/ l 2(1 The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanville, December 12,1984 New Format for OF A Convention YELVERTON NEWS (Intended for last week) The annual O.F.A. convention, held at the Skyline Hotel on Monday Wednesday, November 26th- 28th, embarked on a new format. This year, much of the convention's time was in the workshop format when the large gathering, estimated at around 600, split into small table groups to discuss various topics considered by those responsible to be of timely interest. The fact that three of the seven executives are of the distaff side, probably influenced some of their choices: Labor, Environment, Finance, Social Policy and Agricultural Education. The theme of the convention was "Root Strength." During the convention, tribute was paid to long time employees of the federation. We extend congratulations congratulations to one of the recipients, Mr. Dan Cayley of Victoria, who recently completed 20 years of service to the organization. The too executives of OFA, Harry Pelissero, Bridget Pyke and Jack Wilkinson were returned as president and vice- presidents. Three worthy guest speakers participated in the program - Mr. Timbrell, Mr. Wise and Mr. Bob Trotter. Another renowned entertainer failed to show for the annual banquet. Local Yelverton residents attending were the Howard and Harvey Malcolms. Congratulations to Howard Malcolm who was re-elected as chairman of the Canadian Pork Council at their annual convention held last week in Victoria, B.C., for a third term. Following the convention, which Howard and Eileen attended, Howard ■Hew to Washington to attend another hearing at which American Pork Producers are strongly objecting to imports of Canadian pork into the northern United States. Although imports are only between one and two per ent of Amercian production, the Americans contend that this is more than sufficient to depress their prices. If successful in their court case, a surcharge could be levied against pork entering U.S. from Canada. The effect of such a surcharge would inevitably be that the price of pork in Ontario would drop by the amount of the surcharge converted into Canadian dollars. The legal battle promises to continue for some time to come. Howard also attended the annual meeting of the Nova Scotia pork producers held in Halifax on Friday of this past week. Belated congratulations are extended to Agnes and Allan Howe of the Gray line south of Yelverton who recently observed observed their 40th wedding anniversary by taking a vacation vacation in Mexico. Agnes had the misfortune this week to cut both her hands while opening a glass jar necessitating a quick trip to hospital emergency emergency to get stitches in and other repairs. With both of Agnes' hands in bandages, looks like Allan will be living on peanut butter sandwiches for the month. Mrs. Audrie Brown visited the city this week to attend the annual Christmas Party of former and present employees of Canada Life Insurance. Directors and Management heaved a very audible sigh of relief on Friday of this week when the results of the five groups of creditors supported United Co-operatives in their bid for refinancing the cooperative. cooperative. The results were particularly gratifying when three of the groups unanimously unanimously approved the action and the other two groups of deposit holders, debenture holders and trade creditors supported the proposed plan of arrangement, each by 987. To governments, institutional lenders and others, this demonstrates demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt, the support and need of farm co-operatives in the province of Ontario. The next step is the challenging but by no means impossible step of bringing our Co-ops back to their earlier viability. To all those who supported our efforts physically, verbally and morally, we say a great big "Thank you!" Two new directors will be sitting on the O.F.A. executive this coming year due to the withdrawal of two current members, Mrs. Mary Wicks and Keith Buchner. They were replaced by two new Directors Rodger George of Powasson area and Doug Avery. Mrs. Wicks had made a great contribution contribution to the O.F.A. during her tenure of office through her dedication to her office and tireless energy and is owed a debt of gratitude from her fellow O.F.A. members. Yelverton United Church was well attended on Sunday with the first Sunday of Advent and Communion Sunday. Participating on the program were Lynn Moore, Tara and Todd Malcolm. A fine duet was provided by Mrs. Linda Page and Quinten Robinson, "Let there be Peace" accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Ernestine Robinson. Rev. Bruce Harrison of Cannington presided presided at the Observance of the Lord's Supper, assisted by Elders Myra Page and Eileen Malcolm. Lindsay District Co-op Employees held their annual Christmas party at the Golf and Country Club in Lindsay with a sumptuous beef dinner followed by a dance with D.J. Jeff Long providing the music. An exuberant and somewhat portly Santa Claus passed out presents to some of the "good guys" or "not so good" gal employees of a novelty nature. The Lindsay Board of Directors Directors and wives were pleased to be included as invited guests and to participate in the evening. evening. Mr. Joe Aylward and the Yelverton Express are scheduled scheduled to appear this Friday evening at 8 p.m. on the Tommy Hunter Show with such celebrities as Johnny Cash and June Carter. Don't miss it. Thanks to Dean Joncas for his kind reference to our comments on his sports writeups writeups at the local hockey . emporium. We have always enjoyed his articulate, colourful colourful descriptions of the games complete with poetic (or prosaic) license. Keep up the good work Dean despite your detractors. Personally, we should like to see your articles appear in The Statesman for broader distribution. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fick of Pickering, Miss Candy Malcolm of Toronto, Mrs. Marliah Bbwen of Janetville were among the guests attending attending a Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter and John Jr. of Bob- caygeon area on Saturday evening. Many local folks as well as folks from a distance paid their respects to George and Mae Neals of R.R., Bethany on their 50th wedding anniversary anniversary at the Manvers Arena auditorium. Friends of well known auctioneer auctioneer Lloyd Wilson of Uxbridge, Ontario, learned of his serious illness and - wish him well in the future. Mr. Wilson was a guest speaker at a recent Yelverton United Church Anniversary and impressed impressed all those present with his oratorical prowess. Hospital League Dec. 4,1984 Ladies' High Single - Susie Marshall 244. Men's High Single - Les Zulkowski 282. Ladies' High Triple - Susie Marshall 612. Men's High Triple - Les Zulkowski 727. Top Ten Averages Phil Woodcock 208, Art Atkinson 205, Rod Greenley 192, Susie Marshall 190, Janice Woodcock 187, Brian Cascag- netle 178, Jim MacDonald 177, Janet Storey 177, Gerry Lyle 174, Gary Pickard 173. Team No. 3 is in first place with 76 points and 37612 pin- fall. SCREECH OWL YEARBOOK Finding it difficult to find the right gift for your teenager? Bowmanville High School is giving you the opportunity to buy a yearbook. EVERY B.H.S. STUDENT SHOULD HAVE ONE! ONLY $15.00 Contact Mrs. Stocker at 623-4416 between 8:45 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Yearbooks will be delivered in May. DRUG MART lYv: ->('t •• ! > >•; r - :: v v : ' iy?; : '<! 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Coupon expires December 15th, 1984. Ajax, Vb u Gonna Be 3ET SHOt'fUHH DMUG M«MT SHOI'F'IIHS DHUO IMIAHÎ SHOmitü DHUO IWKT VISA Hnrwood Plnco Mull 314 Hnrwood Avo. A|nx 683-5222 Bowmnnvllle Mull 243 King SI, E, 023-254G Mldlown Mall 200 John SI. W, Ht Gus Oslinwn 576-6070 sHomns DHUO mart Lake Vlala Square 199 Wentworth SI, W. Oshawa 728-4621 ■Horraas dsuo iwairr aHoeruis dhijo maht Flvs-Polnla Mall Sheridan Mall 285 Taunton Rd. E, Hwy. 2 & Liverpool Rd, Oihawa 579-1900 Pickering 839-4488 SHoi-rnis onuu iwaiar 601 Dundiis SI. W. Whllby 668-5891 VISA Prices In olloct only at tho abovo Shoppers Drug Mart stores, from Decomber 12th - 15th, 1984, while quantities last. Wo resorvo Iho right to limit quantitios.