f 12 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, April 25,1984 5th Bowmanville Scouts Hold Father and Son Banquet /®i ORONO By Isabelle Challice Orono Woman New OHA Director ■y. -n. The annual Father and Son banquet of the 5th Bowmanville Scouting organization was expanded expanded this year to include all levels of scouting, from Beavers up to Venturers and Pathfinders. The change in the banquet was made to com- ti memorate the 100th anniversary of the Salvation Army, and the opening of the new headquarters on Liberty Street. The photo above shows the young group with parents and leaders during the banquet held last week. Janice Seto and Andrew Smith. Andrew is a long distance distance runner who is also interested interested in all team sports. His job at the Flying Dutchman hotel leaves him little spare time in which he studies, gathers publicity and reads The Way of the Animal Powers and other books. Next year Andrew hopes to be at either McGill University or the University of Toronto, eventually studying medicine. Janice Seto spends her time, working at the Coronation Restaurant with her parents and editing the B.H.S, news. She would like to be at the University of Toronto studying studying Biology in September. Next week, there will be pictures of a real rehearsal and mini-biographies of the other people in the cast and crew including the musical Mr. Doug Dewell, the off-key Mr. R. Sheridan, and the on- tune Mr. M. Lindop, our adult directors. If you want tickets for The King and I, call the High School at 623-4416, were 30 guests present to wish lonor a very Major Gordon Wilder (right), from Toronto was welcomed to the local Salvation Army headquarters by Capt. Ellis Cuff, during the annual banquet held last week. Major Wilder was the guest speaker for the evening. Introducing Some of B.H.S. Thespians in 'King and F LETTER TO THE EDITOR By Janice Seto The King and I production rehearsals at the Bowmanville Bowmanville High School are making room for activities other than practising lines and singing the Rodgers and Hammer- stein songs. This week the publicity directors have scheduled scheduled photo sessions, interviews interviews and previews. The residents at the Marnwood Home on Horsey Street will have a chance to see the short preview of The King and I. Shut-ins will enjoy this public service preview when some cast and crew members come, costumed and ready to perform. perform. All Senior Citizens are welcome to attend the King and I performance free on May 7 at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Stu Candler, we hope to see you there! Cast members in the leading roles have been feverously working for the show. This talented group includes Shelly Geddes, who plays Anna for two of the nights of the production production run of May 9 to 12 and is a versatile athlete. She trains her horse, is great at Trivial Pursuit, is skilled in all indoor and outdoor sports especially gymnastics, volleyball, basketball, tennis, and swimming, and enjoys participating participating in plays. In her aim to be an expert at either Human Kinetics or Occupational Therapy, Shelly takes an avid interest in Biology and Physical Education and has Guelph for her university choice. The other Anna, Rhonda Peterson, has staked out Dramatic Arts for her major at the University of Windsor. Her experience on stage at B.H.S. makes the list quite long: You Can't Take It With You, See How They Run, Finian's Rainbow, and Fiddler Fiddler on the Roof. This alumnus of Central Public School was in the B.H.S. band and indulges indulges in painting, singing, and poetry during her leisure time. The crew behind the scenes include the multi-talented Kevin Bates and Shari Cramm, ordering everyone and keeping the stage set and cast personnel at the right place at the right time. Both are veterans in stagecraft; Kevin has made props and ■sets his forte; Shari manages the stage and lighting. Their hard work extends to ticket sales, programs, and putting up posters. Both active in the B.H.S. library club, Shari has been a candy striper at the hospital with Kevin a leader of the Beaver branch of the Boy Scouts. Shari has been accepted accepted at Durham College's RN program. Kevin has been accepted at the same institution's institution's Computer and Business Administration course. Until this play, publicity has been in the domain of Shari and Kevin. The publicity directors of The King and I are Guest Speaker at Orono Fair Banquet 'W » V, • i The guest speaker at Durham Central Agricultural Society's annual banquet recently in Orono was Ingrid Larmer from the Ministry of Agriculture who spoke on Exhibitions and Fairs. She was welcomed by President Don Welsh, Dear Johnny In the March 28th Statesman, Statesman, our school board explains explains the current budget and takes a bit of credit for holding the increase to 6.2 percent - not too far from five percent which was the objective. They did not dwell upon the increase of the year before which was nearly 14 percent and this would seem to indicate indicate a 10 percent yearly increase increase and as the restraint programs I heard of were in the five percent and six percent percent range, we seem to be operating on a different level. Now, at a 10 percent yearly increase things nave a habit of doubling in about sevfen years. Our school board spends more than half the taxes levied (locally that is) so this means that seven years hence the school taxes will be roughly equal to your entire tax bill for this year. Isn't that something to look forward to? There is however one little bright spot. There were two votes against the budget and one trustee, Mrs. Fairey, thought there could be a better use of funds and that our board "has a top-heavy administration administration structure," I do not know exactly what Mrs. Fairey has in mind but I do know we have a big chief, Mr. Sifton, who the board considers considers to be worth about $68,000.00 yearly. (The new replacement has just been hired at about $72,000). He is supported by four slightly lesser chiefs, each of whom the board considers to be worth more than $60,000.00 yearly. I assume each of these would have an office and a secretary and even a phone and a lot more odds and ends. Then there are fringe benefits which really add up, so if I were to say these five were costing us half a million this year (and a million seven years from now) I wouldn't be too far astray. If on the other hand I am a 1 bit out on my figures throw in another administrator to make up the difference. We must have scads of them. About now I think there will be horrified shouts pertaining to something called "the quality of education," From what I have read and heard over the last 10 years or so, the quality is not considered so high. So, in 1991-2, a lot of people just won't be able to pay their taxes, We may be faced with the same situation California had a few years back, We are having a friend from San Francisco visit us in a few days and 1 shall try to find out just what is going on down there. What she has to say plus the Statesman of April 4 should make interesting reading, Morgan Quote - "It is a good heart that says no ill, But a better heart that thinks none." Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and sons were weekend guests of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Thompson, Napanee. Mrs. Sandra Bailey and girls were Easter dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bowins. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burnett and family, Osburn, were Easter Sunday guests of her mother, Mrs. Rosie Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimmett and family, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and boys, Orono were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. E, Billings. Mr. and, Mrs. Lawrence Staples hosted a family birthday birthday party on Friday evening, April 20th, at the Durham Sr. Citizens hall, in honor of Mrs. Staples' mother, Mrs. Gladys Trimble, Bowmanville. There - P 1 the guest of ni happy 92nd! Congratulations! Good Friday dinner guests a Good Friday dinner guests at the O. Challices were Mr. and Mrs. Allan Heckbert and girls, Apple River, N.S., Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown and girls, Peterborough, Mrs. M. Harmer, Chris and Rick, Oshawa, Mrs. Pam Rushell and family and Miss Laurie Benedict, all from Oshawa, Don Challice and Kerry Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wannan and family, Belleville, were Easter weekend guests of his mother, Mrs. Doris Wannan. Congratulations to Mrs. Pat Storsbergen . who won the "Best Easter Bonnet" at the Showcase, event on Sunday. A very excellent sale of Easter chocolate bunnies and eggs, these were created by "House of Haines." (my neighbour) Orono Arena Improvement Projects News Dates have been set by the Orono Arena Improvement and Projects Fund Committee for the 1984 fund-raising events. Our annual Fathers' Day Turkey Dinner, June 17, at the Orono Community Centre, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The Beef Bar-B-Q August 16 at the Orono Park, at 5 p.m. Meals will be served at the Durham Central Agricultural ■ Fair, on Sept. 6,7,8,9. The funds raised from the events will be used to finance the completion of the paving of the parking lot at the Community Centre. With the support of the community, nb' doubt these events will once again be successful. St. Saviours Church News Holy Communion at St. Saviours with sidespersons John Caldwell and Peggy Sawyer, and server Robert. French. Part of the special Easter service was Processional Processional and Lighting of Paschal Candle. Souvenir Plates for St. Saviours 100th Anniversary are now available for $6.00 each. Please contact Charles - Gray, but there is a limited number. St. Saviours Salad Supper is Wed., May 2. There will be only one sitting at 6 p.m. in the hall upstairs at the Orono Arena. Get your tickets early! The Easter flowers at St. Saviours are presented to the Glory of God and in memory of Sherri Dayle Hester by the family; in loving memory of Mrs. Viola Morton by the Morton family; in memory of Leonard Bourne and James and Margaret Crowe by their family; in memory of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson by Steve and June Johnson; and by Peggy Sawyer. Parish Outreach Walkathon is Saturday, May 12. It is approximately 10 km. long. There is a 5 km. option. It starts 9 a.m. from St. George's parish hall, and ends there. Outreach Co-ordinators Pippa Schmiegelow, 987-4856 and Sandra Anderson 983-5654. Orono United Church News Orono and Kirby United Churches combined for the Good Friday services and readers taking part in the service were Mrs. Bonnie Reid, Kirby and Mrs. Betty Wright, Orono. The special choir anthems were "Ave Verum", and "Ten Thousand Angels." The Sacrament of Holy Communion was solemnized. solemnized. A special collection was donated to the M. & S. funds of the United Church. The Orono United Church was well filled on Easter Sunday morning with members, members, friends and many visitors. visitors. Beautiful Easter lilies and flowers from the funeral for the late Walter Ormiston decorated the chancel, Donna Hutton gave the story to the large number of children present, present, "Jesus Christ is Risen Today", was the processional hymn and the recessional "Ye Choirs of New Jerusalem" and all special Easter music added greatly to a very inspiring inspiring Easter service, Coordinator needed for Upper Room Devotional Booklets. Booklets. For details, contact Liz Varnler Sehee (9113-9367). The Orono Hoard of Stewards will meet April 30, at 1:00 p.m, and the members of Session will meet Tuesday, May 1st at 7:30 p.m, Durham Complex News A good crowd was in attendance attendance at the monthly dinner and meeting of the Durham Complex on Thursday, April 19. An Easter menu of ham, escalloped potatoes, vegetables vegetables and juice, birthday cake and jellied fruit salads were enjoyed by all. Head tables guests included the birthday guests and Mayor and Mrs. Rickard, James and Doreen Lowery, our entertainment. entertainment. Mayor Rickard brought greetings from Newcastle and remarked how many present were "old" school chums. Doreen and James provided excellent music on saxaphone, violin and piano and congratulations congratulations to Doreen on being the lucky draw winner for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Day arrived home on Sunday, after spending several months in Florida. Several of our inhabitants are suffering from the bad cold and flu that is so prevalent. prevalent. Attention all friends of the late Mrs. Dorothy Holmes, Leskard, who passed away recently. There will be a memorial service this Saturday, Saturday, April 28th in Leskard Church Hall, 2 p.m. Easter weekend guests of their mother, Mrs. Vi Sutcliffe included Mrs. Connie Peavoy and girls, Hillsburgh, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Conway, Hillsburgh. Hillsburgh. Reminder to all card lovers of the progressive euchre party this Thursday, April 26, 8 p.m. in Leskard church hall. Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland, Sutherland, Mill St., Orono, were Easter Sunday dinner guests of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutherland and girls, Bowmanville. Kirby News A good crowd was in attendance attendance at the Easter morning breakfast and church service following at Kirby United. Six new members were welcomed into the congregation - Randy, Leanne and Patty Reid, children of Robert and Bonnie Reid; Miss Shana Hillis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hillis; Miss Rhonda Owen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Owen, Leskard; Mia Zander, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dik Zander. 't ' w H in During the recent District Conference of the Ontario Horticultural Association at Newcastle, Isabelle Challice, left, was elected as the new Director of District 17. Here, she is being congratulated by Doreen Lowery, the new President of Orono Horticultural Association. Sunday Easter dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Doug Harris and family, Kendal - Mr.- and Mrs. Lawrence Harris, Kirby, Mr. Charles Harris and Miss Aimie McBride, Newtonville. Mrs. Mabel Williams and Mr. Joe Pettitas, Pembroke were Monday evening guests of Lawrence Harris. Weather forecast for the next 40 days! Many of the old timers predicted predicted the weather by the direction of the wind, on Easter Sunday. Well folks, the news in not good! Strong easterly winds and cool! Perhaps a bit too much moisture! moisture! Mr. and Mrs. Stephen 1 Barnett, Edmonton spent last week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Derek Barnett. On Easter Sunday Miss Diane Editor's Letter Almonte, Ontario. March 15, 1984. The Editor: The Almonte Civitan Club is planning a retirement roast to honor high school teacher Don Maynard. We understand some students students whom Don Maynard taught are living in your area and we are anxious to Barnett, Hamilton and Mr. Paul Stoner, Ajax, and Miss Carol Barnett, Ithica, New York, were all guests of the Barnetts. Mrs. Hilda Tamblyn spent several days last week visiting her daughter Marilyn and family, Woodbridge. reach as many as possible. Don is retiring after 33 years teaching at Almonte & District High School. All former colleagues and students are invited back to. 'attend the retirement roast which will take place on June 30,1984, in the form of a sit-down dinner. Tickets will be $25 a couple or $13 single. For tickets or further information information please contact June Dalgity, Box 886 Almonte, Almonte, Ont. K0A 1A0. Thank you for your co-operation, Yours truly, June Dalgity. WANT TO SAVE MONEY ON NEW EMPLOYEE TRAINING? CALL WALLY. Wally Breininger is an Employment Specialist. He's an expert at matching people to jobs, The people he finds jobs for are rehabilitated workers. They were good workers on their previous jobs. And they're ready and willing to learn the skills a new job requires. , But jobs aren't easy to find. That's where our employment specialists like Wally come in. We'll develop a program to help meet your specific needs and defray the costs of retraining. The end result is that you gain an experienced worker with a sense of accomplishment and responsibility. Plus you'll have given someone the chance to prove their worth. Give Wally a call. Right now he has many job-ready people who want to work for you. Call Wally Breininger; just ask the operator for Zenith 61700 (no toll charge). For you, it's a good business opportunity. You save the cost of advertising a vacancy, and preliminary interviews. You pay no wages during the assessment assessment period. You pay only a small portion of the wage following the assessment period, until job training is complete. You won't be charged a higher compensation compensation assessment as a result of an injury during the trial or training periods, or as a result of recurring problems with the old injury. You sign only two pieces of paperwork during the whole procedure! You get experienced workers, handpicked, handpicked, with a sense of responsibility. You get continuing help and advice from a Workers' Compensation Board Employment Specialist. lx V Workers' Commission Compensation des accidents Board du travail