I The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, December 12.1984 11 Blackstock Area News by Joyce Kelly ONE PRICE ALL SIZES NO CONFUSION AT A&P! HEINZ, FANCY Tomato Juice I 48 FL OZ TIN .89 (Liriit 3 per family purchase) SMILES & CHUCKES, DARK OR MILK Chocolate Turtles 400 g BOX 3.99 (Feature price 4.99 without coupon) *SAVE 4.80 PER TURKEY 'CALCULATION BASED ON A 12 LB TURKEY GRADE 'A', FROZEN, EVISCERATED, A&P SELF-BASTING, MAPLE LEAF MIRACLE BASTE OR SWIFT PREMIUM DEEP-BASTED Butterball Turkeys 3.28/1.49 Reynold's Wrap Aluminum Foil 18 inch x 25 foot roll-1.99 SUPER BUY! lb You'll do better at FULLY SKINLESS, 14 TO 17 LB AVERAGE Swift Premium Whole Hams at A&P! SAVE 2.50 3 M /1 79 REGULAR OR DIET 7 UP Case of 24 (750 mL btl .49-plus .30 btl deposit) 280 ml TINS 5.49 lb SAVE 1.10/kg-.50 2 RIB EtjoS, 2 LOIN ENDS, 4 CENTRE CUT CHOPS Loin Pork Chops 179 SAVE 2.65/kg-1.20 îïïIT» CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF Rib Steaks S' 095 U ■„ i SAVE 1.32/kg-. OUTSIDE CUT, EYE REMOVED Boneless Round Roast WESTVALE, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED SAVE .30 Raspberry Juice 25 ,in mL MCCAIN, FROZEN, CONCENTRATED SAVE .50 12.5 11 oz ' tin SAVE UP TO .50 twin pack of 2 1 IQ 8 oz tubs I ■ I 3 a«vt .ju 1.09 SAVE .50 1.29 lb 8 57 /3 89 6 59 /2" Orange Juice IMPERIAL, REGULAR & DIET Soft Margarine OLD LONDON, ASSORTED VARIETIES SAVE .80 Melba Toast 4 1 9 1.99 SAVE. 439/199 / kg/ I lb 4"/2 19 lb SWIFTj PREMIUM Half Hams Halil Quarters MAPLE LEAljoR SWIFT Sugar flum Hams Hahies 7 2 f/3 29 MAPLE LEAF OR SWIFT SUGAR PLUM Dinned Hams 81 g /3 69 MAPLE LEAF Country Kitchen Hams10S/4 6 ® OLDE^FASHONED Schneider's Hams 11"/4 99 SIRLOIN Tit RUMP OR INSIDE CUT ROUND Beef boasts FRESH PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SLICED Beef Liver 2™/ b .99 RIB OR 3 TO 3'/ 2 LB TENDERLOIN PORTION Pork Loin Roasts 3 9 g/1 79 ROAST OR CHOPS (BONELESS 6.59/kg-2.99 lb) Pork Loincentmcu. 5ÏÏ/2 FROZEN, CONCENTRATED (MOTT'S APPLE JUICE ,99-SAVE .40) Welch's Grape Juice 12 FL OZ TIN .99 450 g 1 CQ vac pac liUU ICentre Cut PORK LOIN RIB PORTION (COUNTRY STYLE) 149 lb tray ^39 j] 99 99 lb 4»!/1 5001 2.29 vac pac Lean i Boneless 725 /Q29 I Ikg/O. lb Ground Beef 4? 9 /1 99 Spare Ribs A&P, SLICED Side Bacon SWEET PICKLED Sliced Back Bacon 5^/2^ TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED Cottage Rolls 4?®/! 99 SWIFT'S OLD MILL Breakfast Sausage 3"/1 69 Swift Wieners CANADIAN QUEEN, PURE PORK Sausages P a=k-t, k g/i , b CANADIAN QUEEN, SLICED, 5 VAR INCL MAC & CHEESE Cooked Meats vL 7 ^ 1.89 SHOPSY, ALL BEEF Old Vienna Sausage^ 9 2.79 . SHOPSY, PEPPERONI, REGULAR OR ALL BEEF SALAMI, POLISH SAUSAGE Double Deli Sticks 2 pk° g 9 1.99 ALL BEEF Shopsy Sausages 5 P 0 k° g 9 2.79 SIENNA, CAPOCOLLO OR Pepper Butts 5"/2 s ® SIENNA Italian Pepperoni 6? 9 /2 99 ORANGE DRINK Honey Dew SWISS SPUN, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Delisle Yogourt DESSERT, REFRIGERATED Nutrifil Topping ASTRO, IN THE DAIRY CASE Cottage Cheese CHERRY, CHOCOLATE CHIP OR SUGAR Pillsbury Cookies 64 II 02 cont SAVE .50 1.99 SAVE .86 1kg 0 AQ ctn LitU SAVE .16 500 g 1 on ctn I iU«) SAVE .26 500 9 1 7Q ctn I a « 3 SAVE .50 "?„ 9 1.69 i csa>y ■ WITH THIS COUPON SAVE 1. Deli Shop Available al most stores) BRANDT'S I Black e Bakeshop (Available at most stores) 1 SMILES & .CHUCKLES, DARK OR MILK I Chocolate i Turtles I Limit ono box per coupon. VALID UNTIL DEC. 15th, 1904. ■ (Feature price 4.99 without coupon.) V.C. | 400 g box 3.99 BiacK 101 /I|59 Pp E ™ hda " Forest Ham l„„ n /4 , j,f e can cuodcv'c eoDUirn Dcrc onnut, FRESH SHOPSY'S CORNED BEEF ROUND OR Pastrami Eye .99»„/4" white SCHNEIDER'S, MEDIUM De-norl Roast Beef ft' /6 3 S Bread 624 g Sl26 2,29 & 12? 3 /5= 5 FRESH DAILY FRESH 454 g loaf 00 Ocean Perch I <¥)))' I WITH THIS COUPON I AA, CORD SIZE (9 volt pkg oM) I Energizer i Batteries l * s °' SAVE .50 1.99 I Fillets "ÿOS /^119 I Limit ono pkg per coupon. VALID UNTIL DEC. 15th, 1984. I M / ■ ** « (Feature price 2.49 without coupon.) V.C. ' ■ /kg / V lb |_ I SAVE .50 ASSORTED VARIETIES INCL BUGLES & WHISTLES General Mills SAVE .50 SAVE 1. E .40 Snacks 150 g pkg FBI, GABLE TOP Pure Apple Juice 48 II 02 ctn PROCESS CHEESE SLICES Kraft Singles 500 g pkg 0116 . WITH THIS COUPON^^*^ ES«1J I FRITO LAY, ASSORTED VARIETIES I Lays or Ruffles l Potato Chips " | Llmll ono pkg per coupon. VALID UNTIL DEC. 15lh, 19B4. I | (Fonlurn price 1.39 wllhoul coupon.) V.C. I Thirty people, cast members and their spouses enjoyed a video review party for Yams To Spin at the home of Beth and Larry Schryburt on Friday evening. After watching themselves on film everyone sang their hearts out with Dale Davis playing Christmas carols on the piano. A pot-luck buffet supper brought an end to a most delightful evening. Lisa Duchemin and Vicki Schryburt attended an eight week babysitting babysitting course in Oshawa at the Y.W.C.A. Lisa achieved a high score of 93 per cent and Vicki 82 per cent at the end of the course. Congratulations, girls! The afternoon unit of Blackstock UCW met at the home of Aileen Byers on Tuesday, December 4th. After a lovely dessert and tea, Jean Adams welcomed everyone present. Grace Hall read a portion of John 13 to introduce a story from The Star that showed the way. Business included plans for cookies for the Candlelight Service, December 20, and White Gift Sunday on the 16th. Next meeting will be January 9th. The afternoon afternoon was concluded with a program of readings, duets and music from all members. On Sunday, Rev. and Mrs. Dale Davis celebrated the Davis- Everest Christmas at the home of their daughter and son-in-law Janine and Ron Perry of Pickering. Cartwright Venture Company will provide Daycare for Christmas shoppers on December 15 and 22, from 10:30 to 5:00 for children 5 years and up. Bring your own lunches, but a treat will be provided. There is no cost but donations will be appreciated. If anyone has a problem problem with a gift -- how about a Cartwright History Book -- either the Agricultural Society blue book that gives the NESTLETON- CAESAREA Court Lady Snowbird L1930 A small but dedicated group of Court Lady Snowbird members met at the home of Ann Lee for their annual Christmas Christmas dinner and gift exchange. exchange. Members enjoyed enjoyed chicken, salads and rolls. Ann made a delicious lemon and fresh fruit parfait for dessert and Dorothy Lee added cake and squares. A short meeting followed with correspondence including including thank you notes from Nancy Green, Joy Werry and Sheryl Potter who had received typing awards at the Cartwright High commencement. A $100 donation is to be sent to the Paul Ouderkirk Fund. Paul is a five year old boy from Bowmanville who is being being treated for Leukemia at the Sick Children's Hospital in Toronto. Nestlcton United Church On Sunday, December 9, 11:15 a.m., a smaller congregation than usual. Greeting at the door were Arthur and Barb Weir, Ken and David. Rev. Dale Davis presented a splendid message based on Scripture Scripture from Samuel and Luke- entitled "Let it be to me ... and to you." A four part choir sang a Christmas carol. Elaine Barber presented the Advent Advent story to the Sunday School and lit the second Advent candle. Jean Williams and Ken Weir assisted in the nursery. Elaine closed the service while our minister talked to the Sunday School downstairs, anecdotes about early Cartwright or Doreen Van Camp's history. If interested in either, I still have a supply here. On Friday noon, several local folk enjoyed enjoyed the Annual Guernsey Guernsey Club Christmas meeting held at Rock Haven, Peterborough. Shelley Holliday is once again the Guernsey Dairy Princess. Congratulations, Congratulations, Shelley. The Annual Holstein Club Banquet and Dance was held on Friday evening evening at the Blackstock Rec Centre. At the weekly euchre party there were nine tables with the following card sharks emerging victorious: 1. Gladys Potts- 91; 2. James Emerton- 87; 3. Marion Bell- 85; 4. Ann Taylor- 84; 5. Frank Bailey- 78; Les Taylor- 77; Betsy Staniland- Low. Draws were won by James Emerton, Ella Venning and Edna Larmer. On Monday, the Senior Citizen Club enjoyed their Christmas dinner catered by Wilma Van Camp and Jackie James. Eighteen members were present and enjoyed the exchanging of gifts and several draws. The Christmas Euchre will be held on December 11th. A good time was had by all who attended the dinner, . On Wednesday, December 5, the Blackstock W.I. met in the Town Hall for the annual annual Pot-luck dinner. "Guests were 4-H leaders Barbara Byers and Gail Johns, Mrs. Hoogeveen who keeps the Memorial Park looking so nice, and Beth Schryburt who intends intends to join. After a bountiful dinner mystery sister gifts were exchanged. The meeting opened with the Ode and then the Mary Stewart Collect. The program was mostly mostly Christmasy. Rhoda Strong gave a history of the Poinsetta and growing growing tips. Lois Luke read a poem about Christmas Eve. Lisa Kristensen gave a reading on yesteryear when children were young. Little Little Things Mean A Lot, a humorous reading on marital bliss and arguments was presented by Flora Samells. Christmas contests, provincial quiz and a humour skit were other parts of the program. After singing Christmas carols, the collection was taken up and sent to the Bowmanville Bowmanville Salvation Army. Meeting was closed with O Canada. The High School Girl's Basketball team competed competed in all-Ontario championship in Guelph. Mrs. Brenda Bryant and Mrs. Elaine Bailey accompanied accompanied the girls along with Mr. Eric Fletcher Fletcher -- they were in a competitive section of the tournament having lost the first game to Seaforth who won the Consolation Trophy and the second to Action which ended up in the finals. Congratulations to the girls who played very well. Sympathy is extended to Doris and Percy Swain and family on the passing passing of her brother Mr. Keith Stinson of Yelverton. Glad to report that Mr. Lome Hoskin has returned returned from Oshawa Hospital where he spent several days after a farm accident. accident. A speedy recovery is wished for Debbie Vine who is in Toronto General Hospital following following a çar accident last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mahaffy attended the Carr-Flett wedding in Richmond Hill on Friday afternoon and evening.