l Phone 623-3303 Articles for Sale AVOCADO fridge and stove $300 for pair, stand up freezer, needs recharging $50, Avocado Inglis gas dryer converted to propane $100. One set of metal bunks $10, % metal bed $30. Suitable for cottage or hunting camp. Double garage door $150. Phone after 6 p.m. 623-1685. 50-1S '81 YAMAHA SRX - with cover. Excellent condition $2,200 or best offer. Fibrobec 3 truck cap, sliding windows front and side $500. Sheffield 5 h.p. garden tiller, excellent condition, well looked after $300. Phone 623-1348. 50-2S FULL-SIZE white aluminum truck cap, 25" high, windows front and back. In excellent shape. $150. Phone 263-2719. 50-1SN PORTABLE Farmhand mix mill, 16" hammermill with magnet. 10' discharge auger with bagger attachment. 7' feed auger. In good shape. Asking $1500. Phone 263-2719. 50-2SN BALED oat and wheat straw. $1.50 per bale. Phone 263-2719. 50-4SN BICYCLE, girls, age 5-10 years. Blue, used six times, $50. Phone 623-5610. 50-1SN SKI boots, cross country, Tyrol size 4, like new $15. Phone 623-5610. 50-1SN FIGURE skates, girls size 6, boot-wifa, blades - silver test and Sheffield steel. $20. Phone 623-5610. 50-1SN KENMORE vacuum with beater bar. Good condition $110. Set of butterflies $15, various designs. Phone 623- 2541. 50-1S EUROPEAN wood stove, red enamel, 1000 BTU, lift bonnet, glass front, value $500, sacrifice $350. Living room set, French Provincial couch, chair, coffee table and 2 end tables $350. Phone 623-6158. 50-1S $ SUPER year-end prices $ Surplus inventory by Quonset building manufacturer being sold at LOWEST possible prices. Won't be undersold. No gimmicks. Serious only phone (416) 221-7353. 5Q-1SN HOME video catalogue. Phone toll free 1-800-663-6555 or write for free catalogue On Track Vision, 13381 72nd Ave., Surrey, B.C. V3W 2N5. Major credit cards accepted. 50-1SN AUDIO Research stereo speakers. 3 way with 12" polypropolene woofer. Mint condition. Only 1 year old. Paid $400. Must sell. $240. Phone Dave at 623-4907. 50-1S ONE Enterprise cook stove, 6 plate with oven, water reservoir and warming closet. $90. Phone 623-4289. 50-1S ONE long leather coat, dark brown with fur collar, size 12. Wedding dress, brand new, ivory, size 13. Phone 623-4676. i 50-1SN Wanted to Buy LOOKING for furniture or appliances? Visit Cherney's Furniture World, 1650 Dundas St. E., Whitby, and ask for Gord Carnegie of Bowman- ville to show you around their beautiful showroom. 33-tfSN ONE VIC 20 computer and datasette $65. Four game cartridges $10 each. Will sell all together or separately. Phone after 4:00p.m. 623-2809. 50-1S FRESH or frozen chickens, turkeys for the freezer, for more information. Phone 263- 8841. No Sunday sales. 49-2S PRESTON oil furnace in good working order, 165,000 BTU. Best offer. 786-2929 after 6 p.m. 49-2SN Bowmanville Mall FLEA MARKET Kina St. E. c OPEN EVERY SUNDAY WANTED for Christmas. Doll carriage, must be in good condition. Phone 579-8113 or 263-2663. 50-IS ATTENTION : Bush Lot Owners. Giant Timber Industries Limited pays top dollars for standing softwood timber. (416) 832-2958; (613) 332-2218 Evenings; (705) 526- 3386 Evenings. 50-1SN Vacations CANADIAN travellers to Florida rooms available, Lake-View Inn. Junction 1-75 and 25W, Exit 134. Caryville, Tenn. Triple AAA approved, for reservations/information 1-800-431-6887. 50-1SN Dead Stock 623-3632 31-IIS FREE REMOVAL OF FRESH DEAD and DISABLED FARM STOCK $5.00 Charge on Sheep-Goals-Pigs $20.00 Charge on Rotten Animals CALL MARGWILL FUR FARM Hampton 263-2721 Port Hope 885-5274 47-tfS Wanted to Buy PADDY'S MARKET Is looking (or fridges, sloves, washers and dryers (or parts rostornlion. We also handle sales and service. 263-8369 18-lfSN Cars, Trucks, Tractors, Motorcyles Snowmobiles For Wrecking Purposes SMALL SCRAP METALS HIGHEST PRICE PAID FREE PICK-UP ACKERMAN AUTO WRECKERS Yard 623-5756 Residence 623-71 12 G I-IIS Classified Deadline -- Monday 4:30 p.m. Phone 623-3303 Cars for Sale OFFICE desk, credenza and two chairs. Phone 623-3933. 50-1S 26" ZENITH color T.V. console. Very good condition $200. Phone 623-7104. 50-1SN GREY Persian Lamb coat, excellent condition. Best offer. Phone 623-1707. 50-1S COLECO Cabbage Patch dolls. Phone 623-3368. 50-1 SN TWO men's winter jackets like new, sizes 42, 44. Reasonable. Phone 623-3661. 50-15 ONE long leather coat, dark brown with fur collar, size 12. Wedding dress, brand new, ivory, size 13. Phone 623-4676. 50-1SN SNAKE Mountain play set, unopened in box. New, complete with microphone $25. 623-3773. 50-1 SN 6' x 12' TANDUM trailer with 4 ft. sides. Excellent conditidn. Phone 623-9436. 50-1S ORIGINAL Cabbage Patch girl. Make an offer. Phone 983- 5679. 50-2SN TWO box trailers for sale. One complete front end and both bumpers and left side doors for 1977. Nova. Phone 983-9280. 50-1 SN GIVE a gift that finds money! Fun and profit for young and old begins with a Garrett Metal Detector! For free buyer's guide or nearest dealer contact: Canadian Metal Locators, R.R. 5, Waterford, NOE 1Y0. (519) 443- 5193. 50-1SN USED and out-of-print books. Enquiries invited and answered. Andor House Books. Elora St. W. Box 235, Teeswater, Ontario NOG 2S0. 50-1SN IMMEDIATE delivery on hockey jerseys $10.00 up. Buy direct from the factory and save! Peter Upton Jacket Works. Phone toll free 1-800- 661-6461 for your free catalogue. 50-1SN BLACK and Decker radial arm saw. 10". $400. Phone 983- 9219.■ 50-1S ONE steel bed and mattress in good condition. Reasonable. Phone 623-6942. 50-IS DRY apple wood for sale. $45 a face cord. Phone 623-2996. 48-5S POTATOES - red or white, onions and carrots. Will deliver. Joe Bouma. Please phone 623-2847. 46-tfSN For Rent Help Wanted Notices GRAHAM'S GARAGE Haydon 263-8172 Preserve the old. Protect the new. (oil type) UNDERSPRAY Phone for an appointment. 50-1SN '73 VOLVO, good motor, new tires, as is. $250 or best offer. Phone 987-4589. 50-1 SN '73 OLDSMOBILE, 4 door, Royale, 455 engine, well maintained. Phone 987-4242. 50-1SN '72 COUGAR, as is, $200 or best offer. Phone 623-1710 after 4 p.m. 50-1S '79 PONTIAC LeMans Safari Wagon. 301, V8, air, AM/FM, cloth, P.S., P.B., great condition, 99,000 km, certified. $4600 firm. Phone 623-1308. 50-1SN 1977 HONDA Accord 5 spd. Good condition. $2300. Phone 987-4586. 50-1 SN '72 VW bug $200. Phone 983- 9219. ■ 50-1S '66 CHRYSLER Newport, new tires, new AM/FM cassette. Needs boby work. $500. Phone 797-2443. 50-1P '78 PONTIAC Phoenix, V6, automatic, P.B., P.S., 4 door, brown, radio, certified. $2500. Phone 983-9204. 50-1SN '81 ACADIAN four door hatchback. Excellent condition, 60,000 miles, power brakes, four new tires. Will SMALL one bedroom apartment upstairs. Heat and water included. Phone 623- 2624. 50-1S TWO bedroom apartment, hydro included, available immediately. Prefer a couple with one child. First and last rent. Phone after 5 p.m. 983- 5527. 50-1SN ENNISKILLEN 1 and 2 bedroom apartment, available January 1st, $275 and $315 per month plus hydro, first and last. Phone 263-2517 evenings. 50-1 SN STORAGE SPACE Boat ■ Car- Furniture, etc. Wellington & Scugog Sts. Reasonable Rates By the month. 623-4622 or 623-5828 45-tfS MINI STORAGE UNITS from $35. per month 623-2510 38-tfSN HELP WANTED Applications will be received until December 20th, 1984, for the position of Manager for the Durham Central Agricultural Society. Duties include occasional work during the year and arranging Fair events as directed by the Board. Apply in own hand writing to Don Welsh R.R. 4, Bowmanville Telephone 263-2325 If further Information Is required. 49-2S IN CAREERS 1 YEAR OR LESS FINANCIAL AID MAY BE AVAILABLE Full Programs In: 'Microcomputer Operator Programmer Technician (Electronics) 'Accounting 'Secretarial Legal Medical Administrative 'Word Processing 'Health Care Aide 'New Home Study Programs CLASSES NOW FORMING ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLEGE Wanted to Rent 576-9175 54A Centre St. N„ Oshawa 50-1SN ONE bedroom apartment for January 1, 1985 in Bowmanville by a responsible middle aged couple. Phone 623-1745. 50-35 T.V. technician required for expanding store in Cobourg. Salary open and commission. Apply to Box 1197, c/o The Independent, 206 Division St., Cobourg, Ont. K9A3P7. 50-1S HOUSEKEEPER/babysitter. Earn Extra Income Sell Brand Name Products Part-time Microwaves, VCR's, T.V.'s, Luggage and much more. Phone 786-2774 between 6 p.m. • 9 p.m. for information 50-1N Need ambitious person Immediately to tralnfor Assistant Manager Car necessary. For interview phone 723-3412 50-2SN HAIRSTYLIST wanted to manage a salon in Bowmanville. Also stylist. Send resumes to Artistic Hair Salon, 26VÏ King St. E„ Unit 8, Oshawa. L1H 1A9. 50-2SN MATURE help for cleaning of private homes, must be bondable, references required, car essential. Phone 433-1462. 49-2S BOWMANVILLE JAYCETTES "Buckle Up Baby" Programme Wishes all our supporters Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Reservations: For rental of infant car seat Phone Chairman Phyllis Vanegmond 623-2040 Monday to Friday Membership to Jaycettes is open to all young women 18-40 years. Monthly meeting: Third Monday evening. Phone Michelle Chappel, President 623-4299 50-1 SN Work Wanted Accommodation NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS ALL claims against the Estate of Eugene Everett Sewell, late of the Town of Bowmanville, in the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the 15th day of August, 1984, must be filed with the undersigned personal representatives on or before the 4th day of February, 1985; thereafter the undersigned will distribute the assets of the said Estate of Eugene Everett Sewell having regard only to the claims then filed. DATED the 28th day of November, 1984. VINCENT HICKEY 703 Harriet Street Whitby, Ontario by his solicitors, CROTIN, PALTER, Barristers and Solicitors, 219 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 1C5. 50-3S Port Hope and Hope Township Community Care Lucky Draw winners: 1st prize - Mrs. Shirley Harrison, Port Hope. 2nd prize - Mrs. Evelyn Jeffries) Welcome. Lie. no. 441544. 50-1P "TRUMPET OF TRIUMPH" A monthly Periodical GORD SIMPSON Phone 983-5808 Orono, Ontario Painting Paperhanging Carpentry Remodelling General Repairs Interior Exterior 14-tlS Anyone with a municipal problem, who is having difficulty difficulty contacting Councillor Ann Cowman at her home phone, 576-0157, is advised to call 576-2220, day or night, and leave their name and phone number. Mrs. Cowman will contact them. 50-1SN Lynda Nesbitt (formerly of Artistic) welcomes all of her clients to her new location. Guys'n' Gals Shear Magic 28 Division St. Bowmanville 623-1341 You Only Have to Burn Once Have your chimney cleaned. Phone Doc Chimney 623-7984 50-tfSN REYNOLDS UPHOLSTERING Modern, Traditional and Antique Free pickup and delivery. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 571-1498 25 ColborneSt. W., Oshawa, Ont. 37-tfSN • ou- i o ----v , ' | ■ r wuj h ci vi jesub unrisT. doctor's large home in Place to room and board, Receive your free Livestock For Sale Wanted TRUCKING careers Job Good salary and own o2 Wm ?o n -, v i l ! e ,- High Sch ° o1 - Publications International, training and placement hefp? apartment. Phone 571-2986 Phone623-4475. 50-1S 469 Eglinton Avenue Wes!,' RIDE needed from 126 Martin Rd., Bowmanville to King and Park Sts., Oshawa 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Phone 623-7803. 50-1SN RIDE needed from Bowmanville to Ajax for 8 a.m. or Oshawa for 7:30 a.m. Phone after 6 p.m. 623-1577. 49-2S Cambridge (519) 623-2430, Toronto (416) 251-9073. 50-1SN FREE 128 Page Career Guide describes 200,correspondence Diploma Courses. Start on your new career today. Granton Institute (Dept. 5A) 263 Adelaide Street West Toronto. 1-800-268-1121. Snowmobiles Notices CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC NOTICE Commencing December 7th, 1984, the following telephone numbers will be in effect for use during the 1984/85 Winter Season: Normal Hours: 7:00 a.m. ■ 3:30 p.m. ■ Monday ■ Friday Djv s on 1: Darlington Area 263-2292 Division 2: Bowmanville 623-3391 Division 3: Clarke Township, including Orono and Newcastle Village 983-9178 If NO ANSWER at Divisions 2 or 3, call Division 1 at 263-2292 After Hours and Weekends: All Areas Answering/Relay Service 623-3391 In case of concern or emergency relative to road maintenance or conditions, please call the applicable telephone number. E ÿ R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., > Director of Public Works. •••■ Town of Newcastle, Hampton, Ontario December 12,1984 LOB 1 JO. 50-1S 75 340 SKI-DOO. $550. 623- 9572, \50-1 SN 75 POLARIS Colt SS250 twin, new seat and cover, good condition. $550 or best offer. Phone 571-0216 after 5:30p.m. 50-1SN 76 SKI-DOO Olympic 340, excellent condition. Like new track and runners $800 or best offer. Phone 623-6653 after 5 P- m - 50-IS 75 FORD half-ton, P.S., P.B., automatic transmission, new brakes, no rust. $850 or best offer. 263-8079. 50-1SN 77 CHEV. pickup with cap, fold down seat, H.D. springs, C.B., requires body work, $1200 as is. Ask for Sylvi 983- 9378. 50-.1SN Come visit us at Ontario Hydro's Darlington Generating Station Information Centre. Films, presentations on nuclear energy and site tours available tree of charge. Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday to Friday Groups may book other times. Located on the south service road inside the site gates. Phone 623-7122 LOOKIN'GOOD IN WOOD 25 RHODE Island Red Pullets. $5.50 a piece. Phone 623-7037. 50-1S Work Wanted We make: tables • wall units • dressers - vanities - doors - stairs - etc. to your specifications. For all custom made woodwork Phone Gerry Lens fora free estimate at GERRY'S WOOD MILL 623-2371 27-tfSi. 37-tfSN Pets Employment Wanted CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Christmas Season Garbage Collection Services for the Urban Area of Bowmanville Please be advised that there will be NO Garbage Collection Service during the week of December 23rd to 28th, 1984, inclusive. Normal Garbage Collection Service will resume the week of December 31st to January 4th, with the exception of New Year's Day. Garbage normally collected on that day (Tuesday) will be collected the following day Wednesday, January 2nd, 1985. Therefore the following schedule will apply: Monday, December 23rd to Friday, December 28th - No Collection Monday, December 31 si - Collection as usual Tuesday, January 1 si - No Collection Will be collected Wednesday, January 2nd. Wednesday, January 2nd to Friday, January 4th - Collection as usual Newspapers for recycling will be collected in accordance with tire above schedule. Please have all garbage placed at curbside by 7:00 a.m. Please direct any enquiries you may have to lire Public Works Cilice at 263-2231. R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. EXPERIENCED ECE teacher offers daycare program in her home. Phone 623-1739. 49-25 N MOTHER with daycare experience will babysit in her home. Warm meals and field trips included. Phone 786-2184. 50-IN CHILD care in my home. Any age welcome. Full or part weekdays. 623-6118. 49-35 Lynda's Housecleaning Service Cleaning of Residential Homes Established since 1975 Bonded 433-1462 48-tfS LABRADOR Retriever puppies, black, female, 14 weeks old, champion parents, CKC reg'd., fully guaranteed. $325. 786-2334. 50-1SNP AMERICAN Cocker Spaniels, registered, mother blonde/white, father blonde, champion. Females $275, males $250. After 5,623-1237. 50-2SN BIRDS. Baby Cockatiels, Budgies, Zebra Finches. All colors, cages, feed, etc. After 5 p.m. Crozier Aviaries, Orono. 983-9311. 41-tfS Terribrae Kennels Registered Grooming of Terriers, Poodles and most breeds. Now Open New modern boarding facilities-all breed. Reasonable rates. Phone 623-1104 47-tfSN BLUE-Point Siamese kittens. Special Christmas price $75. Only two left. Also Seal-Point stud service. Boarding with loving care. Phone 987-4281. 50-2SN MALE and female young canaries. Also cages. Phone after 6, 623-4543. 50-1SN Mangden Dog Training Beginners and Show Handling Starts January 8th Ruth Miller 263-2339 50-4SN KITTENS looking for good homes. 7 weeksold. Phone 623- 4526. 50-1SN PROFESSIONAL all breed grooming, boarding, training. Labwell Kennels. Phone 786- 2334. 48-tfSNP RAM'S AILOR SHOP Alterations & Tailoring Open 9 -- 6 Closed Wednesday Saturday 9 --3 623-5011 33-usNP STEAM MAGIC Carpet, Upholstery and Wall Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES Call Roy Terry 623-2474 39-tlSN Quotations Dnlo ol Publication Doc.12,19,1984 50-2S .- --corporation of the town of NEWCASTLE SALE BY QUOTATION 0 _. 1964G.M.C. FIRE PUMPER SEALED QUOTATIONS, for offers lo purchase the vehicle specified below are invited and will be received In the envelope provided by the undersigned until the closing lime and dale. ONE (1) ONLY USED 1964 G.M.C. FIRE PUMPER -KingSeagrave - 8 Cylinder, 348 C.I., Gas Engine - Hale 2 stage pump, 625 G.P.M. - 500 Gallon water tank, c/w booster hose reel Bid forms consisting ol all terms and conditions of sale are available at the Purchasing Office, 152 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C1T6. Reference File: Quotation No. SD84-3 Closing Time and Date: 4:00 p.m. (Local Time), « , Thursday, December 20,1984 A Bid Deposit" In the amount ol 10% of the offer must accompany each bid submission. Tho highest or any quotation not necessarily accepted. Tender December 12, 1984 Mr. D.M. Homonluk, P.P, Purchasing and Supply Agent (416) 623-3379 Ext, 67 50-1S A Durham Regional Housing Authority an agent for the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Invite sealed lenders lor Interior Cycle and Move-out Painting Reference: Dur. T.S. • 02/85 Various sites Tenders will be received for the above until 11 a.m. on Erl., Jan. 4th, 1985 by the Durham Regional Housing Authority 50 Centre SI. S, 4th Floor Rundle Tower City Hall Oshawa, Ont. L1H3Z7 c/o the Housing Manager from whom details and specifications may be oblalncd or phono 725- 3552 quoting reference number as above. Tho lowest or any tender nol necessarily accepted. 50-1SN ^ DUAL ACTION""™ * CARPET STEAM CLEANING ONLY $45 Dining Room and Living Room Plus Hallway C&J Services Call Collect 623-2095 anytime 7-tlSNP WHITE'S INSULATION Specialists in BLOWN INSULATION Government C.H.I.P program now available lor homes built before December 31, 1977 We are a Government Certified Contractor Registered number Ont.-199 Fully Insured and bonded. TELEPHONE 576-5606 OSHAWA-COURTICE 38-tfS Channel Master' Antennas and Colorotors Professionally Installed --Sales-- Repairs 576-5606 WHITE'S Tower Systems 38-tfS North America Concrete Finishing and Foundation Waterproofing Contractors - Residential We specialize In repairing leaking basements - with a 10 year warranty. R.R. 3, Sollna Rd. Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 723-0729 11-IISN JAMES BRITTON "Jim of All Trades" SPECIALIZING IN REC ROOMS -- WALLPAPERING PAINTING -- ALL INTERIOR DECORATING EXPERIENCED IN ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, etc. Telephone 623-3506 alter G p.m. Bowmanville 20-tlS