1 I Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 16,1984 7 r "Keep YOUR Food Costs DOWN - Shop By The Box" ( 2£5) pQQ(J T^ritljllSll" Sim anil Sis tant faat I ¥*o'Sir iTftl fSSfflHi 1.3.28 »LPER ^ 1.491 [ORANGE JUICE I PACKERS FRESH VEST flDER lb. CONCENTRATED^ 115 FL. OZ. (3S5mU TIN UNSWEETENED *** ' 5 TIN LIMIT <'r% ~y' M DMECT FROM REMARKS ORCHARDS, KMGSVK1E, ONT. fs TRUCKLOADS NIAGARA BRAND SELECT NO. 1 GRADE MATURED 2 TEAR OLD STOCK BUSHES " LIMIT 10. ■ NEW ZEALAND GENUINE SI VACUUM*#** PACKED^^^^* ■awjto FROZEN LB. CRISCOt LARGE 1 LITRE BOTTLE | OIL 1 ► •™* 1.69 i RAM BRAND LARGE 4} A A ^FERTILIZER 20 kg 239 7-7-7 OR 10-6-4 BAG! 5 BAG LIMIT DIRECT FROM QUALITY PACKERS^/- _ - SH 1I£VER FROZEN ^ < eÇ5> -- ™ Fry .&2M- Whole '•or Half kg 3.51® CENTRE CHOPS REMOVED» WOMAN'S BAKERY LARGE WHITE BREAD ftl «i"rr • 67% WHOLE WHEAT ~|#Uy • HAMBURGER BUNS (8 PAC) UMIT0F • HOT DOG ROLLS (8 PAC) 9 loaves • ENGLISH MUFFINS (6 PAC) 0R PKGS DIRECT FROM ONTARIO GROWERS TRUCKLOADS DAILY GERANIUMS PRICE 89* EA. ;0\ 4" POT FLAT OF 12 PLANTS kg ONE LOW PRICE CASE of 24 280 ml TINS MARQUE DÉPOSÉE ASSORTED FLAVOURS 750 ml Bottles C/I ÛÛ (plus 30$ per btle. deposit)»/ lie# TRUCKLOADS DAILY FROM ONTARIO GROWERS PETUNIAS--MARIGOLDS AND ASSORTED VARIETIES OF BOXED PLANTS MIX OR MATCH BOXES BOX PRICE 69* EA. "CARDINAL" BEEF & SOYA BURGERS LARGE 2 Kg BOX (APPROX. 24 PATTIES) 2 LIMIT FAMILY SIZE LARGE 21 OZ. (595 g) BOX SUPER DELUXE FROZEN PIZZA FAMOSA MAPLE LEAF-CANADA NO. 1 MEADOW LIGHT CALORIE-REDUCED BUTTER 454 g TUB ' LIMITÉ 3 ' WHITE SWAN PAPER CQt TOWELS v" 2 ROLL 2 PLY PACK 11* 3 PAC LIMIT PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE FROM THE TROPICS LARGE BUNCHES 15 LB. LIMIT 450g' 3 PAC UMIT I CLOVER CREAM OR SILV ERWOOD'S "MEADOW GOLD" [ICECREAM 2 LITRE BOX 2 LIMIT PKG.OF48 IMPERIAL CONES 1J9 2 LIMIT NEVER FROZEN . • -- SUV^ON XAft'tCü* ijfc:5-L|.LJMIt\ [< L08PORK HOCKSM | V FRESH- kg DAD'S GRANOLA COOKIES ^RODUC^fÜ!s!Â^^ÂnTo^IGRAD? LONG WHITE VARIETY kg 55* POTATOES 50 lb. bag 10.95 400 g 14.1 LIMIT 500 g (17.6 OZ.) VAC HdttWNI.'.IH -- J pARIGOLD SR I I MILD «MEDIUM* AA I yBRICK » COLBY » 'VVJ ^ccÂÎÎT^AS! SWEETHEART CHEESE BLOCKS soo g pkg. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CALIFORNIA - TRACTOR TRAILEF CANADA #1 GRADE LARGE SIZE 24's HEAD LETTUCE OLD MOZZARELLA MIX & MATCH 3 LIMIT FILLER'S BRAND POLISH 3.28 SAUSAGE LB - -- ASSORTED FROZEN DEEP 'N DELICIOUS CAKES 1 LB. 3 OZ. I MIX OR MATCH 12 LIMIT I product OF CHILE RIBIER OR EMPEROR FILI - yourownbag .,2.18GRAPES ,99 PROD. OF CANADA -- SEA-GLO FROZEN QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND 3-4 LB. AVG. VAC PAC SO 00 SWEET PICKLE] tl 0i0 COTTAGE ROLLS LB. 1 BURNS "PRIDE OF CANADA" REAPYT0 SERVE SMOKED SHANKLESS MBir » 2.84 S " ™ GE PORK SHOULDERS LB . 1.29 COD FILLETS kg , fGENERAL MILLS > ICHEERIOS j -i >s.tm \ IQ NJK'ACC- ■ L.D. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. LARGE SIZE kg FILL YOUR LB. nuru N JK'HCC BURNS "PRIDE OF CANADA;' 8uy^* J COOKED CUSTOM HAM SLICED AT DELI COUNTER LB. 1 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA^ RED LARGE SIZE 32's IcRÂ'^miT ij ^RODUC^FCHI^^ANADAEXTRAfInCY^IL^OUROWNBA^ nu j.3o»tio5*l PKG. LIMIT J v 1 CHARCOAL [100% HARDWOOD BRIQUETS 4_kg BAG -| zip starter CUBES 99* m Mm CUBES •375o f(Wi □HOfl 3 BUNCH LIMIT t EA. r QUALITY PACKERS "TOWN CLUB" BRAND A39 BONELESS DINNER HAMS 2-3 LB. I ■ AVERAGE 1 VAC-PAC | | 99 LB.*' iww ip Uy W^ONJAffiq/"VAC mOBE -- ASSORTED 375 ml 112 OZ. JAR RELISHES "^T69 e DIXIE PKG.OF7S(eWCH)^ PAPER PLATES yj 1.69 KRAFT -- ASSORTED 455 ml BOTTLE BARBECUE SAUCE g^gy ALCAN - HEAVY DUTY H IN. X 25 FT. ALUMINUM FOIL (X] 1.69. PRODUCT OF ON kg FILL YOUR OWN BAG MUSHROOMS 5 LB. LIMIT LB. FILLERS FINEST QUALITY BRAND MINI-"BLACK FOREST CooKEO kg BONELESS 2-3 I LB. AVERAQEI r BACK FUG ASST NStCT VMVI LAME Ml UN «mam nr 2.99 SHAMPOO Rüm, 3.69 i*UKOX UROE5UUC DISINFECTS A PURIFIES *% A A l SWIMMING POOL WATER Cm ïfïf «■"a 2.99 |LMWI | BM9P V . WATERDOWN BRAND LARGE 22.5 kg BAG • COW & SHEEP MANURE • TOPSOIL |10 BAG limit! WEEKLY SPECIALS AVAILABLE MON.--SAT. ALL 6 FOOD TERMINALS West--Mississauga DIXIE MALL All North--Markham WOODBINE NORTH Central--Toronto 222 Lansdowne Avenue Corner Dundee St. Weel Downtown--Toronto 222 CHERRY STREET Juat South ol the Lift Bridge East--Pickering HWY. 2 & BROCK RD. In Pickering ÔSHAWA/DÙRHÀM First Ave. Just a "Stone's Throw / R . North of 401 JBetween Simons MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 9 A.M.-10 P.M. 9 A.M.-10 P M. 8 A M.-10 P M 7 A M.-10P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SATURDAY, MAY 19/84 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT DIM AND DISTANT, 50 Years Ago Thursday, May 3rd, 1931 Mr. Fred ' Cryderman, Chairman of the Public School Board was elected President of Bowmanville Rotary Club for the 1934-35 season. He takes office on July 1st. Mr. Chas. H. Mason has purchased the Haddy property immediately north of Trinity Church, and recently occupied by Dr. R. W. Clark. This house has been completely renovated renovated and redecorated. The British American Oil Co. has leased outright the garage, coffee shop and refreshment refreshment booth on the Kingsway property from Mr. J. H. II. Jury. T. G. Burgar, Toronto, is in charge. Mr. Maurice Breslin, Orono, has moved into the house formerly occupied by Dr. E. W. Sisson on Liberty Street. Thousands of tin cans, which until Friday reposed on the private dumps of Bowmanville Bowmanville residences are now safely piled high on the Town Dump, out of harm's way. In connection with the Clean-Up Week activities, Mayor Strike sponsored a Tin Can Matinee on Friday afternoon at the Royal Theatre, when six hundred children brought strings of cans to gain admission admission to the show. It was estimated estimated that between 10,000 and 15,000 cans were collected and drawn away by the town truck to the dump. DIM AND DISTANT, 25 Years Ago Thursday, March 12th, 1959. No decision was given following following presentation of an appeal on two questions of Bowmanville's liquor vote last fall. The judge reserved his findings until a later date. Participating in the court case at Cobourg on Thursday and Friday were: Alan II. Strike, counsel for the Citizens Committee; Capt. Norman Coles, Campaign Manager for the Citizens Committee; Glen- holme Hughes, Campaign Manager for the Community Advancement Association and their lawyer, Kenneth Ross of Belleville. The third and final budget meeting was held by Bowmanville Bowmanville Town Council on Tuesday evening in the Council Council Chamber at the Town Hall. The Mayor and all members of the Council were present with the exception of Councillor Councillor Lloyd Preston. The budget for 1959 was passed. The total amount of the budget is $699,720.77. The residential mill rate is 68.85 and the industrial is 73.00. This gives a taxation revenue of $511,907. Recoverable debentures amount ot $60,288.77, provincial provincial grants, $66,214, a total of $187,813.77 which added to taxation revenue of $511,907 equals $699,720.77. Bowmanville Legionnaires jumped into an early lead after 13 seconds of play and were never headed as they beat Collingwood 6 - 3. Tuesday Tuesday night in Collingwood to take the best of three semifinal semifinal in two straight games. The locals will now enter the All-Ontario Minor "A" Juvenile Juvenile finals. The home team tied the score at 1 - 1 before the opening period ended, but Bowmanville really turned it on, scoring five times in the second for their victory margin. The Legionnaire goals were shared by Bill Crossey, Bob Westheuser, Everett Lake, Gary McCullough, Eric Carleton and Irv Gill. Ed Kowal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal Sr., R. R. 2, Bowmanville, a first year student at the Ontario Agricultural Agricultural College, was declared the best all-round showman at the recent College Royal, the outstanding event in the student life of the College. Ed piled up more points than any other student to win the coveted coveted award. He received the trophy donated by Year '57 and presented by jack Tanner of the O.A.C. staff on behalf of his year. Sam Black and son Terry almost equalled the perfect cribbage hand at The Senate mentioned last week. Terry came up with a 28 hand, four fives and a Queen. DIM AND DISTANT, 10 Years Ago Wednesday, May 22nd, 1974.. At the Newcastle Horticultural Horticultural Society's 60th Anniversary Anniversary Celebration the audience enjoyed the fiddle playing of Charlie Taylor with Carl Billings on the piano. Pat Woodley was named "Miss Courtice" at the Spring Prom held by Courtice Secondary Secondary School on Friday evening. Police Constable Kenneth Bromley of the Bowmanville 16th Division of Durham Regional Police was presented presented with his 20 year pin at the Police Week Dinner in Oshawa, last week. A CNR train wreck at about 6 p.m., Saturday near Bennett Road, east of Bowmanville resulted in a 41 car pileup. On Thursday, May 16th, the grand opening of the Orono and District Credit Union, was held at its new location, 9 King Street East, Bowmanville. President Ed Majer, Sec'y Irene Whitney and Seth Hunt will fly to St. John's, Newfoundland Newfoundland for the Dominion Convention of the Royal Canadian Legion, to be held June 1st. Wright Family Enjoys 6 Can Can' at Eastdale ENNISKILLEN NEWS (Intended for last week) Amber and Chris Gordon, Oshawa were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haass and Gary, Bowmanville were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill. Mrs. Doug Goodrich, Mississauga was a visitor of Mrs. Fred Draper. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Slack and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lockic McNair and family, Oshawa were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bud McNair. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. John Avery on the birth of their first baby - a little bundle of pink. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anger, Bowmanville were Saturday callers of Mr. and Mrs. Art Leadbeater. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty enjoyed the Musical "Can Can" at Eastdale Collegiate on Sunday and later enjoyed dinner out at a restaurant with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston and Miss Marguerite Wright, Oshawa. The Scouts had a successful sale on Saturday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman this week were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Wcarn, Peterborough, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCullough, Vancouver, B.C. Neil was a pupil of Ella's at Enfield and his former schoolmates in this area will he interested to know that he has retired after 40 years as a pilot with C.P, Air. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Howe visited with relatives in Beaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill, Miss Judy Virtue, Port Perry, Mr, Brian Hall, Clinton and Mr. Bob Richardson, Lotus were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue and Laurie on Sunday. Woo Michelle Leadbeater visited with Gram pa and Grandma Leadbeater on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Trewin, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin attended the benefit dance and social evening for Michael Bedard in Toronto, hold at the Bayvillo Community Centre, Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Bowman were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Best, Solina and afterwards visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pascoe, Enfield. We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McGill and family on the death of Harvey's sister, Mrs. Kenneth Masson of Newmarket. We also wish to convey our sympathy to Mrs. Albert Cole of Bowmanville due to the death of her husband Albert who passed away last week. Sunday, May 6th was known as Rogation Sunday. This is a day which we set aside for the blessings of the gifts which God has given to till the soil, to feed the world, to work the farm, to celebrate our rural calling. We had symbols representing the seeds, the earth, the water and the tools to work up the earth. Dates to Remember: Mother's Day (Christian Family Sunday) is this Sunday, May 13th. Pastor Lafave will be away this Sunday. Enniskillen U.C.W. will lead our service along with guest speaker Mrs. Cathy Lee from Kingsview U.C. and with special music. Sunday, May 20th Enniskillen Sunday School Anniversary to be held at 2:00 p.m. Guest speaker will be Pastor Joe Lafave. Wednesday, , May 23rd Enniskillen Anniversary Supper, beginning at the Church at 4:30 p.m. Sunday, May 27th Tyrone Sunday School Anniversary 10:30. Guest speaker is Mr. Keith Pike. There will be no regular service at Enniskillen. June 17th - Father's Day. The sacrament of Baptism and Holy Communion will be celebrated. Congratulations to Enniskillen Enniskillen 4-11 Club members who received awards Thursday night at the Achievement Night program in Blnckstock; Advanced honors (18 units) Susan Francis and Judy Virtue; Provincial honors (12 units) Robynn Ward ami Gail Lamb,