f V / ? <*Æ. T ."'J. «vv-Cr%' ( .-A -* it' - X -Ü S # ' ' .CitT \ 'X -, For the best selection of products shop...A&P! SAVE .88/kg-.40 READY TO SERVE FULLY SKINNED Swift Hams Premium Whole :i ; 7 Z'Z i Y 14 to 16 ! I pounds avg. r;,': /! v- -• ; I--1 V ■' t ' : /kg .. -a I 1/ --r r lb SAVE .34 JANE PARKER, SLICED BRAN BREAD OR CRACKED Wheat Bread 675 g LOAF L- "■ i n v. '■ /V.v I'.'-J ■> ' a r:.- (Made with 100% pure vegetable shortening) Shank Quarters 4.39J1 .99» Shank or Butt Half, (NO CENTRE Q QC /1 7Q SLICES REMOVEDJU i UU/kg/ I ■ # Ul lb mm m CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF (6 BONE CUT) OVEN READY Prime Rib Roast BONELESS STRIP LOIN ROAST OR BONELESS Strip Loin Steak CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF Rib Eye Steak 'kg !i ! lb /kg .'i /■': ■ jZ M.,. / p V ,0 /kg JANE PARKER Angel Cake JANE PARKER Whole Wheat Rolls JANE PARKER English Muffins CHRISTIE Triscuit Crackers PLAIN PROCESS CREAM CHEESE Kraft Philadelphia ONION, DILL, HERB & SPICE OR GARLIC Kraft Philadelphia Dips CRESCENT 235 g OR BUTTERFLAKE Pillsbury Rolls SAVE .70 39° g 4 nn cake I .£3 SAVE .30 pk i 9 2° f 99 SUPER BUY! p kgof 0Q SAVE .40 250 9 1.89 SAVE .36 250 9 1.69 pkg pkg 8 oz tubs SAVE .14 1.49 SAVE .16 227 9 1 OQ pkg I .&3 4"/1" COMBO PACK: 2 RIB ENDS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 4/kg /I 9 ® (CAP OFF 8.13/kg-3,69 lb) Prime Rib Steaks 7™/3*ïb RIB OR 3 TO 3'Zz LB CUT TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 4 9 g/1 99 ROAST OR CHOPS (BONELESS 6.37/kg-2.89 lb) Pork Loin Centre Cut 5/kg/2 5 |? PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) Spare Ribs END CUTS Boneless Pork Loins GRADE 'A\ EVISCERATED, 4 TO 5 LB AVG Frozen Ducks MAPLE LEAF, READY TO SERVE, OR SWIFT (HALVES' Sugar Plum Hams 6 99 /2 99 MAPLE LEAF OR SWIFT SUGAR PLUM, READY TO SERVE Boneless Hams 7HS MAPLE LEAF, PURE PORK, IDEAL FOR STUFFING Sausage Meat 5 ?o°n SWEET PICKLED (CENTRE CUTS 5.49/kg-2.49 Ib) Back Bacon End cuts RED HOTS, SKINLESS, DUTCH TREET & DINNER FRANKS Schneider's Wieners Sc 1.79 5 71 /059 /kg/e. lb 106 1/kg , HALVES) 6 99 /2 a rTO SERVE 7 70 /OU9 I kg / U lb JNG 500 9 1.49 5 "' 05/029 /kg/e, lb SIDE, SLICED, REGULAR, MAPLE OR THICK Schneider's Bacon vL P , c SCHNEIDER'S, REGULAR, BEEF OR MAPLE SAUSAGES Mini Sizzlers SCHNEIDER'S Oktoberfest Sausage SCHNEIDER'S, VAC PAC Blood Pudding SCHNEIDER'S Pepperoni SCHNEIDER'S, REGULAR OR CHUNKY Headcheese 500 g 2.99 5 P 0 k 0 g 9 2.49 500 g O nn P kg £.03 C49 /049 U Ib IC Ib 300 g Q Ja Q vac P ac w.*tu DeliShop (Available at selected stores only) i at A&P! 375 g 1 QQ bowl IeUu SCHNEIDER'S. BREAST, BREAST 1 HAM, DARK, WHITE * DARK OR BREAST WITH DRESSING Lifestyle Turkey Products SCHNEIDER'S, HALVES Olde-Fashioned Hams FROZEN HADDOCK OR COD IN BATTER High Liner Fish FROZEN, HIGH LINER HADDOCK Fish & Chips '£•1.59 10,11/4',8 350 g Q IQ P kg Cm 13 16 oz Q IQ P kg Cm 13 TAILLEFER, SLICED Cooked Ham noo o WONG WING Chicken Balls WONG WING Dry Garlic Ribs : ■ : I 7 . : Ib 6/.79 /100 g .73 /3 2 |b WHISTLES, BUGLES, CHEEZ WILLIKERS. NOTCH O'S, CRISP+TATERS 149 g PKG General Mills ; ;/ v p Snacks yn' ! ' : J._, ! : i i.l Z V A&P, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED SUPER BUY! Orange Juice i2 i,n.29 A&P, FROZEN Whipped Topping FROZEN, FANCY, PEAS, CORN. MIXEO VEGETABLES, CUT GREEN BEANS 1 litre 1 nr tub I.UÏ 1 kg poly pkg 1.7! 12ozpkg 0( SAVE. pkg ol 12 BAKED FRESH DAILY--MERINGUE Lemon Pie each BAKED FRESH DAILY Egg Dinner Rolls 12/ 1.19 BEEF, CHICKEN OR MUSHROOM Heinz Gravies SUPER BUY! 5 / 10 II oz 1 QQ / Uns I .33 OCEAN SPRAY, CRANBERRY COCKTAII OR SAVE .50 Cranapple Drink ""lu 07 2.39 OCEAN SPRAY, WHOLE OR JELLIED Cranberry Sauce un 14 II oz till SAVE .40 1.29 FRITO LAY LAYS OR RUFFLES, ASSORTED VARIETIES Potato Chips ROBIN HOOD Flaky Pie Crust Mix CHRISTIE, PLAIN OR SALTED Premium Plus Crackers SAVE .30 200 g 1 QQ pkg 1.03 SAVE .20 540 9 1.59 pkg SAVE .40 4 pkg 9 1 • 09 MACARONI & CHEESE ASST VAR INCl SWEETLET PEAS 1 KERNEL CORN 12 FL OZ Kraft / ; Green Giant Dinner /t/s? X Vegetables ,4 r SAVE. All', SINGLES, PROCESS A&P Vegetables RHODES, FROZEN Dinner Rolls GAINSBOROUGH, FROZEN Easi-Dough FROZEN, BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY Savarin Pot Pies BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY OR SALISBURY STEAK SAVE .2 Frozen Savarin Dinners pk° g z 1.5! OCEAN SPRAY, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED SAVE .? Cranberry Cocktail 2 m, 9 1.2! FROZEN, ALL BUTTER OR WHEAT'N HONEY SAVE Sara Lee Croissants P k g I 20 oz 1 Of pkg I.Oi SAVE 1 !£ .7! r« pkg 1.4! Cheese Slices 500 g PKG SAVE SILVERWOOl), HRONZE LABEL, ASST FLAVOURS ICE CREAM Creme de la Creme 1 LITRE TUB ' ! ! : The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Octobers, 1984 9 Orono News By Isabelle Challice Quote - "Oh, Lord, help us to give Thee thanks, For all that we hold dear Not only on Thanksgiving Day But each day of the year." Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. David Chatterton who were married on Sat., Sept. 29th in Oshawa. The bride was the former Patti Comerford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Comerford, Oshawa and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chatterton, Orono. Mrs. Beatrice Hawke, Sussex, England recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mills, Division Street. Mr. and Mrs. James Sutherland Sutherland hosted a very happy birthday party in honor of Jim's birthday, Sept. 26. Seventeen members of family were present from Bethany, Pickering and Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. John Killeen, Bowmanville were Thursday evening visitors at her sister's, the 0. Challices. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simkins, who were married Saturday, Sept. 29 in Orono United Church, with Rev. Fred Milnes officiating. The bride was the former Marcia Lowery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lowery and the groom is the son of Mrs. Mary Simkins, Peterborough. Peterborough. Reception was held in Orono Community Arena. A number of people from Orono attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary (50 years) for Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Allin, Oshawa, held in Kingsview United Church, on Saturday, Sept. 29. Some of those attending from Orono included Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry, Mrs. Charles Taylor, Mrs. Velma Armstrong, Armstrong, Mrs. E. Billings, and Mrs. Dorothy Bailey. Lawrence was a former Orono boy and his wife Mildred taught high school in Orono for a number of years. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moffat, who were married Saturday, Sept. 29 in Columbus United Church, with Rev. Hills officiating. The bride is the former Miss Sharon Holiday, Blackstock, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holiday. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Moffat, Orono. Do hope our readers watched channel nine on Saturday evening last to view the Bicentennial Royal Salute to our gracious Queen and Prince Philip. A large crowd of 50 - 60 thousand were in the C.N.E. Stadium to view the Armed Forces, bands and dancers. The excellent bands, under the direction of Geva Falconi, were a joy to see and hear! Seldom do we see such pageantry here in our province! province! Our sincere sympathy to the Gianville families in Newcastle, Newcastle, in the sad loss of their mother Bena. Congratulations to Mr. Ross Mercer on his recent retirement retirement from the Orono fire department. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice and her father, Mr. Harvey Aiken, Strathaven, Bowmanville Bowmanville were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Ferrier and family, Bolton. Reminder to all horticulture friends to attend our Fall Show and "Country Store" in Orono United Church, this B.H.S. B.H.S. Trivia Congratulations to Richard Avery who correctly answered answered seven out of ten questions. For those of you who were stumped: 1. Which two teachers married their respective spouses on the same day, at the same time, but in different cities? Mr. Chambers and Mr. Lemieux. 2. What staff member claims that he flunked out of nuclear physics? Mr. Kreisz. 3. What was Mrs. Wood- lock's maiden name? Miss Gilmore. 4. What faculty member was a former M.P.? Mr. Bradley, 5. What teacher is currently on maternity leave? Mrs. Ecclcs. 6. What staff member is out to lunch, but only on Thursdays? Thursdays? Mr. Clarke (He's a member of Rotary.) 7. Which teacher was educated educated in a convent? Mrs. Krakenbcrg. 8. Which teacher was formerly a minister? Mr. Swann. 9. What faculty member has worked in a Schefferville logging logging camp? Mr, Auger, 10. What is Mr. Lemicux's favourite hobby? Collecting trains. B.II.S. SPORTS lly Sam Laskuris The return of senior football occurred this past week and judging by the performances it is quite obvious that the one year's leave of absence from the Lake Ontario Secondary School Association League lias definitely hurl the team. On Tuesday at B.H.S. the senior Redmen opened their schedule schedule with a 33 - ti loss at the Thursday evening. Mr. Roy Forrester is guest speaker and will bring slides etc., Nature Study and Bird Watching. St. Saviours Church News Morning prayer at St. Saviours on Sunday morning with sidespersons Karen and Ken Christl assisting. There will be baptisms next Sunday, Oct. 7. A special service was held in the afternoon with a delicious pot-luck supper following. following. Our thanks to all who helped bring in harvest things and put them in such tasteful displays, for our harvest worship, and also thapks to those who came and worked on the projects at the rectory last Saturday. Our sincere thanks to all who made the visit of Archbishop Garnsworthy so fine. The service was truly congregational congregational with so many taking part. The food was delicious and the banner great. A painting bee will be held in St. Saviours parish hail basement basement Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, Oct. 2 and 3. The Bishops breakfast for October is cancelled due to the illness of Bishop Desmond Hunt. The next one will be November 3rd. We do hope her many, many friends will visit Mrs. Mary Morris very often, as she is now a resident of Strathaven, Bowmanville, and will enjoy seeing her Orono friends. Orono United Church News A large congregation in attendance at regular morning morning service to welcome our new minister again, Rev. Fred Milnes and to also welcome home Mr. Jeff DeJonge, our own student minister, from Halifax. Mr. Jim Brownlee gave the children's story and the choir rendered "Then I Met Jesus." Jeff rendered the scripture readings. Next Sunday will be World Wide Communion and also the Thanksgiving service. Birthdays this week, 0. Challice Oct. 1st, Everett Brown Oct. 2, and Clifford Terrill Oct. 3. Tickets are now available for our upcoming Turkey Dinner, October 24. Watch the classified ads for more details. Sunday school leaders still are urgently needed, call Jim Hutton 983-5717. Also some teachers needed. Bible Study will be beginning beginning soon. Please let your minister know, (church 983- 5502 or manse 983-5208.) Service of Induction for Rev. Fred Milnes will be conducted conducted by Oshawa Presbytery on Sunday, Oct. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in Orono church. Please set this evening aside to share in this important service. Explorers Group News The new fall season for Explorers has started and they have been meeting every Wednesday night during the month of September. There are 11 new Explorers this year bringing the total registered to 28 members. The first year girls are busy making a booklet and learning all about becoming an explorer. explorer. The second and third year girls are doing a study on the Ten Commandments. Explorers are girls aged 8 - 11 years. Leaders are Marlene Ross and Elaine Vagg. Helpers this year are Jennifer Henderson and Sharon Reader. A happy Thanksgiving to all our readers! NEWS hands of the McLaughlin Trojans. Bruce Cooke supplied the lone major for Bowmanville. Then on Friday the team travelled to Oshawa to face the Eastdale Eagles. After holding the Eagles to a scoreless scoreless opening quarter the roof caved in for the Redmen as they were soundly beaten by a score of 49 - 0. The B.H.S. junior team, however, is enjoying a rather successful season. The team won its second game of the season Friday as they defeated defeated Eastdale 56 - 0. The B.H.S. soccer teams travelled to Oshawa last Monday to do battle with the Donevan ■ Blue Devils. Both teams went down in defeat but not without a strong fight. The juniors lost G - 1 while the seniors were defeated 2 - 0. In the senior game, Bowmanville had its chances to score but couldn't get the ball past the Donevan goalkeeper. Done- van opened the scoring early in the second half and as Bowmanville was pushing for the tying goal late in the game, the Blue Devils responded responded with another goal to ensure ensure their victory, On Friday, the junior team dropped their record to one win against three losses when they were blanked 3 - 0 by Durham Christian. The next game for botli teams is tonight when the O'Neill Redmen come to Bowmanville. B.II.S. will have to be ready to play in these games as O'Neill's senior team went to the all-Ontario (O.F.S.S.A.) championships last year after clinching the LO.S.S.A. and C.O.S.S.A, titles,