Section Two The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, November 7,1984 11 Stye HemcaatU 3nbeprabcnt Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Telephone 987-4201 Just a reminder! The monthly meeting of the Newcastle Newcastle Senior Citizens will be held on Thursday, November 8, at the Newcastle Community Community Hall. Last Monday Mrs. Elizabeth Skelding entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. Wednesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Huber included Mr. and Mrs. Don Huber, Dunnville, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Huber, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Huber, Don and Lisa, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kelsh, Marmora. Last Monday Mr. and Mrs. Art Crick, of Welland, were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell included Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and Russell, Pontypool, Miss Judy Powell, Bowmanville, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Markle, Alyssa and Andrew, Scarborough, and Mrs. Helen Markle of Oshawa. All enjoyed enjoyed the Newcastle United Church turkey supper, celebrating celebrating the Markle's 15th wedding anniversary, and Stan, • Dale and Wayne Markle's birthdays. All' the best! Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a Ganaraska Task Force meeting in Port Hope last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley, Willowdale, and Mrs. Doris White, Toronto, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Mrs. Frances Day, Brougham, visited on Saturday Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Waterbury. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Huber called on Mr. and Mrs. Neil Trew, Bewdley. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slayer, Oakville, were Saturday overnight overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Scott. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade were in Ingersoll where they attended the Grand Master's reception in honour of Mr. John Savage. Mrs. Ruby Warburton, Mrs. Bertha Daniels and son Neil, Oshawa, were Saturday evening evening guests of Mr. Charles Cowan. Friday evening visitors with Rev. and Mrs. Donald Stiles and Donnie were Mr. and Mrs. Green of St, David's. Mrs. Ann Harrison, Mississauga, was a Saturday visitor with her aunt, Mrs. Nellie Spencer. Sunday callers at the George Huber's included Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kelsh, Marmora, Mr. and Mrs. Clemence Yezik, Bowman ville, and his sister, Sister Mary Antonine, Toronto. Rev. and Mrs. David Spivey, Simon and Neil, Beamsville enjoyed the Saturday evening turkey supper at Newcastle United Church. After the dinner Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jose entertained entertained the Spiveys, Chards, Ewerts and Nobles. Mr. and Mrs. Gamey Lycett, Andrea and Dean, Port Hope were Saturday evening visitors with her mother, Mrs. Bessie Dean and all attended the Newcastle United Church turkey supper. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Harris, Elginburg, visited on Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris. A large number attended the 100th Anniversary Service at St. Saviour's, Orono, when the Parish Hall was rededicated rededicated in memory of John Breen, former Warden of the church. After the service, Charles and Gloria Gray entertained the following to dinner: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Swan, Warkworth, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Chrisomalis, Cobourg, Rev. and Mrs. Allan Haldenby. Mr. and Mrs. Robin Alldred were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Alldred, Oshawa. Paul Pacey, Oshawa, spent Coug II Transported to New Owner This year's Canada Cup winner, Coug II, was recently purchased by United States racer, Chet Fisher. The 42.6-foot racing yacht, manufactured by Wig- gers Custom Yachts in Bowmanville, sold for more than $200,000. Coug II is pictured here at the Port Darlington Marina before being transported to her new owner in the U.S. The only account you need Daily Interest Chequing Account n< •> Mili|t it li> i luiii;i it.Ill lui s ' UIH I 1 1, 1 0 Chequing avings 5?!^nen t THE NATIONAL VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY Member: Canada Deposit Insurance CorjMuaiion BOWMANVILLE - 68 King St. E., 623-2504 Hallowe'en night with his grandmother, Mrs. Gladys Pacey. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrail- ler, Alex and Laura, Hamilton spent the weekend with his parents. Birthday greetings to Edna Sunday, Gary Powell, Jackie De Jong and Joe Visser. Mr. Gary Johnson, Toronto, was home for the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Johnson. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor drove to Trenton where they visited Cpl. and Mrs. Gary Naylor and family. Several ladies from the TOPS Club enjoyed las! Wednesday at the Hadassah Bazaar in Toronto. Our first Hallowe'en customers on Wednesday evening were Mitch and Michelle Alldread, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Alldread. They looked really cute in their Raggedy Andy and witch costumes in which they won prizes at the hall. All our callers were very well-behaved well-behaved and mannerly. Congratulations. Congratulations. Anglican News Rev. Allan Haldenby attended attended the meeting of the Anglican Clergy of the Deanery of Durham and Northumberland Northumberland held at Grafton Rectory on Monday. Sympathy to the family of the late William Lake, lifelong lifelong resident of the Broken Front area of Newcastle. Mr. Lake passed away on Thursday Thursday and the funeral took place on Saturday. Many members of the congregation congregation of St. George's attended the anniversary services at St. Saviour's Church on Sunday at 11 a.m. Mr. Oakley Peters conducted the service at St. George's Anglican Church at 11 o'clock on Sunday. Mrs. Ann Powell was organist. The ladjes of the A.C.W. are busy preparing' for their November 10 bazaar. United Church News On Sunday, Nov. 4, 1984, at Newcastle United Church, lim 50 Years Ago Thursday, November 15th, 1984. Next month, James Marr of Toronto, formerly of P. W. Ellis and Co., is taking over the jewelery store vacated by J. R. Moore and will open soon with a complete new stock. Bowmanville High School Literary Society officers for 1935 are Hon. Pres. G. L. Wagar, Pres. Bob Clark, Vice- Pres. - Gertrude Dewell, Sect'y, - Annie Allin, Treas. - Byron Vanstone, Pianist Doris Freeman. George E. Hall, local manager of the Ontario Shore Gas Co., now occupies offices in the Hallman Block, next to the Statesman Office. 25 Years Ago, Thursday, November 12th, 1959. St. Paul's Evening W.A. held their fall bazaar on Saturday, November 7 th. Rev. H. A. Turner opened the event with the President of the association association Mrs. George Graham, and Mrs. H. A. Turner, welcoming welcoming the guests. Pouring tea were Mrs. Robert Stephens, Mrs. Otto Bragg, Mrs. James Abernethy and Mrs. Wilfred Carruthers. An unusual problem confronted confronted the Darlington Township Township Council last week, namely what to do with the money it has in its treasury, doesn't want, but isn't sure how to get rid of, from money that had been paid in land, separation taxes under a bylaw bylaw which had later been rescinded. rescinded. The five winners of the public speaking contest, sponsored sponsored by the Durham County Trustees and Ratepayers' MERVYN B. KELLY Law Office General Practice The Federal Building (Post Office) 2nd Floor - Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 3A0 Telephone 623-4444 New Cars Unveiled at County Honda Mrs. Stella Morton presided at the organ. The congregation enjoyed the solo, I'll Walk with God, sung by Mr. Stuart Davison. Interim Minister Rev. Donald Tansley preached preached the sermon, The Murmur of our Destiny. Next Sunday, Nov. 11 will be the 160th Anniversary of Newcastle United Church and Rev. Tansley will be the speaker. Newcastle Community Bowling Monday Night Ladies League 175 and Over Oct. 29 M. Pierik 178, 200, 202, B. Major 225, 188, 255, S. Foster 191, 203, 243, A. Langstaff 223, 231, 193, H. Couroux 183, 183, 239, L. Crockett 177, 184, D. McCarron 211, 197, I. Brown 210, 258, P. Irwin 176, 189, C. Van Dusen 180, 249, M. Kent 240, E. Miller 201, V. Watson 178, M. Major 195, D. Mackey 207, D. Foster 192, C. Robinson 178, R. Foster 191, C. Langstaff Langstaff 211, K. Wotton 219, K, Mercer 209, A. Mercer 212, D. Mercer 249, D. Neal 202. Tuesday MorningSeniors League Oct. 30 Top 5 Two Games Total A. Pearce 400, V. Cooper 366, R. Burley 330, M. Burley 319, Jack Holmes 293. Thursday Night Mixed League Nov. 1,1984 175 and Over B. Forget 218, 193, 197, W. Forget 284, 195, 218, K. Boyd 198,193,184, B. Lewis 194, 191, M. Blaker 247, 175, B. Dennis 227, 189, F. Forget 176, 231, J. Forget 197,252, N. Dennis 228, A. Crozier 196, K. Moffatt 201, B. Morgan 176, C. Lycett 201, C. Moffatt 185. Youth BowlingNov. 3 Seniors 100 and Over S. Willsher 109, 188, D. Winter 134,127, T. DeJong 102, 104, K. Miller 156, 127, J. Hopkins 100,145, B. Coyle 157, 118, B. Fisk 119, 221, D. Miller 122, T. DeVries 100, S. Miller 133, P. McMillan 105, L. Weaver ll2| T. Winter 141. Juniors 75 add.Over N. Virtue 116,118, J. Berney 97, 76, C. Farrow 89,. 113, M. Coyle 116,100,- R. Chinn 93, J. Miller 75, S. Miller 89, M. Werheid 77, J. Darrach 97. Last week, County Honda at Maple Grove finished and roomy in spite of their compact size, welcomed many visitors who came to see what the Here was one of the new models in the County 1985 Hondas had to offer. Comments were Honda showroom that attracted a great deal of favorable because the vehicles were sleek, well attention. Hampton Public School Takes Home Area Trophy anb ,, SiBtant * Paat Association, in the semi-finals are Bill Depew on "Astronauts", "Astronauts", Peggy Millson on "Canada's Northland", Patricia Adams, "Superstition", "Superstition", Janice Byers, "Putting the Beaver Back to Work" and Gwen Wraight on "Hawaii." 10 Years Ago, Wednesday, December 4th, 1974 Strathaven Nursing Home was officially opened on November 29th, by Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Durham County. Andrew M. Thompson and Maurice Prout were elected to the Northumberland - Newcastle Newcastle Board of Education in the election held last Monday. Howard Jeffery of the Bowmanville Goodyear Plant was the winner of the Spirit Award for Goodyear Canada's General Products, and was awarded $100. Building Report September saw buildings valued at $1,177,730 under construction in the Town of Newcastle. The municipality's building building permit statistics were introduced Monday at a meeting of the town's general general purpose and administration administration committee. In a report to the committee, committee, Newcastle's building department slated that as of September 30, the town had granted permits to construction construction projects priced at $14,182,379. The monthly building statistics were received for information. The Hampton Public School senior soccer team Bateman, (second row) Leslie Hambly, Craig took home the area trophy last week, defeating Burns, Zuby Shaikh, David Szabo, Eric Smith, Enniskillen Public School by a score ofl-0 in over- (third row) John Wilson, Jim Charette, Mike time in the final match. The players are (front left Doyle-Captain, Larry Morrison, Ron Baker, and to right) Trevor Lubsen, Shawn McFadyen, Alan Brian Harris-Coach. Hartford, Trevor Mercer, David Hartford, Neil we've learned more about your job. learn more about ours Plan to attend our General Safety Dinner Meeting NOVEMBER 20, 1984, COBOURG MOTOR INN, COBOURG A panel will discuss "Employee Induction and Retraining" sponsored by COBOURG-PORT HOPE SECTION, CENTRAL ONTARIO DIVISION INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT PREVENTION ASSOCIATION For registration and further Information on this and other events, please contact Mrs. Phyllis MacGee -- (705) 745-5589 Participate Clean the workplace up and reduce the hazards. INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT PREVENTION ASSOCIATION