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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 May 1984, p. 16

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I 16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville. Mav 23.1984 ®t|C NeuicaatU 3nbepmbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Courtice Secondary Students Make Paper Hats at Waverley Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrod returned Tuesday from a 10- day visit with his sister and brother-in-law, Walter and Nellie Haigh, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Manitoba. The purpose of this vacation was to join with family and friends for a surprise surprise party on Saturday, May 14, honouring Nellie and Walter on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. The Haighs have two daughters daughters Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. John McTaggart and Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jasper, eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The Garrod's spent three days in Portage La Prairie with the Jasper's and .the remaining days with the Haighs. Mrs. Judy Hope accompanied accompanied her aunt and uncle to Winnipeg and also enjoyed the golden wedding anniversary, but returned home on Monday, May 14. Following the baptism of Lee Allin, grandparents Stanley and Wylma Allin entertained all their family to Sunday dinner. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ian McKenzie, Sean and Ailan, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Malcom, Heather, Allison and Erin, Nestleton; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Allin, Melissa, Melanie and Lee. On Monday, Rt. Rev. Ron Ferris, Bishop of Yukon, with his mother, visited the Haldenby's. Other visitors during the week were Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ross with their two sons, David and Stephen, from Alton and Mrs. Ruth Fadel and son Alain, Rexdale, and Rev. and Mrs. A. Wigby from Brighton. Last Monday, Mrs. George Allin entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. On Sunday Mrs. Gladys Wood accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood of Newton- ville, to Little Lake where they enjoyed dinner. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives of the late Garfield Miller who died suddenly as the result of an accident on Friday, May 18. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sperry, Alberta, are visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allin, Brownsdale. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrail- ler, Alex and Laura, Hamilton, Hamilton, spent the weekend with the John Metrailler family. Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Powell and Gary were. Miss Dorrene Powell and Floyd and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. Attending the Newtonville W.I. meeting in Newtonville at Mrs. Jean O'Neill's last Wednesday, were Elizabeth Skelding, Helen Hobbs,' Gladys Wood, Bessie Stephenson Stephenson and Madeleine Buckley. Mr. Jack Kimball, Port Granby, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Gordon, Port Hope, Mrs. Marguerite Cooper, Oshawa, and Mrs. Kathleen Kimball were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Birney, Shawn and Kelly, Oshawa. Newcastle Senior Citizens met last Thursday, May 17, at the Newcastle Community Hall. Some of the ladies played cards in gentlemen's places. Winners were: 1st Lena Clysdale, 91; 2nd Gladys Wood 74; 3rd George Buckley 64; 4th Bill Hall 62; 5th Arthur Clark 61. Low prizes, Edith Gordon 37, Bernice Milligan 32. Mr. and Mrs. Rob Scott, Lorraine, Justin, Alexander and Leonard of Little Britain, were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago called on Mr. Lloyd Richards and Donald, Salem, on Sunday afternoon. Donnie Stiles and five other Clarke students enjoyed Mother's Day weekend at Waterloo, where they participated participated in a chess tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pye- Finch, Scarborough, visited on Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Gladys Wood. Mrs. Peggy Visser, Toronto, visited Tuesday through Thursday with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. She also called on Mr. and Mrs. Larry Pearce and boys and Mr. and Mrs. George Walton, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborough. Scarborough. At Newcastle United Church on Saturday, May 19, Rev. Donald Stiles united in marriage Darla Reid and Allan Tilling. Last week, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Perrin, Peterborough were callers at the S. J. Lancaster's. ■ 1 Mr. and Mrs. William Massie, Port Hope, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Lancaster. Mrs. Rose Webb, Oshawa, was a Saturday evening visitor visitor with Mrs. Nellie Spencer. His many friends will be pleased to learn that Mr. R. B. Rickard returned home from hospital last week. Mr. and Mrs. David Mills and Jeffrey of St. Albert, Alberta are visiting her parents, the R. B. Rickards. On Saturday, Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark visited in Wingham with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burley. While there, they attended the christening of great granddaughter, Ashley Elizabeth, daughter of youngest youngest grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Burley of Hearst. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Clark, Wesleyville, visited Sunday evening with Mr. Arthur Clark and Mrs. May Burley. Mrs. Charlotte Hendry has returned from a couple of weeks' visit with son George, wife Pat and grandsons Matthew and Christopher, in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker, who spent the winter in Arizona, visited the Arthur Bedwin family, Lake Shore, on Sunday. Birthday greetings to Vicki Gray, Lois Rowe, Jimmy Noble and Julie Wight. To Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gaines, who observe their 46th wedding anniversary on May 28, we extend congratulations and best wishes. Mrs. Pearl Woodhams, Toronto, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred, and all called on the Douglas Rowe family while Lois was home from hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Wood, Orono, were also callers at the Rowe home. Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ormiston, Ebenezer. Mr. Fred Bedwin and brother-in-law Ralph Murray attended the Oak Hills Country Jamboree in Stirling on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Covert, Warkworth, accompanied accompanied by daughter Gail of Ottawa, visited on Friday afternoon with his sister, Mrs. Gladys Pacey. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Gladys Pacey and family were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gordon and Julie of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Burley accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle, Newtonville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Burley, Bridgenorth and Mr. and Mrs. Earl McEwen, Peterborough. Mrs. Isoble Gamier, Tara and Tammy and Mrs. Margaret Pearce visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Pearce and girls, Lindsay. Mr. Stanley Taylor, Courtice, Courtice, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwin and family, Lake Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Downs, Toronto, were weekend guests of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Call. All enjoyed a trip to Presqu'île on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Call and four children, Oshawa, were EKjtMl NOW FEATURING BAG YOUR OWN BULK FOODS MONTHLY SPECIALS BANNER BITS DOG FOOD 20 kg only-HO.95 USED CHICK FEEDERS-35 lb. *6.95 PURINA DOG CHOW 4 kg only- M . 79 PURINA PUPPY CHOW 2 kg only-*3.00 îtmisitone Jflour & Jfeeb Sill Division of Pypker Enterprises Ltd. 116 KING ST. W., BOWMANVILLE 623-5777 Saturday visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Call. Mr. and Mrs. Berney Coleman, Toronto were Sunday evening visitors with the Call's. Visitors with Mr. Charles Cowan last week included Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gilmer, Cameron, on Thursday; Mrs. Bertha Daniels and Neil, of Oshawa, on Friday; and Mr. Henry Goschl of Omemee, on Saturday. Golden Wedding May 19,1934 -1984 On a beautiful day, Saturday, Saturday, May 13, 1984 at Knox Christian School, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob De Jong of Newcastle, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. anniversary. At this reception, all their children and grandchildren were present: Henry and Helen DeJong and Audrey, Bowmanville; John and Jane DeJong, Angela, Dorothy, Andrea and Jack, Bowmanville; Bowmanville; Tom and Judi De Jong, Ricki and Jennifer, Newcastle; Newcastle; Peter and Connie De Jong, Ken, Sharon and Neil, Newcastle; Sierd and Jackie De Jong, Derek and Tammy, Newcastle; Beverly and Teresa Brereton and Carol Ann of Tweed; Bill and Ida Tymchuk, Rachel and Joel of Bowmanville. In the evening, supper was enjoyed by the family, special friends and Jake's sister and family from Guelph. We extend our congratulations! Anglican News The Rt. Rev. Desmond C. Hunt, Suffragan Bishop of Toronto for Trent Durham Area, was present at the eleven o'clock service at St. George's. Christopher Patrick Blaker was baptized and the following were confirmed: Lori Anne Alldread, Terry Lynn Alldread, Michael Edward Tait, Suzanne Holmes. A reception followed in the Parish Hall. A work party did a great job at the Rectory: Dan Knapp and Tom Simpson during tne week, with Sam Brereton, Dick Lovekin, Bob Davidson, Michael Macdonnell, Ken Tait and Dennis Schmiegelow on Saturday morning. United Church News Christian Family Sunday was observed on Sunday, May 20th, 1984, at Newcastle United Church. The Sacrament of Baptism was celebrated as the following following children were baptized: Lee Colin Neil Allin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Neil S. Allin; Lindsay Irene Carter, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Carter; William Justin Davis Storks, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kim Storks. The choir rendered rendered the Anthem, How Sweet is the Voice of My Lord. Rev. Donald Stiles delivered the sermon, All in the Family. A church custodian will be needed as of July 1, 1984. Tickets for the annual Father's Day Beef Barbecue are available. Appreciation supper for the choir and Sunday School teachers and families will be held on Thursday, May 31st. United Church Women The Sunshine Unit of the U.C.W. met on Monday evening, May 14, at the home of Erla and Francis Jose, with 23 members in attendance. President Marie Pedwell conducted the business. The Devotional was presented by Erla Jose, Marion Allin and Betty Adams, and was in keeping with the talk given by guest speaker, Annabelle Rickard, who traced the history of religion and our church from the fifteenth century through to the present. Some members brought mementoes of the past and their history or memories were shared. Lunch and a social time were enjoyed. Elizabeth ville Senior Citizens held their weekly meeting as usual. On Saturday Mrs. J. Dekoker, Sunderland, Mrs. Westheuser and girls were with Thicksons for Mother's Day. Miss Wendy White and boy friend, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. White. The Peacock twins are through university for this year. Steven has a job in Guelph and Mark expects to help nis father on the farm. Mr. and Mrk. O. Mercer had . Mr. and Mrs. R. Prévost and family, Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. R. Mercer and Andrew on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill had Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer Sunday evening for tea. Mrs. E. Fowler was with Thicksons for a while on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill attended the Warden's Banquet at Brighton on Saturday Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. Fowler and girls were with Mr. and Mrs. E. Fowler on Sunday. Garden Hill United Church plan to have their strawberry supper Friday, June 22, a change from a Wednesday. Drama students from School visited St. Stephen's Courtice Secondary assisted these pupils in the art of making paper School on May 15 and hats. Mrs. J. Fajt called at 0. Mercer's recently. Mrs. Wheeler was with Cooks on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Trew had Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyko and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Deremo and family, Orono, Alan and family, Neil, and Mrs. A. Trew for Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Walker had two of their grandchildren for the weekend. Church was not as well attended as usual. Mr. Banister Banister welcomed us at the door. Part of the choir sang and Mrs. Cruise accompanied them at the piano. Rev. Rex Norman had our family day service. He followed the old order of service. He spoke on The home, A glorious opportunity. opportunity. Scripture was taken from Deuteronomy .11 and Matthew 14. Moses spoke to the people about laws and rules of the ten Commandments Commandments and of moving from Egypt to Canaan. He told of Herod who promised Herodias's daughter anything she wished and when she asked for the head of John Baptist why Herod was forced to grant her wish. Mr. Bull and Mr. J. Peacock took up the offering. Don't forget the June 13th AOTS auction sale at Welcome. Welcome. Anyone with items for sale contact L. Kellogg, B. Hendry and A. Osborne. Coffee was served as usual. Thornton's Corners Re-Union July 15 A reunion picnic is planned for residents and associates of the Thornton's Corners community from 1910 to 1960. It will be held Sunday, July 15th at Heydenshore Park in Whitby from 2:00 to 7:00 p.m. There will be a Pot Luck Supper at 4:30 in the pavilion, some games and programming and lots of time for visiting and reminiscing. Besides food you might wish to bring memorabilia and lawn chairs. Applewood Centre Pupils Will Move to Lord Elgin by Tom Grimmer Grade-school students now attending attending the Applewood Centre in Bowmanville will be moved into Lord Elgin Public School in September September as part of the Northumberland Northumberland and Newcastle board's new directions directions in special education. The move was announced at a special meeting of the board this month to present the administrative's administrative's annual report on special education. education. The four children that will be en- roled in the special class are moving moving as part of the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education's Education's response to provincial Bill 82, which amended the education act in 1980 and says all "exceptional" students must be provided for through school boards. The Applewood Centre operates currently out of a rented space in Bowmanville and is a satellite of the Maplewood Centre in Oshawa, said special education administrative administrative officer for the board Dick Malowney. It is funded through the Ministry of Community and Social Services and is under the direction of the Oshawa and District Association Association for the Mentally Retarded. Under the new plan, the Ministry of Education and the school board take responsibility. Mr. Malowney said last week shifting the children is part of a larger issue, namely providing "the least restrictive environment" for elementary special education students students of all classifications. "The closer to the norm we can maintain any program, the better. If we can take all the youngsters and have them in elementary schools, then that's (meeting) everyone's ideal," he said. The objective idea behind Bill 82 is to see all exceptional students better provided for and integrated as much as possible with the mainstream student population. The province had set a dealine of Sept. 1,1985 for moving students out of centres like Applewood and into regular schools, which means the Northumberland-Newcastle board is a year ahead of the deadline. Board members at last week's meeting meeting praised Mr. Malowney and his staff for their efficient work. Mr. Malowney said the teachers and support staff now at Applewood will move with the students students to Lord Elgin, and thus the transition will be made as smoothly as possible. He added the students had "very specialized needs" and every care is being taken to assure them a level of care equal to that now offered at Applewood. The students have mental handicaps handicaps the board is not experienced in, and Mr. Malowney said the Lord Elgin plan will give administrators and educators an idea of what such students need. The Lord Elgin program program will be the only one of its kind in the board's jurisdiction. Mr. Malowney said the plan is "really "really quite imaginative" and has met with a good reception at Lord Elgin school and the association for the mentally retarded. Bowmanville trustee Donna Fairey said at the meeting the Ministry of Education "has certainly certainly given (Mr, Malowney and his staff) a difficult task," and called the plan "a big change and it will be difficult to achieve a smooth transition," but that she had faith in the administration's abilities. 225 King St. E., Bowmanville FRESH ONTARIO PORK BUTT CHOPS 1.18 lb/2.60 kg FRESH PORK SHOULDER PICNIC ROASTS 3 LB AVG M I 04 LB 1.70 kg JUBILEE BACON 5 oo 6 i m I oU S PRODUCT OF U.S.A. BROCCOLI f Û ' G </ 9 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. GREEN PEPPERS Of Q$ LB. 1.92 k g CAN. NO. 1 PRODUCT OF CANADA ENGLISH CUCUMBERS '•TO 3 § y SEALTEST ICE CREAM PARLOUR 2/ & O ii H0LLANDIA CRUNCHY OATMEAL OR SUGAR COOKIES 450 g Û6 O // 2? WONDER ENGLISH MUFFINS pkg of b • 40 O %4> .4 BEGLEYS CHERRY OR BLUEBERRY PIES /Ài A /!" CAN. NO. 1 BEEMAID NATURAL CREAMED HONEY 500 g 1 ÂQ 8 »y/ NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 2 83 g % 99 if Æ STORE HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9-9 SATURDAY 8-6 MOW OPEN SUN DAY 9-6 BAGS OF CITY PURE ICE $1.00 PER BAG PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING, MAY 26 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES CHEQUES ACCEPTED

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