainton, Bowmanville were Wednesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Len Stainton. On Sunday morning, Mr. Clark Piggott and Donna, Oshawa called on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Piggott and family. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Avery were recent callers of Mrs. Verna Avery, Lindsay. Steve Thompson, Mitchell's Corners was a Sunday lunch guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clarence Stainton and family. A beautiful spring like day brought forth our worshippers to the fourth Sunday of Lent Service. Pastor Joe had the children come forth for their children's storytime and singsong. singsong. Today, being April 1st, April Fools Day, Mr. Lafave chose this theme for his talk with the children and then we sang for our singsong "I Will Serve Thee." The Senior Choir sang a delightful anthem under the direction of their leader and organist Mrs. Ulah Chambers. Mr. Lafave chose as his message "Christ the King... Suffering!" Announcements: I. An evening service was held at Tyrone U.C. at 7:15 on Sunday night. II. Bible Study was held on Tuesday afternoon at the Manse at 1:30. III. Official Board Meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 9th, 1984 at Enniskillen U.C. beginning at 8:00 p.m. IV. Seminar for Young Women to be held at Brooklin U.C. on Tuesday, April 10th from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. For more information please contact Merle Avery fur Enniskillen. ONTARIO GOVERNMENT NOTICE Completion of a Highway Study The Ministry of Transportation and Communications (M.T.C.) has completed a study which will result in the reconstruction of Highway 2, from the C.P.R. Subway at the East Limit of the Former Village of Newcastle, easterly 0.33 km, W.P. 167-80-03, District - Port Hope. The study has followed a planning process approved under The Environmental Assessment Act, 1975. As required by this approval, an Environmental Study Report has been filed with the Environmental Approvals Branch of the Ministry of the Environmental (M.O.E.) and is available for public review at the following locations: Ministry of Environment Ministry of the Environment _ Environmental Approvals Branch Central Region 135 St. Clair Avenue West 10th Floor Toronto, Ontario M4V1P5 MinistryTransportation and Communication District 7-Port Hope 138 Hope Street North Port Hope, Ontario L1A3W3 150 Ferrand Drive Suite 700 Don Mills, Ontario M3C3C3 Regional Municipality of Durham Office of the Clerk 605 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario L1N6A3 Town of Newcastle Office of the Clerk 40Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C3A6 Please send comments to: Mr. J. Desrocher Project Manager Ministry of Transportation and Communications Central Region Planning and Design 5000 Yonge Street Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6E9 Telephone: (416) 224-7662 Ministry of Transportation and Communications Spruce Up for Spring ? UP TO Vi Off IN-STOCK WALLPAPER UP TO 20% to 25%* Off Selected Book Orders off suggested book price lilt HimsHsvim ABERNETHY'S Paint and Wallpaper Free Forking nt Boor ' Enter 0(1 Queen st. 55 King St. W. 623-5431 Bowmanville Hours: Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. -- Friday 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. -- Saturday 8 a.m. • 5 p.m.