l 2 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, June 20,1984 Section Two Three Years Old May 23rd The Annual Meeting of Durham Region Lung Association Association was held on Thursday, May 10th at Adelaide House Y.W.C.A., Oshawa. The 1984/85 Management Management Committee was formally installed, its members members representing Bowman- . ville, Oshawa, Pickering, Port Perry and Whitby. Mrs. Donna Worden of Whitby accepted the Presidency, with the following elected as Officers or Committee Chairmen: Walter Death (Oshawa), Elaine Buchanan (Port Perry), Margaret Couch (Oshawa), Dr. Myles Fisher (Oshawa), Dr. Scott Henderson .(Whitby), Veronica Veronica Bremner (Oshawa), Sharon Swain (Pickering), Tony Cowling (Oshawa), Don Sutton (Whitby), Jean Winters (Bowmanville), and Bob Fry (Oshawa). Highlight Highlight of the evening was a presentation to Mrs. Jean Pearse, retiring Association Association secretary. In recognition recognition of Mrs. Pearse's twenty- three years of service to the Lung Association, an original original painting depicting the main "street of her hometown hometown (Fergus, Ontario) had been commissioned from local artist, Hugh Char- lebois. Durham Region Lung Association Association raised in excess of $107,000.00 during the 1983 Christmas Seal Campaign, and provided a wide variety of educational and rehabilitative rehabilitative support services services during its past fiscal year. These included Asthma Information programs, programs, Better Breathing Courses for older adults with lung disease, cold weather weather protection masks, Summer Summer Camp for Asthmatic Children and the distribution distribution of 16,000 pieces of educational educational material. The Association's Association's Smoking and Health Awareness program visited more than 8,000 Junior School children across the Region, and its Pulmonary Function Testing Testing program provided screening screening for the early signs of lung disease. Financial assistance was given to a number of respiratory patients patients in need, and the Association Association also supported accredited Canadian research research projects related to lung disease. James Insurance DOUG JAMES ELEANOR DAMANT GAYLE WINDSOR 24 King St. East, BowmanvHle 623-4406 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Accountancy WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant , 35 King St. W., Newcastle Telephone 987-4240 WM.J.H, COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty Street South Bowrr)anville Phone 623-3612 JOHN MANUEL, C.G.A. 118 King St. East, Suite 2 623-6555 WINTERS, SUTHERLAND & MOASE Chartered Accountants 23 Silver St., Bowmanville 623-9461 49 Division SI.. Oshawa 579-5659 Dental PATRICK G.DEEGAN DENTURETHERAPY CLINIC 5 George St. 623-4473 Ollicc Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs, 8:30-5:00 Friday 8:30-noon Computers ANDY BATELAANB.A. Consultant Programmer Software Development Maple Grove ltd. N. Bowmanville 023-2375 Chiropractic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Cilice: 15 Elgin Street Corner of Horsey Street Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment LEONARD JAY, B.Sc., D.C. Doctor of Chiropractic 96 Queen Street Bowmanville Phone 623-9297 JOHN W. HAWRYLAK, D.C., F.C.C.R. Doctor of Chiropractic Certified Roentgenologist Nutritional Counselling 168ChurchSt. Bowmanville 623-4004 LAURENCE A. GREY Doctor of Chiropractic 306 King SI. West Oshawa L1J2J9 Phone 433-1500 Naturopathic Medicine LAUHhNCt A. GREY, N.D. Doctor ol Naturopathy Nutrition, homeopathic and botanical medicine; Colonic therapy & acupuncture 306 King St. West Oshawa LU 2J9 Phono 433-1500 CERTIFIED FOOT REFLEXOLOGIST Cheryl Frlodo 270 King St. East, Bowmanville 623-4004 Competitive Prices WHITE SWAN, ASSORTED FLAVORS, ROYAL HOME OVEN, SLICED 2 ROLL PKG. 'Æ0M jÊÊk ' flMS M ■8MMÎS B . Hi to all our family and friends. I am Dusty and I was 3 years old on May 23rd. My big brother Corey will be 6 years old on August 10. We wish a very happy 35th anniversary to Nana and Papa Anger, on June 11,1984. Lung Association Installs Management Committee At Annual Meeting . r PC-'A'PEREO j 1 ; i p « . ■. V : ' M/if "'v*» S' ; t ii .kfl U vl Ç-5t : 1 u- LIMIT 3 LOAVES PER FAMILY SMOOTH OM. CRUNCH Y i iJxtML-k.. } ■ jgtwx. • p '■ Hi ÿ :• If! OIL BONS GEL, VVINTERFRESH ' X;. : .!>f, '••LT- > 1 V-yKi: . : 4* :• '<2; . fïM'l > - ■ - i " 1 > |v| : OOL'-vi ■' %; 0:^/1 ' y TAG' I : ■ ■ :f ■ ■tlxïj Of V-, - if ! ' , 'rj " t s h e j u il V;. Vi. l ; ■ i;j:T i ; O. v;v lilt© r-oz. mr ; v ' J f ): -r,.,/. : .1 ' : '.. ' i l.i - -> ■ a , - 1 ' L'f' ?. ** n Hlf : TsO ' ' ' * a ICO ml, TOO it. 1 -,it AW ASSORTED COLORS, 2-PLY, WHITE SWAN Facial Tissue BOX OF 200 .79 ASSORTED FLAVORS, SUGAR/SWEETENED DRINK MIX CRYSTALS, Kool-Aid polyp&jch .59 WHITE SWAN, WHITE Jj r-aper Serviettes of k mo 1 .99 IGA, CHOICE Fruit Cocktail oItin 1 .19 ORANGE PEKOE, Tetley Tea Bags PKG. OF 72 1.79 Ckwaft> Pure Raspberry or Strawberry Jam jar 1.99 MINI BITES, BEEFARONI, MINI RAVIOLI, BEEF RAVIOLI OR SPAGHETTI & MEATBALLS Chef Boyardee Pastas 15-FL. OZ. TIN .79 LUNCHEON MEAT, Kam 12-OZ. TIN 1.49 ASSORTED VARIETIES, Miss Mew Cat Food 60Z. TIN .29 WHEAT THINS, TOASTED WHEAT, CREAM, SALTED CREAM, WATER OR BISCUITS FOR CHEESE Peek Frean 225 g TO 300 g PKG. C KB<Fr l Grated Parmesan Cheese shakIr 3.19 Crackers .99 KERR'S, ASSORTED VARIETIES 175 g TO Tartan Bag Candies pkg 9 n° go <G. iVV MOZZARELLA, SWISS OR HAVARTI Natural 227 g ■ PKG. Cheese Sticks 1.99 TOASTED ALMOND, PEANUTS & HONEY OR BUTTER WALNUT, NEILSON, Country Crisp Snacks pkg 0 LARGE SIZE, 100% PURE VEGETABLE OIL, PARKAY, 1 e 49 Soft Margarine 3-lb. TUB 2.99 ASSORTED VARIETIES, SHAMPOO OR CONDITIONER REGULAR OR DIET „„ , 750 mL BTL. 7UP PLUS .30 DEP. PER BTL. .49 Fabergé Organics 450 mL PLAST. BTL 1.99 FROZEN, FANCY GRADE, FRASER VALE, BRUSSELS SPROUTS OR 1 kg Whole Kernel Corn bag 1.99 REGULAR OR DIET 7UP CASE OF 24x280 mL TINS 5.99 GLAD, Kitchen Catchers PKG. OF 24 1.49 FROZEN, FANCY GRADE, STRAIGHT OR CRINKLE CUTS Superman French Fries polV BAG 1.29 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, ^ Fresh Spinach PRODUCT OF U.SA, 283.5 g 10-OZ. PKG. .59 SHOULDER PRODUCT OF B.C., CANADA FANCY GRADE Spartan Apples 0 21.79 PRODUCT OF MEXICO, Mangoes EA. PRODUCT OF U.SA, CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, Spanish Type Onions PRODUCT OF U.S.A., A J A/ ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE, V |ft#.,, -sweet" 1 Green Peppers .99». PKG. OF 2 .99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, Fresh Mushrooms ^ pkg" M PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, Fresh m, Green Onions 3°.99 If 8-OZ. 1.49 PACKED IN CANADA, JB Assorted Drinks PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, Fresh Bunch Radish 3 for ,99 1.5 L 64-OZ. BTL. .99 PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND, Fresh Kiwi Fruit .59 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, Fresh Romaine Lettuce s .59 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, Fresh Bean Sprouts s 1.08., .49 lb. Medium Ground Beef SCHNEIDER'S. COOKED, SMOKED, "BONELESS" 1 kfl . 2't «b. AVO. Olde Fashioned Feature 3.06 ! rUJ lb. BEEF, IRISH, MEATBALL OR TURKEY/CHICKEN Puritan Stews 680 g TIN m || r j ^ SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED SCHNEIDER'S, SLICED SCHNEIDER'S, SCHNEIDER'S, (2 PER PKG.) Cooked Ham Bologna Mini Deli Meat Pies ./ ! / ' j • ' 1750 L : i •■■■:')' ' ' i 37Sfl I i Î ; CO 'i PKG- 250 g 1 'rj Uk CHUB ,'i |. 1 lÿ/ 1. J LLlI PKG. | ] ■; ; [ j - ;/ SCHNEIDÉRU Headcheese SCHNBDm, "OOLOtN BASKET Chicken Cutlets With Dressing »2b00 SCHNEIDER'S, BUCK) Side Bacon SCHNEIDER'S, «1.69 SCHNEIDER'S, Mini Slzzler Saimantu CREAMY ITALIAN, THOUSAND ISLAND, COLESLAW OR SPRING GARDEN, PFEIFFER, 500fl'- PKQ Liquid Salad Dressings 250 mL BTL. n;rr ] hi M Dad's Original or Regular Oatmeal Cookies ' r 450 g PKG. rpi Æ7 fcfel F 1 Liil " Iff &S3 WITH THIS COUPON m Charcoal oh^ Briquets 10 lb. BAG 1.49 FEATURE PRICE WITHOUT COUPON | A C. NEILSON I st"j°o X hHb LIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY ONE BAG PER COUPON ■ EJL4L3 COUPON VALID AT IGA UNTIL CLOSING SAT. JUNE 23RD.1984 0125500H PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., JUNE 20 TO SAT., JUNE 23 1984. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Product of Central America Dole orChiquita Bananas r r v'r kg. I 2 lb. Sun Brie Butter 1 pound print : : 11 l . l ' 1 Davern Wieners 1 lb. y C- «j n iFib vj? Mother Parker's Instant Coffee 10 oz. jar /■-i ,•;% •' f , if! W nw Values effective only at ISHESI GRAHAM'S IGA 77 KING STREET EAST 623-4161 BOWMANVILLE -WE DELIVER FOR A NOMINAL CHARGE --