I 18 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 16, 1984 Community Involvement Committee Donates to Fish Ladder Fund Members of the Bowmanville Community Involvement Committee last week made their first contribution to the Bowmanville Creek Anglers Association to help them with their fish ladder fund. For some time, the anglers group has been urging organizations and individuals to assist them on this project so the fish will be able to reach spawning grounds upstream. This first contribution is accompanied by a challenge to downtown merchants and other community groups to contribute. Donations may be left at real estate offices in Bowmanville. The Bowmanville Involvement Committee is affiliated with Oshawa & District Real Estate Board. Taking part in the presentation, from left to right, Ron Brooks, Pat Irwin Lycett, Anglers Vice President Mike Nelson, Marg Bain and Iris Dormon; absent, Ann Van Dyk and Dorothy Hartford. Insurance! For Rates or Service CALL 'Ernie Harvey 623-2527 Treacy & Harvey Insurance Brokers Ltd. 68 King St. East Bowmanville Starkville News DURHAM THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM TENDERS FOR WD 32-84, Rental of cab and chassis for winter maintenance WD 33-84, Rental of one plow truck for winter maintenance SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents will be received received by the Regional Regional Clerk until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 29, 1984 for the above equipment. Specifications and tender forms may be secured from the Purchasing Section, Supply & Services Division at tel. 416- 571-3311. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. GARY HERREMA, REGIONAL CHAIRMAN J.S. Lome, C.E.T., M.B.A., Manager of Supply & Services, 60 Bond St. W„ Oshawa, Ontario. L1H8B6 Last Sunday, the U.C.W. of Shiloh United Church held their anniversary service with a good number to hear the guest speaker Mrs. Alice Sheffield of Oshawa. Mrs. Sheffield is a member of Simcoe Street United Church in Oshawa and a member of their U.C.W. She is also a past president of the Ü.C.W Presbyterial. Our interim minister, Mrs. Lynda King of Oshawa, took the service with Mrs. Sheffield speaking on "What is the Church?" Special music was by the Orono United Church choir who rendered three excellent anthems. Their organist, Mr. Gray, also played for the service. service. Greeters at the door were Mrs. Isabelle Trim and Mrs. Ada Hallowell with the offering being taken by Mrs. Ruth Andrews and Mrs. Gloria Todd. Everyone enjoyed enjoyed a fine lunch and social time following the service. Mrs. Rowena Tizzard, Port Hope was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd, Cathy and Robbie following the service last Sunday. Mr. Raymond Trim, Crooked Crooked Creek visited Sunday morning with Mr. and Mrs., Bert Trim. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark with Pitch-in arid Keep Canada Beautiful Mr. and Mrs. Grant Silvester, Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stark, Christopher and Shannon, Knoxville were Sunday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Hallowell and Scott, Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rye, Toronto visited Sunday afternoon afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. John Windatt, Ellen and Erin. On Sunday, Mrs. Freda Maynard, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Luxton, Brandon and Shanna, Bowmanville Bowmanville spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rowe and Tiffany, Bowmanville were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McColm, Kathleen, Ginny and Patrick, Oshawa were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Scott, Georgina and Chad and Mr. Emile Barron, all of Oshawa spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Todd and family. Mr. and, Mrs. : Andy Van Drunnen, Michael, Jason and ' Terry, Cavan visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch. Later, all went out to a restaurant for supper to celebrate Mother's Day. On Sunday morning, several folk from Starkville attended the church services at Kendal United when Miss Ann Foster was the guest speaker for the U.C.W. anniversary service. Ann is a former Kendal girl and attended this church in her younger days. She is to be ordained into the ministry in a couple of weeks at Timothy Eaton Memorial United Church in Toronto and will then be going to Alberta to take up a charge there. Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Mr. Jim Hallowell were supper guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell. Mr. Charlie Trim, Bowmanville Bowmanville visited Sunday evening evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert- Trim. i Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy were Mr. and Mrs. Andy Murphy, Mary and Michael, Bowmanville. Miss Debbie Brettell, Toronto spent Sunday and Monday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brettell and Susan. Mrs. Darlene Fleury of Edmonton, Alberta spent Monday with Mrf and Mrs. Bruce Todd, Scott, Jamie and Billy. Darlene is staying in" Oshawa while on holiday and is -visiting ■ other relatives in the area. EXPANDING? Shared Office Space For Rent Modern building, ground floor, air conditioned, 200' sq. It. parking. Call Ernie Harvey 623-2527 Oshawa Monument Co. Family Memorials - Markers All Designs and Lettering Done by Us on Premises - NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 for Full Details HIGHLAND 'ACRES RIDING INSTRUCTION HORSES BOARDED • English • Western • Showmanship • Beginner & Advanced • Instructor Mrs. Gail Woodward • Indoor Arena • Washslall • Turn Out • Excellent Care & Feed $150.00 monthly Two.Miles North of Newtonville One Mile East of Crooked Creek Register Immediately For June 1st 786-2601 Don't Make a Move!! without Our Hostess' Gifts and information information are the Key to Your New Community Call Sandra Yates 623-5873 lit Meitfwvt ItitH « ht WWV " PINE LOFT ltd. 167 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 579 - 9311 LTD. Lincoln County Grouping (5 piece) Solid Pine M.S.L. *2619 00 25% NOW *1899 Offer expires June 13th, 1984 Ha y don Correspondent Attends Bowling Banquet HAYDONNEWS Jack and Blanche Jones, Mrs. Peggy Millson and Wilbur and Eileen Blackburn attended the Golden Age Bowling Banquet on Thursday noon which was held at the Lions Centre on May 9 and catered to by the Lions and Lionesses. Following grace by Reverend Langely we did justice to a sumptuous meal. Mr. Arnold Lobb, president of the Bowling League welcomed welcomed the children and teachers of North Courtice School and called on Mrs. McRobbie to introduce the head table. Mayor Rickard was asked to give a few remarks. The Principal of Courtice School, Mr. Bolton, spoke a few minutes and Mr. Lew Tomlinson presented him with an envelope for the school. Mr. Les Smale thanked our ladies of Liberty Bowl, Nancy Evans and Marion Brooks for all their help. Mr. Charlie Vanstone presented presented a trophy to the North Courtice School and it was accepted by one of the pupils. Then Mr. Jim Cryderman read off the names of the youngsters who received trophies for their bowling which were presented by one of the teachers. Mr. Farewell Blackburn presented the trophies to the first schedule of the Golden Agers which were: high average for men - Ernie Perfect, high bowler - Bud Moses and high single - Cecil Mills. For the ladies - high average - Peggy Millson, high triple bowler - Ann Gilpin and high single Agnes Sheehan. Mr. Fred Andrews presented presented the trophies to the second schedule: ladies - H.A. Grace Murdock, H.T.B. Marie Gibson and H.S. Doris Millson, and for the men H.A. Blackie Blackburn, H.T.B. Bert Mutton, H.S. Les Smale who promptly gave his to a little girl from Courtice. Second team - (title runner up) Charlie Vanstone as Captain and his team Agnes S., Charlie H., Marg J., Marilyn J., and Dorothy S. Champions - the trophies were presented by Mr. John Eaton of the Bank of Commerce. Commerce. Ab Mavin (captain), Ruby Lobb, Norm Allison, Sally Irvine and Oscar Pingle. Norm Allison was called on to conduct the nominations for elections. Jack Brough made the motion tQ.jeturn the., same.. slate of bracers for another year and had it seconded by Charlie Vanstone - with everyone everyone In agreement. President - Arnold Lobb, Ass. - Ken Flint, Sec. - Mrs. McRobbie and Treas. - Lew Tomlinson. We all enjoyed the verses that Arnold read and parted until September with good . feelings. Mrs. Karen Ruelland and Jason of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble and family, Bethany and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Millson of Black- stock were Mother's Day callers with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Millson, Jesse and Jenny were Sunday , supper guests with Alf and Peggy Millson. Mr. Steve Millson spent Sunday playing in the Lob Ball Tournament at several places in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Art Trewin and Paul visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Trewin, Oshawa and were treated to dinner out for Mother's Day. Mrs. Mary Spry and Ashley were with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Potts for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Bertrim and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stainton attended the Hospital Fund dance at the Newcastle Town Hall on Friday night. John and Cecile Bertrim joined the Schoonderbeck families when they all gathered gathered at the Hagan's Restaurant at Manchester for a Sunday Mother's Day dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon and Susan visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly and daughters at Blackstock and enjoyed Sunday supper. Mrs. Rena Potts, Charlene and Christopher accompanied Mrs. Ulah Chambers on Saturday and attended the National Ballet at the O'Keefe Centre in Toronto to see Sleeping Beauty. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones, Maureen and Heather from Port Colborne were Saturday supper guests with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jones and Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Paterson, Paterson, Michael Jr. and Tara from Oshawa called on his parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paterson. Mrs. Mary Ellen Atkinson, Toronto visited her dad and mother Mr. and Mrs. Lars Christensen for Mother's Day. Mrs. John Cochrane, Peterborough Peterborough visited with Brent and Bev Cochrane and girls for the weekend. Mother's Day Sunday callers at the Cochrane's were Bev's parents and brothers Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miller, Jim and John of Sunderland. Miss Sue Pilley, Oakville and Miss Joy Hadden of St. Field. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nielsen, Nielsen, Brenda and Brian, Mr. Allan Ashton and Miss Angela Kent of Oshawa were Sunday dinner guests with Ross and Jean Ashton and Grant. Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Graham' and Sadie were callers at her parents' for Mother's Day. Mrs. Joyce Selleck and family of Oshawa were Friday callers with Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and family and in the evening Bob and Mona White of Blackstock visited with them. Mr. John and Diane Adams and family attended the Shrine Circus at Oshawa Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Dorothy, Adams, Oshawa was a Mother's Day guest with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adams. Sorry to hear that Mrs. Adams' father, Mr. Richard Lott, Enniskillen, injured himself on Friday and is a patient in Bowmanville Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn Blackburn and family were supper guests with Wayne and Joan Blackburn and family of Orono on Sunday. Miss Agnes Hoffman, Henwood, Oshawa, was a Friday overnight guest with the Butterys. On Saturday, Mrs. Elizabeth Elizabeth Anderson and Janet of Bowmanville and her niece from Fenelon Falls popped in for a short visit with Kay Buttery. Mother's Day Sunday visitors visitors with Kay Buttery and Dave were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Philips of Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Theriault, Courtice Courtice and Mrs. John Sim from Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Blackburn Blackburn and Wendy joined the family gathering on Sunday at Wayne Blackburn's at Orono. Mrs. Norma Kennedy enjoyed enjoyed a lovely dinner Wednesday evening with Mrs. Sandy Cornish of Bowmanville. Bowmanville. She dined out for lunch with another friend Mrs. Kathy Newell on Thursday at San Marino's Deli Cafe on Waverley Road. Thursday evening Mr. Guy Kennedy and lady friend of Bowmanville visited with the Cecil Kennedy's. Mother's Day following work, Mr. Cecil Kennedy, Nick and Brandee treated Mom to a dinner at the Acres. It's nice that at least once a year the kids and dads everywhere treat mother. At the Ian Graham household, household, Gramma Howard got her tea served to her in bed - a special day, a special treat and then she O.K.'d it for a chance to let them all go to her cottage at View Lake and while working they could visit. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Laverty and family attended the Shrine Circus at the Civic Auditorium in Oshawa where they enjoyed themselves watching the circus from the United States. The family spent Sunday enjoying the Flea Markets and yard sales and then treated mother (Sylvia) to an early supper at Mother's Pizza Parlour. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Myles of Colborne were Monday visitors visitors of Jack and Gladys Potts. The Cubs and Scouts were busy last Thursday afternoon along with a few parents planting planting Trees for Canada, about 400 of them at Mr. and Mrs. Greenslade's, Bowmanville R. R. No. 5 and when the job had been completed, Mrs. Green- slade offered coffee and tea and doughnuts - a nice gesture don't you think? Last Thursday evening Mrs. Cindy and Peggy Millson and Blanche Jones attended the Newtonville Bowling Banquet that was held at the Port Darlington Marina. After a lovely meal we retired retired to the Rec. Room downstairs downstairs for our business meeting meeting and trophy presentation and our social hour. With Joan Adams, our president, presiding the evening evening ran smoothly. Our one captain, Dorilda McCarron will not be bowling next year so Pat Osborne will be taking over as that Captain and we're sorry to have Nadine quit. So far their second year - the captains are Dian Sciuk, Carol Oke, Marlene Stacey and Pat Osborne. First place team - Bread and Butters - Capt. Dian Sciuk, Sandra Mclnnis, Donna Mairs, Bernice Henderson, Cindy Millson and Pat Osborne received a calculator calculator cheque book gift. Second place team - Icicles - Capt. Marlene Stacey - Cathy Adams, Olive Henderson, Joan Adams, Jean Arnold and Sabine Parks received a bulle- ton board and letter organizer gift. Third place team - Sweet Mixed - Capt. Carol Oke - Joyce Stacey, Mary Topple, Blanche Jones, Peggy Millson and Karen Ruellands got an Occasional Table. Fourth place team - Dills - Capt. Dorilda McCarron - Jean Fallis, Vi Paterson, Jean O'Neill, Pat Millson and Nadine Trimble got a letter organizer and a mug. Champions were the Sweet Mixed team and each one got. a nice lawn chair. Our High Single : Marlene Stacey; High Triple - Cindy Millson and High Average - Pat Millson received lawn chairs and pads and our low bowler - Donna a nice mug with a skunk on it. We spent the remainder of the evening playing Court Whist. Winners were High lady - Sabine Parks and High White Card - Pat Millson. Both won copper trivets. Low lady Carol Oke and L. White Card - Joyce Stacey. Refrigerator magnets for H. and a small receipe book for Joyce. Door prizes were drawn and Carol was a winner again with a tea cosy and Olive Henderson Henderson winning oven mitts. We all wished our friends a nice summer and we'll look forward to our bowling again in September. FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seal It's your guarantee of permanence STAFFORD BROS. LTD. yiulfariuj Dtaltr Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB BARBECUE & DANCE Saturday, June 2,1984 Darlington Sports Complex ' nrm*tO |Jl» Featuring 50's & 60's Music 'Til Midnight With: Craig Smith Producer: CKFM's "Looking Back" Prizes for Period Costumes Dinner 6:00-8:00 p.m. Admission $12.50 per person PROCEEDS TO ROTARY SPONSORED PROJECTS Tickets Available At: Bowmanville Golf & Country Club Hockin Real Estate Specialty Paper Products Lander Home Hardware Strike & Strike Mothersill Printing Royal Bank Bank of Montreal Or Any Rotarian fun for y ei... FAMILY SEASON PASSES ONLY $25.00 (until June 15) Good for Ma - Pa - Kids (under 16) Passes entitle you to unlimited admission any day Zoo is open plus 10% Discount at the Restaurant 10% Discount at the Gift Shop 30% Discount on Rides I Just look at the new and exciting new-borns at the Bowmanville Zoo: OPEN DAILY 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. - Baby Dromedary "Clementine" - Baby Zebra "Danny" - Baby Muntjac "Tiny" weighed in at only - 2 baby Macaws just out of the nest 10 ounces - 2 baby Llamas - We know there is a baby in the Wallaby's pounch but no one has seen it yet NEW ARRIVALS: Group of 9 Patagonian Cavies which we have released in the contact area to become tame, have arrived from San Diego. Two adorable baby Lambs from the Turner farm. These were brought in mainly to teach the camel and zebra how to eat but are real personalities. o&oumui/rwiUe King St. E. (Hwy. 2) Bowmanville