18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 2,1984 Liberals Select Delegates to Leadership Convention As can be seen from the size of the crowd at last nominee at the Wednesday, April 25 meeting was week's meeting of the Durham - Northumberland willing to declare his support for a leadership Liberals, there is considerable interest in the contender. The remainder indicated they are outcome of the leadership race. Seven delegates unlikely to make a final decision until the chosen at the meeting plus two ex-officio delegates convention, will represent the riding in Ottawa. Only one Nestleton- The Church News At Nestleton' Presbyterian Church, April 29, an average congregation. congregation. Rev. Fred Swann delivered an excellent excellent sermon taking his text from 1st Corinthias- verse 15- the theme being "The Importance of the Resurrection," asking the question- What would it have been like if Christ had not risen from the dead? - the answer from verse 20- "Now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept." Service next Sunday at 10 a.m . The service at Nestleton United was well attended for the Sacrament of Baptism. Members were pleased to welcome into the Church family by baptism: baptism: Angela Christina, daughter of Tena and Don Jenkins, View Lake, and Richard Dwayne, son of Joyce and Rick Caesarea Johns of Nestleton. The Sunday School with their teachers were upstairs for the baptismal service and the minister Rev. Dale Davis presented to the children - and to the congregation - thoughts re- Christian initiation into into the United Church - explaining explaining the meaning of baptism, etc. A very impressive impressive sermon! A quartet composed of Heather and Alison Malcolm and Kinglsey and Joshua Malcolm sang two little numbers unaccompanied and led by Arlene Malcolm. Get Well Wishes Very pleased to know that Mrs. Helen Moore of Nestleton is coming along well in Wellesley Hospital, since back surgery some three weeks ago. Warmest wishes for a speedy recovery from this area. Do drop Helen a card- folks! Student Employment Office Opens in Mall Denise Vanson, a student placement officer with the Canada Manpower Student Employment Centre, works on some of the files at the recently- opened student employment centre in Bowmanville. The Centre officially opened its doors last week at the Bowmanville Mall. It welcomes inquiries from both students who need summer jobs and employers who need students to work for them this summer. Terry Kelly (right), a candidate for the federal Liberal Party nomination in Oshawa, chats with Ed Schamerhorn at a meeting of the Durham-North- umberland Liberals last Wednesday. Mr. Schamerhorn was the Liberal standard-bearer standard-bearer for Durham-Northumberland in the most recent federal election. election. Both were attending last week's meeting held to nominate delegates who will attend the upcoming Liberal leadership convention in June. Voters cast their ballots during the meeting held to select Durham-North- umberland's delegates to the Liberal leadership convention. Over 150 cast votes for a slate of 13 nominees during last week's meeting in Clarke High School. Some of the delegates who will be representing Durham-Northumberland Liberals at the leadership convention next month are shown here following the nomination meeting, They are, from left: Doreen Gorsl ine, Alice Allchin, Jan Vanderluit, Roger Kirkpatrick, Francine Newton, and David Purvis. Gillian Family Foods The yew Supermarket II Town located in the former Dominion Store Kew Store Honrs: Monday to Friday9-9, Saturday 8-6 BROOKSIDE BREAD 49e M y 450 gr LOAF 2% MILK 2 39 Æmrn W# 4 (BAG < 1 CHICKEN LEGS BACKS ATTACHED 1.09 b 2.40 k9 GRANNY SMITH APPLE JUICE FROM CONCENTRATE 1 *09 1.36(GLASS DAD'S OATMEAL COOKIES 1 «79 450 gr BAG PEAMEAL BACK BACON BY THE PIECE - CENTRE CUT 1.99 b 4.39 k9 VIVA TOWELS 99<? PKG. MAPLE LEAF coil POLISH SAUSAGE PEAMEAL BACK BACON BY THE PIECE 1.99 b 4.39 kg 1.79e 3.95 kg £ow Prices MALING MUSHROOMS PIECES & STEMS 284 ml .79 McCORMICK COOKIES ASST. VARIETIES 600 gr 1.79 PEAK FREAN MILK OR DARK CHOCOLATE DIGESTIVE COOKIES 200 g 1.39 NABOB TRADITION COFFEE REGULAR - FINE DRIP - EXTRA FINE 369 gr 3.29 STOKLEY KERNEL CORN 12 oz. OR PEAS 14 oz. .59 SUNMAID CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS RAISINS 450 gr 1.89 NABISCO BRAND SHREDDIES 800 gr UNCLE BEN'S CONVERTED RICE 900 gr Quality Meats T.V. TIME ... POPCORN 226 gr w .79 GLASS-PLUS CLEANER 600 ml 1.39 LYSOL DISINFECTANT SPRAY 175 gr 1.59 JOY 2 LIQUID DETERGENT 500 ml 1.09 l CHEQUES ACCEPTED. PRODUCT WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATURDAY, MAY 5,1984.