i 8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 23,1984 Section Two Midland Regiment Veterans Parade to Cenotaph During Annual Reunion Here on Saturday Letters from Col. Art Thorne of Millbrook and Col. Jack Leuty of Port Hope lead the Midland Regt. veterans .during their reunion parade here. Walter Park forms up the color guard as Midland Regiment veterans prepare for parade to the Bowmanville cenotaph on Saturday afternoon. The City of Oshawa Pipe Band, including two Bowmanville members, provides marching music By Stan L. Dunn The Annual Midland for the parade to the cenotaph. Regiment Association Reunion was held in Bowmanville Bowmanville on Saturday, May 19th, 1984. Registrations opened on Friday evening and many of the Mad Midlands arrived early and renewed acquaintances acquaintances in Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion. Saturday morning, registrations reopened reopened in the Legion Hall, with many out-of-town members members and their wives in attendance. attendance. Former "D" Company vet Cameron Lott, also a Hong Kong veteran, came the furthest distance, as Cam. now lives in Saskatoon. There were two other former "D" company Hong Kong veterans CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING BY-LAW Pursuant to Section 34(12) of the Planning Act and in accordance accordance with Regulation 404/83, notice of a Public Meeting in respect of By-law 84-63 of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle is hereby given. By-law 84-63 is a Comprehensive Zoning By-law for the Town of Newcastle regulating the use of land and buildings within the Town. By-law 84-63 will be published, in its entirety, as a supplement to the Newcastle Independent and the Canadian Statesman on May 30,1984. Copies of By-law 84-63 may also be obtained obtained from the Office of the Clerk, Town Hall, 40 Temperance Street,. Bowmanville, or from the Planning Department, Scugog Street, Hampton, on or after the above mentioned date. Public Information sessions have been scheduled, as noted below, to afford members of the public an opportunity to ask questions or express concerns in respect of By-law 84-63. 9-12a.m. 1-4p.m. 9-12a.m. 1-4p.m„ 6-9p.m 9-12a.m. 1-4p.m. 9-12a.m. 1 -4p.m. Tuesday, June 5,1984 Courtroom #2, Bowmanville Courthouse, 132 Church Street Wednesday, June 6,1984 Courtroom #2, Bowmanville Courthouse, 132 Church Street Thursday, June 7 Courtroom #2, Bowmanville Courthouse, 132 Church Street Friday, June 8,1984 Hampton Community Hall Scugog Street, Hampton in attendance, namely Ron Inche and Matt Murray, plus four other former Midland Regt. personnel who served in Hong Kong. The business meeting was held at 1:00 p.m. in the Legion Hall, when a welcome to Branch 178 and Bowmanville was extended to all in attendance attendance by the "D" Coy. Chairman Chairman Stan L. Dunn, who then turned the meeting over to Com. Elmer Lewis of Lindsay who is the secretary-treasurer of the Midland Regiment Association. The minutes of the last business meeting held at the Haliburton reunion of 1983 were read and approved. Com. Lewis also read the financial report, showing a balance of over $1600.00 in the bank account in Lindsay. It was recommended that the money be invested for the coming year to draw better interest and approved by the membership. Memberships paid for each year are added to this account by the company company hosting the reunion. A parade was held at 2:00 p.m. with a march to the cenotaph, where a wreath was laid by Colonel Art Thorne and Col John Leuty - band music was supplied by the City of Oshawa Pipe Band, with two former members of Legion Pipe Band, John Westover and John Harness playing with this band. The dinner banquet was held at 6:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall with the Ladies Auxiliary catering to another of the fine meals that Br. 178 Ladies Auxiliary are noted for. Head table guests were Col. John Leuty and his wife Marjorie, Pres, of Br. 178 Royal Canadian Legion and a former Midland Regt. member Douglas Walton and his wife Marilyn, Elmer Lewis, sec'y- treas. of the association, His Worship Mayor Garnet Rickard and his wife Anna- belle, Col. Art Thorne, sec'y- treas. of "D" Coy. Reunion Ron E. Richards and his wife Dorothy, Com. Bill Watson who said grace at dinner representing representing the Padre, and chairman Stan Dunn and his wife Helen. Mayor Garnet Rickard gave an official welcome to the town to those in attendance, paying tribute to ex-service personnel present for their service to the country in the time of need, which has made out country the best place to live in the world. Pres. Doug Walton of Branch 178 extended his welcome welcome to all those attending on behalf of the members of Br. 178 and the Legion, wishing everyone a good time while at the reunion in Bowmanville. prize of $500.00. 2nd ($100) prize was won by Mrs. Susie Graham, 34 Jane Street, Bowmanville. Dancing from 8:30 p.m. until midnight ended the evening evening as members and their ladies left for home, or their motel rooms in the case of those who were staying over. Hampton P. S. Hampton United Church Hampton United Church is over 100 years old. To be exact, Hampton United Church is 109 years old. It was built in 1875. Paul Erb is the minister of this church. Many people wonder where the people in Hampton went, to go to church before this church was built. Well the answer to that question is very simple. There used to be a church across the pond. Also many people wonder why the church was built so big. The answer to that question is also very simple. At that time, it was much cheaper to build, than now. Also, they had a big lot to build it on. There have been about 26 ministers during this 109 years. There has been one unusual happening at the church. There was a very high steeple on top of the church. It was struck by lightening. Rakhi Ruparelia Grade 5 Hampton Jr. Public School Around the House l 2 1 V* 1 - * *< * -L " Vegetable Melange can (10 oz./284 mL) Condensed Chicken Broth tblsp. (25 mL) corn 2 starch tblsp. (15 mL) soy 1 sauce tsp. (1 mL) ground 1 ginger pkgs. (300 g each) frozen broccoli 8 spears pkg. (300 g) frozen peas cup (125 mL) carrots, carrots, thinly sliced diagonally cup (125 mL) diagonally diagonally sliced celery In fry pan, combine broth, corn starch, soy and ginger; add vegetables. Bring to boil, stir. Reduce heat. Cover; simmer 10 minutes or until done. Stir occasionally. Makes 6 servings. i'/z 'k Vz cups (375 mL) chopped chopped apple tsp. (1 mL) ground nutmeg tblsp. (25 mL) butter butter or margarine 1 cup (250 mL) cubed, cooked chicken 1 cup (250 mL) cooked cooked broccoli flowerets flowerets 8 frozen waffles, toasted In a bowl, blend gravy and egg. In saucepan, cook apple with nutmeg in butter until tender. Add gravy mixture, chicken and broccoli. Cook, stirring until thick. Serve over waffles. Makes 4 servings. The Day the Barn Burned Down The day the barn burned down It woke up the whole town Until the farmer came rushing out When he saw the fire he began to shout! His wife began to cry Her mouth was very dry The firemen came And took the blame Now there is no flame. Sarah Wills Grade 4 Hampton Jr. Public School Little Pig Little pig did the jig, And didn't know where learned it. He ran through the door And fell on the floor, And didn't know how To do the jig anymore. Leslie Hambly Grade 4 Hampton Jr. School he Cols, laying tribute to fallen comrades Art Thorne and Jack Leuty salute after a wreath at Bowmanville cenotaph as Col. Art Thorne said a few words with regard to the formation formation of the former units that eventually ended under the name of the Midland Regiment, and pointing out that the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of Batoche would be celebrated in 1985 at the Midland Regiment Reunion in Port Hope on May 4th, 1985. Before the dinner portion ended a draw was made for the table flower pieces which were won by Betty Hodgson, of Lindsay and Gwen Raper of Millbrook. "D" Coy. held a draw with tickets sent out to all members on the mailing list and tickets sold locally to assist in expenses. expenses. Harold Coates of Smiths Falls was asked to make the two draws for the cash prizes offered. Ticket No. 3207, held by Mrs. Gwen Raper, 26 Ann St., Millbrook was drawn as the winner of 1st Quick Chicken Stew Remember Sunday night suppers at home with the family? Help maintain this tradition for Sundays, or any day, by serving foods that are quick to prepare, yet tempting enough to keep the family from going their separate ways. 1 can (10 oz./284 mL) Chicken Gravy 1 egg, slightly beaten Tangy Dressing 1 can (6 oz./170 mL) "V-8" Juice 1 tsp. (5 mL) vinegar */a tsp. (2 mL) soy sauce Vz tsp. (2 mL) prepared mustard In covered container, shake all ingredients until well blended. Chill. Makes % cup (175 mL) dressing. To make sundaes more fun let everyone create their own. Put out an assortment of toppings -- sauces, nuts, cherries, whipped cream -- and to each his own. Horse Horse Brown beautiful Running, jumping, riding Fun to play with animal Jennifer Annis Grade 4 Hampton Jr. Public School Mud Mud, mud, dirty and oozy! I like it when it: squeezes through my toes, goes away, is sticky, is black, is red and is brown. I can make mud pizza. I can sink into it. I can make mud balls. I can make mud castles. Scott Blackburn Grade 3 Insurance "Mud" Mud, mud, glorious mud! ! I like it when it: - squeezes through my fingers - it's brown, slimy, soft and sticky. -1 can make pizzas in it -I get stuck in it -and I play with it. Stephanie Bell Grade 3 ftJkr Sfrfë- III! These information sessions will be informal and are intended to permit dialogue between Town staff and members of the public. The Public Meeting required pursuant to Section 34(12) of the Planning Act will be held as follows: TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Courtroom #1 Bowmanville Courthouse 132 Church Street, Bowmanville DATE: Monday, July 3,1984 This meeting shall be open to the public and any person who attends shall be afforded an opportunity to make representation representation in respect of the proposed by-law. T.T. Edwards, M.C.I.P. 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