8 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, October 17,1984 Nestleton-Caesarea News by Mabel Cawker The Lions Club had a most successful barbecue- a good crowd and the food was delicious. Hie Lions Club C.N.I.B. canvass for funds is coming up this month and they need the support of everyone. Date for canvass- October October 24 to October 31, with a "blitz" on Saturday, Saturday, October 27th, so be on the "look out" for the canvasser at your door! Cartwright Celebration a Terrific Success A very successful event was held at Blackstock Fairgrounds for the Bicentennial- Sesquicentennial celebration- celebration- two hundred years of settlement in Ontario and one hundred and fifty in Cartwright itself, winding up on Saturday. The many activities- historical play, fàmily displays, barbecue- dance, etc,, were all tremendous with large crowds on hand to take in the festivities. Congratulations Congratulations to Chairman John Wolters and committee in charge. We commend Bethany Schryburt who wrote and directed the excellent play "Yarns to Spin" enjoyed by all. Final Party Enjoyed A very interested, enthused enthused group of ladies who craved a bit of relaxation relaxation and diversion- and a learning period as well- who are members of the Williams Point Craft Club Association have been getting together during the summer with teachers Marg Hall and Pearl • Elliott (summer residents) who have instructed instructed the fifteen members in this fascinating work. The Club has now closed for the winter months enjoying enjoying a final day together with a lovely luncheon and a showing of all the crafts made during the summer months. Wedding of Interest Robert Edward Johns of Willowdale, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Davidge of Williams Point, was united in marriage to Janice Louise Payne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Payne, of Willowdale. This beautiful wedding was held on September 28, 1984 at 4 p.m. in St. Theodore of Canterbury Anglican Church at Willowdale. The reception reception was at the Uplands Golf and Country Club, Thornhill, with approximately approximately one hundred guests present. Warmest wishes to Robert and Janice for many years of happiness. Caesarea Community Church With a very good congregation congregation on Sunday, October October 14th, 11:00 a.m. Mr. Robert Heayn of Blackstock, led the service service and sang a beautiful sacred number entitled "I Am Not Worthy" unaccompanied. Rev. W.H, Crawford, D. Th. D.D. took his text from portions of Leviticus and Numbers, using as his theme "Harvest Thanksgiving- What Does The Scripture Say?" Mrs. Crawford- organist, Each Monday, the Sunshine Club will hold special meetings in the Community Centre - 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Guest Speaker at Nestleton Women's Institute Branch The October meeting of Nestleton W.I. was held in the Community Centre with a smaller than usual attendance- due to many activities. The members and visitors enjoyed a dessert luncheon prior to the meeting, convened by Mrs. Gwen Malcolm and Mrs. Marg, France. President Mrs. Norma Frew called the meeting to order in regular form with the Ode and Collect. A cordial welcome was extended and a poem read, in keeping with the theme. Guest speaker Bethany Schryburt of Blackstock, was introduced introduced by Gwen. Dressed as a "Granny" whe presented to the members a humorous monologue re housewives in olden days. She also gave a resume of the Bicen- tennial-Sesquicentennial entertainment coming up to be .held in Blackstock with he* play "Yarns to Spin" and the Jimmy Frise play "Birdseye "Birdseye Center" to be held in Town Hall 1873 this month. A very gifted speaker and much appreciated appreciated by the ladies. Interesting thoughts were presented on the Motto "Teachers Learn While They Teach" given by Mrs. Gwen Malcolm, Education and Cultural Activities convenor. convenor. A sing-song was relaxing! Roll Call was answered by naming à Canadian actress. Mrs. Marg France gave the financial statement, correspondence correspondence and minutes were approved. Plans were made for the Fun Fair to be held at Solina, Thursday, October October 18th, 1:30 p.m. The meeting closed with a poem and O Canada! The President expressed appreciation to all. Keep in mind the next meeting, November 7th- with a guest speaker. Nestleton Court Lady Snowbird L1930 Nine members of Court Lady Snowbird met at the home of Shirley Jackson on Monday, October October 1st with President Irene Train presiding. She opened with a warm welcome after the summer summer recess. Minutes were approved as read by Sec'y Carol Doyle. The communications .'included- thank you notes and a letter from Elizabeth Fulford re- the Handi Transit Vehicle Fund. After some discussion, discussion, members decided to send a cheque for $100 to this most worthy project. project. The Bazaar date will be November 15th, held at the Nestleton Community Centre. There will be a draw o n a Cabbage Patch Preemie Doll and a Christmas Floral arrangement. arrangement. Watch for further information rebazaar. rebazaar. The meeting closed and a social time followed- Shirley served a lovely lunch. Next meeting at Lynn Bowman's home November 5th. Try to attend! Family News Barry and Joan Malcolm of Simcoe, spent the weekend with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. Malcolm of Nestleton, and attended the celebrations at Blackstock. The Malcolm clan visited with Dennis and Laina Malcolm of Ajax on Sunday Sunday afternoon and evening, Sam and Mabel Cawker of Scugog Point Road, attended the 40th Wedding Anniversary of Ellsworth and Louella Kennedy of Seagrave, held in the Oddfellows Hall in Port Perry, with a large number of friends on hand to wish this popular couple the very beat. Approximately Approximately 170 guests signed the book. The family were responsible for the celebration and are to be congratulated for the great event in their parent's honour. The Rebekah's assisted with the lunch. Later the family had an anniversary anniversary dinner at Magic Car Restaurant in Oshawa. Our best to them! I Maple Leaf Radio Hockev Broadcast | GOAL RUSH CONTEST i You could win a $50,00 GIFT. CERTIFICATE g each time a Maple Leaf player scores a goal Listen to the Radio Broadcast in vourarea NAME ADDRESS, CITY TELEPHONE, Leti nr thla heik# wRJi any A4tF Store cmâhier ■ "■ -1 Prices effective thru Sat., October 201h, 1984. A&P RESERVES THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. SAVINGS SHOWN IN THIS AD BASED ON A&P CURRENT REGULAR RETAILS. 624 g SIZE .99 Bokar Bean Coffee 1 LB BAG 2.99 (3 lb bag-8.79-SAVE 3.90) Lancia Pastas 750 g PKG .69 Bravo Plain Spaghetti Sauce 28 fl oz tin-.99-SAVE .66 JlL PURE VEGETABLE Bravo Oil 3 LITRE PLASTIC CONTAINER 3*99 JANE PARKER, SLICED 100% Whole Wheat Bread .69 YOU'LL DO BETTER AT FARKf AT A&P! PROD. OF ONTARIO, FIRM, DELICIOUS JANE PARKER SAVE .40 Spanish Bar Cake 2L S 1.39 JANE RARKER, FROSTED SAVE .20 Ball Donuts p 1°i,29 JANE RARKER, SLICED SAVE .26 Free Pumpkin M Brussels w Sprouts Cheese Bread JANE PARKER, SNOWFLAKE OR Twin Rolls 450 g loaf .99 SAVE .30 pkgof qq 12 .«V«J FOR ALL KINDERGARTEN TEACHERS. Bring your class to your friendly A&P. Pick out your FREE PUMPKIN. \ SUPER BUY! 1®M GERBERS STRAINED, MEATLESS VARIETIES OF FOODS 1 JUICES Baby Foods 4.5 fl oz jars 5/1" PROD. OF ONTARIO Fresh Mushrooms PROD. OF ONTARIO CANADA NO. 1, PROD. OF U.S.A. OR SPAIN, GREEN ALMERIA OR Red Emperor Grapes 7|39/199 Fresh m ■ /kg / I lb vnmonh OATMEAL, OATMEAL 1 APPLE, RICE, RICE 1 BANANA, SIX GRAIN 1 FRUIT Milupa Cereals 2 P 0 k 0 g 9 2.49 HEINZ, ASSORTED VARIETIES SUPER BUY! Instant Baby Food £s.79 BABY FORMULA ^AVE 1.50 Enfnlan 425 mL tins ^ Cl 11 OlaU Concentrated case of 24 REGULAR, SUPER OR SUPER PLUS 33.49 SAVE .70 Tampax Tampons Y 4.49 FABERGE, NORMAL, DRY OR OILY SAVE .60 Organics Shampoo4 p s?mL3.49 REGULAR, WINTERFRESH, GEL SAVE .60 Colgate Toothpaste 'XT 1.99 ON SALE THIS WEEK AT A&P KD Gourmet Stainless Steel Cookware 10 inch Open Frypan CANADA FANCY, PROD. OF ONTARIO Jonathan or Spartan Apples £51.99 CANADA FANCY, PROD. 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OF ONTARIO, ASSORTED Tropical Plants SAVE 2.30 1'/2lb| QQ tray l.uu 136 A., .69 1.5 litre bll 4 inch pot 1.29 .99 CONVERTED Uncle Ben' Rice 2.99 ASST VAR OF PUDDINGS & YOGOURTS _SAVE .40 FABRIC SOFTENER Mini pkg of 4 5 oz fins Laura SecordoeSs Uses Cover from 4-CM Sfockpof 18/8 STAINLESS STEEL WITH 3 LAYER TRFPLY BOTTOM FOR BETTER COOKING ASST VAR INCL BEEF 6 CORNED BEEF HASH 14 FL OZ Puritan Stews 2 T Z 1.99 Fleecy Liquid FL OZ FRESH SCENT LIQUID 1.69 Javex Bleach SAVE ASST VAR INCL SWEET » SOUR CHICKEN SAVE .74 Slug 3.59 Baking Sauces ça " .99 SAVE .26 BRAVO (TOMATO SAUCE 28 FL OZ TIN ,99-SAVE .30) pist'ju* 1.19 Tomato Paste 13 ,m oz .99 SAVE ON THESE FINE QUALITY FOODS FROM AUSTRALIA! FROM SUNNY AUSTRALIA JChefmaste W loomed 12 OZ TIN 1.29 CHOICE, 'IN PEAR JUICE', FRUIT COCKTAIL, PEACH HALVES OR SLICES, PEARS, TWO FRUIT QUARTERS 28 FL OZ TIN A&P Canned Fruit "NO SUGAR ADDED" 1.39 SUNNYGOLD, FROM SUNNY AUSTRALIA SAVE .40 Sultana i rn Raisins iw1 .Uu CHOICE, IN SYRUP IWCK, FRUIT COCKTAIL, PEACH HALVES OR SLICES PEAR HALVES, PEAR * PEACH HALVES Ardmona Fruit AiP, CHOICE, TN PEAR JUICE'. I RUM COCKTAIL. PEACH HALVES OR SLICES, PEARS OH APRICOTS 14 II oz lln Canned Fruit No Sugar 14 fI oz AHHaH tin