MM IMV/ y K HEINZ- Pure White VINEGAR 4 Litre Jug 2 Jug Limit PEEK FREANS COOKIES 'Digestive 'Shortcake 'Chocolate Chip 'Nice 400g (14.1 ozj Package Mix Or Match 4 Pkg. Limit MAPLE LEAF -- Assorted Varieties POTATO CHIPS /I 200g Bag 2 Bag Limit OCEAN'S PINK SALMON 7.75 oz. (220g) Tin l*»uk SsiliiK»» 1 2 Tin Limit CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE Assorted PASTAS 'ABC-123 'Astrogetti 'Safarios 425g orfWiai (15 oz.) I|C|4F> Tin \j ,*sssss^*^ i III* Mix or 1 Match ■ 5 Tin Limit STOKELY VAN CAMP'S • Beans With Pork • Red Kidney Beans • Beans in Tomato Sauce • Beans in Brown Sugar 14 FI. Os. (398mL]Jin Mix Or Match New Fluoride Formula -- Toothpaste Super-Whiteners and Mouthwash 3 Pkg. Limit PERLE BATHROOM TISSUE 4 Roll -- 1 Ply Package 2 Pkg. Limit DURHAM FOOD TERMINAL SILVERWOOD, 4 Litre Bag, 2% MILK 1.99 2 Bag Limit SUNPAC, Frozen Concentrated, 12.5 fl oz. LEMONADE Pink or White x 10 Can Limit 24 Pak Assorted POPSICLES 75 ml Each $>/ / -i BLACK FLAG, ASS'T. INSECT SPRAYS HOUSE & GARDEN BUG KILLER Large 4Qflq Tin m Mix Or Match 2 Tin Limit OSHAtyi Just No, S»- bt one>, % Don't Miss Out On These Fantastic Birthday Specials! The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, July 4,1984 9 ORONO NEWS By Isabelle Challice Quote - "An optimist is the fellow who takes the cold water thrown on his proposition, proposition, heats it with enthusiasm, makes steam, and pushes, ahead." Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bowins who on July 1st celebrated 40 years of wedded bliss. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dickson spent the holiday weekend visiting friends and relatives in Napanee. Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell and son Melville, Dungannon Northern Ireland, have been visiting their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell, Taunton Road. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Murphy and sons Shamus and Michael were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice. Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Wright left last Saturday for their new residence in Severn Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Bowins spent several days last week visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs: Ralph Sanderson, Wood- stock. Sympathy of this community community and Kirby to Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry and family in the sudden passing of Lloyd on Saturday evening, June 30th. The funeral was held from Northcutt - Elliott funeral home, Bowmanville, Tues., July 3rd. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton Chatterton and family spent the holiday weekend at their cottage, Canal Lake, Bolsover and report some excellent fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Derek Barnett spent the holiday weekend visiting their daughter, Carol in Ithica, New York, U.S.A. Very few Canadian flags on view over the past weekend throughout the village! Perhaps Perhaps we could demonstrate our pride by showing off our colorful emblem more often. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice spent the weekend at the home of their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown's and girls, Peterborough. Canada Day Parade A very colorful Canada parade and festivities was held in Peterborough on Sunday evening, July 1st. Excellent floats, bands and music were enjoyed by a large crowd. Never has this writer seen so very many Canadian flags in one place, in fact all present received a flag in honor of Canada Day. A memorable highlight of the day was the presentation of the well-known Drum and Bugle Corps, The Canadian Knights, to the huge audience at Edwards Park, following the parade. A very large area of the park was marked off and the 85 members presented a very excellent display of procession marching, marjorettes and music. The band is made up of mostly Peterborough area young people, several from Toronto and one young chap all the way from Hamilton. Tiie youngest member is a young lady who is only 11 years of age and the young man who composes all the music arrangements is only 21 years. The group received the highest award for all Canada on Saturday evening at Newmarket, Newmarket, the Prime Minister's Trophy, and receiving the highest points award 83.01 ever given to a Drum and Bugle Band. The band is very busy with practises, several nights a week and are playing next week in Allentown, Penn., and will be preparing for Atlanta, Georgia, in August when they will compete for the World Championships. The leadership leadership training and discipline received by these young people is surely an asset to our great country, Canada. If ever any of our readers are privileged to see and hear this great group, by all means do so! The youth today needs to be encouraged in every facet of living, with all the unemployment, and discouraging discouraging financial news, it sure is a most hopeful sign to witness a group such as the Canadian Knights. A small Jr. group, called the Canadian Lancers Majorette Corps are already in training for future band members. My granddaughter is also a member. Most of the above information is courtesy of Mr. Neil Boughen, C.H.E.X. News, Peterborough. Strawberry Festival A sell-out crowd enjoyed the annual strawberry and salad supper, sponsored by the Orono Horticulture Society, on Wed., June 27, in Orono United Church hall. The tables were most attractive with vases of beautiful roses from Carl Tamblyn's rose garden, the interesting bicentennial place mats, red and white serviettes in roll baskets, and to top it off, a hand-made strawberry candy at each place! The strawberries were the handcrafted handcrafted creations of the talented talented convenors, Yvonne Traf- ford and Donna Hutton. The tables were laden with all kinds of mouth-watering salads, cold cuts, rolls, relish trays and of course the "dessert for all seasons" strawberry shortcake! Many excellent comments were to be heard from the appreciative appreciative audience. Bonnie Cowle and Ruth Cowle, Bowmanville entertained entertained the large audience with their very imaginative strawberry strawberry costumes and singing, accompanied by Ruth on the accordian. Isabelle Challice introduced our special guest for the evening, evening, Mrs. Gladys Ashton, with her wonderful doll collection. A delightful array of dolls, including Raggedy Anns, Orphan Annie and dog Sandy, Teddy bears etc. and the history history of doll-making proved to be most entertaining. Mrs. Ashton has been making making dolls for the past 10 years, and many of her creations are sent all over the world. The president, Doreen Lowery, presided over the lucky draws for homemade chocolate, and boxés of fresh strawberries. Doreen and James then proceeded proceeded to render some toetapping toetapping music, for our listening listening pleasure. Doreen thanked the committees for their excellent excellent job and everyone for supporting us in this annual event. Visitors were present from West Hill, Newcastle, Bowmanville Bowmanville and some all the way from Alberta, Mayor and Mrs. Garnet Rickard attended from Bowmanville. Orono United Church News Call to Worship - On this Canada Day (July 1st) Let us Worship God who has created this world and everything in it. As we celebrate the anniversary anniversary of our wonderful country "Canada", may we be truly thankful, for this land which you have given us." We were happy to welcome Rev. Kathryn Humphries, Peterborough, as our guest speaker, and friends from Kirby and Newcastle. The choir rendered the lovely anthem "Without You", and the flowers were courtesy of Unit No. 1. The picnic of Unit No. 2 has been postponed until Tuesday, July 10th at noon. Please remember that all July services are at 10 a.m. and August services are at 10:30 a.m. in Newcastle United Church. July 8th service service is at Kirby Church with Rev. Keith Henderson as speaker. Services at Orono Church July 15, with Mr. Frank Stapleton, Newtonville as speaker. July 22nd at Kirby with Jeff DcJonge. July 29th at Orono, with Rev. Roland Hopkins. For any local church information, information, calls may be directed to Stella Carson, 983-5272. Ontario NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Mectinfi of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario will be held at the MICHAEL STARR BUILDING, 33 KING STREET WEST. ROOMS H & I. GROUND FLOOR, OSHAWA, ONTARIO on WEDNESDAY, JULY 25th. 1984. at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at which time the Board will hear applications in accordance with the Liquor Licence Act, and Regulations thereunder, The lollowinn establishments have applied tor licences of the class indicated, and the applications will lie entertained at the aforementioned location and timo: Applications For New Licences Dennis Pizzeria Restaurant 217 Kim; Street East Newcastle, Bowmanville Dlnlim Loumje Licence Applicants: Sotlrlos Psorras & Emmanuel Tsihlas Green Leal Restaurant 28 Kim; Street, Newcastle DlnlnK Lounce Licence Applicant: Elizabeth (Betty) Elaine AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any person who is resident in tiie municipality and who wishes to make representation relative to the application, shall make their submission to tho Board In writing prior to the date ol tho hoarinti, or In person at the place ol tho hunrinc, (Copies ol written submissions will lie forwarded to the applicant). Liquor Licence Board ol Ontario üü Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Ontario, M5E 1A4 MINISTRY OF CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT