t ! ♦ News from Starkville and Area The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 7,1984 17 Former Goodyear Female Employees Hold Annual Reunion On Tuesday morning, Mrs. Dawn Brettcll with Mrs. Jean Collins and Mrs. Joyce Taylor, both of Oshawa and Mrs. Eileen McColm of Newcastle played squash at the Fitness Centre in Bowmanville and later went out to lunch. Miss Elva Reid, Kendal visited Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Jeanette Layng and Dyana. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. Edna Dobson visited with Miss Norma Hallowell, Mrs. Julie Jackson and Mrs. Mabel Elliott, all patients at Memorial Hospital in Bowmanville. A good number of ladies enjoyed their crafts and coffee on Wednesday morning at the home of Mrs. Pat Windatt. On Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowed were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowed. Mrs. Margaret Taberner of Tottenham spent Thursday and Friday with Mrs. Jeanette Layng and Dyana. Mrs. Harold Souch with her brother Mr. Milton Wannan of Kirby visited Thursday afternoon with her daughter Mrs. Andy Van Drunnen, Michael, Jason and Terry, Cavan. Mrs. Leslie Caswell and Marisha, Newcastle visited Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowed. Mrs. Isabelle Trim was a supper guest on Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim. On Friday evening, Mrs. Pat Windatt attended the apple picker's supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose, Newcastle. Mrs. Trudy Souch, Dwayne, Jodie and Heather visited Friday evening with her mother Mrs. Freda Maynard, Oshawa. Mr. Clifford Forik spent the weekend with his cousin Mr. Eugene Vanclieafe of Huntsville at Gene's cottage near Burk's Fads. Mr. David Brettell, Oshawa was a dinner guest on Saturday of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Brettell and Susan. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowed were Mr. Jeff Caswell of Guelph in the afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Caswell for the evening. On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Brenton Farrow attended the Kirby U.C.W. Bazaar held at Orono United Church. On Saturday afternoon, a great number of Starkville folk attended the 50th wedding anniversary tea in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim and held at the Community Had in Newtonville. Later, the happy couple with relatives and friends enjoyed a delicious roast buffalo dinner at the United Church with a social evening following. Congratulations, Dorothy and Bert on your wedding anniversary and also congratulations to Bert who Ken Wright Ties First League Game Ken Wright Haulage Atom Selects tie first game of the season. The Ken Wright Haulage Atom Selects hosted Newcastle Newcastle Atoms Nov. 3rd and played to a 4 - 4 tie with goals being scored by Warren Bate two, Justin Merkac one, and Joey Bate one. The entire team put forth an excellent showing considering they had never practiced together as a team as the tryouts were finished Oct. 27th with the team being picked then. The 1984-85 Atom Select team is as follows: Sarah Couch, Jason Moore, Bradley Hargest, Justin Merkac, Warren Bate, Joey Bate, Dan Kooy, Grant Spencer, Craig Cowles, Jason Wichman, Carlo Warr, Tyson Pearcy, Chris Filler, Ryan Becker, Jamie Brake, Greg Cook and Coaches Greg Couch, Eric Moore, and Team Manager Diane Moore, Victoria and Grey Down Adam and Eve On Nov. 3,1984, Victoria and Grey Novice edged Adam and Eve 2 - 0 with goals and assists going to Jamie Sellers, Doug Parkin and Ryan Leppert. Jamie Sellers opened for Victoria and Grey, scoring early in the first period, with the assist going to Doug Parkin. Adam and Eve fought back diligently throughout the game but were unable to put the puck past the V & G goalie, Steve Oke, who played an outstanding game and obtained obtained his second shut-out for this season. Our second goal came with just five seconds left in the game. Handed off from Ryan Leppert, uoug Parkin was able to sneak it past the Adam and Eve goalie Jason Jack- man, who also played a fine game, These two teams were well matched and all parents were greatly entertained, was celebrating his birthday the same day! Mrs. Olive Smith of Parry Sound spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Trim and attended their Golden Wedding anniversary. Olive was bridesmaid for her cousin Dorothy at the wedding 50 years ago. On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Brenton Farrow attended the 40th wedding anniversary dance in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Thertell of Campbellcroft and held at the Community Centre in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Newtonville, visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd. Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell and Mr. Jim Hallowed were Mr. and Mrs. Lou Speziale and family of Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. John Windatt and Erin visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Joan Goschl, Frances and Martin, Fowler's Comers. On Sunday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinson and granddaughter Cheryl Robinson with Mrs. Grace Yule of Oshawa were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Robertson and Andrew, Oshawa. On Sunday, Miss Dyana Layng attended St. Saviour's Anglican Church Homecoming and 100th Anniversary in Orono. During the service, Dyana gave a little talk on St. Saviour's former Sunday School building and showed a board taken from under the eaves. 1845 was on this board, the year the building was built and now this board can be seen at the Clarke Museum in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Todd and Robbie were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Roberts and Mary, Peterborough. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson and Gordon were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Austin, Kevin and Charlene, Wesleyville. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Farrow, Newtonville had supper out in Oshawa and later spent the evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Nesbitt, Columbus. A fair crowd attended services at Shiloh United on Sunday with our regular minister, Mrs. Lynda King. It was announced that a congregational meeting will be held on Monday evening to choose a pastoral relations committee for our new minister. Little Marisha Caswell of Newcastle was a supper and evening guest of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell on Sunday. Miss Patricia Frank, Crooked Creek was a Sunday overnight guest of her friend Miss Susan Brettell and family. On Monday evening, Nov. 5th, former female employees of the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company plant reunion at Memorial Park. here held their annual ^ BEST CHOICE Why Wait For The Christmas Rush? and SAVE 2 WAYS •NO INTEREST FOR 12 MONTHS •SUPER LOW PRE-SEASON PRICES WOOD 7 P« « 0 ,M,M0 ROOM SET ~ ^BulleL hutch, table and 4 chairs ALL DINING ROOMS REDUCED! j ^ WhiteWestinghouse RIPRIOIRATOR This set includes... • Tripledresser, chest, headboard, mirror and night tables 6 PIECE BEDROOM SET BUY ANY BEDROOM SET WITH ONE NIGHT TABLE AND GET THE OTHER mill SAVE NOW! SPECIAL PURCHASE /aav- ■ x Impressive good looks matched by superb comfort. 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BIG SELECTION OF LIVING ROOMS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS NOW SAVE UP TO OFF GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES We will not be undersold. Choose from 1,000's of Furniture, Appliances, TV & Stereos. NOW SAVE ON OCCASIONAL TABLES UP TO OFF Great Selection! GREAT SELECTION of WALL UNITS NOW SAVE UP TO off •UP T012 MONTHS ON FURNITURE. PRICE GUARANTEE If within 30 days from your date of purchase you find Ihe identical item in all respects with the same terms and conditions'for less money, at any retail outlet. Best Choice guarantees to refund the difference in full. BEST CHOKE FREE PARKING WE DELIVER Mon. Fri. 9:30-9:00 Furniture & Appliance Warehouse Ltd. 6 T 8 6 r °91° FREE LAYAWAY Sat. 9:30-6:00 Phone 571-0000 I Dundas St. E. ■ Is I S3