8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 3, 1984 Section Two Yelverton Couple Celebrated 50th Wedding Anniversary YELVERTON NEWS (Intended for last week) Deepest sympathy is extended to our M.P.P. for this area, Mr. John Eakins and family in the passing of a devoted wife and mother recently in Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto. Iris was highly respected by a wide circle of acquaintances and provided excellent support to her husband John in his busy political life. She will be sadly missed. Miss Candice Malcolm is off and running again. In conjunction with her employment with a Toronto based Travel Agency, Candy is spending the next two weeks making contacts in Alberta and British Columbia. She also hopes to visit her cousin Darlene (Malcolm) Moran and family of Edmonton, Alta, and inspect the recent addition to their family Master Dylan Gregory Moran. Following her two weeks out west, Candy leaves for Australia for another week, also in conjunction with her employment. The agency specializes in bringing tourists from other countries to Canada and arranging tours for them. This also contributes considerably to Canadian currency trade exchange. Following a brief sojourn at the Ontario Pork producers shrine annual meeting this week, Howard Malcolm leaves for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, U.S.A. where he is one of several representatives representing Canada in a hearing objecting to Canada's large import of swine to U.S.A. by their swine (U.S.A.) producers. Success of their mission could have considerble repercussions on future trading with U.S.A. On Wednesday there were three representatives from Victoria County attending the monthly meeting of O.F.A. Directors at Howard Johnsons; airport strip. Those attending were Mary Wicks (who has just recently returned from an interesting extended camper trip to Alaska), Seldon Parker and Harvey Malcolm. It was our privilege along with our U.C.O. Corporate Sect. Bob Bethume to appear on the agenda and bring the gathering up to date on what has transpired with U.C.O. since August 27, 1984 on refinancing progress. The continued support of O.F.A. is much appreciated as is that of U.C.O.'s 80,000 member and associate members. The contribution by both levels of Gov't. Federal and Provincial of Vk million each in loans to U.C.O. is an essential element in its refinancing program. Letters of support to both Minister of Agriculture urging them not to renege on this promised support from O.F.A. members. Coop members and interested residents could go a long way in giving them moral support for their action. What would our province be like if our 98 local cooperatives and 45 member coops were suddenly removed from the scene? Farmers could be assured that they would in not too distant future pay much more for their farm inputs regardless of the fact whether or not they ever spent a dollar at the local coop or not ! We hate to brag (believe that if you can) but we believe the young lady who amazed Ye Editor with her shooting powers at the Orono Turkey Shoot was none other than our niece - Annette Haines, daughter of Mrs. Brenda Haines of Nestleton. We should like to pretend that Annette got her ability from Uncle Harv, but the truth of the matter is I doubt if we could hit a pig in the posterior with a scoop shovel with or without a gun. Maltheb Farms held an USE FIRE SAFE - Will be applied by trained applicators -- 20 year guerantee on Interiors ol buildings • As seen on T.V.'s Thai's Incredible" • Non-Toxic e Non-Staining • Prevents Fires e Water Based AM08 FIRE RETARDANT SAVES PROPERTY SAVES LIVES Cm be used lor RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL md INSTITUTIONAL PROPERTIES. Recognized and accepted by Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation III McMaster Fire Safe 0R0N0, ONT. LOB 1M0 983-5920 open house on Friday, September 21 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. providing an opportunity for interested farmers to drop in and view their new facilities. This was sponsored by Flaunts Farm Service and Superior Propane, Hubble Farm Construction, Ross Dubb Ltd., Permanent Concrete, and John Ernewun Ltd. - the companies who either supplied the equipment or assisted in its construction. The set-up consists of a sink where the wet grain is dumped from where it is augered into a wet bin which holds up to 70 tonnes (which is the equivalent to two tractor trailer loads for the benefit of those like myself who haven't got a clue how big a pile of grain that would be). From here the grain is transferred by auger to the dryer which in ordinary moderation condition handles 200 bushels per hour (twice as much if the grain is hot). From here it can be transferred either to a waiting truck or into either of two storage bins which each hold 17,000 bushels (or the equivalent of 12 tractor trailer loads) which can also be air cooled. The electrical system is a three phase 550 volt system which provides the required power for all the electric motors driving augers, fans etc. The dryer is propane heated with two propane storage tanks of 1500 gallon capacity each. Complimenting this automatic set-up is a covered scale which will weigh up to 40 metric tons. A steady string of visitors dropped in throughout the day with hostess Eileen and Brenda Malcolm serving coffee, doughnuts and other delicacies to their guests. Terry Malcolm assisted Jack Erneweih and Terry Kyle in explaining the operation of the unit and answering stupid questions by fellows like me (as well a few intelligent ones from the others). Howard Malcolm was unavoidably absent fulfilling other duties in U.S.A. Congratulations to Brian Wilson who won both the Reserve Grand Champion Barrow in both the Light and Heavy Class at Lindsay Fair. Lindsay Fair may go down in the "Guinness Book of Records" (or the Labatts or Molsons Book of Alcoholics) in 1984 as having survived the whole week without at least one drop of rain - really a' "fair" week. What a pleasant change. Just learned of the passing of a long time resident of this community but more recently of Port Perry, in the person of Mrs. Howard McMullen, formerly of the Gray Line south of Yelverton. Howard and Mable (who predeceased him a couple of years ago) farmed for many years on the farm now owned and occupied by Mr. and Mrs. A1 Quinn. As well as farming, Howard did a lot of custom work for local farmers and few in this area at one time or another did not use his services. He was an excellent neighbor and never hesitated a minute to assist someone in need. Howard observed his 77th birthday in July but has not enjoyed good health for some time. Deepest sympathy is extended to his two daughters, Marian, Beth and her husband, Bill, and a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Funeral service is scheduled for Port Perry with interment in Nestleton United Church Cemetery. Thora and James Gray were honored last Sunday with a small family gathering of their children and close relatives in honor of their 40th wedding anniversary. Those from a distance included Kenneth and Joyce Gray of Orono, Linda and Randy Longficld and family of Bobcaygeon and the Ted McMahon's from Blackstock. Darryl Robinson, his girlfriend and her girlfriend of Ottawa area spent the weekend with Darryl's family in this community. Congratulations to Miss Joanne Graham of Lindsay who has been offered a scholarship in a San Houston University in U.S.A. in Huntsville, Texas (between Dallas and Houston) to advance her education in Pliys. Ed. etc. because of her remarkable ability displayed in the game of softball locally. Joanne is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Graham who must be quite proud of her accomplishment. Congratulations are extended extended to Mr. - and Mrs. Frank Glasbergen of Orono, former Yelverton residents, who observed their 50th wedding anniversary this past weekend. weekend. L PBRTICIPaCTIOn ionM DIRECT FROM COLD SPRINGS FARMS, THAMESFORD ONT., TRACTOR TRAILER LOADS OF CANADA UTILITY GRADE, FROZEN kmira 6-12 LBS. - ONE PRICE -1 BIRD LIMIT ALLEN'S PURE APPLE JUICE Unsweetened 48 fl. oz. (1.36 L) Tin! EBMl f ^ Uy SQ& f ^* KING COLE BRAND Ü UTILITY GRADE! YOUNG OVEN READY 4-5 LBS, NEW PACK 3 LIMIT CHRISTIE SMIUM PLUS CRACKERS (SALTED OR UNSALTED 450 g BOX) CAMPBELL'S CONDENSED 10 FL. 0Z. 284 mL TIN CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP P /I QA [10 LIMltl D/l™ DOLE LARGE 19 OZ. (540 mL) TIN FRUIT COCKTAIL OR PINEAPPLE (SLICED • CHUNK • CRUSHED) 63* MIX & MATCH 15 LIMIT! WOMAN'S BAKERY LARGE 675 g LOAF E AD • WHITE • 67% WHOLE WHEAT • HOT DOG ROLLS (8 PAC) • HAMBURGER BUNS (8 PAC) • ENGLISH MUFFINS (6 PAC) MIX & MATCH 9 LOAF OR PKG. LIMI1 BUY ONTARIO - BUY QUALITY CANADA w GRADE «A» FRESH M NEVER FROZEN ROUSTING CHICKENS MELITTA PREMIUM FILTER COFFEE 369 g PACKAGE (ASS'T. GRINDS) MELITTA AA* FILTERS All Varieties each 2.99 (2 PACK LIMIT) CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK 385 mL TIN NEW ZEALAND FROZEN WHOLE ONE PRICE /SPRING LEG PRODUCT OF CANADIAN DRESSED MEAT PLANTS CUT FROM CANADA GRADE "A" BEEF kg 128 SHOULDER & BLADE STEAKS '149 FROM ONTARIO PACKERS FRESH CHOICE CANADIAN NEVER FROZEN ONE PRICE kg 6 P 1 CANADIAN VEAL t CÛ Ml SHOULDER L bMv CANADA © PACKERS M SMOKED SHANKLESS ® READY-TO-SERVE 4-5 LB. AVERAGE CELLO WRAPPED Jta 4 AC PICNIC PORK 14A QUO SHOULDERS 1Ü3 SWIFT'S PREMIUM PARTIALLY SKINNED READY-TO-SERVE NO CENTRE STEAKS REMOVED kg assmut QUALITY PACKERS 500 g (17.6 OZ. VAC PAC) "TOWN CLUB" BRAND w CENTRE SLICED RINDLESS 3 PACK LIMIT E. D. SMITH PUMPKIN PIE nUING LARGE 19 FL. OZ. 540 mL TIN TENDERFLAKE PUREEARD MAPLE LEAF LARGE 24 OZ. 682 mL JAR, MINCEMEAT REGULAR OR WITH DARK RUM A BRANDY!, 7 Hum] WITH THIS* COUPON ■ • MANZAMUA 0UVE8 • IWEETOHBKM • MAAAICHM0 CHHWE8 • IWEET0M0M COUPON VAUD UNTl CLO8W0IAT, OCT. 11 UMT ONE COUPON PERF/UBY IN STORE RETAIL 1.69 WITHOUT COUPON I I I I IMPORTED PftÙM JAMAICA 26 FL. OZ. 739 mL BTL. GRACE •STRAWBERRY SYRUP, •CARIBBEAN CHOICE TANGY PEPPER SAUCE «Tl GRACE HOT PEPPER SAUCE MIX 4 MATCH Ifl COLA • Regular • Diet • Pepsi Free • Diet Repel Free • Mountain Dew • Teem • Patio Flavours CASE OF 24 280 mL TIMS 750bottles6/L99 PLUS 30t PER BOTTLE DEPOSIT 12 BTL LIMIT