i I 14 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, September 12,1984 Phone 623-3303 Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Auction Sales Auction Sales Work Wanted Work Wanted Auction Sales GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Carpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior mis BYAM PLUMBING & HEATING INC. and AIR CONDITIONING NEW WORK and RENOVATIONS FREE ESTIMATES Village of Tyrone R.R. 5, Bowmanville 263-2650 25-tlSN Mutton Masonry All Types of Cement Work Concrete Floors, Foundations and Walls Brick and Block Laying Chimney Construction and CHIMNEYSWEEP G.W. Mutton 623-5981 1-IISN DUANET. TAYLOR GENERAL CARPENTER Tyrone 263-8471 Experienced in all aspecls of residential wood construction plus cabinets, lathe work, furniture and repairs, custom doors and windows. Carpentry done the right way at the right price, 18-1ISN smalVengine REPAIR SALES -- SERVICE - PARTS Authorized Dealers for Briggs & Stratton, Lawn Boy, Tecumseh, Ariens, Canadiana, Gilson MTD Toro Wheel Horse, Poulan Chain Saws, Echo Chain Saws and Trimmers HAMPTON 263-8469 50-llSN D.T. DAVIES LTD. BOWMANVILLE Complete Landscape Service Planting Pruning Roto-tilling Lock Stone Wood Decks Timber Walls Gabion Baskets Wood Fencing Flag Poles Fall Clean Up David Davies 263-2752 33-tfSN REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique Free pickup and delivery. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 571-1498 25 ColborneSt. W., Oshawa, Ont. 37-tfSN JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS-FURNACES CLEANED PLUMBING REPAIRS Phone Hampton 263-2151 MAILADDRESS: P.O.Box 43 • Bowmanville 4-tlS Les Shelley Plumbing Hot Water Heating For repairs or renovating FREE ESTIMATES Phone 433-1112 26-tfSN Vandergaast Roofing Ltd. Over 35 years' experience in all types of roofing Workmanship Guaranteed For FREE Estimate Phone 623-7400 or 623-9595 21-tfS EDl TOI WEATHERSHIELD ROOFING • ALTERATIONS • REPAIRS HOMES COTTAGES PATIOS Thomas G.Yeo 17 Frank Street Bowmanville, Ont. L1C2J5 William A. Yeo (416) 623-9475 9-tfS Chim-Chim-Cheree Chimneysweeps 623-6672 -- professional chimney cleaning -- all work guaranteed -- member-Canadian Chimney Sweeps Assoclption -- Canadian Wood Energy Institute -- Better Business Bureau 11-lfS North America Concrete Finishing and Foundation Waterproofing Contractors Residential We specialize in repairing leaking basemenls - wilh a 10 year warranty. R.R. 3, Solina Rd. Bowmanville, Ont., Phone 723-0729 11-tfSN JAMES BRITTON "Jim of All Trades » SPECIALIZING IN REC ROOMS -- WALLPAPERING PAINTING -- ALL INTERIOR DECORATING EXPERIENCED IN ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, etc. Telephone 623-3506 aller 6 p.m. Bowmanville 20-IIS You Only Have to Burn Once Have your chimney cleaned. Call the Doc 623-7984 36-tfSN NEWTONVILLE WATERWORKS Fresh water delivery for pools, wells, etc. 7 DAYS A WEEK 987-4973 33-tfSN BRINK'S EXCAVATING FORTRENCHING EXCAVATION and SEPTIC TANKS PHONE NEWCASTLE 987-4995 No Sunday Calls 27-tfS Fred's Auto Body 163 Baseline Rd. In Bowmanville Very reasonable rates on complete collision and rust repairs. Insurance Claims Come in for your free estimate or phone 623-6353 Fred Devries 18-tfS DON BROOKS & SON General Contractor Phone 753-2577 or 623-2755 32 years experience serving area In all types of household and commercial repairs. Carpentry-Plumbing ' Electrical and Masonry YOU NAME IT - WE DO IT! Free Estimates 20-tfS INSTALL a combination wood, oil, wood electric furnace or boiler. Oil - gas - electric boiler or furnace. Harvey Partner 8, Sons, Bowmanville 623-2301 or Orono 983-5206. 4-tfSN HOLROYD'S HEATING Authorized ESSO Home Comfort Dealer Oil burner sales Cleaning and Repairs Parts and Service Plan Bowmanville 623-2185 7-tfS r """" 1 CARPET STEAM CLEANING ONLY $45 Dining Room and Living Room Plus Hallway C & J Services Call Collect 623-2095 anytime 7-tfSNP I RAN'S AILOR SHOP Alterations & Tailoring Open 9 -- 6 Closed Wednesday Saturday 9 --3 623-5011 33-tfSNP MOBILE -- CONCRETE SERVICE MIXED ON SITE LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES TOP SOIL ALSO PIT RUN • 2" STONE SAND FILL • % CRUSHED STONE MASONRY SAND PATIO and POOL SAND SATURDAY DELIVERIES OSHAWA SAND & 725-0232 Solina Rd. N. (1 mile north of Hwy. 2) GRAVEL SUPPLY Lawn Maintenance Hedge Trimming Clean-Ups Exterior Painting Flower Beds Winter Laneway Care Reasonable Rates. Seniors 10% Off 623-6030 35-4S GROEN'S MASONRY Brick and Block Work Chimneys and Fireplaces All Types of Masonry Repairs Phone 623-4877 36-9S NEWCASTLE UPHOLSTERY Modern, antique, free estimates and pick-ups. Call 987-4958 29-tfSN LOOKIN'GOOD IN WOOD We make: tables - wall units • dressers • vanities - doors • stairs • etc. to your specifications. For all custom made woodwork Phone Gerry Lens for a free estimate at GERRY'S WOOD MILL 623-2371 27-tfS WHYTE'S UPHOLSTERY Have your chesterfield professionally upholstered. 25 Years Experience For Free Shop & Home Service Call RALPH WHYTE 623-5252 125 King St. E. Bowmanv.' 'e 26-IISN BILL SELLERS CARPENTRY General Contractor and Home Improvements ADDITIONS GARAGES REC ROOMS KITCHENS BATHROOMS CERAMIC TILE PRIVACY FENCE WOOD DECKS PATIO DOORS Repairs of all types FOR ESTIMATE CALL 623-4116 17-tfS < T / t / a£f Taping, Finishing, Spray Stucco, Ceilings, Plaster Repairs, Painting. Phone Wally Lucyk 987-4694 NEWCASTLE 24-tfSN ORONO WEED CONTROL Government Licensed t.awn Spraying Weeds Insects Fertilizing Driveway Sealing Work completed by Licensed Professional (3& Free Estimates Industrial, residential, . commercial. SERVICE GUARANTEED Phone Bob 983-5267 Box 277 Orono 18-IISN "GUARDIAN OF THE NATION'S LAWNS' COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE • Wi*(*d spruyiiwj • Insvet control • Crao gr.iss control • Granular Fertilizer • Free advice • Government licensed • Fully insured 623-4597 or 983-5598 Call For Free Estimate 25-llSN Auction Sale Pethick's Auction Barn Haydon, 1 mile east of Enniskillen Saturday evening, Sept. 15 7 p.m. Furniture and things, like chest and upright freezers, chesterfield and loveseaf, fridge, electric stove, beds, kitchen table and chairs, 2 dressers, dishes, pots and pans, loads • of stuff, lawn mower, lawn furniture, gas stove. No reserve, cash or good cheque. Cliff Pethick, auctioneer. 37-1SNP Auction Sale on Saturday, Sept. 15 at 1 p.m. Selling for Floyd Beckett, 3 miles north of Hampton on the old Scugog Rd. On first small farm south of Enniskillen his cattle farm implements and wagon load of articles - Corby manure spreaker, Allis Chalmers cultivator with depth wheels, steel stone boat, 3 old steel wheels, 3 sections harrows, double disc, horse scuffler, 4 tires 15 inch, turnip drill, single ploughs, 3 cords of wood, M & B, cedar posts, chicken feeders, 5 beef cows, all bred and blood tested, heifer, 5 calves. Selling at the same sale for AA. Wadsworth - 1105 AAassey tractor, 5 furrow plough, power double disc, 3 pt. AAassey Harris mower 7 ft., 3 pt. weed sprayer, 4 furrow AAassey Ferguson plough, AA.H. wheel rake, J.D. 4 row corn planter, hay bind, corn blaster, boat trailer, bushel baskets and other articles. Terms cash or good cheque. Chas and Lawrence Harris Clerks. Cliff Pethick and Charlie Reid Auctioneers. 37-1SNP Complete Dispersal of Marchhurst Simmentals Saturday, September 15,1984 John Devries, Carp, Ontario. For information phone Joynt Auction Service (613)283-4730 37-1SN Auction Sale Sat., Sept. 15 at 6 p.m. at Pearce Auction Centre on Shirley Rd., 4 miles S. of Port Perry With 2 Chevrolet cars (1973 and 1975, as is), estate from Newcastle with matching gold tone fridge and stove, maple hutch, complete bedroom suite, dinette set, cream separator, apartment size fridge and stove, twin beds, 8' x 10' bronze carpet, good chesterfield set, dishes,' lamps and many more items. AAanaged and sold by Pearce Auction Services 985-7492. 37-tSN Work Wanted NEED a pressure system? Water Softeners? Repairs to all makes. Harvey Partner, Orono 983-5206, Bowmariville, 623-2301. 4-tfSN WATER wells bored, 30 tile. Ward's Well Boring. Telephone 41 6-372-3025. Representative Harrv. L. 'Wade. Telephone 416-987-4531. 8-tfS Protect Your Assets with Nash Roofing ALL TYPES OF ROOFINGS SIDING Eavestrough, soffits available. Free Estimates • Call 723-6055 -- Ask About Our Guarantee -- 21-tfSN Refrigeration and Appliance Service Commercial and Domestic Refrigeration • Milk Coolers PHONE BERTSYER Days 623-5774 Nights 623-3177 Lander Hardware and ELECTRIC 2-itS BOWMANVILLE GLASS & MIRRORS 143 Wellington St,, Bowmanville 623-3410 Monday, T uesday, Thursday, Friday 9-5; Saturday 9-2. Sealed units, storm windows and doors, store fronts and screen and glass repair, all types ol glass and mirrors available -- FREE ESTIMATES 24 hr. phone service and emergency plate glass replacement Locally owned and opcralcd, 7-tlSN FURNACES CLEANED Paris and Service Policy HARVEY PARTNER & SONS Bowmanville 623-2301 Orono 983-5206 4-IISN Auction Sale Grist Mill Auction Centre Newtonville, Sept. 14th, Friday, 7:00 p.m. Selling the contents from a Port Hope home. Fridge, stove, dryer, ice freezer, Toro Key-Lectric gas mower, potters wheel, several desks, set golf clubs, dressers, chests, bed, rollaway, swivel bar stools, chesterfield sets, lamps, occasional chairs and tables, numerous antiques, set Toledo store scales and numerous other interesting items. Terms: Cash. Auctioneer: Frank Stapleton 786-2244. 37-1SNP Estate Auction Sale Sat., Sept. 15 at 12:30 p.m. (or the estate of Mrs. Dorothy Harden, 139 Tremains St., Cobourg Chickering (Boston) grand piano and stool, Danby Inglis refrigerator, 2 pc. chesterfield suite, oak rocker, oak arm chair, hall table, oak hall mirror with brass hooks, oak extension table, 4 oak dining room chairs, china cabinet, buffet, 3 press back chairs, wooden chairs, swivel rocker, Sessions mantle clock, High Boy dresser, cedar chest, small chest of drawers, dresser, oak corner chair, % metal bed, old records, old sheet music, antique doll, dresser with bevelled mirror, secretary, night stand, table lamps, pictures, linens, 6 volumes war books 1914 to 1918, black and white T.V. and stand, china and glassware, draw knife, wood vise, antique sash press, garden tools plus many more items. Terms cash, no reserve. In event of rain, sale held Sunday, Sept. 16th at 12:30 p.m. Paul Lean Auctioneer. Phone 352-2403. 37-IS Auction Sale Thursday evening, September 13th, 7 p.m. Bannister's Auction Hall, Bewdley Consisting of sideboard, chest' of drawers, wardrobe, office desk, chairs, tables, antique and household dishes and glassware, automatic washing machine, dishwasher, T.V.'s, quantity of miniature furniture, dehumidifier, metal cabinets, fire screens, books and other items still being consigned. Roger Bannister Auctioneer 797-2651. 37-tSNP Saturday evening, Sept. 15th at 7:00 p.m. Auction Sale of Cattle Selling at Lindsay Community Sale Barn, R.R. 2, Lindsay. 50 Hereford - Charolais - some Limousin mature cows. 50 crossbred Limousin calves. 2 Limousin Bulls breeding age. Bull exposed to cows April 15. The property of Ralph Garbutt, Lakehurst. 20 Hereford and Charolais cows due September and October. The property of Caza Bros., R.R. 1, Lakefield. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 7:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers. Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 - 324-7847. 35-3SN Wednesday, September 19 10 a.m. Antique furniture, hand tools, hammers, gramaphones, estate of late Everett Fielder, Coboconk selling at Orval McLean Auction Center - Lindsay. Unique antique Oxford cook stove, jewellery cabinet, record cabinet, old pine table, wall telephone, antique gramaphones, antique language phonograph, large variety of log stamps (Gull River, Sam Bryant, etc.), smynphonola gramaphone, piano stool, gold metal antique radio, Newcombe antique player • piano, antique cupboard with procelain knobs, Edison gramaphone with rolls, Edison cylinder player, gramaphone horns, gramaphone parts, old radios, grain cradle, rare 1908 large school bell from New York, land surveyors chain, wooden planes, cant hooks, crocks, bottles, lanterns, lamps, pressback chair, about 700 antique hammers, hatchets, etc., wrenches, old tools, clamps, horns, bells, scales, brace and bits, hand boring machines, neck yoke, washboards, wooden butter bowl, ladel and press, dish churn, draw knives, scales, axes, ice cream maker, iron sap kettle, air compressor, Bolens 5 h.p. roto tiller, Olympique Ski-Doo, 1974 Ford window van, 1977 Buick car, about 30 antique gramaphones, boat, licence plates, other antique Items and furniture, Don't miss this large sale, A chance to buy antique tools, hammers, gramaphones and parts. No reserve. Preview 9 a.m. Sale 10 a.m. Orval McLean Auctions. 705-324-2783 Lindsay. 37-1SNP Auction Sale Friday, Sept. 14th 7:00 p.m. At our centre located 6 miles north of Port Hope on Hwy. 28. Selling a good, selection of appliances arid furniture including 30" gas range, dressers, platform rocker, oil lamps, T.V.'s, record player, garden tools, heaters, toilets, sinks, youth hospital beds, 303 army rifle, shot gun, plus 100's of other interesting articles including Vi ton truck cap. Grant and Wheeler Auctioneers Ltd. R.R. 2, Port Hope, 416-797-2127. 37-1SNP Auction Sale Wed., Sept. 19 at 6:30 p.m. Brooklin Community Centre Cassate Rd. E., Hwy. 7 and 12 This is our first sale in our fall series and includes superb furniture, such as a round oak table, pine cupboard, Victorian bedroom suite, set of 6 pressback chairs, oak bookcases, blanket boxes, wash stands, jam cupboard, armoire, dressers, etagere, buffet, selection of chairs, tete-a-tete bench, wicker chairs, tables, rockers, etc., plus a Gingerbread clock and other clocks, Indian baskets, banjo, wooden Indian pitcher and bowl set, a copper still, old brass pieces, selection of oil lamps, mini and large crocks, glass and china, plus much more. Preview 4:30 p.m. Partial listing only. Auctioneer Earl MacKinnon 655-3526. 37-1 SN Saturday, September 29th at 1:00 p.m. Auction sale of livestock, some machinery. The property of Joe Young, Lot 8, Con. 4, Ennismore Twp. 6 miles north of Peterborough on Chemong Road to Bridgenorth - turn left at Causeway - 2 miles north to farm. 256 head of Hereford - Limousin, Simmental cross cattle. 80 mature cows with 80 calves by side-re-bred Limousin and Simmental. 20 cows due time of sale - bred Limousin and Simmental. 8 bred heifers. Simmental Hereford. Bull exposed Aug. t. 15 Simmental cross open heifers V/i yrs. old. 50 Simmental-Limousin Stocker calves 8 mos. to 1 year old. 1 •Full blood Simmental Bull 3 yrs. old. 1 F,u.l( Bjpod Limousin Bull W2 old. 4 yr. old Limousin Bull 88 per cent. An outstanding herd of cattle. Plan to attend. 200 cedar posts. Papec hammer mill belt drive. 36' hay elevator on wheels. Lunch available. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers. Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959, 324-7847. 37-3SN Sat., Sept. 15th 12 o'clock at former Hollingshead factory 1V2 blocks north of Hwy. 2, corner of Scuaoa & Wellington Streets, Bowmanville Contents and inventory of the General Store, including Grandfather clock, mantle clocks, wall clocks, antique store counter, antique bow front display case, brassware including coat rack, props, medicine chest, hat racks, tiffany lamps, table lamps, store fixtures and supplies, cash register, antique 6' length gingerbread, church pew, pictures, stroller, Victorian settee and chair, Queen Elizabeth deck chairs, desks, tables, chairs, rockers, tins and bottles, quantity of doors and windows, curtains, sofa and chair, girls dresser and night table. Also selling 15' fibreglass sailboat, Massey Ferguson garden tractor with snowblower and mower attachments and many more items. Something for everyone! Auctioneer Frank Stapleton, Newtonville. 786- 2244. 37-1SN Short Notice Auction Saturday, Sept. 15 at 11 a.m. Complete estate of the late Mr, and Mrs. Earl (Ben) Bell of Peterborough. For convenience being sold from Permanent Concrete Yard, located in the north end off Parkhill Road at 1998 Television Rd., Peterborough. Small refrigerator, 30" range, 8' and IV freezers (like new), apartment size dryer (new), spin dry and washer, 2 square dining extension tables, chairs, antique dressers, chests, quantity of bedding, many dishes (modern and antique), Aladdin lamp, old dolls, large assortment old tools, small air compressor, ox trailer. This Is just a partial listing. This Is an estate from a large home which has not been picked through, furniture in good condition, Doug Mitchell. Complete Auction Service, Omemee 705-799-6769. 37-1SNP GUN AUCTION Friday evening Sept. 14th at 7 p.m. At the D & M Sales Barn R.R. 2, Lindsay, Ont. (One mile west ol Lindsay on the Little Britain Rd.) BUY OR SELL For those wishing to consign guns to our monthly gun auction, please bring your guns In Thursday or early Friday as we have an 80 gun limit. For more details, phone the auction barn, 324-9560 or 324-2472 Bud McKee, Auctioneer. 3Q-2S See Page 3 for Region of Durham Auction 37-1 SN Wednesday, September 26 12 Noon Holstelns Complete Seiland Dispersal for Jim Seili, Wroxeter, selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, Ont. Reg., Class., R.O.P. Tested, Free Listed. Including a Red 8, White Prestar proj. at 2 yr. (144-168) from an Excellent Ned Dam with 3y 162-166, 2nd Dam (VG) with 19875of 3.9 per cent. Also a (GP) 3 yr. old due In Feb. with 2y 305d 12019 444 3,7 per cent (134-135) & proj. at 3y (157-181) from an Ex Dam with 6y (176-172), 2nd Dam (VG). Also a big Tempo daughter proj. as 2y with 4.8 per cent due in Feb., a pair of fancy 3 yr. olds due in Nov. Consignments are now being taken for this sale. Sale managed 8. sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852-3524. 37-2S Saturday, September 22nd Auction Sale of Livestock & Implements The property of Morris Montgomery, Lot 17, Con. 4, Emily Twp. 2 miles east of Omemee on Hwy. 7 to Emily Park Road • Vi mile north to 4tn Concession & East 1 mile. 8 mature Hereford cows with 8 calves by side (Calves born in June). Hereford bull 2 yrs. old. 6 horses - 2 Belgian geldings 2 8, 3 vrs. old. Belgian mare 4 yrs. old. 3 Percheron Colts 1 yr. old. Ford 3000 tractor with loader (trip bucket). Universal 650m 65h.p. tractor. New Holland 460 - 9' hay bind. Int. 530 manure spreader. John Deere 490 corn planter, M.F. 468 corn planter, Ford 309 corn planter. Mayrath 32' elevator, Allis Chalmers 60 combine. New Idea 7' power mower, 12' trail fertilizer spreader, Ford 109 corn picker, M.H. 3-12's trip beam plough, Triple K 3 furrow auto, reset adjustable plough. 2-Int. 18 tooth cultivators 3 pt. Ford 610 harvester with hay head-direct cut. Farm Boy forage box with Martin 6 ton gearing. 1974 GMC 2500 custom % ton with cap. 1973 Custom 20 GMC % ton with racks, full line of machinery. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale' at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson Auctioneers. Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-7847. 37-2SN Saturday, September 15th at 1:00 p.m. Farm Sold Auction Sale of Farm Machinery The property of Gary and Virginia Bentley, Lot 16, Con. 9 Manvers Twp. 13 miles south of Lindsay on Hwy. 35 to 10th Con. of Manvers - 2 miles east and 1 mile south. Ford 4000 diesel tractor with cab. Int. 91 self propelled combine 10' header. Orvatonna 9' haybine PTO. John Deere 480 haybine 9' PTO. A-C cultivator 3 pt. Int. cultivator 3 pt. M.F. 25 disc. A-C 303 baler PTO. Allied automatic stooker. Lincoln 225 welder. 4" x 16' grain auger, tiller, 3 pt. loader, drag harrows. George White post hole digger. Coby manure spreader PTO. M.F. 6 bar side rake. Bale buncher. Hay wagon, cedar rails, snow fence, many other Items. Westinghouse dishwasher, 2 platform rockers, other articles. Terms cash. No reserve. Sale at 1:00 p.m. Carl and Greg Hickson, Auctioneers, Reaboro, Ont. 705-324-9959 or 324-7847. 35-3SN Thursday, September 13 6 p.m. Auction sale of machinery, furniture and antiques selling at the Wilson Sales Arena, Uxbridge, including Westinghouse refrigerator and stove (harvest gold), Westinghouse washer and dryer (white) - Appliances in good condition, wicker pieces, set of 4 press back chairs, ice cream chairs, antique fire box, child's desk, freezer, cook stove, wooden chairs, also for Mr. N. Copes, Thornhill, the following items, J B 8< D 100 gal. sprayer - 18' boom (excellent condition), J B & D sprayer with 45 gal. tank - 10' boom, 3 pt. hitch cultivator with scuffler shields, 3 pt, hitch disc - 8', chain harrows - 9' (like new), 3 pt. hitch Little Rhino blade, lawn roller, garden cultivator, also Ford 9N Tractor, J-D 710 diesel tractor with loader • 2500 hr., J-D 710 diesel tractor • 3600 hr., 2 Mott flail mowers - 6' (both new In 1984), 10' Woods rotary mower, Ford 2 furrow plow, Ford 3 pt. hitch cultivator, N-l 310 corn picker, 2 forage wagons, 20' grain auger, A-C 4 furrow 3 pt. trip beam plow, grain bin aerator, Dickey-John Moisture Tester (new), 20 gal. hot water heater (like new), 9" motorized Rockwell table saw, 12' double axle trailer with electric brakes, MF 4 furrow plow, Hydrlenc 3 furrow plow, Dodge 600 truck with van box, 1977 Oldsmobllc Cutlass (certified), sot of double heavy harness, set single heavy harness, single driving harness, brass mounted pony team harness, buggy, cutter, sleighs, quantity of tools, plus many other Items. Sale managed and sold by Lloyd Wilson Auctions, Uxbridge, 416-852- 3524. 37-1S Thursday, September 27th at 1:00 p.m. Monthly Auction Sale of farm machinery at Hickson Sales Arena, R.R. 2 Lindsay. Ford • 4000 diesel tractor with 727" manure loader, hydraulic-" bucket 2400 hrs. M.F. 275' - diesel tractor with Industrial ' loader. M.F. 135 tractor, New .- Holland 469 hay bind 9'6" • ; floatation head. New Holland' snapper head for 190-192. New - ' Holland Whirl-A-Feed blower/ ; Int. 10' cultivator and mulchers. Rotary mower PTO. New Holland 770 2 row forage harvester 1000; RPM. ', Kongshilde 5 furrow hydraulic ■ reset plough, New Holland I grindenmixer. Int. self- ; unloading forage wagon with gearing, large assortment of, farm machinery. - Consignments arriving daily - - watch for details. At 3:00 p.m. , 2 trucks with P.C.V. licence, • and trucking business. The-. ■ property of Lacey Transport,. - Indian River. 1979 GMC 7000.. stock truck with Tipping stock racks 8' x 21'. 1976 Dodge 350.; truck with rack 8' x 12'. If-., trucks, P.C.V. and Business. - are not successful selling-. together, the trucks will sell, alone. For consignments to , this sale contact Sales Arena - 705-324-8311 or Carl and Greg. Hickson Auctioneers, . Reaboro, Ont. 324-9959, 324-, • 7847. New addition - Hobart-, G3010 pipe line welder 400, - amp. AC-DC - Supplies 12KVW. with 6 cylinder Chrysler motor. 300 hrs. with portable pig unit - all complete. Next monthly ! sales are Thursday, Oct. 25th * and Thursday, November I 22nd. 37-2SN ■ Nursery Auction at Fisher's Nursery R.R. 3, Pontypool Saturday, September 15 10:00 a.m. 2 Miles East of Hwy. 35, South ; of Manvers 2nd Line or Vi Mile North of Hwy. 115 by ; Sandaraska Park Watch for signs Plan to attend, everything for your fall landscaping needs.. Upright Junipers,', Mountbattens, Skyrockets, etc. Spreading Junipers, Mint : Julep, Blue Danube, Golden Pfitzers, etc. Deciduous trees, Crimson King, Harlequin Maples, Mountain Ash and ; flowering crabs, Euonymus, I flowering shrubs, Mugo Pines, . Pyramid Cedars, Globe Cedars, Blue Spruce, Austrian Pine, Weeping Pea Shrubs and • various other plants. Terms cash. No reserve. Lunch- . available - Pontypool U.C.W.- Saletime 10:00 a.m.I Auctioneers: Charlie McGill, I R.R. 2, Bethany, 705-277-2767, • Larry Currins, R.R. 1, \ Janetville, 705-277-3173.Owner - and Auctioneer will not be ; responsible for any theft, public liability, property ' damage or injury to the public ' in connection with this - auction sale. 37-1SN-J Corneil's Auction Barn - - Friday, Sept. 14 ; at 6 p.m. The property of Mrs. Velma ; Smith of Lindsay, plus others. 1 Oak buffet, pine chest of - drawers, oak china cabinet, (curved glass sides), wicker - chairs, walnut stacking I tables, Hoosier kitchen - cupboard, pine drop leaf table, " Moffat 2 door refrigerator, (2 months old), odd pressback chairs, parlor tables, 24" I electric stove, coffee and end • tables, 4x8 pool table, office I desk, Gibson yellow..- refrigerator, 2 Pequegnat . clocks, Copeland freezer unit, • quantity of sorted Canadian, ! Great Britain and U.S. stamps. Also Coronation set. ! Quantity of leather, patterns, and tools for leathercraft. Canadiana 11 h.p. 36" cut garden tractor. (3 mos. old). Quantity of china and glass. Don Corneil, Auctioneer. R.R. 1, Little Britain. (705) 786-2183. . 37-1SN Wednesday, Sept. 19 Sale time: 11 a.m. 575 Wentworth St. E„ Unit 25 8< 26, Oshawa. Having received instructions from the landlord, we are clearing the assets of Kala Ceramic 8, Gifts. 12 kilns, sandstone Patriot model 8< Skutt Olympic and Paragon Two slipomatic casting slip mixers, glaze tank, 5 moveable storage racks, numerous steel storage racks, macramé loom, pouring tables, 3 overhead ceiling fans, 2 - 45 KVA 550 - 200 transformers. Approx. 850 moulds, benches, tables, greenware, Bisque finished products, 350 glazed beer steins, decals and stilts, firing columns plus many other articles. 3 desks, 2 filing cabinets and 1-4 drawer lateral, couch and chair wall unit. McLean Auction 8, Liquidators, Oshawa - 576- 7550. 37-1SNP Too Late to be Classified Boy Scouts ol Canada 10th Bowmanville registration and Information Monday, Sept. 17th, Court Room 2, 8 p.m. Leaders required lor Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. 37-1S