( 12 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville. October 3,1984 Section Two Ho8kin Stables Hold Sixth Annual Ride-a-Thon Hoskin Stables in Blackstock held their sixth annual ride-a-thon for the handicapped last Saturday, September 22nd. Patti Hoskin is pictured here with her horse Joey before embarking on the 25 kilometre run along with numerous other participants from throughout the region. Prince Presents Gold Awards to Local Youth Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly On Saturday Howard Bailey and Eleanor Kelly were among the 110 Gold Award Achievers Achievers who received their Duke of Edinburgh's Gold. Awards from His Royal Highness, the Prince Philip on Saturday Saturday afternoon. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kelly, their leader Mrs. Shirley Turner and Mrs Jessie Gunter as well as Esther Kelly and Julie Byers also attended this impressive ceremony. Also presented with her Gold Award was the former Robyn Ward of Burketon who worked through the Blackstock Rangers. Congratulations Congratulations to these three young people on their fine achievement. Several from here enjoyed the Royal Salute to Her Majesty the Queen presented by the Government of Ontario Ontario and the Central Militia Area of the Canadian Armed Forces at Exhibition Stadium, Toronto on Sat. evening. It was certainly an evening of pageantry at its very best. Brian Magill of Columbus Columbus was a weekend guest of his aunt and uncle Jean and Bill Mahaffy. Recently Mrs. Maurice Bradburn visited visited Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bradburn. On Saturday Maurice Bradburn visited visited his aunts and uncles Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forder and Mr. and Mrs. Earle Bradburn. Many from this area attended the International International Plowing Match this past week at Tiviot- dale. Congratulations to Roy and Harold McLaughlin McLaughlin who again won first place in the Horseshoe Horseshoe Pitching Contest at the Match. A speedy recovery is wished for Donnie Tilling Tilling who received injuries injuries when he had a motorcycle accident at Cadmus one evening this past week. Mr. and Mrs. George Bryant along with Mr. and Mrs, Joe Locke enjoyed a weekend at United Way Wheeling, West Virginia. Virginia. They enjoyed touring touring various spots of interest in that area. It was very enjoyable as usual to attend the Harvest Home Service at the Head Memorial Church at . Scugog Shores Museum on Sunday Sunday evening. Music was provided by the Lake Scugog Historical Choir led by Norman Watson. Guest minister was Rev. Jack Griffin of Newmarket who preached a very dynamic sermon on Wheat and Weeds. The service concluded with a sing song and a pie social, The September meet: ing of the morning unit of the UCW met at Norma Van Camp's home with 13 members present. After ■ refreshments refreshments and social time of catching up on summer activities, unit leader Eleanor Werry opened the meeting with this quote "The Trouble with being a good loser, you have to lose to prove it" and dealt with the business. An anniversary anniversary card was signed to express our congratulations congratulations to Joyce Taylor's parents on their 60th wedding anniversary. Anita Davis led the worship using the theme "Repentance" and reading from John 8: 1-11 and Mark 1:14-15. Ruby Van Camp brought along her daughter Lois McLeod, Youth Work developer for the Bay of Quinte Conference. Lois led a very interesting discussion discussion on Youth in the Church. Next meeting at Ruby VanCamp's with the roll call - "Tell of someone or something something you are thankful for that has influenced your life". The McLaughlin Family Reunion was held at the Haydon Community Centre with about 55 people in attendance from Brampton, Brampton, Toronto, Oshawa, Blackstock and surrounding areas. After a bountiful pot luck dinner President Deb Vice welcomed everyone and congratulated congratulated three newly married couples - Terry and Kelly Gatchell, Rob and Penny Wright, and Paul and Jean McLaughlin McLaughlin and presented each with a wishing well. Each replied fittingly. fittingly. Eileen McLaughlin McLaughlin led a lively sing song with Ruby Griffin at the piano. A hilarious skit on McLaughlin history from when the ancestors ancestors left Ireland in the early 1800's produced by Mary and Ted McLaughlin McLaughlin of Fenelon Falls was presented by a number of spontaneous spontaneous actors and actresses. actresses. A small gift was handed out to the children and a time of visiting enjoyed. It was great to have 94 year old Charlie McLaughlin of Toronto and Mrs. Alma Taylor of Sunny Crest Nursing Home attend the reunion. Residents of the Port Perry Nursing Home and the Villa will enjoy a production of the Bicentennial Play at Cartwright on Friday evening at 7:00. Any members of the families of residents are invited to attend with their loved ones to make the producation even more enjoyable. Time is rapidly approaching for the Bicentennial Bicentennial weekend on October 12 and 13. This, is the week to buy your tickets for the Pork Barbecue to be held on the Saturday evening. Buy them from any member of the Bicentennial Bicentennial committee or the Lions Club who are the caterers for the barbecue. barbecue. Congratulations and best wishes to Sharon Holliday, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Holliday Holliday and Jim Moffatt son of Mr. and Mrs. Aleck Moffatt of Orono who were married in a beautiful wedding at Columbus United Church. The reception and dance was held at Thunderbird Golf and Country Club, Ashburn. Congratulations to Mrs. Edna Bradley who celebrated 92nd birthday birthday with a family dinner party at the home of her son, Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Gibson. In the afternoon her grandchild and great grandchildren arrived to wish her a Happy Birthday. In addition to her family Miss Edna Larmer and Bessie and Ken Crawford Crawford attended. Members of the Bradley family visited Mrs. Bradley at the Villa, Port Perry to honour her on her birthday. birthday. Best wishes Mrs. Bradley. Queen's Park Report By Sam Cureatz M.P.P. As you know, the Ontario Legislature recesses for the summer months. Although Although the House is not sitting, the various House committees continue continue to meet. This week, I would like to tell you about my ongoing work as a member of the Standing Committee on Procedural Affairs. The House committees committees are comprised of members of all three provincial parties. The particular task of the Procedural Affairs Committee is to review the operations of the Ontario government's agencies, boards, commissions and Crown corporations. The review process is carried out to determine whether there is any redundancy redundancy or overlapping overlapping between the bodies. The Committee makes recommendations to the House on the basis of its findings. Last February, the Committee held public hearings and heard testimony from representatives representatives of the agencies under review. These included the Drug Addiction Research Foundation, the Crop Insurance Commission of Ontario, the Ontario Board of Parole and the Social Assistance Review Board. Here are some of the areas that have been dealt with in the Committee's report to the Legislative Assembly. The Committee was interested in the role of the Addiction Research Foundation within the government's overall approach to alcoholism and drug addiction. It recommended that the Ministry of Health develop a comprehensive alcohol and drug addiction policy for the province. In addition, it was suggested suggested that the Ministry assume greater responsibility responsibility for providing the public with information on alcoholism and drug abuse. The Social Assistance Review Board ensures that individuals who receive, social assistance assistance benefits are treated fairly and equitably under the administration process. In reviewing the Board, the Committee focussed on ways to improve its efficiency and efficiency and productivity. productivity. A number of recommendations dealt with speeding up the Board's decisionmaking decisionmaking process. The Committee recommended recommended that the possibility of creating regional boards, which would be in close touch with the communities they serve, be examined. Since September, the Procedural Affairs Committee has been reviewing agencies which include the Children's Children's Services Review Board, the Ontario Junior Farmer Loan Corporation and the Ontario International Corporation. The Ministry of Energy has contributed $778 towards the costs of an energy conservation report for the Municipal Offices in Bowmanville. When completed, the report will help to reduce energy consumption at the offices offices and save on operating costs. It was a pleasure to attend the Canadian Club meeting in Oshawa and thanks to Grant MacDonald for introducing introducing me. I would like to bring to your attention one of our newer businesses in the Bowmanville area - Wiggers Custom Yachts, who built the Canadian boat COUG for the Canada Cup series. Might I say a personal thank you to Carole Bennett Bennett and Sharon Newman at the Newcastle Memorial Public Library for their continued good work at the library. Finally, a special happy birthday to Isabel Mowat, a active senior in the Oshawa area. Hospital Cutbacks For Christmas Holidays CO-OP WHAT IS IT? SPENDING OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY TO ADVERTISE YOUR STORE OR SERVICE Co-op is funds that manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers provide to promote their products within the framework of the store's advertising advertising program, with the manufacturer, distributor or supplier paying either all or part of the cost of advertising. Co-op funds are available from many national manufacturers. They permit you to increase your advertising program at little or no extra cost to you. Advertising created by co-op dollars can provide you with more advertising advertising space at a reduced cost. Using co-op on nationally advertised merchandise tells your customers that you are the national brand headquarters in your area, and introduces introduces families that are new to the area to your store. By advertising national brand merchandise, you directly take advantage advantage of the money that manufacturers spend on national advertising to promote their products. If an item has co-op built into its cost by the manufacturer, collecting it will earn you as much for your money as your competitors earn when they use co-op. / 1 yco^op~~ TOgysj îlO.OOO worth oLnfe^b^es from Lee in one M & andls e • Do you carry national brand products? • Do you think you have any Coop Coop dollars available to you? • Would you like to find out more? Memorial Hospital plans to cancel elective activités for two weeks during the Christmas holiday season. Executive Director Richard Elston said this week that the board of directors directors will halt elective procedures commencing December 17. They will resume resume January 2. He noted that this will allow all staff to receive their statutory holidays while lessening the need for hiring relief staff while permanent personnel are away. A similar decision has been made in the past during during summer months and during the Christmas season. season. At both times of the year, patients rarely wish to go to hospital if their condition condition is not an emergency and if the hospital stay can be delayed. Mr. Elston said the hospital hospital board has decided on a Christmas cutback in elective elective procedures in order to ensure that staff have ample time to make personal personal arrangements for their holidays. -- contact-- BRIAN PURDY ADVERTISING MANAGER 623-3303 You have earnl? aien V, ar year of '5% of that nurphî IIov y ance toward the cosf nÆ se ( ' 5 °0) that product 81 r£advertising means you s D endS ci P ati n| ■manufacturer tX 30 ? th * Canadian Statesman Ahead with Photocopies from Us featuring the Minolta EP450 Zoom Photocopier Reduced Enlarged While-U-Wait Service 1-10 Copies 25° each 11 - 50 Copies 20° each 51 -100 Copies 15* each Over 100 Copies 10* each JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS SINCE 1854 62 KING STREET WEST 623-3303 BOWMANVILLE