Items ef Interest Forthcoming Marriage The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 16,1984 5 Hampton Women's Institute Mr. and Mrs. Gary Orchard of Stouffville, Mrs. El wood Wilson, Miss Greta Mullins, Toronto, Mrs. Nora Feather- stone - Haugh, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Dave McKee, Tracey and David, Black- stock, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kennedy and Colin and Mr. and Mrs. J. Dayman, Bow manville were visitors at C. W. Downey's on Sunday. Several members of the Bert Snowden family as well as the W. G. Burgess of town motored to Woodstock over the weekend for the christening christening of John and Debbie (nee Burgess) Snowden's daueh- Church ter, Jennifer Lynn Burgess at Chalmers United Church in Woodstock, where they reside.. Rev. Bruce Suitor, minister, 1 had earlier attended college' with Bert's brother, the late Rev. Stanley Snowden. While farming is further advanced up there, we had quite a snowstorm snowstorm on the way home Sunday from the Four Generation affair. - Lloyd. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. John Peters, B.A., B.D. Rev. Arthur Amacher, B.A.. B.D, John Crookshank Church at Division St. Minister Assistant Minister Music Director Office 623-3138 CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES 9:45 a.m. - Intermediate and Senior Meet upstairs at Church Office 11 a.m.- Nursery, to Grade Six 11 a.m. - WORSHIP SERVICE Sermon Title "VENTURES IN FAITH" Nursery Care Provided A WARM WELCOME FOR EVERYONE The following children were welcomed into the fellowship of Christ's Church and Trinity Congregation on May 13: Lesley-Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Akey; Ashlee Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Brunt; Rebecca Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Corden; Ashley Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Randy Henning; Elaine Susan and Rachel Joan, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mote. The Rev. John Peters was assisted by Harold Hammond and John Lewis. Students wishing to contact the Employment Centre at Bowmanville Mall by phone should note the number is 623-9221. The Hampton Women's Institute held their May meeting in the C. E. Wing of the church with the new President, Mrs. A. Macklin welcoming the 10 members and two visitors present. Mrs. Macklin opened the meeting with a May poem. The Institute Ode was sung and repeating the Mary Stewart Collect. The Roll Call "Name a household hint" was well answered and many new ideas. The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved, approved, also a financial report. The District Annual is at Blackstock, May 23. Registration Registration is at 9:15 a.m. The delegates delegates for the District Annual are Mrs. Macklin, Mrs. Bryant, Mrs. Chant and Mrs. Burrows. All ladies are welcome to attend, as many as can are asked to attend from all branches. The Strawberry Dessert Tea was discussed and is to be held June 27 and Admission is $2.00. Committees were voted as various activities are involved. involved. A committee to help serve at open house for Mr. and Mrs. Burrows' 50th Anniversary Anniversary on June 9. A bus trip to Erland Lee Home is arranged for June 4 from Solina at 9 a.m. and the cost is $12.00. The June meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m. to make posters for the Strawberry Tea. Each one bring a box lunch, the regular meeting will be at 1:30 p.m. Mrs. Kantor was in charge of the program. Mrs. Hurst read the Motto - "Family that plays together stays together." together." This was very interesting interesting followed by a poem "Homes of Canada." Mrs. Kantor showed a film - "Acid Rain" a plaque upon the waters, forests and croplands. It is believed to be the cause of damage to human-made objects, such as automobiles, buildings and irreplaceable art-work. It is a direct result of energy production. In order to solve the problem before it is too late will have to be overcome by reducing acidforming acidforming air pollution. Many scientists are convinced convinced that acid-rains are likely to destroy many vital necessary crops. 151 Years of Community Service â>t. Jofjn's Anglican Cljurti) Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario EASTER IV 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion EVERY WEDNESDAY 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion and Laying on of Hands for Healing Sunday School & Nursery Rector -- The Reverend Byron Yates B.A.,S.T.B. Assoc.-The Honorary Asst. The Rev. A.D. Langley The Waverley Turbo Station is sponsoring a Colouring Contest from May 15th - June 15th with prizes awarded in three categories 3 - 5 years, 6 - 8, and 9 - 11 years of ages. Pick up an entry form at the station, corner of Base Line and Waverley Road. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ard of Orono wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Gwenyth Joan, to Bertrand Joseph Fontaine of Whitby. Mr. Fontaine is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Levain Fontaine of Richibucto, New Brunswick. The wedding will take place this Saturday, May 19,1984 in Orono United Church. . Photo by Trivia Photography There will be a meeting of Parent Finders (Oshawa) on Monday May 28,1984, at East- dale Collegiate in the Cafeteria, Cafeteria, Harmony Road North, in Oshawa. Time - 8:00 p.m. This group offers help and support to adult adoptees wishing to trace their origins, and to Birth Parents searching searching for their now adult children. Adoptive parents are also welcome. For further information information please call 728-6983. It is now almost a certainty that a new Separate elementary elementary school will open its doors to students in Port Perry in September 1986. Grant Andrews, an official with the Durham Separate Board of Education said last week the Board received verbal assurance assurance April 28 from the Provincial Provincial Education Ministry that funding for the new school will be allocated in 1985. Police Week has been designated designated for May 14 - 18th. Drop into the local police stations and say hello to the men in blue. It's a new fad throughout the dance world and especially with the kids, Break Dancing. Breakdance groups in the area are being invited to compete compete in a competition being held in Whitby on June 2 commencing at 7 p.m. with total prizes of $450.00. Further information by phoning 666-1528. Suicide prevention will be the focus of an upcoming public forum sponsored by the Distress Centre of Durham Region during Suicide Prevention Prevention Week. Entitled "Suicide: it touches us all," the forum will be held Wednesday, May 16 at 8 p.m. in the U.A.W. Hall at 44 Bond St. E. in Oshawa. Panelists will include Nancy Handleigh, the director of the Distress Centre, Doug Humphries, a suicide survivor, Peggy Ridgeway, of Mental Health Durham, Bill Johnson, a broadcaster with CHOO radio, Paul Barry an ambulance attendant, and June White of the Central Area Dispatch. &t. haul's Urnteb Cfjurcf) MINISTER Rev. N. E. Schamerhorn, B.A., M.Div. ORGANIST: Mr. D. Dewell 1834-1984 CHURCH SECRETARY: Lola Bowen-623-5701 Sunday, May 20th, 1984 r " ' Presbyterian for 150 Years ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH (Church St. at Temperance in Bowmanville) SUNDAY, MAY 20th, 1984 10:00 a.m. - Busy Person's Bible Class 11:00 a.m. - "WHAT WILL THE VERDICT BE" by Mr. Paul Cornish (Sunday School and Babysitting) Information 623-3432 Organist: Pastor: Mr. Jas. Hoogsteen The Rev. Wayne Chatterton, B.Sc., B.D. Prices paid to egg producers for a dozen Grade A large will increase ! by one cent the ÇatMtfhat^j^jp^jdçtih^ Agency has announced. The price was pushed up by higher feed costs and escalating interest interest rates after egg prices fell by three cents last month to the lowest level this year. BAHA'I FAITH It is not the Middle Ages! Times have changed; The need for new fash-, ions for our world have changed. Can such ex-, tensions be obtained, save equal justice and freedom be added day by day to the whole human race? P.O. Box 36, Bowmanville. The Perm Specialists Are you tired of Frizzy Perms or perms that drop out after a few weeks? . . . then come to the Perm Specialists at THE STYLE SHOPPE. Our perms are guaranteed. We will analyze your hair with our scientific equipment and give you a perm that is especially designed for your hair type. PERMS ARE OUR SPECIALTY REDREW The 5tylc Shoppe 14 Silver St. 623-5455 Free Parking Rear of Shoppe Bowmanville ce/ricosrs ^7) DURING 11:00 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP "God's Way" There will be a report from our Conference Delegates: Reg Milliken and "Dal" Dalrymple Sunday School for all ages Nursery Care for pre-school children every Sunday QAie fie tke ^6 est in Sight" shorney's opticians BRIAN C LARSON -- Manager 30 KING ST. WEST BOWMANVILLE 623-4477 Wre not lust lucky! It's more than luck that's responsible for Ihe success of the Wallpaper Centre's chain of discount wallpaper stores. Years of experience . . a knowledge of our customer's tastes and friendly personal service. ' * We guarantee that you cannot buy for less at any other wallpaper store. ALWAYS ABOVE THE CROWD IN SELECTION. . . BELOW THE OTHERS IN PRICE THE WALLPAPER CENTRE OSHAWA 140SimcoeSt South (at the corner ol John) 579-1655 AJAX til3 Harwood Ave North (|iisl north of i Iwy 401 ) 686-0719 Waterbeds Waterbed Supplies and Accessories CANADIAN WATERBED COMPANY 23 Carlstrap Street Bowmanville Call 623-1020 Showroom Hours: Mon.-Wed. 9 to 6 Thurs. & Fri. 9 to 9 Sat., 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Manufacturers of Quality Furniture Since 1974 4= 3E I.D.A.'s 51 st Birthday Humpty Dumpty Potato Chips Variety of flavors Diet or Regular 7-Up $ 5.99 CASE OF 24 CANS I.D.A. Bathroom Tissue ^1 .47 4 Roll Pack Facial Tissue 83Ç 200's $ 1 09 1 ■ W W 200 gram Paper Towels 890 2 s Remington Air Purifier With Scrub-Aire Filter $ 15.99 New-Skin Clear Liquid Bandage $ 2.29 Tube or Bottle Lanacane Spray Medication 85 g plus'33% Bonus *2.39 Ultra-Ban Off Muskol Sunglasses Insect Repellent Spray Insect Repellent Liquid or Spray ti ll. O CO CO $ 2.39 .. $ 2.99 McGregor I.D.A. Drugs 5 King St. W. 623-5792 Bowmanville atiemeeieinr