) ®tfe Newcastle SnùepenùEnt Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Miss Debbie Hume, Dairy Princess from England and Wales, recently spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Allin and family, Orono. Mrs. May Robinson, Hillsdale Manor, visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cunningham. Sympathy is.extended to relatives and friends of Mrs. Bea Glanville ' who passed away on Thursday, September 27. Mrs. Reta Embley of Park- view Apartments, recently spent a week with son and daughter-in-law, Doreen and Ross Embley, of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley returned recently from a four-week vacation, motoring to Kelowna, British Columbia, to visit son Tom, his wife Cathy and grandson Jamie. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glenney, Lindsay, daughter Elizabeth and son-in-law, Claudio Girolami of Oshawa, attended the 50 th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dean, Orono,. on Saturday, Sept. 22nd, and visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Embly, of Cobourg, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Reta Embley, spent the weekend at their Fenelon Falls cottage. On Sunday all attended Bob- caygeon Church where David Philip Moore, son of Diane and Scott Moore, was baptized. On Wednesday evening, Mrs. Kathleen Powell and daughter Judy, of Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and Russell, Pontypool. All enjoyed Master Russell's third birthday dinner dinner celebrations. Sympathy is extended to friends and relatives of Mrs. Lena Thomas, who passed away last week at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Knox, Nipawiri, Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bennett, Ennismore, were Sunday evening visitors with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Watts, Harwood. Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley visited her cousin, Miss Jessie Lamb, of Omemee. On Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs! Wayne Hunt and Russell, Pontypool, were supper guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Condolences to relatives and friends of Mrs. Amelia Lancaster Lancaster who passed away on Sunday, September 30,1984. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrail- ler,. Alex and Laura, of Hamilton, were weekend guests of his family, the John Metrailler's. ' Mrs. ■ Gwen Gibson, wife of Herb Gibson, Oshawa, passed away on the weekend. Sympathy Sympathy is extended to relatives and friends on the death of this former resident of Newcastle. Miss Cathy Scott, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Skelding and girls, Port Perry, visited on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lake, and with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding. Mrs. Bertha Daniels and Mrs. Ruby Warburton, of Oshawa, visited last week with Mr. Charles Cowan and with Mrs. May Burley and Mr. Arthur Clark. Some Newcastle citizens were among those bus passengers enjoying the New- vonville U.C.W.'s sponsored trip to Kitchener on Saturday. The market is a busy place and it was a beautiful autumn day for the trip. In Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, are Mr. Clinton Brown, Mr. Lloyd Bradley and Mrs. Mary Brown. Friends, from far and wide converged on the Newcastle Community Hall on Sunday, Sept. 30th, to honour George and Dunreath Walton on their fiftieth wedding anniversary. We wish them all the best! Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hockin, Oakville, attended the Walton's reception and visited after with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mrs. Peggy Visser, Toronto, attended the reception and dinner honouring George and Dunreath, and was overnight guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Chiswell, Cambridge, were Monday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade. Last Monday Mrs. May Burley entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs., Leslie Alldred, Oshawa. Birthday greetings to Juanita Martin and Ron Metrailler. Anniversary wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wade and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Andrews. Residents of Newcastle Parkview Apartments enjoyed enjoyed a mystery bus trip on Sunday afternoon - a tour of the countryside including Ganaraska Forest and lunch with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Russel. Special thanks to Charterways Bus Company, driver Mrs. M. Wind, the Board and Management of Parkview Apartments. Master Corporal Gary and Mrs. Naylor and family of. Trenton were weekend visitors visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor. On Thursday evening, the R. B. Rickard's entertained their family to dinner, celebrating daughter Bev Elaschuk's and Brenton's birthdays. Newcastle Horticultural News On Tuesday, Sept. 25th at Newcastle Community Hall, the fall show of the Newcastle Horticultural Society was judged by Minnie Zegers of Orono. Congratulations are extended to Ranna Sinou who received the Sandor Ceramics vase donated for the most points in the show. Fourteen members exhibited fifty-two entries. We hope Donna Morrow and Margery Freethy will be feeling well and able to exhibit at the November 27 Christmas Show. The entertainment of the evening was a film produced by the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, named Proud Beginnings, dedicated to Ontario farmers past, present and future. The pictures pictures and commentary centred around 200 year family farms, the Pajot Farms near Windsor, Freel near Niagara, Goring at Niagara-on-the-Lake, Hicks at Prince Edward County, McDonnell near Kingston and Cameron Farms near the Quebec, U.S.A. boundaries in Ontario. Rev. Haldenby was thanked for showing this interesting film. Winners of the various entries were Section A Class 2 Basket of Flowers - 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Grace Haldenby, 3rd Wylma Allin. Class Three Memories - 1st Narda HoogKamp. Class Four Last Rose of Summer - 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Ranna Sinou, 3rd Wylma Allin, 4th Marjorie Hagerman. Class Five Odds and Ends - 1st Narda HoogKamp, 2nd Wylma Allin, 3rd Grace Haldenby, 4th Ranna Sinou. Class Six Think Green - 1st Grace Haldenby, 2nd Narda HoogKamp, 3rd Dorothy Trenwith. Class Eight Cacti - 2nd Marjorie Hagerman. Section B Class 11 Geranium - 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Marjorie Caswell. Class 12 Coleus - 2nd Narda HoogKamp. Class 13 Your 1984 Option - 1st Betty Blaker, 2nd Wylma Allin, 3rd Jean Rickard. Class 14 Chrysanthemums one variety - 1st Bertha Fisher, 2nd Jean Rickard, 3rd Wylma Allin, 4th Hazel Crago. Class 15 Chrysanthemums mixed - 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Madeleine Buckley. Section C Onions Spanish - 1st Ranna Sinou, 2nd Betty Blaker. . Class 19 Peppers, Class 20 Cauliflower, Class 21 Cabbage were all first prize winners of Ranna Sinou. Class 22 Squash Butternut - 1st Hazel Crago, 2nd Ranna Sinou, 3rd Bertha Fisher. Class 23 Squash, pepper - 1st Pat Blaker, 2nd Betty Blaker, 3rd Narda HoogKamp. Class 24 Farmer's Market - 1st Ranna Sinou. Anglican Church News Mrs. Audrey Gogerty and Mrs. Grace Haldenby atten- CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Get Ready For FIRE PREVENTION WEEK October 9 - 13,1984 Fire Prevention Week is for everyone . . . Fire Prevention Week is for Fire Departments that work to prevent fires... for teachers who have the responsibility of educating children about fire dangers . . . for industrial personnel who alert their employees to on the job fire safety practices ... for all types of business and industry owners, for the protection of their employees and families ... for public officials who have the responsibility to their communities of preventing fire disaster, and of course, for you ... to prevent fire wherever you are. Visit Fire Station #1 during Fire Prevention Week any day from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Equipment displays, slides, movies, demonstrations, free draw. Saturday, October 13,1984, Practical demonstrations of vehicles and equipment at 10:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m., and 2:30 p.m. Be conscious of Fire wherever you are. ijarl Fire Chief, J. Aldridge. Oclobor 3, 1904 ded the A.C.W. Quiet Day at St. George's Church, Wooler, on Tuesday, Sept. 25th. Mrs. Naomi Hunt was the leader. Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in St. George's Church on Sunday. The autumn flowers, leaves, vegetables and fruit, used for decoration, contributed to the theme of Thanksgiving at Harvest Time. St. George's Fellowship Club met on Sunday evening with Hilda Call, Audrey Gogerty and Mary Garrod convening the meeting. United Church News On Sunday, Sept. 30, 'at Newcastle United Church, Rev. Donald Tansley was welcomed and he read the first scripture lesson I John chapter 1. The teachers of the Sunday School held Craft and Parent Day. Rev. Donald Stiles preached the sermon, Heavenly Heavenly Days, a Christian view of eternal life. Coffee hour was held following following the service, prior to the Official Board meeting. October 7 is Thanksgiving Sunday when fruits and vegetables vegetables will decorate the church. Trillium Unit of the U.C.W. meets Thursday, Oct. 4 at 2 p.m. Golden Harvest Craft and Bake Sale is Saturday, Oct. 13. Church calendars are available. available. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Ni#it Ladies League Sept. 24,1984 175 and Over A. Langstaff 304, 243, 192, S. Foster 205, 281, 272, B. Stacey 202, 210, 206, T. Langstaff 226, 185, S. Williams 178, 186, H. Couroux 176, 205, O. Brown 180, 178, L. Crockett 194, 298, C. Langstaff 240, K. Wotton 178, K. Mercer 250, B. Major 229, M. Major 275, P. Irwin 180, A. Mercer 183, D. Mercer 176, N. Mumby 200, D. Foster 193, M. Trim 190, M. Wade 194, C. VanDeussen 184, C. Berney 207, D, Mackey 248, P. Carrofl 219, M. Pierik 220, M. Kent 184. Thursday Night Mixed League Sept. 27,1984 175 and Over W. Forget 227, 177, 230, B. Lewis 196, 196, 178, J. Forget 244,279,204, F. Forget 182,195, 259, S. Dennis 241, 196, N. Dennis 228, 189, K. Boyd 182, 207, S. L. Boyd 193, 186, M. Blaker 194, B. Dennis 175, A. Crozier 191, B. Forget 196, L. Forget 184, K. Jury 190, B. Morgan 175. "Dynasty" Actor Visits Starkville on Weekend STARKVILLENEWS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hulburt and Miss Pat Hulburt, all of Winnipeg, Manitoba were Monday luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowed. On Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowed, Mr. Jim Hallowed and Miss Peggy McLeod of Winnipeg were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowed. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark visited Tuesday afternoon in Colborne with Mr. Hugh Mutton. On Saturday, Mr. Bert Trim with Mr. Len Pears of Orono enjoyed the day in Belleville attending a Poultry Show and Sale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch and grandson Blaine Souch visited Saturday evening with Mr. Milton Wannan, Kirby. On Saturday, Mrs. Eden Farrow and Mrs. Winnie McKay with the Newtonville ladies enjoyed a bus trip to Kitchener and area. Mrs. Gwen Hallowed, Canton and Mrs. Margaret Anne Stark, Knoxville visited Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mr. John DeWitt visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Oudyk, Sixth Line. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Souch with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Goodmurphy, Lockhart's and Mr. and Mrs. Charlie McFarlane, Gore's Landing enjoyed the Country and Western Show held at the Memorial Centre in Peterborough. Peterborough. Miss Peggy McLeod visited several times with her cousin Miss Norma Hallowed who is a patient at Memorial Hospital, Hospital, Bowmanville, before leaving leaving Wednesday to visit friends and relatives in Clarkson and then returning to her home in Winnipeg. On Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowed, Mr. Jim Hallowed, Mrs, Brian Caswell and Mrs. Leslie Caswell and Marisha and several other friends visited with Miss Norma Hallowed at Memorial Hospital to help her celebrate her 86th birthday. Happy Birthday, Norma! On Saturday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brettell and Susan aitendéd a champagne and cheese party at the home of Dr. Ludmilla Flak in Peterborough. At this party, the engagement of Miss Deborah Brettell and Mr. Edwin Flak of Toronto was also announced. Congratulations Congratulations Debbie and Edwin! On Sunday afternoon, Mr. Gord Thomson of California and Ms! Maureen Fitzgerald of Toronto called on Mr. John DeWitt. Èoth are in acting and Mr. Thomson plays the part of "Adam" on the popular TV show "Dynasty." Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fonk and Peter spent the weekend at Lake Bernard, Sundridge. Mr. Harold Rossiter, Mississauga Mississauga was a supper guest on Saturday evening. Mrs. Isabelle Trim visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stark attended a pig roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stark, Knoxville. Knoxville. Miss Catherine Stewart, Sixth Line and Mr. Ross Stutt, Orono were supper guests on Saturday of Mrs. Edna Dobson and her granddaughter granddaughter Tanya Fonk. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Don Cochrane, Hampton were luncheon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Caswell and Marisha visited Sunday afternoon with their grandparents grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Maynard and Melissa and Mr. Ken Maynard, all of Bowmanville spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Souch, Dwayne, Jodie and Heather. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Souch and grandson Blaine Souch enjoyed Sunday at Roseneath Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruth- ven, Port Hope visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Edna Dobson. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy were afternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Murphy and Erin, Bowmanville to celebrate Jerry's birthday. Happy Birthday, Jerry! Protect your home against fire and burglary, and save on your homeowners insurance, too. Ask me about State Farm's Home Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 3,1984 11 Surprise Visitor Drops in for Lunch at Liberty St. Home David Aldridge had a surprise visitor last week at his home on Liberty St., near the high school, when a deer came calling. Apparently, it was hungry and waited while David found a dish and Ballyduff Anniversary some bird seed that it gobbled quickly. Then was on its way. It was so tame that the Aldridges called the zoo and learned that one of their deer had been AWOL for some time. They expect it to come home when it gets tired of wandering. PONTYPOOLNEWS 131st Anniversary Service On Sunday, Sept. 23rd, 1984, Ballyduff Presbyterian Church celebrated its 131st anniversary with a service of re-dedication. The church, filled to capacity, capacity, was beautifully decorated decorated with autumn flowers. Rev. Calvin Maclnnis of Bobcay- geon re-dedicated the church building and Rev. Fred Swann, local minister, dedicated dedicated the church furnishings and memorials. Memorial gifts presented were: Communion Communion Table and Baptismal Font by Jeanne and Tom MacDonald and many of the late Keith MacDonald's friends, Electric Organ by Joyce and Philip Allen in memory of Bill Allen, Visitors' book in memory of Marwood, Dorine and George Chapman by Aleta Olan and family, Cross by Marcel and Anne DeBlock in memory of Keith MacDonald, Hymn Books by committee. The amber lights at the front of the church were placed there by the Armstrong family in memory of the late Alan Armstrong and the church sign was made by Lawrence Britton. Rev. Maclnnis chose as the subject of his sermon "Things that are Certain." Greetings were received from Rev. Dr. Alex Calder, Moderator of the General Assembly, and Rev. John Lindsay was present to bring greetings from neighbouring neighbouring churches. Mrs. Leslie Campbell was the organist for the service with soloist, Mr. Ross Metcalfe, contributing two beautiful numbers - "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Penitent." He was accompanied accompanied by Mr. Doug Dewell. Rev. Swann thanked all those who had a hand in the renovating over the past six years - both members of the congregation and friends from near and far who helped in so many ways. A special "Thank you" was said to Ivan Pollard, without whose generosity and expert advice and encouragement encouragement the work would never have been done. Plaques were presented to Mr. Pollard and Rev. Swann. Following the service, those present were invited to the Ballyduff Community Hall for refreshments and a social hour. Connie McKay of "Crossroads", "Crossroads", Peterborough was the guest speaker at the Sunday a.m. service in Pontypool United Church. The Sunday School is getting larger each Sunday with 35 - 40 children present on Sunday. The church is grateful to those who have offered to teach and help in the work with the girls and boys. Next Sunday, Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Sunday, service is at the usual hour, 10 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Newton Stephens of Apsley spent three days this past week with Margaret and Stanley Wright. On Friday evening, Herman and Marion Webb, Marg and Stan Wright, Ken and Cathy MacKcnzie enjoyed a social evening with Anne Iloltby at the home of Keith and Sharon Fee, Leskard. Congratulations arc forwarded forwarded to Mr. and Mrs, Tlieo VanOostcrom of the 5th line on the arrival recently of a little daughter. Pontypool U.C.W. On Wednesday afternoon, Sept, 19th, 12 Indies were present at the U.C.W. meeting held at the home of Mrs, Duncan on Coulter Drive. President Kay Younginan opened with the poem "Thank You God for Little Things." The devotional followed with scripture reading, meditation and prayer. Following the minutes of the previous meeting and the treasurer's report, correspondence correspondence was. read. Thank you notes were received from the family of the late Joyce Baldwin, the family of the late Margaret Curtis, the Holtby family and Fran Ratcliffe on behalf of the St. Thomas More Parish. A letter requesting support for the Mission and Service Fund was read. A report was given on the proceeds of the lunch served at Russell Fisher's Nursery Sale. Coming Events to plan for are lunch for "Nostalgia Night", Oct. 6th, Lob-Ball Banquet Oct. 20th, Anniversary Anniversary luncheon, Dec. 1st, Thankoffering Service is Sunday, Oct. 28th at7;00 p.m. Next meeting is to be held Oct. 9th at 1:00 p.m. at the home of Nettie Aikens. Following the Benediction a social hour was spent over a delicious lunch served by the hostess, Dora Duncan. During this hour, three ladies who are leaving our midst were each presented with a Collector Plate. The three ladies, Jessie Fisk (to Lindsay), Anne Holtby (to Oshawa), and Dora Duncan (to St. Catharines) will be greatly missed. In the Ladies Bowling on Monday, Joan Jeffries had 254 for the high single and Eileen Moore had 418 for the high double, worn mm THE BEST KIND OF FIRE PREVENTION IS THE "DO IT YOURSELF KIND" Take a half hour and walk through your property and LOOK! * Look for frayed electric cords and overloaded circuits. * Check your chimney and heating plant. *' Give up smoking in bed NOW! * Home Dry Cleaning is an invitation to lire. * That innocent polish soaked dust cloth could cost you your life. * Instruct your children what to do and where to go in Case of Fire. * Display your Fire Department number in a size even a child could read -- near your telephone. <y au the INSURANCE BROKERS AU THE CHOICE N THE WORLD 181 Church St. 623-6100 Bowmanville WORRY BEFORE THE Having the adequate fire insurance insurance coverage can help pay losses. But no amount of insurance insurance can bring back lives! We urge you to take every precaution precaution possible to avoid the tragedy of fires in the home. FOR EXTRA PROTECTION, INSURE WITH US. George Blyleven Insurance R..R. 6, Bowmanville 623-5300 (Hamilton Twp. Farmers Mutural Fire Insurance Co.)