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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1984, p. 15

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I Orono Horticulture's Apple Blossom Tribute The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, May 30,1984 15 ORONO and DISTRICT 8r Isabelle Challice Spring flowers in profusion at the Orono horticulture spring flower show, held Thursday, May 24th, in the Orono United Church, Not quite as many tulips as some years, but excellent quality, and the arrangement classes were of very high calibre. A very special class, featuring our Town of Newcastle floral emblem, the apple blossom, drew much attention. This class featured apple blossoms and the first prize winner was Donna Hutton. Her arrangement arrangement boasted a handmade apple doll, complete with miniature basket of anoles. Donna was also the big winner with the best arrangement arrangement in the show. Mrs. Minnie Zegers won the judges choice "Best in Show", with her very attractive houseplant. Mrs. Yvonne Trafford won the lovely plant, donated by Van Belle, for winning most points in the decorative division. Minnie Zegers and Donna Hutton shared the honors in most points in the entire show. The President, Doreen Lowery held the best African Violet in the show. Special entertainment was graciously provided by Jessica and Arnold Mostert, who played piano and guitar duets, and also vocal duets. Much enjoyed by all present. The guest speaker for the evening was Mr. Ross Parlette, Cobourg, who was introduced by Minnie Zegers. Mr. Parlette is one of six leading herb growers in Canada and presented a very interesting resume on growing and the many uses of herbs, he also illustrated his presentation. presentation. Many questions and answers from the audience, attested to the interest. The judge for the flower show was Mrs. Betty Ewens of Port Hope and she gave out interesting tips on exhibiting and preparing for show. Mr. Cor Mostert informed the members that the flowers for the town beautification were ready and will soon be planted. We were pleased to have guests with us from Bowmanville Bowmanville and Hampton. The Green Elephant sale tables were well supplied with perennials, roots, glads, tubers, etc., and did a good business. The meeting closed with a tasty lunch and our next event will be our Strawberry Supper later in June. Delegates to the O.H.A. Convention, held this year in Sudbury, June 13 -16, will be, Doreen Lowery, Dave Harrison, Harrison, Lawrence Staples and 0. Challice. JUNIOR GARDENERS The Orono Jr. Gardeners held their Spring Flower Show Thursday, May 24 at the Orono United Church Hall. There were seven exhibitors with 35 entries. Mr. Harvey Robinson supplied each gardener with seeds for their gardens, which will be judged in August. Yvonne Maitland will be leading the juniors June 2nd when they plant the town planters again this year. Jrs. will meet again June 13th for a trip to Cullen Gardens. NEWTONVILLE DISTRICT NEWS ' -, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Henderson returned home on Monday after a weekend in Ottawa admiring the beautiful multicoloured multicoloured tulips, and had a guided tour of the Parliament Buildings. They also toured the Laurier House and the Aviation Museum. Mrs. Jean O'Neill, Olive Henderson, Elizabeth Skelding, Helen Hobbs, Madeleine Buckley, Bessie Stephenson and Miss Berniece Milligan were among those who attended the Women's Institute District Annual at Blackstock United Church on Wednesday. miscellaneous shower was held in the Sunday School Friday evening for Miss Couenen hosted by Mrs. Trickett and her daughter. Anyone who has extra clothing clothing or useful articles would be appreciated by Mrs. Gail Gould and brother Gerald and her two boys ages 12 years and seven years who were fire victims on Friday noon. For further information contact Mary Vinkle at 786-2553 or Mr. and Mrs. Ellegett who live in the Arnold Wade home. On Wednesday evening Mrs. Mary Jones attended a shower in honour of Miss Debbie Leuty, bride-elect, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray of Newcastle. Mr. Bert Tompkins is convalescing convalescing at home after his operation in Oshawa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chalmers and son Thomas of Scotland are visiting Mrs. Janet Paeden for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice O'Neill were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hale. A special meeting of the Hall Board was held in the Hall on Thursday evening. After the usual business of welcoming by the chairman, the minutes of the previous meeting read, and the treasurer's treasurer's report, the correspondence correspondence was read. Mrs. Lena Clysdale and Inez Boughen attended a meeting the CONSOLIDATING? Shared Office Space For Rent Modern building, ground floor, air condilioned, 200 sq. ft. parking. Call Ernie Harvey 623-2527 previous week concerning the Fire Act. This was explained in detail by Councillor Ted Woodyard and no action was taken at this time. The books to be audited again in August. The next meeting to be on Wednesday, September 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Henderson attended the Toronto Blue Jay - Cleveland Indian Ball Game in Toronto on Friday evening at the Exhibition Grounds. Mrs. Florence McLeod of Oshawa spent a few days with Mr. Raymond Bruce and Mrs. Isobel Watters after her recent eye operation. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee of Cambray were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow and all attended the Newtonville U.C.W. anniversary anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Soules were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mrs. Lena Clysdale, May Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins and Mr. John McGuey attended the Graduation Graduation exercises in the morning when Miss Shelly Tompkins received her General Business Diploma at the Civic Auditorium, Auditorium, Oshawa. Mr. Frank Glasbergen received his Electronic Technics Certificate Certificate in the afternoon on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones attended the 25th wedding anniversary celebrations of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Colvin of Orono at their home on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Bertha Elliott of Mill- brook was a dinner guest on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow and Mrs. Bernice Lang also of Millbrook was a caller in the evening. Over 100 Guides with their leaders spent the weekend camping at Emily Park, Oshawa with 14 different companies taking part from Lindsay, Oshawa and Port Hope areas with the theme "The Bicentennial." The leader from Newtonville was Phyllis Knapp, assisted by Linda Farrow. Misses Jan Ever wonder If you're paying too much for car Insurance? Ask one of your neighbors about State Farm's low rates and fast, dependable service, Then give me a call, Dirk Brinkman Scugog Street Bowmanville-623-3621 Stole film MuluJl Aulomoti'ie Insurance Company Cjnjdijo Hr jd OMite Smboiough Ontario FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS and MARKERS Look for this seal It's your , guarantee of permanence STAFFORD BROS. LTD. 'Authonui Dithr Stafford Brothers Monuments LIMITED Box 133 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phone Whitby 668-3552 Farrow, Tara Stapleton, Shaunna Mclnnis, Donna Gloss, Angela Dyck and Tricia Weatherup with Tricia Staple- ton with the Pathfinders. They learned the making of butter, ice cream, rug braiding, candlewicking and dyeing materials and other projects and were judged with winning 3rd prize with the most points. On Sunday they held a Pioneering Social. There were 14 groups attending. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tompkins, Tompkins, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen , and ...Mrs, Lena Clysdale v/étë r among those who attended the dance and celebration for Miss Dawn Vaneyk who was ordained as a minister on the previous Wednesday, held at Tyrone Hall on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow, Mrs. Lawrence Mason of Bowmanville visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs; Jack Dwyer of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Stapleton, Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Gilmer of Newcastle and Miss Kim Gilmer of Toronto were luncheon guests on Sunday with Mrs. Lena Clysdale. Mrs. Marie Trim, Bernice Henderson, Brenda Leudke, Olive Henderson attended a baby shower for Mrs. Brenda Henderson and Jennifer at the home of Mrs. Eleanor Henderson's, Newcastle, on Sunday afternoon. Also attending were Ina Brown and Shelley, Margaret Wade of Kendal, Aileen Henderson of Morrish and Dorothy Gilmer and Lynn Swales of Port Hope. The Newtonville Women's United Church Anniversary was held Sunday at the church. The usherettes were Donna Robins, Jessie Best, Janet Paeden and Olive Henderson. The choir anthems were "Send the Light" and "Constantly Abiding." Rowena Tizzard sang a solo "Ivory Palaces." The president Mrs. Jean Kimball conducted the services services who assisted Mrs. Mary Kellogg of Welcome, the speaker whose sermon was -I entitled "The Rural Church." The flower containers at the front doors have been placed there by Donald and Donna Robins in recognition of the good work of the Newtonville U.C. Women. Bouquets of lilacs and tulips adorned the altar. Graffiti is the Italian word for "scribbling." Quote - "The computer is a great new invention! There are just as many mistakes, but they are nobody's fault! " Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lean who were married in Orono United Church on Saturday, May 26. Rev. Wayne Wright officiated. The bride is the former Janet Youngman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngman, Kendal, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lean, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bowins were Saturday visitors with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Rainey, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. D. Challice and Barry, were last Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Munneke and boys, Ski View Estates, Bethany. On Monday evening, May 28, Mr. Donald Scott presented the special Five Star awards to Peter Cowan and Shawn Kennedy. Congratulations boys! These boys are members members of the Orono Cub pack. Miss Alma Cuttell spent last holiday weekend visiting Mrs. Marjorie McGee, Bowmanville. Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moffat, Mrs. Dorothy Bailey and Mrs. Eileen Billings were last Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and "Mrs. Carl Kimmett and family, Lindsay, and following dinner enjoyed the College Community Choir at the Academy Theatre, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor entertained their granddaughters and families at Sunday luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beckett and family, Oshawa on the occasion of their wedding anniversary and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Draper and family on the occasion of Linda's birthday. Town Hall Party The Orono Town Hall board held their last card party for the season, on Wed., May 23 with a good turn out, with 15V 2 tables in progress. The winners as follows: 1st Mary Thompson 88,2nd Grace Coatham 87,3rd May Tabb 82, 4th Robin Alldread 79. There were four people tied for 5th place - James Lowery, Aileen Turner, Harvey Partner, and Elaine Elson. Low score - Hilda Dean. 50 - 50 Draw Winners - Fred Vagg and Jean Allin. The board would like to thank all the good people for supporting these card parties, through the season. We would like to thank Alex and Norma Moffat for their kind supervision, all winter, of . these parties. Also Eileen Stephens and Bev Wakefield for their work with the two Arts and Crafts shows. Bev for keeping our books and paying our bills. Thanks also to the Orono Times for putting our news and results in the paper. Hope to see you all again next fall. Carlos Tamblyn (Chairman of the hall board( Orono United Church News The two lovely baskets of tulips and lilacs at the chancel were placed by ladies of unit No. 3 and the attractive arrangement on the piano was from the Lean - Youngman wedding of Saturday. Sunday, May 27, was the Sunday school anniversary, and the entire group, pupils and teachers were in the processional. All singing "Jesus Loves Me", along with the audience. Mrs. Lois Brown welcomed everyone everyone and made the announcements. announcements. Mr. -Clare Martin, C. E. Committee chairman introduced introduced the teachers and assistants assistants and congratulated the staff on their faithful and dedicated attendance. Lois then announced the theme for the program was "The Stained Glass Windows", and read off the inscriptions and names of families, from the many beautiful windows. Many familiar family names, Walsh, Laing, Tamblyn, Billings, etc. Special music for this event was provided by Carlos Tamblyn, cornet and Gladys Brown, piano. Three very enjoyable selections, "Now is the hour", "Amazing Grace" and "He Touched Me", were much appreciated by all. Rev. Wright invited a large group of boys and girls to come forward to receive new bibles. Those receiving bibles - Joshua Kent, Michael Doty, Ashly Burnham, Sascha Scriener, Jennifer Good- murphy, Carrie Henderson, Sarah Pooler (moved to Bobcaygeon), John Budai, Michele Ross, Katrina Kent, Danny Gratton, Jonnie Luke, Christopher Yeo. Rev. Wright then presented Religion in Life emblems to the following cubs: Mark Plummer, Kevin Scott and Peter Cowan. These young cubs will soon be moving into Scouts. Marlene Ross, then enter- Super summertime dry cleaning specials Oshawa Monument Co. Family Memorials - Markers All Designs and Lettering Done by Us on Premises - NO SALESMEN INVOLVED - Please Telephone 728-3111 for Full Details Bigger Pictures Plus Fast Accurete Service FREE! 5x7 Enlargement with every C41-110, 126-135 film processed, INSTANT PASSPORT PHOTOS OSHAWA CAMERA CfNTW LTD 728-4631 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE (across hiou me RHOMB CENTRE) Coupon mu* twpiManMwiih mooning man's or meM'pMn, ok*) autot jMtoMrouMr or |m****l combinerons. Berne Ju^-7,1864-' /" Coupon must be presented wXh j ► or I garments. Example: suede coat I 27* or lew teg. 125.26 now only | . I1M6. Full length made coat rag. *29.25 now only I21.M. Leather prleee are higher. Service In as I Expiree July 7,1884 Coupon must be presented wXh booming plain, doth penw. Expire* July 7,1864 tained the young and old alike with her leadership in music and guitar. The entire Sunday School encircled the congregation congregation and gave their closing song. Rev. Wright gave the benediction to close a very meaningful program. Next Sunday, June 3rd Rev. Ed. Schamerhorn, Bay of Quinte V.I.M. chairman will speak to us at 12 p.m. Following Following the presentation a chance ■for informal discussion over refreshments will take place in main hall. The Session Meeting will be held next Tues., June 5. Happy Birthday to Neice De Jonge on May 31st. Our Supply Chairsperson, Bertha White requests items that you have been saving should all be in by June 10th. This includes all good used, clean men's and women's and children's clothing. The executive of Orono U.C.W. met on Monday, May 28 in Friendship room with a good attendance. Plans were drawn up for our upcoming general meeting, June 14th and also catering to the Guide banquet June 15th. We have all received the word that the Town of Newcastle Newcastle firemen are conducting a house to house inspection this week, in the interest of fire prevention. Needless to say, the danger of fire in our homes is always a probability, but in talking to neighbors and friends, the invasion of our homes for this inspection does raise a question? Are we as homeowners not responsible enough to keep our property safety checked, fire alarms installed, etc., without the fire dept, inspection? You, as a homeowner will have to decide the answer to this question. question. Dairy Princess Workshop The Durham County Milk Committee hosted the Dairy Princess workshop this year, Friday and Saturday, May 25 and 26, in Orono United Church. These were eight dairy princesses, each representing representing their own county, in central Ontario, and 22 competitors. competitors. Miss Krista McHolm, our own princess was present. A delicious noon luncheon was enjoyed by all present on Saturday. Some of the speakers included included Mrs, Marilyn Mora- wetz (neeKnox), Enniskillen; Mr. Jim Tunney, Milk Bd. member, and Mary Kay Cosmetics. Cosmetics. Mrs. Neil (Shelley) Allin co-ordinated the entire event and asks if any girls are interested interested in trying out for "Dairy Princess", please contact her at R. R. No. 1, Orono, or call 983-5791. Kirby News Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris spent several days last week visiting their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fulford at Meaford. An enjoyable coffee hour was spent Sunday following the regular church service. Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lowery and Lorna Lowery all attended the graduation exercises exercises held on Friday, May 25, at Kemptville College. Kevin Lowery was an honors graduate in Agricultural Engineering. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris were Sunday visitors with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hird, Whitby. Orono News Congratulations to Dr. A. F. MacKenzie who was honored at a luncheon recently, given by the staff of Nel-Gor Nursing Nursing Home. He received a beautiful wall clock, in recognition recognition of his generous contribution contribution of 20 years service. Gillian Family poods SUGAR 225 King St. E., Bowmanville 2 kg BAG .99 2% MILK 4/BAG 2.39 KRAFT DINNER 225» 2/1.00 ROYAL JELLY POWDERS .29 HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS 200g 1.29 FRENCH'S MUSTARD 500 mi .89 FRYING CHICKENS le09 lb/2.40 kg MAPLE LODGE CHICKEN WIENERS 454 g .69 JUBILEE BACON 500 g 1.69 SCHNEIDER STEAKETTES soog 1.99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. HEAD LETTUCE .59 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. TOMATOES .59 LB.l e30 kg PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CUCUMBERS .39 mcintosh APPLES 3 LB. BAG 1.49 STORE HOURS MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9-9 SATURDAY 8-6 ■ ■A v 1 '-V-- | \ I ■ I I^^P^tjaa^CsJ^^^apcjfedpjaœ I NOW OPEN SUNDAY 9"6 OSHAWA 636 KING ST. EAST (Corner ol Wilson) (Mon. lo Fri. 9-6, Sal. 9-6) 433-1571 MIDTOWN MALL 200 JOHN ST, (next lo Family Fair) (Mon.-Frl. 9-6, Sal, 9 5) 725-5070 wedding dress cleaned & boxed 49.95 ROSSLAND PARK PLAZA Rossland & Wilson (MorvFh. 9 6, Sat. 9-5) 725-6064 1300 KING ST. EAST (at Town Lino) (Mon. lo Fri. 0-6, Sal, 9*6) 725-5595 cleaneis WHITBY THICKSON RD. & DUNDAS ST. EAST (The Whitby Mali) (Mon.-Fri.9-9, Sat. 9-6) 725-5012 601 DUNDAS ST. WEST (Cornor ol Francos) (Mon.-Wod. 9-6, Thurs., Fri. 9-8, Sal. 9-6) 668-1692 Cadet guarantees your satisfaction or your money refunded. Over 100 stores. Call 656-5601 for the store nearest you. PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING JUNE 2 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES CHEQUES ACCEPTED

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