I l 16 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 17,1984 ORONO and DISTRICT NEWS Senior Citizens Enjoy Kinsmen Color Tour Quote - "One reason experience is such a good teacher, is that she doesn't allow drop-outs." Mrs. Francis Sutton attended the funeral of Edward Williams, Nestleton, her cousin, and spent several days visiting her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, Blackstocklast week. Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Mercer were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Luxton and family, Bowmanville. Mrs. Pamela Harley, Toronto was Thanksgiving weekend guest of Miss Alma Cutell. 'Mr. and Mrs. George Carson and Mr. Wilson Carson were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Barton McNeils, ■ Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. 0. Challice, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. M. Harmer, Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sutherland and girls, Bowmanville were Thanksgiving weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Brown and girls at their cottage, Campbellford. Mr. and Mrs. James DeJong and family moved into their brand new home on the weekend on Winter Road. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Eustace, Kitchener (former Orono Minister) were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Millson and attended the Sunday morning service in Orono United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Milnes, Ottawa, spent the past weekend, visiting his parents, Rev. and Mrs. Fred Milnes. Sympathy of the community to Mr. Colville Evans, Bowmanville and Donald and By Isabelle Challice Anne Evans, Orono, in the loss of a beloved wife and mother, the late Mrs. Marion Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fisher, Scott and Neil, Guelph, spent Thanksgiving weekend - with Mrs. Sadie Hamilton, Durham Srs. Complex. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Miller (nee Julie Steers) who were married October 6 at Roslyn, a pretty country church north of Belleville. The reception was held in Belleville at the Ramada Inn. Attending from this area - Mr. Charles Miller (the groom's father), Mrs. Marjorie Van Horne, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs. William Tamblyn; Mr. and Mrs. David Staples; Paul and Heather Tamblyn; Mrs. Merle Gilbart; Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brown; and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Millson. Following the reception, the happy couple flew to Jamaica for their honeymoon. Town Hall Card Party The Orono Town Hall board held their first card party of the season last Wednesday, Oct. 10 with 12'/ 2 tables in progress. The following winners - 1st Mrs. Milligan, 2nd John Moffat, 3rd Francis Thompson, 4th,Horace Best, 5th Mary Thompson, 6th Jim McGill. The low score for evening - Helen McGill. The lucky draw winners - Judy Copping and Catherine Switzer. The next card party will be Oct. 24th and then the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every New Phone Number For News and Events In Newton ville Area NEWTONVILLENEWS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Burley of Port Hope visited with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Phyllis Peck, Janet Paeden, Lena Clysdale, Inez Boughen and Bea Jones were among those who attended the U.C. Bazaar at Newcastle on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wray Soules, Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood with Mrs. W. Wood of Newcastle Newcastle attended the first birthday birthday party for Miss Lindsay Wood, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wood held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johson of Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Henderson visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Stapleton on Saturday evening. Mrs. Irene Burley of Bowmanville Bowmanville spent the weekend with Mrs. Lena Clysdale. Mrs. Janet Paeden returned home last week after a three week holiday in Scotland visiting visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Earle McEwen of Peterborough spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle. Mrs. Bea Jones, Lena Clysdale, Mary Jones, Janet Paeden and Wallace Boughen attended church anniversary services at Shiloh Sunday afternoon when Rev. Fred Milnes of Orono Pastoral charge was the guest speaker with Ebenezer Choir. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Boughen enjoyed the turkey banquet Saturday evening at Maple Grove United Church. Newton ville-Starkville Bowling Team Standing Players 17, Cameos 11, Du Mauriers 13, Rothmans 7.- 200 Games Dian Sciuk 267, Jean Arnold 253, 221, Cindy Millson 236, Olive Henderson 230, Bernice Henderson 211, Jean O'Neill 211, Sandra Mclnnes 209, Blanche Jones 203, Cathy Adams 202. 50 - 50 Jean O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henderson Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs. Bev Henderson of Port Hope on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Farrow and children were the church greeters. The choir sang "Saviour like a Shepherd Lead Us" with Myrtle Kloster as organist. The sermon entitled "Choosing is where the Action is" by Lynda King after her two weeks vacation in Ireland. Our annual harvest bazaar is on Saturday afternoon 2 to 4 on October 27th with our church anniversary services the following following day, Oct. 28th when Rev. Charles Catto, Executive Director of the Frontiers' Foundation will be the guest speaker. The monthly meeting of the U.C.W. will be October 24th with roll call a 50 cent wrapped gift for the "Touch and Take" table with Acy Farrow and her group in charge. If you have any ne "s for the paper, please contact me any time before Monday noon at my new phone number 987-4867 as we have moved to our new home on the Base Line Road and will continue as your correspondent. month. Plan to attend these fun-filled nights and meet your neighbors! St. Saviours Church News Congratulations to all who supported our outstanding bazaar held Sat., Oct. 13. A great success and a hearty vote of thanks to all who helped and organized this event. The following winners of our lucky draws. The lovely quilt, made by Mrs. Esler and Mrs. Noble - won by Mrs. Wotten, Kendal. The large hamper of groceries - won by Mrs. Janice McKinley (nee Caldwell), Brockville. The very attractive hand-painted plate by Doris Prust - won by Lina Shetler. The tea room was attractively decorated, as well as the church sanctuary, for the many patrons to view. The penny sale tables, bake sale, touch and take were all well patronized and much enjoyed. Church School Workshop at St. Saviours on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 21st. Free to teachers and those who would be willing to teach. A reminder to all - to attend St. Saviours Homecoming ' Sunday, Nov. 4th. Please mark this date on your calendar for special services at 11 a.m. at St. Saviours Church. An Ecumenical Celebration of the gifts of creation, in person, family, community and world is to be held at St. Francis of Assisi Church on Oct. 26th at 7 p.m. It will be followed by a social time. All are invited. Orono United Church News A very large crowd in attendance at the Anniversary Service on Sunday, Oct. 14. The beautiful flowers were in memory of the late Mrs. Marion Evans, and placed by the family. The Sacrament of Baptism was solemnized by Rev. Milnes for the infant daughter of Lyle and Glenda Reid (nee Tennant) little Jessica Caitlyn. A special welcome on this anniversary service was given to Rev. Andrew Eustace (a former minister of this church) who gave the scripture readings. Very lovely music was rendered by guest soloist, Mrs. Arlene Ayre, Bowmanville Trinity United Church, "He Touched Me" and "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked". Mr. Everett Brown introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Lloyd Wilson, who brought a very memorable message "Am I my brother's keeper?" and of course the answer is a resounding "yes". Mr. Wilson is a graduate of Waterloo University, several years at Emmanuel College and is now a sucessful farmer and auctioneer. He is also a father of five children and expressed the thought, we as parents are not giving our children a strong enough faith to hold onto, in the face of todays' temptations. Our grateful thanks to Mrs. Joyce Gray, who capably took over the church organ, in the absence of her son David, who is presently attending a musical convention. Happy Birthday to Marjorie Dickson, Oct. 17 and Miss Laurie Ann Hollingsworth, also on Oct. 17. Our thanks to Laurie Ann for doing a splendid job of repainting one church sign, on front lawn. Remember to get your ticket early for the turkey dinner Wed., Oct. 24th. Continuous serving from 4:30 p.m. till 7 p.m. Avoid the rush, and come early! (Check BUY NOW! PAY NEXT YEAR! 1 No Interest * No Payments Wilson's Golden Anniversary BONUS OFFER TO YOU Get details at store -- Limited Time Offer SOFA BEDS With durable weave cover, foam cushions and double size mattress. Anniversary $ Special 299. SUITE Includes china cabinet, table and 4 chairs. Anniversary $ Special 788. Wl .SON'S Furniture FREE PARKING OPEN THURS. 4 FRI. 'TIL 9 p.m. 20 Centre St. N. « Downtown Oshawa - 723-3211 L--- " l 1 Sr Classified ad column) for more details. Session Meeting - Tues., Oct.23at7:30p.m. Special Induction Service for Rev. Fred Milnes, Sunday, Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Oshawa Presbytery. A social time following the service. 1985 Church Calendars are available from U.C.W. members. Place your order before Oct. 26th. Bible Study. An excellent response (21 persons) to our first bible study evening. From now on every Wednesday evening 8 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. in upper C.E. room. This week we will study the Book of Luke. Everyone is welcome and also a morning ladies bible study fellowship is being planned and will be announced soon. Kirby U.C.W. will be sponsoring their annual bazaar and tea, Saturday, Nov. 3rd at 2 - 4 p.m. in Orono Church main hall. Plan to attend the "World Wide Pictures release" the movie "The Prodigal" starting Friday, Oct. 12 in Marks Theatre, Oshawa. From all accounts from relatives who have already viewed this, it is highly recommended. U.C.W. General Meeting Held in main hall, Thursday, Oct. 11, with attendance from all five units. The president Donna Scott welcomed everyone and opened meeting with a poem. The secretary read previous minutes and in absence of the treasurer gave an encouraging financial report. A delightful duet of Stella Carson and Dorothy Barnett entitled "Make the World Better", was enjoyed by everyone. The ladies of unit No. 4, presented a very good devotion on "The Lord's Prayer", with the added dramatic touch of coloured candles. A very interesting contest on "Ontario's Bicentennial" was given out and surprisingly many didn't know all the answers! Dorothy Barnett was the overall winner. A film entitled "How Good Life Can Be", was presented and enjoyed. We especially welcome Marion Milnes to our meeting and we all joined together in a circle to enjoy a time of fellowship and food. Two busloads of senior citizens enjoyed a tour of the. brilliant fall colors in the area on Sunday afternoon, sponsored by the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club. Here are a few Kinsmen, plus some of those who were taking the tour. Later, a lunch was served at Memorial Park Clubhouse. Price Reductions During Our WINTER Canadian Made -..Heavy Nylon 2-Piece Ski-doo Suits 2 - 3X (Reg. $35) 4 - 6X (Reg. $37) 7-18 (Reg. $55) Men's and Ladies' (Reg. $90.00) SALE $25.00 $25.00 $39.95 $49.95 Canadian Made - Heavy Nylon 1-Piece Ski-doo Suits Sizes SALE 7-16 (Reg. $39.95) $25.95 Men's . S - XL (Reg. $59.95) $39.95 Nylon Bib Overalls Sizes 7-18 $19.95 Scrubbies $-J Q.95 Sizes 28 - 38 Kids 2-6X -- *9.95 l Levrs r 619 Jeans $2|-95 $-J 0-95 Men's 28-42 .. Students' 7-18 .... All Greb Athletic Footwear Kodiaks Nike - Bauer - Adidas Insulated 25% *55 00 fcw zO Plain and OFF Safety Toe Men's and Ladies' " ".'•'jj'*' CLEARANCE Shirts All Ladies' and Tops Western BOOTS 20% $29 95 OFF Reg. to $100.00 FOR WORK OR PLAY ALL 25% OFF WINTER COATS ALL WINTER FOOTWEAR, OVERSHOES and BOOTS 1 /2 Price Large Selection to Choose From (WORKWEAR NOT INCLUDED) 00 OFF ANY PANTS (WORK PANTS and SALE ITEMS EXCLUDED) 42 King St. East Bowmanville Telephone 623-3211 OPEN UNTIL 9 p.m. THURS. and FRI.