( ( 4 The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 5,1984 Section Two Stye îîcmcaBtk Snbepenbent Editors: Hazel and Jack Crago Colleagues Honor Long Time Firefighter Telephone 987-4201 The Crago's have a new little neighbour. Cory David, son of Julie and Joe Burns arrived on November 27, 1984. We extend to him a warm welcome. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murphy, Mrs. Bessie Dean and Mrs. Kathleen Kimball attended the 20th wedding anniversary celebration celebration in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lee of Cam- bray. Last Monday, Mrs. Dorothy Branch entertained the ladies of the Euchre Club. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Metrail- ler, Alex and Laura, of Hamilton, Hamilton, were weekend visitors with the John Metrailler family. Mrs. Doris White, Toronto, was a weekend guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Buckley. Last Wednesday, Mrs. Thelma Gilbank, Betty Blaker and Madeleine Buckley attended attended the Retired Teachers' Luncheon at Pickering United Church. Guest speaker was Mrs. Wes Down who showed pictures of New Zealand and Australia. Mrs, D. Coulter, Downs- view, was a Saturday overnight overnight guest of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crago. On Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wade and Mrs. Kathleen Kathleen Kimball were among the many who attended the Rebekah Bazaar in Orono. Mrs. Gertrude Gray and Mrs. Frances Wright remain patients in Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. We welcome Mrs. Helen Hobbs to Mill Street South, from her Sunset residence. Also Mrs. MacDonald, who has moved from Church Street to the Mill Street home, formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Harris are living with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson of Oshawa, prior to moving to a Bowmanville apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pearce enjoyed Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pearce, Vicki and Kirk, Bethany. Kirk was celebrating his twelfth birthday. Birthday greetings to Helen Harris, Douglas Rowe, Jacqueline Whyte, Rev. Thomas Smith and Lena Graham. To Mr. and Mrs. Newton Selby, who celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary on Dec. 11, we extend congratulations and best wishes! Cpl. and Mrs. Gary Naylor and family, Trenton, were Sunday visitors with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Naylor. Mr. and Mrs. Nico de Jonge, Jennifer and Lesle, Whitby, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Paterson. Mrs. Pauline Storks attended attended a Ganaraska Task Force Meeting in Port Hope last Wednesday. Miss Candy Storks departed on Wednesday for Nova Scotia where she begins her work at Kentville on Monday. All the best in your new position, Candy! Noticed the fire truck leaving leaving Buster's on Sunday. Hope the damage was minimal. Mrs. Charles Brereton, Port Hope, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hunt and Russell, of Pontypool, Miss Judy Powell, Bowmanville Bowmanville and Mr. Douglas Wright were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Powell. Rev. R. C. White and his son-in-law, Oshawa, were Sunday callers at Mr. Sidney Lancaster's. On Saturday, December 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Powell attended the wedding of her cousin, Mr. Paul Mcllroy and Sue Hessel of Kingston. Newcastle Horticultural Christmas Show At Newcastle United Church Sunday School Hall on Tuesday Tuesday evening, November 27, the Newcastle Horticultural Society held its Christmas Show and Pot Luck Supper. After a bounteous meal, President Wylma Allin conducted conducted the business, during which a surprised Jean Rickard was presented with a service certificate award. Mrs; Helen Hobbs and Margery Freethy were chosen for a nominating committee. Jean Rickard introduced the guest speaker, Joan Hill, whose slide presentation and commentary on her trip to the Orient were exceptional. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Slute of Bowmanville were show judges and prizes were awarded awarded as follows: Patrick G. Deegan DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 5 GEORGE STREET BOWMANVILLE 623-4473 or 263-2026 ■iMJhiiunim Section A Class 1 - Christmas Christmas Corsage 1st Margery Freethy, 2nd Jean Rickard, 3rd Betty Blaker. Class 2 Christmas Dinner, a table arrangement - 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Marjorie Caswell,, Caswell,, 3rd Margery Freethy. Class 3 Miniature Christmas Tree - 1st Vicki Lesnick, 2nd Jean Rickard, 3rd Marjorie Caswell. Class 4 A Welcome Christmas Christmas Door - 1st Margery Caswell, 2nd Jean Rickard. Class 5 Christmas Delight, arrangement in goblet - 1st Margery Freethy, 2nd Betty Blaker, 3rd Marjorie Caswell. Class 6 a Christmas Gift - 1st Margery Freethy, 2nd Vicki Lesnick, 3rd Betty Blaker. Class 7 A Christmas Table Favour or Place Card - 1st Jean Rickard, 2nd Donna Morrow. The slides and prints from the adult photography classes will be judged, and returned at the January 22nd meeting at the Newcastle Community Hall. Mrs. Narda HoogKamp, Junior Leader, submitted these results and remarks. On November 27,1984, at the Annual Pot Luck Supper and Christmas Show, we were very pleased with the Junior exhibits. There were 37 entries, with the following winners: 1. Christmas Card - 1st Diane Stephenson, 2nd Stephanie Miller, 3rd Lisa Marie Wright, 4th Julie Coburn. 2. Corsage - 1st Darren Morrow, 2nd Casey De Plaa, 3rd Stephanie Miller, 4th Sherry Lee Wright. 3. Table Centre - 1st Natalie Wicha, 2nd Debra Kelleher, 3rd Sherry Lee Wright. 4. Place Card - 1st Jason Coburn, 2nd Casey De Plaa, 3rd Diane Stpehenson, 4th Debra Kelleher. Darren Morrow entered the photographic section and had some very nice pictures. Congratulations to you all. Have a happy Christmas. Best wishes for the New Year and Good Gardening! United Church News On Sunday, December 2nd, at Newcastle United Church, the flowers gracing the Fire Report A Bowmanville home sustained sustained damages estimated at $10,000 after a chimney fire spread into floor joists. The Newcastle Fire Department Department reports that the blaze occurred shortly before before three p.m. on Friday, November 16. The 106 Parkway Ave. house was owned by J.L.. Bechamp. Damages were estimated at $8,000 to the building and $2,000 to contents. chancel were in memory of Mr. Robert Lawrence. The choir, directed by Mrs. Stella Morton, sang, What Is This Lovely Fragrance? Interim minister, Rev. Donald Tansley, preached the sermon, Will You be Ready for Christmas, to love mercy, based on Chapter six, verse six of Hosea. For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings. Next Sunday, Dec. 9 is White Gift Sunday. Filling five or six hampers for local needy families is the goal. Following •F" SAVE OVER 20% (BRASS FINISH) XABU FLOOR OR SWAG LAMP ALL TRI-LIGHT ABC NOW 69. 85 69." 99." REG. 89. 00 89. 00 1 25. 00 Oshawa Centre Lower Level 728-0922 UlttfFING DNUMITEB The Unlimited Lighting Store the service, rehearsal for the December 16 evening Christmas Concert will be held. The Trillium Unit meets Thursday, Dec. 6, at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Bowmanville. The Sunshine Unit meets on Dec. 10 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. Maurice Pedwell. Cookies for the shut-ins may be delivered to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allin, 58 North Street by December 11. Help for Dec. 12th delivery will be appreciated. Bill Couch is seen here accepting an award for 32 years of service to the community as a fireman in Newcastle. Mr. Couch received a certificate from Town of Newcastle Mayor Garnet Rickard, and a plaque from District Chief Sam Brereton. Seated behind the recipient is his father, Harold Couch, who was also a fireman for many years. Hey Kids!! Come and Visit Santa Claus in his new "Santa Cottage" on , Dec. 8-15-22 in the /: :> foyer of the Veltri Complex KING STREET EAST -- BOWMANVILLE Santa will be there from 10 a.m. until 12 Noon, and again from 2 until 4 p.m. FREE!! Pictures of your child with Santa Claus. Candy Canes for the Kiddies! Sponsored by /--\ ) 0 Ü -- n -- o o □ -- T|B MM fflfpl Œ BOWMANVILLE BUSINESS CENTRE wmtmmtmmammmmmm a Where People Care"